Anyone notice the lack of something the left could not get enough of when Obama was president?

Expecting me to comment on an ongoing investigation? Well, I'll try.

Well, we know this because Donald Trump Jr. told us:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

And we know Flynn and Manafort have retroactively signed up as foreign Agents.
We know Jeff Session recused himself.
We know Flynn and Manafort accepted money.
We know Jared got a quarter billion dollar loan that stinks.
We know that the White House committed blackmail and extortion.

Things are just working up and it's been like half a year.

Dude, the Russian BS is dead, let it die
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.

It's over
If the Democrats win the house or the senate next year, we will see if "it's over".

A huge IF....IF hell freezes over, now that would be something.

The dems are decimated, totally decimated
How Could Obama Have Hired Van Jones?

"I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28, and then the verdicts came down on April 29," he told the East Bay Express. "By August, I was a communist."

Mr. Jones attributed his conversion to the people he met during his incarceration:

"I met all these radical young people of color, I mean really radical, communists and anarchists," he told the East Bay Express. "It was like 'this is what I need to be a part of.' I spent the next 10 years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary."

Mr. Jones was arrested again in 1999 during the anti-free trade riots in Seattle.

In 1994, Mr. Jones was one of the founders of STORM, a Marxist-Leninist group whose hero was Chinese Communist dictator Mao Tse Tung.

How Could Obama Have Hired Van Jones? | RealClearPolitics
Expecting me to comment on an ongoing investigation? Well, I'll try.

Well, we know this because Donald Trump Jr. told us:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

And we know Flynn and Manafort have retroactively signed up as foreign Agents.
We know Jeff Session recused himself.
We know Flynn and Manafort accepted money.
We know Jared got a quarter billion dollar loan that stinks.
We know that the White House committed blackmail and extortion.

Things are just working up and it's been like half a year.

Dude, the Russian BS is dead, let it die
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.
Didn't you hear Van Jones? He ADMITTED it was a "nothing burger!"

CNN's Van Jones: O'Keefe Russia 'nothingburger' video 'a hoax'
Expecting me to comment on an ongoing investigation? Well, I'll try.

Well, we know this because Donald Trump Jr. told us:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

And we know Flynn and Manafort have retroactively signed up as foreign Agents.
We know Jeff Session recused himself.
We know Flynn and Manafort accepted money.
We know Jared got a quarter billion dollar loan that stinks.
We know that the White House committed blackmail and extortion.

Things are just working up and it's been like half a year.

Dude, the Russian BS is dead, let it die
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.
Didn't you hear Van Jones? He ADMITTED it was a "nothing burger!"

CNN's Van Jones: O'Keefe Russia 'nothingburger' video 'a hoax'

Yup, don't ya just hate when it's on video.

You still love O'Keefe?

ACORN filmmaker James O’Keefe sentenced in Sen. Mary Landrieu break-in

Fox News Notes James O'Keefe's Criminal Past After His Newest Video Is Released

James O'Keefe Brings His Dishonest, Doctored Videos To The World Of Political Campaigns

You have to be a real loser to believe anything that discredited clown says.
Dude, the Russian BS is dead, let it die
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.
Didn't you hear Van Jones? He ADMITTED it was a "nothing burger!"

CNN's Van Jones: O'Keefe Russia 'nothingburger' video 'a hoax'
Van Jones is a certified Communist. He'll say anything to get out of trouble.
In post 43: Didn't you hear Van Jones? He ADMITTED it was a "nothing burger!"

Same person in post 55: Van Jones is a certified Communists. He'll say anything to get out of trouble.


Ok, now your flip has flopped...we'll keep that in mind if there are any future discussions...idiot.
but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama

Because Obama did a good job.

At screwing this country up? Yep. I will agree with you on that. He screwed this country up worse than any POTUS since lincoln.
In the Bizarro world he screwed it up.


Yes, we understand you have your authoritarian dictatorship fantasy's. That's why all of the crap that he did is being undone so easily. When you rule like a dictator, the next one to come along gets to unwind it. So far the only "dictatorial" crap that trump has been doing, is unwinding that which your hero had done.

No wonder you whine all the time derpy, all of those camp guard fantasy's are being denied you!
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.
Didn't you hear Van Jones? He ADMITTED it was a "nothing burger!"

CNN's Van Jones: O'Keefe Russia 'nothingburger' video 'a hoax'
Van Jones is a certified Communist. He'll say anything to get out of trouble.
In post 43: Didn't you hear Van Jones? He ADMITTED it was a "nothing burger!"

Same person in post 55: Van Jones is a certified Communists. He'll say anything to get out of trouble.


Van Jones realized he fucked up
And went to CNN...
Dude, the Russian BS is dead, let it die
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.

It's over
If the Democrats win the house or the senate next year, we will see if "it's over".

A huge IF....IF hell freezes over, now that would be something.

The dems are decimated, totally decimated
If that were the case, Republicans wouldn't need to resort to voter suppression.

The truth is, the GOP is 90% white and a huge portion of their base is older whites.

The Democrats are everyone else and growing. It's only a matter of time.
How tone deaf do you have to be, this pustule blames Obama for everything. Look at the posts here, it has been constant attempts to blame something on Obama. And the difference is, Trump is to blame for his own mess. He created it himself. The poor boy shouldn't have kissed Putin on the lips.
How bout offering a few examples or should I just "take your word" for it?

I don't watch a lot of news but I seldom hear this administration blame Obama for anything.
Trump Blames the Biggest Mistake of His Presidency on Obama
Dude, the Russian BS is dead, let it die
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.
Didn't you hear Van Jones? He ADMITTED it was a "nothing burger!"

CNN's Van Jones: O'Keefe Russia 'nothingburger' video 'a hoax'
Dude, the Russian BS is dead, let it die
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.
Didn't you hear Van Jones? He ADMITTED it was a "nothing burger!"

CNN's Van Jones: O'Keefe Russia 'nothingburger' video 'a hoax'

Yup, don't ya just hate when it's on video.

You still love O'Keefe?

ACORN filmmaker James O’Keefe sentenced in Sen. Mary Landrieu break-in

Fox News Notes James O'Keefe's Criminal Past After His Newest Video Is Released

James O'Keefe Brings His Dishonest, Doctored Videos To The World Of Political Campaigns

You have to be a real loser to believe anything that discredited clown says.

Yeah. I do. If you were as thoughtful as you claim you would see that what O'Keefe and his group were, and are, doing is challenging the ruling elite. We understand you want to be a camp guard, but the majority of people are smart enough to know that when it gets that's too far. O'Keefe was, and is, trying to prevent that terrible thing from happening.

Which pisses you off no end.
Dude, the Russian BS is dead, let it die
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.
Didn't you hear Van Jones? He ADMITTED it was a "nothing burger!"

CNN's Van Jones: O'Keefe Russia 'nothingburger' video 'a hoax'
Dude, the Russian BS is dead, let it die
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.
Didn't you hear Van Jones? He ADMITTED it was a "nothing burger!"

CNN's Van Jones: O'Keefe Russia 'nothingburger' video 'a hoax'

Yup, don't ya just hate when it's on video.

You still love O'Keefe?

ACORN filmmaker James O’Keefe sentenced in Sen. Mary Landrieu break-in

Fox News Notes James O'Keefe's Criminal Past After His Newest Video Is Released

James O'Keefe Brings His Dishonest, Doctored Videos To The World Of Political Campaigns

You have to be a real loser to believe anything that discredited clown says.

Seriously? Reference my prior post. #64
but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama

Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth
Actually, this started with a complaint that Bush was being falsely accused and so I wrote this post:

I didn't just blame Bush. The GOP was complicit.

Tricked into Iraq.
The failed deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
Medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy
The Katrina aftermath with all the deaths and ignored people
Letting Bin Laden go and quit looking for him
Scientists quitting with Republicans smearing their integrity
The unpaid for wars
The crashed economy
Replacing quality lawyers with Bible School Grads at the Justice Department
Using the IRS for going after political opponents
Disbanding the Iraqi military which created Isis
Losing many billions in cash in Iraq
Sending our soldiers to Iraq with old and Rusty equipment
And the list is much, much longer. Bush was like Midas, only everything he touched turned to sh!t.

So much of what the GOP accused Obama they got from Bush actually doing those things. The GOP caused many times the damage al Qaeda and Isis combined. Bush was such a disaster that Republicans won't let him anywhere near their presidential conventions and never will.

So then I challenged anyone to prove me wrong and somehow we ended up with CNN host Van Jones. I guess that means I was right and the right wing agrees because they simply moved on without comment.
but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama

Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth
Obama did everything he could to agitate the state of affairs in the US. Starting with being a racist.
but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama

Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth

Only a braindead moron would claim that the economy was good. Hello moron!:bye1: obummercare has decimated full time employment, and the middle class witnessed it lose net worth for the first time since the last progressive dipshit was in the WH, namely Carter back in the 1970's. People in the workforce was likewise at all time lows.

Like I said mr. moron, you need to grow a few brain cells.
but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama

Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth
Obama did everything he could to agitate the state of affairs in the US. Starting with being a racist.
Thanks for posting something which had nothing to do with what I posted.
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.
Didn't you hear Van Jones? He ADMITTED it was a "nothing burger!"

CNN's Van Jones: O'Keefe Russia 'nothingburger' video 'a hoax'
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.
Didn't you hear Van Jones? He ADMITTED it was a "nothing burger!"

CNN's Van Jones: O'Keefe Russia 'nothingburger' video 'a hoax'

Yup, don't ya just hate when it's on video.

You still love O'Keefe?

ACORN filmmaker James O’Keefe sentenced in Sen. Mary Landrieu break-in

Fox News Notes James O'Keefe's Criminal Past After His Newest Video Is Released

James O'Keefe Brings His Dishonest, Doctored Videos To The World Of Political Campaigns

You have to be a real loser to believe anything that discredited clown says.

Seriously? Reference my prior post. #64

Go back to your post on 64. I was laughing because Van Jones was quoted and the very next post from the SAME person said you can't believe anything he says. How can you miss the irony?
but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama

Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth
Obama did everything he could to agitate the state of affairs in the US. Starting with being a racist.
Thanks for posting something which had nothing to do with what I posted.
I have to admit I don't get it. They keep calling Obama a racist and look at this very short list of things Trump says. And it's only short because I didn't spend more than a few minutes looking up the quotes:

Some Mexicans don't rape.

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

Mrs. Housekeeping referring to a former Hispanic Miss Universe.

I don't want blacks handling my money. I want Jews to handle it.

Lost lawsuits claiming discrimination.

Admits to sexual assault for fun.

Said, referring to the 42,000 Americans who suffered as POW's since 1940, "I like people who weren't captured".

And so much more. All verified. Most on tape you can watch on Youtube.
but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama

Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth

Only a braindead moron would claim that the economy was good. Hello moron!:bye1: obummercare has decimated full time employment, and the middle class witnessed it lose net worth for the first time since the last progressive dipshit was in the WH, namely Carter back in the 1970's. People in the workforce was likewise at all time lows.

Like I said mr. moron, you need to grow a few brain cells.
What a shitty economy looks like to the brain-dead right..

Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth
Obama did everything he could to agitate the state of affairs in the US. Starting with being a racist.
Thanks for posting something which had nothing to do with what I posted.
I have to admit I don't get it. They keep calling Obama a racist and look at this very short list of things Trump says. And it's only short because I didn't spend more than a few minutes looking up the quotes:

Some Mexicans don't rape.

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

Mrs. Housekeeping referring to a former Hispanic Miss Universe.

I don't want blacks handling my money. I want Jews to handle it.

Lost lawsuits claiming discrimination.

Admits to sexual assault for fun.

Said, referring to the 42,000 Americans who suffered as POW's since 1940, "I like people who weren't captured".

And so much more. All verified. Most on tape you can watch on Youtube.
You don't get it because you're a rational person and conservatism is a cult. There is no understanding it.
but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama

Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth

Only a braindead moron would claim that the economy was good. Hello moron!:bye1: obummercare has decimated full time employment, and the middle class witnessed it lose net worth for the first time since the last progressive dipshit was in the WH, namely Carter back in the 1970's. People in the workforce was likewise at all time lows.

Like I said mr. moron, you need to grow a few brain cells.
Middle class incomes had their fastest growth on record last year

Middle-class Americans and the poor enjoyed their best year of economic improvement in decades in 2015, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, a spike that broke a years-long streak of disappointment for American workers but did not fully repair the damage inflicted by the Great Recession.

Real median household income was $56,500 in 2015, the bureau reported, up from $53,700 in 2014. That 5.2 percent increase was the largest, in percentage terms, recorded by the bureau since it began tracking median income statistics in the 1960s.

In addition, the poverty rate fell by 1.2 percentage points, the steepest decline since 1968. There were 43.1 million Americans in poverty on the year, 3.5 million fewer than in 2014. The share of Americans who lack health insurance continued a years-long decline, falling 1.3 percentage points, to 9.1 percent.


Come on now, get real.

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