Anyone notice the lack of something the left could not get enough of when Obama was president?

We got out too soon giving rise to ISIS, you can't spin it away.

Had we not gone in to begin with we would have never heard of ISIS.
I don't know about that. They started in Syria with Iran's backing, Iraq's bitter enemy.

ISIS did not start in Syria. They started a little over ten years ago in Iraq out of the vacuum for power that was created as a result of us deposing Hussein.

Here's how ISIS was really founded -
Iraq has settled down. Hardly any news worthy events. Months went by with no news on Iraq. The spending went way up when the dems took over. You're a Moonie who no longer owns his own mind.
There were almost as many American fatalities Bush's last year, 314, as his first, 486.
Obama brought American fatalities down to a total of 289 for his 8 years. Bush made Americans fight and die for Iraq's freedom, training the Iraqi army to only lay down their arms and run when faced with an enemy. Obama forced the Iraqi army to fight and die for their own freedom if they wanted it, and for that the Right hates Obama!

We got out too soon giving rise to ISIS, you can't spin it away.

Is that what you believe?

Did George W. Bush Create ISIS?

Here is what happened: In 2003, the U.S. military, on orders of President Bush, invaded Iraq, and nineteen days later threw out Saddam’s government. A few days after that, President Bush or someone in his Administration decreed the dissolution of the Iraqi Army. This decision didn’t throw “thirty thousand individuals” out of a job, as Ziedrich said—the number was closer to ten times that. Overnight, at least two hundred and fifty thousand Iraqi men—armed, angry, and with military training—were suddenly humiliated and out of work.

This was probably the single most catastrophic decision of the American venture in Iraq. In a stroke, the Administration helped enable the creation of the Iraqi insurgency. Bush Administration officials involved in the decision—like Paul Bremer and Walter Slocombe—argued that they were effectively ratifying the reality that the Iraqi Army had already disintegrated.

Over 100 former Saddam Hussein-era officers make up ISIS leadership | Daily Mail Online

How the ‘catastrophic’ American decision to disband Saddam’s military helped fuel the rise of ISIL


What I don't understand is with all that stuff in the news all the time every day, how to right wingers manage to stay so ignorant? You have to be really determined to not know what is going on.
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth
Derp, is that you?
no, you're just an idiot who doesn't recognize I delivered what you asked for. You're actually stupid enough to start a thread about how Trump doesn't blame Obama for anything and I bitchslapped you with reality. Want more?

Trump blames Obama for vetting of Flynn
You "bitched slapped me" you'd be at the dentist getting your jaw measured for new teeth.

Your delusions are noted, laughed at, and discarded.
My delusions? I didn't goto prison for being a nice guy....

Sit behind your keyboard and talk shit. That is the only thing protecting you from your own mouth
You moron. I already bitchslapped you by posting links to articles showing Trump blaming Obama for different things in stark contrast to your idiotic OP -- and my smile is as big and bright as ever.

Like I said ... noted, laughed at, and discarded.


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