Anyone notice the lack of something the left could not get enough of when Obama was president?

If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth
Obama did everything he could to agitate the state of affairs in the US. Starting with being a racist.
Thanks for posting something which had nothing to do with what I posted.
I have to admit I don't get it. They keep calling Obama a racist and look at this very short list of things Trump says. And it's only short because I didn't spend more than a few minutes looking up the quotes:

Some Mexicans don't rape.

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

Mrs. Housekeeping referring to a former Hispanic Miss Universe.

I don't want blacks handling my money. I want Jews to handle it.

Lost lawsuits claiming discrimination.

Admits to sexual assault for fun.

Said, referring to the 42,000 Americans who suffered as POW's since 1940, "I like people who weren't captured".

And so much more. All verified. Most on tape you can watch on Youtube.
You don't get it because you're a rational person and conservatism is a cult. There is no understanding it.
It's like they are the enemy of facts.
but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama

Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth

Only a braindead moron would claim that the economy was good. Hello moron!:bye1: obummercare has decimated full time employment, and the middle class witnessed it lose net worth for the first time since the last progressive dipshit was in the WH, namely Carter back in the 1970's. People in the workforce was likewise at all time lows.

Like I said mr. moron, you need to grow a few brain cells.
Middle class incomes had their fastest growth on record last year

Middle-class Americans and the poor enjoyed their best year of economic improvement in decades in 2015, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, a spike that broke a years-long streak of disappointment for American workers but did not fully repair the damage inflicted by the Great Recession.

Real median household income was $56,500 in 2015, the bureau reported, up from $53,700 in 2014. That 5.2 percent increase was the largest, in percentage terms, recorded by the bureau since it began tracking median income statistics in the 1960s.

In addition, the poverty rate fell by 1.2 percentage points, the steepest decline since 1968. There were 43.1 million Americans in poverty on the year, 3.5 million fewer than in 2014. The share of Americans who lack health insurance continued a years-long decline, falling 1.3 percentage points, to 9.1 percent.


Come on now, get real.

According to a obummer run bureaucracy. Color me unimpressed. How about you go find the GAO report. That I would actually pay attention to.
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth
Obama did everything he could to agitate the state of affairs in the US. Starting with being a racist.
Thanks for posting something which had nothing to do with what I posted.
I have to admit I don't get it. They keep calling Obama a racist and look at this very short list of things Trump says. And it's only short because I didn't spend more than a few minutes looking up the quotes:

Some Mexicans don't rape.

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

Mrs. Housekeeping referring to a former Hispanic Miss Universe.

I don't want blacks handling my money. I want Jews to handle it.

Lost lawsuits claiming discrimination.

Admits to sexual assault for fun.

Said, referring to the 42,000 Americans who suffered as POW's since 1940, "I like people who weren't captured".

And so much more. All verified. Most on tape you can watch on Youtube.
You don't get it because you're a rational person and conservatism is a cult. There is no understanding it.
It's like they are the enemy of facts.

Yes, you are an enemy of facts. That's why the dems have been on such a long losing streak. An intelligent person would look at the facts and say to themselves...huh? What the heck are we doing wrong?

Here's the architect of obummer care and what he, and those like him in the obummer government, think of people like you....

but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama

Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth

Only a braindead moron would claim that the economy was good. Hello moron!:bye1: obummercare has decimated full time employment, and the middle class witnessed it lose net worth for the first time since the last progressive dipshit was in the WH, namely Carter back in the 1970's. People in the workforce was likewise at all time lows.

Like I said mr. moron, you need to grow a few brain cells.
What a shitty economy looks like to the brain-dead right..


Yeah, graphs are so cute. They are used to confuse idiots like you into believing the bullshit they are shoveling at you. If it were a good economy that graph would slope at around 80%, but you're too ignorant to even know what a good economy looks like. You simply haven't been around long enough.

Seven Years Later, Recovery Remains the Weakest of the Post-World War II Era

Despite longevity, total growth during this economic expansion is lower than for much shorter business cycles
Eric Morath
Jul 29, 2016 10:39 am ET

Even seven years after the recession ended, the current stretch of economic gains has yielded less growth than much shorter business cycles. In terms of average annual growth, the pace of this expansion has been by far the weakest of any since 1949.

Seven Years Later, Recovery Remains the Weakest of the Post-World War II Era
During Obama's presidency there was hardly a day that went by where the presidents team, the media & every other leftist on this forum couldn't wait to blame shit on Bush. It was near every day for some posters like RDerp.

Here we are halfway into the First year of Trumps administration, and the only time I hear Obama's name mentioned is when yet another one of his policies bite the dust via this administrations actions. There is a bit of the blame game for Obamacare but that's to be expected since it's his legacy. Then there are a couple people on here who aren't smart enough to leave Obama to the historians, but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama for their own failures the way the previous one CONSTANTLY blamed Bush.

Also of note is that all the gloom & doom about Obama stirring up shit in DC after he left office has so far proven to be completely unfounded.

Obviously this is just my observation so what say you?

Bush's disaster in Iraq was still ongoing when Obama took office.

The deficit consequences of Bush's disastrous tax policies were still occurring when Obama took office.

What's the problem with blaming those to blame?
If you run on "elect me to fix it" and then fail to fix it who's fault is that?

If the GOP fails to deal with Obamacare as far as I'm concerned THEY OWN IT. They have the power but if they lack the will, well then fuck them. No more pointing back at that point.

It's like the term accountability is gone from the American vernacular.
I don't expect much to get through this year or next. Trump has as many GOPers adamantly against him as he has those who support his efforts. How long does it take Trump to grow up and act like an adult?
Dunno. As long as he does his job I guess I don't ultimately care.
He spends more time dreaming up his infantile tweets as he does working for the country! He's alienating people in his party!

Does he act like an idiot? Sure but how many seconds does it take to pump out an insult on TwitsRUs?
You think that just because it's been a couple of years we've forgotten what Bush and the GOP did?
Dean, you have never had an original thought all the time I have been on this board. Go back and list the liberal talking points.
Talking points is something you can't prove. It's just word salad. I can prove everything I say and you know it.

Talking point debunked: The recession cannot be placed soley on Bush, it took years for it to manifest, way back to Clinton and further
How tone deaf do you have to be, this pustule blames Obama for everything. Look at the posts here, it has been constant attempts to blame something on Obama. And the difference is, Trump is to blame for his own mess. He created it himself. The poor boy shouldn't have kissed Putin on the lips.

Trump created the mess... the man who has not ever been a politician?

No, Trump is here to solve the mess that greedy establishment politicians created by shilling out without limits.
Dean, you have never had an original thought all the time I have been on this board. Go back and list the liberal talking points.
Talking points is something you can't prove. It's just word salad. I can prove everything I say and you know it.

Ok, we'll wait. Does that include proof on the Russian collusion.
Expecting me to comment on an ongoing investigation? Well, I'll try.

Well, we know this because Donald Trump Jr. told us:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

And we know Flynn and Manafort have retroactively signed up as foreign Agents.
We know Jeff Session recused himself.
We know Flynn and Manafort accepted money.
We know Jared got a quarter billion dollar loan that stinks.
We know that the White House committed blackmail and extortion.

Things are just working up and it's been like half a year.

Dude, the Russian BS is dead, let it die
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.
Terminal stupidity. I feel for ya bruh
Ok, we'll wait. Does that include proof on the Russian collusion.
Expecting me to comment on an ongoing investigation? Well, I'll try.

Well, we know this because Donald Trump Jr. told us:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

And we know Flynn and Manafort have retroactively signed up as foreign Agents.
We know Jeff Session recused himself.
We know Flynn and Manafort accepted money.
We know Jared got a quarter billion dollar loan that stinks.
We know that the White House committed blackmail and extortion.

Things are just working up and it's been like half a year.

Dude, the Russian BS is dead, let it die
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.

It's over
If the Democrats win the house or the senate next year, we will see if "it's over".
It's never "over"

That's the stupidity of people like you and TruthDoestMatter. A bigger lemming with parrot skills never existed
Dude, the Russian BS is dead, let it die
Die nothing. It's just warming up. It's not Democrats fault that the GOP is gushing over Putin and the Russians.
Didn't you hear Van Jones? He ADMITTED it was a "nothing burger!"

CNN's Van Jones: O'Keefe Russia 'nothingburger' video 'a hoax'
Van Jones is a certified Communist. He'll say anything to get out of trouble.
In post 43: Didn't you hear Van Jones? He ADMITTED it was a "nothing burger!"

Same person in post 55: Van Jones is a certified Communists. He'll say anything to get out of trouble.

And YOU will believe BOTH statements. Lol
but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama

Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
He blamed the collapsed economy he inherited on Bush, and rightfully so. Trump was handed a good economy and still blamed Obama for the economy.

Trump brags of good job news, blames Obama for weak growth
Derp, is that you?
Trump isnt blaming Obama, he's just erasing his "legacy"
Proof of the utter STUPIDITY of the No-Information Right!!!

by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama for their own failures

Trump blames Obama for vetting of Flynn | TheHill
Apr 28, 2017 - "He was approved by the Obama administration at the highest level," he said of Flynn.
Trump Blames the Biggest Mistake of His Presidency on Obama ...
Jun 23, 2017 - Trump Blames Obama, Generals for Botched Raid He AuthorizedVanity Fair · Donald Trump Scrambles to Save His PresidencyVanity Fair.
Trump Blames Obama For Not Doing Enough On Russia ... - NPR
7 days ago - President Trump attacked the Obama administration in tweets about Russia meddling. David Greene talks to Ned Price, who served as a ...
Trump blames Obama for not vetting former national security adviser ...
Apr 28, 2017 - President Donald Trump is blaming former President Barack Obama for not fully vetting Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn ...
Trump blames Obama for not bringing Otto Warmbier home sooner ...
Jun 20, 2017 - Without saying his name, Trump appears to blame Obama for not negotiating Otto Warmbier's release sooner.
Trump blames Obama for not stopping Russian meddling in the election
Jun 22, 2017 - President Trump said Thursday morning the Obama administration should've done more to stop Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Trump blames Obama for Mike Flynn scandals - Washington Examiner
May 8, 2017 - President Trump on Monday blamed former national security adviser Mike Flynn's transgressions on President Obama. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci).
Trump blames Obama for Otto Warmbeir's death—forgets Americans ...
Jun 20, 2017 - Trump blames Obama for Otto Warmbeir's death—forgets Americans taken hostage since Trump took office · By Mark Sumner. Tuesday Jun 20 ...
Trump Acknowledges Russian Meddling, Blames Obama Admin. For ...
Jun 24, 2017 - President Donald Trump acknowledged Russian meddling in the 2016 election and criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to ...
Trump blames Obama for protests and gives himself a 'C or a C-plus ...
Mar 31, 2017 - Update on 'Trump will pitch his agenda to lawmakers in major speech tonight'
Trump Says Obama Colluded and Obstructed Over Russia to Help ...
6 days ago - President Donald Trump kicked off the workweek by pointing fingers at former President Barack Obama for a foreign nation's intrusion in the ...
Russia Hacking on Election: Donald Trump Blames Obama |
Jun 22, 2017 - As Senate Republicans prepared for the release of the healthcare bill, President Trump was tweeting about the Russia investigation.
Trump blames Obama for Russian attack he doesn't believe happened ...
6 days ago - On the Russia scandal, Donald Trump sounds an awful lot like a low-information voter. That's not good.
Trump Blames Obama for Failure to Protect Against Russia Hack - WSJ
Jun 22, 2017 - President Donald Trump issued a series of Twitter missives blaming Democrats and the Obama administration for not doing enough to protect ...
Trump Blames Obama for Flynn, Suggests Yates Be Questioned About ...
May 8, 2017 - Former Obama administration officials said the former president warned President Donald Trump against hiring former National Security ...
Trump Blames Obama For Factory Layoffs Happening Now | HuffPost
May 8, 2017 - Trump Blames Obama For Factory Layoffs Happening Now. The president said he'd stop layoffs like the ones happening at Rexnord in Indiana.
Trump Blames Obama for MS-13's Growth, but the Gang's Roots Are ...
Apr 18, 2017 - The Trump administration on Tuesday singled out MS-13 — an infamous street gang tied to Central America with a reputation for brutality — as ...
Trump blames Obama for Russia's meddling in the US election ...
▶ 2:19

6 days ago - Uploaded by ABC News
White House press secretary Sean Spicer admitted that Trump believes Russia was indeed involved in the ...

Not Satire: Trump Blames Obama for Russia "Collusion or ... - YouTube
▶ 6:35

5 days ago - Uploaded by David Pakman Show
Donald Trump accuses Barack Obama of doing nothing to stop Russian meddling in the US presidential ...

Trump Blames Obama Admin. for Russia Meddling -
Jun 22, 2017 - President Donald Trump took aim at the Obama administration and chided those pushing the investigation into Russia's involvement in the ...
Trump blames Obama for vetting Flynn - CNN Video -
▶ 3:26
Apr 29, 2017
Trump came to the defense of his fired national security adviser Michael Flynn & blamed the Obama ...

Trump blames Obama for Russia hacks - Videos - CBS News
Trump blames Obama for Russia hacks. June 24, 2017, 12:48 PM | President Trump acknowledges Russian meddling in the 2016 election, and blames ...
Trump blames Obama for failing to stop Russian ... - Washington Times
6 days ago - FILE - In this June 23, 2017 file photo, President Donald Trump speaks in the East Room of the White House in Washington. President Donald ...
Trump blames Obama for allowing MS-13 gang to form in America ...
Apr 18, 2017 - President Donald Trump on Tuesday criticized his predecessor for being “weak” on illegal immigration and blamed him, without evidence, for ...
Trump blames Obama for anti-White House protests and leaks
Feb 28, 2017 - President Trump tells Fox he believes his predecessor is working against the new administration.
President Trump Blames Obama For Russian Election Hacking
5 days ago - President Donald Trump says former President Obama is to blame for extent of Russian election hacking. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
Trump blames Obama for crisis in Syria - USA Today
Videos,Photos - USA TODAY...
Apr 6, 2017 - President Donald Trump blamed Barack Obama for the crisis in Syria in the aftermath of a chemical attack on civilians.
Trump blames Obama for Russia election interference [Video] - Yahoo
Trump blames Obama for Russia election interference
7 days ago - President Trump seemed to concede in tweets that Russia interfered with the 2016 election but blamed former President Obama, writing, "he ...
Trump blames OBAMA for Otto Warmbier's death saying ... - Daily Mail
Jun 20, 2017 - Trump told reporters during an Oval Office photo op that 'the results would have been a lot different' if the US had negotiated his release the ...
Video: Donald Trump blames Obama for some leaks - Videos - The ...
Donald Trump blames Obama for some leaks. Donald Trump blames Obama for 'some leaks'. Donald Trump believes former president Barack Obama is behind ...
Trump Blames Obama For Russian Meddling - SFGate
Trump Blames Obama For Russian Meddling. resident Donald Trump unleashed a series of tweets Monday in which he tried to place the blame for Russian ...
Trump Has Psychotic Episode And Blames Obama For Russia Attack ...
Jun 23, 2017 - Trump blames Obama for Russia election interference, Trump calls Russia election interference a hoax, Trump Obama Russia scandal.
Trump Blames Obama For Russia Election ... - Politicus USA
Jun 22, 2017 - Trump Blames Obama For Russia Election Interference With Self-incriminating Tweet. By Jason Easley on Thu, Jun 22nd, 2017 at 10:11 am.
Donald Trump Blames Obama For White House Leaks
Donald Trump Blames Obama For White House Leaks. Add Comment. In a Fox And Friends Interview, Trump Stated That He Believes Former President Obama ...
Donald Trump blames Obama for 'some leaks'

Donald Trump believes former president Barack Obama is behind some of the protests taking place against ...

Trump Blames Obama For Not Doing Enough On Russia ... - WNYC
7 days ago - President Trump attacked the Obama administration in tweets about Russia meddling. David Greene talks to Ned Price, who served as ...
President Trump blames Obama for Flynn-Russia payments scandal ...
Apr 29, 2017 - The Trump administration is distancing itself from the RT payments received by former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
Trump blames Obama for Orlando shooting, blasts Clinton on ...
Jun 13, 2016 - Trump has mobilized anxieties over domestic terrorism to great effect in the past.
Meme GOP - Trump blames Obama numerous times for the... - Facebook

Trump blames Obama numerous times for the chemical attack in Syria. He mentions Putin zero times.
Trump blames Obama for town hall protests and security leaks - BBC ...
Feb 28, 2017 - US President Donald Trump has said he believes Barack Obama is behind a wave of protests against Republican lawmakers, and national ...
Trump blames Obama for the 'Russia thing' … imagine that | High ...
Jun 25, 2017 - Leave it to Kellyanne "Alternative Facts" Conway to set the record (sort of) straight on the Russian interference controversy. It's the fault of the.
Trump blames Obama for Russian election scandal - Nine News › World
Jun 25, 2017 - Donald Trump has for the first time acknowledged Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election and blamed Barack Obama for "choking" ...
Trump blames 'Obama people' for leaking details of calls with foreign ...
Feb 6, 2017 - President Trump is blaming “Obama people” for the embarrassing leaks of contentious private phone calls he's had with the leaders of Australia ...
Trump blames Obama for not saving student from North Korea - Israel ... › All News › US & Canada
Jun 21, 2017 - Trump blames Obama for not saving student from North Korea. US President says previous administration might have saved 22 year old Otto ...
Donald Trump Blames Obama For Russian Election Hacks › News › Politics
Jun 22, 2017 - U.S. President Donald Trump has blamed his predecessor, President Barack Obama, for letting the Russians hack the 2016 presidential ...
Russian meddling: Trump blames Obama | The Salt Lake Tribune › News
6 days ago - Washington • President Donald Trump unleashed a series of tweets Monday in which he tried to place the blame for Russian meddling in U.S. ...
Trump Blames Obama For The Death Of Otto Warmbier In North Korea ...
Jun 20, 2017 - “It's a disgrace what happened to Otto Warmbier,” Trump said the White House with the president of Ukraine. “It should never, ever be allowed ...
'I think he's behind it:' Trump blames Obama for protests - The Boston ...
Feb 28, 2017 - President Donald Trump said he believes that predecessor Barack Obama is riling up protesters against his administration.
Trump Blames Obama for Syria Chemical Attack - Newser
Apr 5, 2017 - An apparent chemical attack that killed scores of people Tuesday is being called one of the worst atrocities of the Syrian civil war—and ...
Trump Blames Obama Admin For Failure To Bring Warmbier Home
Jun 20, 2017 - The day after the death of college student Otto Warmbier, who was recently released from a prison in North Korea and transported home, ...
Donald Trump blames Barack Obama for Russian intervention › News › 2017 › 06
Jun 24, 2017 - Trump blames Obama. The Washington Post report stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin was directly involved in the massive hacking ...
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "...and did not want to "rock the boat." He ...
6 days ago - ...and did not want to "rock the boat." He didn't "choke," he colluded or obstructed, and it did the Dems and Crooked Hillary no good. Retweets ...
Trump Blames Obama For Russian Election Hacks - Opposing Views
Jun 23, 2017 - In his most recent tweets regarding alleged Russian hacking during the 2016 election, President Donald Trump p...
Trump Blames Obama For Not Doing Enough On Russia ... - WUTC
7 days ago - Copyright 2017 NPR. To see more, visit
Trump Blames Obama For His Own Failed Diplomacy To Free Otto ... › Torture
Jun 21, 2017 - After six months in the White House, Trump just can't quit Obama, or blaming the former president for his own diplomatic blunders.
Trump Blames Obama For Not Doing Enough On Russia ... - I Am Bored
Jun 24, 2017 - So is this admission of meddling or will he flip flop in the future? For your reading enjoyment, here is a very good timeline of the events.
What Is MS-13? Trump Blames Obama For Rise Of Gang After Bodies ...
Apr 18, 2017 - In an early morning tweet Tuesday, President Donald Trump leveled blame at his predecessor for the rise of notorious gang MS-13 in recent ...
Trump suggests Obama to blame for Ferguson unrest in new video
Jan 21, 2016 - In a new low for Trump, the GOP front-runner uses the deaths of Treyvon Martin and Michael Brown to blame President Obama for a divided ...
Trump blames Obama for Trump hiring Michael Flynn after Obama ... › News
Apr 29, 2017 - Trump blames Obama for Trump hiring Michael Flynn after Obama fired him –
Trump blames Obama for not stopping Russia from meddling in the ...
Jun 25, 2017 - Donald Trump lashed out at Barack Obama administration for not taking stronger actions against Russian meddling in the 2016 US election.
Trump blames Obama for Syria inaction, but told him 'stay out' in 2013 ...
Apr 4, 2017 - Yet again, U.S. President Donald Trump's Twitter feed has come back to haunt him, this time revealing a flip-flopping stance on how the Obama ...
Donald Trump Blames Obama For Baltimore Riots - Carbonated.TV
Potential Republican 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump has mastered the art of stirring up controversies with his words.
WATCH: Trump Blames Obama For White House Leaks And Town ...
Feb 28, 2017 - During an interview on "Fox and Friends," president Donald Trump claimed that former president Barack Obama is behind the intelligence ...
'Dumbest Cracker Ever' Donald Trump Blames Obama For Black ...
Apr 28, 2015 - Donald Trump once again took to Twitter, complaining that King of All Black People Barack Obama isn't doing enough in Baltimore.
Shocking! President Trump blames Obama for the world's worst crime ... › Politics
Shocking! President Trump blames Obama for the world's worst crime which he didn't commit. published on April 5, 2017byAuthor Krishna Iyer. share this.
Trump blames Obama for Russian meddling in election - The ... › Forum › Politics and News › Rants
Jun 24, 2017 - 10 posts - ‎3 authors
Trump had access to the same intel that Obama had for months. He kept saying that there was no Russian interference in the election, even ...
'He's failed us': Trump blames Obama for Orlando shooting and blasts ... › News › World
Jun 13, 2016 - 'I'm not going to demonize and demagogue and declare war on an entire religion. That's just plain dangerous, and it plays into ISIS's hands,' ...
Trump blames Obama for flawed vetting of Flynn - Portland Press Herald
Apr 28, 2017 - Trump blames Obama for flawed vetting of Flynn. The president tries to deflect criticism of his national security adviser appointment. By CHAD ...
Trump blames Obama for Russia hacks | Video News | EBL News
Jun 24, 2017 - President Trump acknowledges Russian meddling in the 2016 election, and blames President Obama for not doing more to stop it.
'He is behind it': Trump blames Obama for protests, leaks - MarketWatch › Economy & Politics
Feb 28, 2017 - President Donald Trump blamed former President Barack Obama for the wave of protests around the country, and suggested he might also be ...
Trump blames Obama for EVERYTHING! - Imgflip
Trump blames Obama for EVERYTHING! Trump blames Obama for EVERYTHING! | He did it ! | image tagged in oh. 254 views. Add Meme. Post Comment.
BBC World Service - The Newsroom, Trump Blames Obama for ...
Feb 28, 2017 - Trump Blames Obama for Protests and Security Leaks. The Newsroom. US President says Barack Obama's people are 'certainly behind' wave ...
Trump blames Obama for Russia hacks | Haystack TV
Jun 24, 2017 - President Trump acknowledges Russian meddling in the 2016 election, and blames President Obama for not doing more to stop it.
Trump Blames Obama and McCain Blames Trump for Chemical Attack ...
Apr 4, 2017 - The United States blamed the Syrian government and its patrons, Russia and Iran, on Tuesday for one of the deadliest chemical weapons ...
Trump blames Obama for $7B in 'failed' air traffic control upgrades ...
▶ 0:47
Jun 5, 2017
President Donald Trump blamed the Obama administration for wasting billions of dollars in attempts to update ...

Trump blames Obama for protests and press leaks - internet reacts ...
Feb 28, 2017 - Donald Trump's claims that Barack Obama is the instigator behind recent protests and leaks to the media have been largely met with disbelief ...
U.S. Election Meddling: Trump Blames Obama -
7 days ago - President Donald Trump has indicted his predecessor Barack Obama in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election meddling by Russia following ...
Trump Blames Obama For Flynn's Clearance -
May 8, 2017 - President Trump tweeted on Monday that it was the Obama administration that vetted former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
Trump blames Obama for formation of MS-13 crime gang » Capital News
Trump blames Obama for formation of MS-13 crime gang. April 19, 2017 10:30 am. 0Shares. 16. 0. 0. Police officers and soldiers paint over graffiti associated ...
US race shootings: Donald Trump blames Barack Obama for race divide
Jul 9, 2016 - Donald Trump attacked President Obama yesterday, saying that Americas first black president had only worsened racial tensions.
Donald Trump Blames Obama, Bashar al-Assad For Toxic Gas Attack ...
Apr 5, 2017 - US President Donald Trump has strongly condemned a suspected chemical attack in Syria that killed 58 people, calling it.
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Video - Trump blames Obama ...
Trump blames Obama for Russian meddling. 2:28June 26, 2017. Video details. Tweet · Share On Facebook · Share On Google+ · Video questions Report a ...
Syria: Trump blames Obama, Assad after 58 people killed in chemical ... › World News
Apr 5, 2017 - Syria: Trump blames Obama, Assad after 58 people killed in chemical attack - US President Donald Trump has strongly condemned a ...
Trump blames Obama for White House leaks | Queensland Times
Mar 1, 2017 - DONALD Trump has blamed the leaks from his White House on former president Barack Obama.
Donald Trump blames Obama for Brexit — claims the U.S. will cast ...
Jun 24, 2016 - In a speech in Scotland celebrating the opening of his Turnberrry golf course, presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump ...
'Obama I guess didn't vet,' Trump blames Obama for Flynn's security ... › News › World
Apr 28, 2017 - Trump's comments come as the Pentagon's watchdog is investigating Flynn over whether he failed to get U.S. government approval to receive ...
Donald Trump says Barack Obama is helping to organise protests ... › World
Mar 1, 2017 - In a new interview, Mr Trump said that he believes his predecessor is helping to organise the protests.
Trump Blames Obama For His Disastrous Start: 'I Inherited a Mess!'
Feb 16, 2017 - During a Thursday press briefing at the White House, President Donald Trump seemed to have blamed his predecessors for the disarray that ...
Trump blames Obama and his 'group' for damaging leaks, protests
Feb 28, 2017 - President Trump hosted the Fox & Friends gang at the White House on Monday, in an interview that aired Tuesday morning, and Brian ...
Trump, Conservatives Blame President Obama for Baltimore Riots ...
Apr 29, 2015 - Tags; terms: Baltimore RiotsBaltimore lootingBaltimore Trump Obama's Faultobama baltimoretrump baltimoretrump blames obamatrump ...
Trump Blames Obama For Russia Election ... - 2020 Election
Jun 23, 2017 - Donald Trump is a typical conspiracy theorist. Trump both denies any election interference from Russia but also looks to cast blame on a ...
Trump blames Obama for rash of MS-13 murders | World | News ...
Trump blames Obama for rash of MS-13 murders. By Brad Hunter, Toronto Sun. First posted: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 03:48 PM EDT | Updated: Tuesday, April ...
Trump blames Obama for White House leaks | Coffs Coast Advocate
Mar 1, 2017 - DONALD Trump has blamed the leaks from his White House on former president Barack Obama.
Trump blames Obama for town hall protests and security leaks
Feb 28, 2017 - US President Donald Trump has said he believes Barack Obama is behind a wave of protests against Republican lawmakers, and national ...
PressTV-Trump blames Obama for Khan's 2004 death › US › Politics
Aug 3, 2016 - The campaign of Donald Trump says Obama's policies led to the death of Army Captain Humayun Khan, despite the fact that Khan died in ...
Trump blames Obama for White House leaks | Sunshine Coast Daily
Mar 1, 2017 - DONALD Trump has blamed the leaks from his White House on former president Barack Obama.
'I think he's behind it': Trump blames Obama for protests | TODAYonline
Feb 28, 2017 - US President Donald Trump walks with former President Barack Obama on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, Jan 20, 2017, prior to Obama's ...
Trump Blames Obama for Protests: 'I Think He's Behind It' | Value ...‘i-think-he’s-behind-it...
Feb 28, 2017 - Says Obama 'people' may also be behind national security leaks. · 'I also think it is politics,' president tells Fox News. · President Donald Trump ...
WATCH: Trump blames Obama for Russia's meddling in the US ...
WATCH: Trump blames Obama for Russia's meddling in the US election. Related Articles. Man found guilty in 'Baby Doe' murder trial. June 27, 2017. Inmate on ...
Trump blames Obama for Syria attack | US news | The Guardian › US News › US politics
Apr 4, 2017 - The Minute - Trump blames Obama for Syria attack. Got a minute? After dozens die in suspected chemical attack, Trump issues statement ...
How bout offering a few examples or should I just "take your word" for it?
I don't watch a lot of news but I seldom hear this administration blame Obama for anything.
Just recently, Trump blamed Obama for Russia, for Ottos death, healthcare crisis, for the Syria chemical attacks... the list goes on, do a simple google search if you want to see quotes.

Not to mention Obama inherited a horrible recession and economic crash, while Trump inherited "slow growth"
You forgot the best Tramp blames Obama of all:
Trump blames Obama for 2004 death of Captain Khan!!!!!
by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama for their own failures

Trump blames Obama for vetting of Flynn | TheHill
Apr 28, 2017 - "He was approved by the Obama administration at the highest level," he said of Flynn.
Trump Blames the Biggest Mistake of His Presidency on Obama ...
Jun 23, 2017 - Trump Blames Obama, Generals for Botched Raid He AuthorizedVanity Fair · Donald Trump Scrambles to Save His PresidencyVanity Fair.
Trump Blames Obama For Not Doing Enough On Russia ... - NPR
7 days ago - President Trump attacked the Obama administration in tweets about Russia meddling. David Greene talks to Ned Price, who served as a ...
Trump blames Obama for not vetting former national security adviser ...
Apr 28, 2017 - President Donald Trump is blaming former President Barack Obama for not fully vetting Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn ...
Trump blames Obama for not bringing Otto Warmbier home sooner ...
Jun 20, 2017 - Without saying his name, Trump appears to blame Obama for not negotiating Otto Warmbier's release sooner.
Trump blames Obama for not stopping Russian meddling in the election
Jun 22, 2017 - President Trump said Thursday morning the Obama administration should've done more to stop Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Trump blames Obama for Mike Flynn scandals - Washington Examiner
May 8, 2017 - President Trump on Monday blamed former national security adviser Mike Flynn's transgressions on President Obama. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci).
Trump blames Obama for Otto Warmbeir's death—forgets Americans ...
Jun 20, 2017 - Trump blames Obama for Otto Warmbeir's death—forgets Americans taken hostage since Trump took office · By Mark Sumner. Tuesday Jun 20 ...
Trump Acknowledges Russian Meddling, Blames Obama Admin. For ...
Jun 24, 2017 - President Donald Trump acknowledged Russian meddling in the 2016 election and criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to ...
Trump blames Obama for protests and gives himself a 'C or a C-plus ...
Mar 31, 2017 - Update on 'Trump will pitch his agenda to lawmakers in major speech tonight'
Trump Says Obama Colluded and Obstructed Over Russia to Help ...
6 days ago - President Donald Trump kicked off the workweek by pointing fingers at former President Barack Obama for a foreign nation's intrusion in the ...
Russia Hacking on Election: Donald Trump Blames Obama |
Jun 22, 2017 - As Senate Republicans prepared for the release of the healthcare bill, President Trump was tweeting about the Russia investigation.
Trump blames Obama for Russian attack he doesn't believe happened ...
6 days ago - On the Russia scandal, Donald Trump sounds an awful lot like a low-information voter. That's not good.
Trump Blames Obama for Failure to Protect Against Russia Hack - WSJ
Jun 22, 2017 - President Donald Trump issued a series of Twitter missives blaming Democrats and the Obama administration for not doing enough to protect ...
Trump Blames Obama for Flynn, Suggests Yates Be Questioned About ...
May 8, 2017 - Former Obama administration officials said the former president warned President Donald Trump against hiring former National Security ...
Trump Blames Obama For Factory Layoffs Happening Now | HuffPost
May 8, 2017 - Trump Blames Obama For Factory Layoffs Happening Now. The president said he'd stop layoffs like the ones happening at Rexnord in Indiana.
Trump Blames Obama for MS-13's Growth, but the Gang's Roots Are ...
Apr 18, 2017 - The Trump administration on Tuesday singled out MS-13 — an infamous street gang tied to Central America with a reputation for brutality — as ...
Trump blames Obama for Russia's meddling in the US election ...
▶ 2:19

6 days ago - Uploaded by ABC News
White House press secretary Sean Spicer admitted that Trump believes Russia was indeed involved in the ...

Not Satire: Trump Blames Obama for Russia "Collusion or ... - YouTube
▶ 6:35

5 days ago - Uploaded by David Pakman Show
Donald Trump accuses Barack Obama of doing nothing to stop Russian meddling in the US presidential ...

Trump Blames Obama Admin. for Russia Meddling -
Jun 22, 2017 - President Donald Trump took aim at the Obama administration and chided those pushing the investigation into Russia's involvement in the ...
Trump blames Obama for vetting Flynn - CNN Video -
▶ 3:26
Apr 29, 2017
Trump came to the defense of his fired national security adviser Michael Flynn & blamed the Obama ...

Trump blames Obama for Russia hacks - Videos - CBS News
Trump blames Obama for Russia hacks. June 24, 2017, 12:48 PM | President Trump acknowledges Russian meddling in the 2016 election, and blames ...
Trump blames Obama for failing to stop Russian ... - Washington Times
6 days ago - FILE - In this June 23, 2017 file photo, President Donald Trump speaks in the East Room of the White House in Washington. President Donald ...
Trump blames Obama for allowing MS-13 gang to form in America ...
Apr 18, 2017 - President Donald Trump on Tuesday criticized his predecessor for being “weak” on illegal immigration and blamed him, without evidence, for ...
Trump blames Obama for anti-White House protests and leaks
Feb 28, 2017 - President Trump tells Fox he believes his predecessor is working against the new administration.
President Trump Blames Obama For Russian Election Hacking
5 days ago - President Donald Trump says former President Obama is to blame for extent of Russian election hacking. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
Trump blames Obama for crisis in Syria - USA Today
Videos,Photos - USA TODAY...
Apr 6, 2017 - President Donald Trump blamed Barack Obama for the crisis in Syria in the aftermath of a chemical attack on civilians.
Trump blames Obama for Russia election interference [Video] - Yahoo
Trump blames Obama for Russia election interference
7 days ago - President Trump seemed to concede in tweets that Russia interfered with the 2016 election but blamed former President Obama, writing, "he ...
Trump blames OBAMA for Otto Warmbier's death saying ... - Daily Mail
Jun 20, 2017 - Trump told reporters during an Oval Office photo op that 'the results would have been a lot different' if the US had negotiated his release the ...
Video: Donald Trump blames Obama for some leaks - Videos - The ...
Donald Trump blames Obama for some leaks. Donald Trump blames Obama for 'some leaks'. Donald Trump believes former president Barack Obama is behind ...
Trump Blames Obama For Russian Meddling - SFGate
Trump Blames Obama For Russian Meddling. resident Donald Trump unleashed a series of tweets Monday in which he tried to place the blame for Russian ...
Trump Has Psychotic Episode And Blames Obama For Russia Attack ...
Jun 23, 2017 - Trump blames Obama for Russia election interference, Trump calls Russia election interference a hoax, Trump Obama Russia scandal.
Trump Blames Obama For Russia Election ... - Politicus USA
Jun 22, 2017 - Trump Blames Obama For Russia Election Interference With Self-incriminating Tweet. By Jason Easley on Thu, Jun 22nd, 2017 at 10:11 am.
Donald Trump Blames Obama For White House Leaks
Donald Trump Blames Obama For White House Leaks. Add Comment. In a Fox And Friends Interview, Trump Stated That He Believes Former President Obama ...
Donald Trump blames Obama for 'some leaks'

Donald Trump believes former president Barack Obama is behind some of the protests taking place against ...

Trump Blames Obama For Not Doing Enough On Russia ... - WNYC
7 days ago - President Trump attacked the Obama administration in tweets about Russia meddling. David Greene talks to Ned Price, who served as ...
President Trump blames Obama for Flynn-Russia payments scandal ...
Apr 29, 2017 - The Trump administration is distancing itself from the RT payments received by former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
Trump blames Obama for Orlando shooting, blasts Clinton on ...
Jun 13, 2016 - Trump has mobilized anxieties over domestic terrorism to great effect in the past.
Meme GOP - Trump blames Obama numerous times for the... - Facebook

Trump blames Obama numerous times for the chemical attack in Syria. He mentions Putin zero times.
Trump blames Obama for town hall protests and security leaks - BBC ...
Feb 28, 2017 - US President Donald Trump has said he believes Barack Obama is behind a wave of protests against Republican lawmakers, and national ...
Trump blames Obama for the 'Russia thing' … imagine that | High ...
Jun 25, 2017 - Leave it to Kellyanne "Alternative Facts" Conway to set the record (sort of) straight on the Russian interference controversy. It's the fault of the.
Trump blames Obama for Russian election scandal - Nine News › World
Jun 25, 2017 - Donald Trump has for the first time acknowledged Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election and blamed Barack Obama for "choking" ...
Trump blames 'Obama people' for leaking details of calls with foreign ...
Feb 6, 2017 - President Trump is blaming “Obama people” for the embarrassing leaks of contentious private phone calls he's had with the leaders of Australia ...
Trump blames Obama for not saving student from North Korea - Israel ... › All News › US & Canada
Jun 21, 2017 - Trump blames Obama for not saving student from North Korea. US President says previous administration might have saved 22 year old Otto ...
Donald Trump Blames Obama For Russian Election Hacks › News › Politics
Jun 22, 2017 - U.S. President Donald Trump has blamed his predecessor, President Barack Obama, for letting the Russians hack the 2016 presidential ...
Russian meddling: Trump blames Obama | The Salt Lake Tribune › News
6 days ago - Washington • President Donald Trump unleashed a series of tweets Monday in which he tried to place the blame for Russian meddling in U.S. ...
Trump Blames Obama For The Death Of Otto Warmbier In North Korea ...
Jun 20, 2017 - “It's a disgrace what happened to Otto Warmbier,” Trump said the White House with the president of Ukraine. “It should never, ever be allowed ...
'I think he's behind it:' Trump blames Obama for protests - The Boston ...
Feb 28, 2017 - President Donald Trump said he believes that predecessor Barack Obama is riling up protesters against his administration.
Trump Blames Obama for Syria Chemical Attack - Newser
Apr 5, 2017 - An apparent chemical attack that killed scores of people Tuesday is being called one of the worst atrocities of the Syrian civil war—and ...
Trump Blames Obama Admin For Failure To Bring Warmbier Home
Jun 20, 2017 - The day after the death of college student Otto Warmbier, who was recently released from a prison in North Korea and transported home, ...
Donald Trump blames Barack Obama for Russian intervention › News › 2017 › 06
Jun 24, 2017 - Trump blames Obama. The Washington Post report stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin was directly involved in the massive hacking ...
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "...and did not want to "rock the boat." He ...
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
6 days ago - ...and did not want to "rock the boat." He didn't "choke," he colluded or obstructed, and it did the Dems and Crooked Hillary no good. Retweets ...
Trump Blames Obama For Russian Election Hacks - Opposing Views
Jun 23, 2017 - In his most recent tweets regarding alleged Russian hacking during the 2016 election, President Donald Trump p...
Trump Blames Obama For Not Doing Enough On Russia ... - WUTC
7 days ago - Copyright 2017 NPR. To see more, visit Home Page Top Stories.
Trump Blames Obama For His Own Failed Diplomacy To Free Otto ... › Torture
Jun 21, 2017 - After six months in the White House, Trump just can't quit Obama, or blaming the former president for his own diplomatic blunders.
Trump Blames Obama For Not Doing Enough On Russia ... - I Am Bored
Jun 24, 2017 - So is this admission of meddling or will he flip flop in the future? For your reading enjoyment, here is a very good timeline of the events.
What Is MS-13? Trump Blames Obama For Rise Of Gang After Bodies ...
Apr 18, 2017 - In an early morning tweet Tuesday, President Donald Trump leveled blame at his predecessor for the rise of notorious gang MS-13 in recent ...
Trump suggests Obama to blame for Ferguson unrest in new video
Jan 21, 2016 - In a new low for Trump, the GOP front-runner uses the deaths of Treyvon Martin and Michael Brown to blame President Obama for a divided ...
Trump blames Obama for Trump hiring Michael Flynn after Obama ... › News
Apr 29, 2017 - Trump blames Obama for Trump hiring Michael Flynn after Obama fired him – Trump blames Obama for Trump hiring Michael Flynn after Obama fired him - AMERICAblog News
Trump blames Obama for not stopping Russia from meddling in the ...
Jun 25, 2017 - Donald Trump lashed out at Barack Obama administration for not taking stronger actions against Russian meddling in the 2016 US election.
Trump blames Obama for Syria inaction, but told him 'stay out' in 2013 ...
Apr 4, 2017 - Yet again, U.S. President Donald Trump's Twitter feed has come back to haunt him, this time revealing a flip-flopping stance on how the Obama ...
Donald Trump Blames Obama For Baltimore Riots - Carbonated.TV
Potential Republican 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump has mastered the art of stirring up controversies with his words.
WATCH: Trump Blames Obama For White House Leaks And Town ...
Feb 28, 2017 - During an interview on "Fox and Friends," president Donald Trump claimed that former president Barack Obama is behind the intelligence ...
'Dumbest Cracker Ever' Donald Trump Blames Obama For Black ...
Apr 28, 2015 - Donald Trump once again took to Twitter, complaining that King of All Black People Barack Obama isn't doing enough in Baltimore.
Shocking! President Trump blames Obama for the world's worst crime ... › Politics
Shocking! President Trump blames Obama for the world's worst crime which he didn't commit. published on April 5, 2017byAuthor Krishna Iyer. share this.
Trump blames Obama for Russian meddling in election - The ... › Forum › Politics and News › Rants
Jun 24, 2017 - 10 posts - ‎3 authors
Trump had access to the same intel that Obama had for months. He kept saying that there was no Russian interference in the election, even ...
'He's failed us': Trump blames Obama for Orlando shooting and blasts ... › News › World
Jun 13, 2016 - 'I'm not going to demonize and demagogue and declare war on an entire religion. That's just plain dangerous, and it plays into ISIS's hands,' ...
Trump blames Obama for flawed vetting of Flynn - Portland Press Herald
Apr 28, 2017 - Trump blames Obama for flawed vetting of Flynn. The president tries to deflect criticism of his national security adviser appointment. By CHAD ...
Trump blames Obama for Russia hacks | Video News | EBL News
Trump blames Obama for Russia hacks
Jun 24, 2017 - President Trump acknowledges Russian meddling in the 2016 election, and blames President Obama for not doing more to stop it.
'He is behind it': Trump blames Obama for protests, leaks - MarketWatch › Economy & Politics
Feb 28, 2017 - President Donald Trump blamed former President Barack Obama for the wave of protests around the country, and suggested he might also be ...
Trump blames Obama for EVERYTHING! - Imgflip
Trump blames Obama for EVERYTHING!
Trump blames Obama for EVERYTHING! Trump blames Obama for EVERYTHING! | He did it ! | image tagged in oh. 254 views. Add Meme. Post Comment.
BBC World Service - The Newsroom, Trump Blames Obama for ...
Feb 28, 2017 - Trump Blames Obama for Protests and Security Leaks. The Newsroom. US President says Barack Obama's people are 'certainly behind' wave ...
Trump blames Obama for Russia hacks | Haystack TV
Jun 24, 2017 - President Trump acknowledges Russian meddling in the 2016 election, and blames President Obama for not doing more to stop it.
Trump Blames Obama and McCain Blames Trump for Chemical Attack ...
Apr 4, 2017 - The United States blamed the Syrian government and its patrons, Russia and Iran, on Tuesday for one of the deadliest chemical weapons ...
Trump blames Obama for $7B in 'failed' air traffic control upgrades ...
▶ 0:47
Jun 5, 2017
President Donald Trump blamed the Obama administration for wasting billions of dollars in attempts to update ...

Trump blames Obama for protests and press leaks - internet reacts ...
Trump blames Obama for protests and press leaks - internet reacts
Feb 28, 2017 - Donald Trump's claims that Barack Obama is the instigator behind recent protests and leaks to the media have been largely met with disbelief ...
U.S. Election Meddling: Trump Blames Obama -
7 days ago - President Donald Trump has indicted his predecessor Barack Obama in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election meddling by Russia following ...
Trump Blames Obama For Flynn's Clearance -
May 8, 2017 - President Trump tweeted on Monday that it was the Obama administration that vetted former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
Trump blames Obama for formation of MS-13 crime gang » Capital News
Trump blames Obama for formation of MS-13 crime gang. April 19, 2017 10:30 am. 0Shares. 16. 0. 0. Police officers and soldiers paint over graffiti associated ...
US race shootings: Donald Trump blames Barack Obama for race divide
Jul 9, 2016 - Donald Trump attacked President Obama yesterday, saying that Americas first black president had only worsened racial tensions.
Donald Trump Blames Obama, Bashar al-Assad For Toxic Gas Attack ...
Apr 5, 2017 - US President Donald Trump has strongly condemned a suspected chemical attack in Syria that killed 58 people, calling it.
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Video - Trump blames Obama ...
Trump blames Obama for Russian meddling. 2:28June 26, 2017. Video details. Tweet · Share On Facebook · Share On Google+ · Video questions Report a ...
Syria: Trump blames Obama, Assad after 58 people killed in chemical ... › World News
Apr 5, 2017 - Syria: Trump blames Obama, Assad after 58 people killed in chemical attack - US President Donald Trump has strongly condemned a ...
Trump blames Obama for White House leaks | Queensland Times
Trump blames Obama for White House leaks
Mar 1, 2017 - DONALD Trump has blamed the leaks from his White House on former president Barack Obama.
Donald Trump blames Obama for Brexit — claims the U.S. will cast ...
Jun 24, 2016 - In a speech in Scotland celebrating the opening of his Turnberrry golf course, presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump ...
'Obama I guess didn't vet,' Trump blames Obama for Flynn's security ... | Toronto Star | Canada's largest daily › News › World
Apr 28, 2017 - Trump's comments come as the Pentagon's watchdog is investigating Flynn over whether he failed to get U.S. government approval to receive ...
Donald Trump says Barack Obama is helping to organise protests ... › World
Mar 1, 2017 - In a new interview, Mr Trump said that he believes his predecessor is helping to organise the protests.
Trump Blames Obama For His Disastrous Start: 'I Inherited a Mess!'
Trump Blames Obama For His Disastrous Start: ‘I Inherited a Mess!’
Feb 16, 2017 - During a Thursday press briefing at the White House, President Donald Trump seemed to have blamed his predecessors for the disarray that ...
Trump blames Obama and his 'group' for damaging leaks, protests
Feb 28, 2017 - President Trump hosted the Fox & Friends gang at the White House on Monday, in an interview that aired Tuesday morning, and Brian ...
Trump, Conservatives Blame President Obama for Baltimore Riots ...
Apr 29, 2015 - Tags; terms: Baltimore RiotsBaltimore lootingBaltimore Trump Obama's Faultobama baltimoretrump baltimoretrump blames obamatrump ...
Trump Blames Obama For Russia Election ... - 2020 Election
Jun 23, 2017 - Donald Trump is a typical conspiracy theorist. Trump both denies any election interference from Russia but also looks to cast blame on a ...
Trump blames Obama for rash of MS-13 murders | World | News ...
Trump blames Obama for rash of MS-13 murders. By Brad Hunter, Toronto Sun. First posted: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 03:48 PM EDT | Updated: Tuesday, April ...
Trump blames Obama for White House leaks | Coffs Coast Advocate
Mar 1, 2017 - DONALD Trump has blamed the leaks from his White House on former president Barack Obama.
Trump blames Obama for town hall protests and security leaks
Feb 28, 2017 - US President Donald Trump has said he believes Barack Obama is behind a wave of protests against Republican lawmakers, and national ...
PressTV-Trump blames Obama for Khan's 2004 death › US › Politics
Aug 3, 2016 - The campaign of Donald Trump says Obama's policies led to the death of Army Captain Humayun Khan, despite the fact that Khan died in ...
Trump blames Obama for White House leaks | Sunshine Coast Daily
Mar 1, 2017 - DONALD Trump has blamed the leaks from his White House on former president Barack Obama.
'I think he's behind it': Trump blames Obama for protests | TODAYonline
Feb 28, 2017 - US President Donald Trump walks with former President Barack Obama on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, Jan 20, 2017, prior to Obama's ...
Trump Blames Obama for Protests: 'I Think He's Behind It' | Value ...‘i-think-he’s-behind-it...
Feb 28, 2017 - Says Obama 'people' may also be behind national security leaks. · 'I also think it is politics,' president tells Fox News. · President Donald Trump ...
WATCH: Trump blames Obama for Russia's meddling in the US ...
WATCH: Trump blames Obama for Russia's meddling in the US election. Related Articles. Man found guilty in 'Baby Doe' murder trial. June 27, 2017. Inmate on ...
Trump blames Obama for Syria attack | US news | The Guardian › US News › US politics
Apr 4, 2017 - The Minute - Trump blames Obama for Syria attack. Got a minute? After dozens die in suspected chemical attack, Trump issues statement ...

I am not a liar. I pride myself on my honesty and forthrightness.

Uninformed? Perhaps as I don't watch a lot of news but you can GO FUCK YOURSELF

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