Anyone notice the lack of something the left could not get enough of when Obama was president?

Here it is....
I am not a liar. I pride myself on my honesty and forthrightness.

Uninformed? Perhaps as I don't watch a lot of news but you can GO FUCK YOURSELF
Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth

Only a braindead moron would claim that the economy was good. Hello moron!:bye1: obummercare has decimated full time employment, and the middle class witnessed it lose net worth for the first time since the last progressive dipshit was in the WH, namely Carter back in the 1970's. People in the workforce was likewise at all time lows.

Like I said mr. moron, you need to grow a few brain cells.
What a shitty economy looks like to the brain-dead right..


Yeah, graphs are so cute. They are used to confuse idiots like you into believing the bullshit they are shoveling at you. If it were a good economy that graph would slope at around 80%, but you're too ignorant to even know what a good economy looks like. You simply haven't been around long enough.

Seven Years Later, Recovery Remains the Weakest of the Post-World War II Era

Despite longevity, total growth during this economic expansion is lower than for much shorter business cycles

Eric Morath
Jul 29, 2016 10:39 am ET

Even seven years after the recession ended, the current stretch of economic gains has yielded less growth than much shorter business cycles. In terms of average annual growth, the pace of this expansion has been by far the weakest of any since 1949.

Seven Years Later, Recovery Remains the Weakest of the Post-World War II Era

Of course, whom to believe. Actual economic statistics ... or morons like you?

Tough call.
but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama

Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth
Derp, is that you?
no, you're just an idiot who doesn't recognize I delivered what you asked for. You're actually stupid enough to start a thread about how Trump doesn't blame Obama for anything and I bitchslapped you with reality. Want more?
but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama

Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth
Derp, is that you?
no, you're just an idiot who doesn't recognize I delivered what you asked for. You're actually stupid enough to start a thread about how Trump doesn't blame Obama for anything and I bitchslapped you with reality. Want more?

Trump blames Obama for vetting of Flynn
You "bitched slapped me" you'd be at the dentist getting your jaw measured for new teeth.

During Obama's presidency there was hardly a day that went by where the presidents team, the media & every other leftist on this forum couldn't wait to blame shit on Bush. It was near every day for some posters like RDerp.

Here we are halfway into the First year of Trumps administration, and the only time I hear Obama's name mentioned is when yet another one of his policies bite the dust via this administrations actions. There is a bit of the blame game for Obamacare but that's to be expected since it's his legacy. Then there are a couple people on here who aren't smart enough to leave Obama to the historians, but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama for their own failures the way the previous one CONSTANTLY blamed Bush.

Also of note is that all the gloom & doom about Obama stirring up shit in DC after he left office has so far proven to be completely unfounded.

Obviously this is just my observation so what say you?

Bush's disaster in Iraq was still ongoing when Obama took office.

The deficit consequences of Bush's disastrous tax policies were still occurring when Obama took office.

What's the problem with blaming those to blame?
Iraq has settled down. Hardly any news worthy events. Months went by with no news on Iraq. The spending went way up when the dems took over. You're a Moonie who no longer owns his own mind.
Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth
Derp, is that you?
no, you're just an idiot who doesn't recognize I delivered what you asked for. You're actually stupid enough to start a thread about how Trump doesn't blame Obama for anything and I bitchslapped you with reality. Want more?

Trump blames Obama for vetting of Flynn
You "bitched slapped me" you'd be at the dentist getting your jaw measured for new teeth.

Your delusions are noted, laughed at, and discarded.
Last edited:
Did you miss the 8 years of blaming everything on Clinton? 9/11?

I don't recall Bush ever pointing a finger at Clinton for any of his mistakes, nor has he ever criticized Obama.
North Korea:
Clinton reached a bilateral agreement that failed. -GW Bush

"Two-and-a-half years ago, we inherited an economy in recession." GW Bush

Middle East:
"It wasn't all that long ago where a summit was called [referring to Clinton's summit] and nothing happened, and as a result we had significant intefadeh in the area." GW Bush

Re 9/11:
"They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy." GW Bush

Job losses:
"In the last six months of the prior administration, more than 200,000 manufacturing jobs were lost. We're turning that around." GW Bush (fun fact, at the time in his administration, there were job losses of 913,000)
Did you miss the 8 years of blaming everything on Clinton? 9/11?

I don't recall Bush ever pointing a finger at Clinton for any of his mistakes, nor has he ever criticized Obama.
North Korea:
Clinton reached a bilateral agreement that failed. -GW Bush

"Two-and-a-half years ago, we inherited an economy in recession." GW Bush

Middle East:
"It wasn't all that long ago where a summit was called [referring to Clinton's summit] and nothing happened, and as a result we had significant intefadeh in the area." GW Bush

Re 9/11:
"They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy." GW Bush

Job losses:
"In the last six months of the prior administration, more than 200,000 manufacturing jobs were lost. We're turning that around." GW Bush (fun fact, at the time in his administration, there were job losses of 913,000)

He was stating facts
Iraq has settled down. Hardly any news worthy events. Months went by with no news on Iraq. The spending went way up when the dems took over. You're a Moonie who no longer owns his own mind.
There were almost as many American fatalities Bush's last year, 314, as his first, 486.
Obama brought American fatalities down to a total of 289 for his 8 years. Bush made Americans fight and die for Iraq's freedom, training the Iraqi army to only lay down their arms and run when faced with an enemy. Obama forced the Iraqi army to fight and die for their own freedom if they wanted it, and for that the Right hates Obama!
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth
Derp, is that you?
no, you're just an idiot who doesn't recognize I delivered what you asked for. You're actually stupid enough to start a thread about how Trump doesn't blame Obama for anything and I bitchslapped you with reality. Want more?

Trump blames Obama for vetting of Flynn
You "bitched slapped me" you'd be at the dentist getting your jaw measured for new teeth.

Your delusions are noted, laughed at, and discarded.
My delusions? I didn't goto prison for being a nice guy....

Sit behind your keyboard and talk shit. That is the only thing protecting you from your own mouth
Iraq has settled down. Hardly any news worthy events. Months went by with no news on Iraq. The spending went way up when the dems took over. You're a Moonie who no longer owns his own mind.
There were almost as many American fatalities Bush's last year, 314, as his first, 486.
Obama brought American fatalities down to a total of 289 for his 8 years. Bush made Americans fight and die for Iraq's freedom, training the Iraqi army to only lay down their arms and run when faced with an enemy. Obama forced the Iraqi army to fight and die for their own freedom if they wanted it, and for that the Right hates Obama!

We got out too soon giving rise to ISIS, you can't spin it away.

Really it's just how conservatives are. They never take personal responsibility for their lives or their actions. It's always someone else's fault. Exactly how young children view the world.
Iraq has settled down. Hardly any news worthy events. Months went by with no news on Iraq. The spending went way up when the dems took over. You're a Moonie who no longer owns his own mind.
There were almost as many American fatalities Bush's last year, 314, as his first, 486.
Obama brought American fatalities down to a total of 289 for his 8 years. Bush made Americans fight and die for Iraq's freedom, training the Iraqi army to only lay down their arms and run when faced with an enemy. Obama forced the Iraqi army to fight and die for their own freedom if they wanted it, and for that the Right hates Obama!

We got out too soon giving rise to ISIS, you can't spin it away.

Year US UK Other Total
2003 486 53 41 580
2004 849 22 35 906
2005 846 23 28 897
2006 823 29 21 873
2007 904 47 10 961
2008 314 4 4 322
2009 149 1 0 150
2010 60 0 0 60
2011 54 0 0 54
2012 1 0 0 1
2014 3 0 0 3
2015 6 0 2 8
2016 17 0 0 17
2017 8 1 0 9
Total 4520 180 141 4841

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