Anyone ready to revisit EOs?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
I have felt for a long time that Executive Orders can and do erode the separation of powers and override the Constitution. I thought perhaps I was wrong, that modern society required swifter reaction to crisis by the actions of our leader or that it was purely an obvious administrative function.

Now we have a common sense immigration restriction EO by president Trump. I see it as a good thing, but something that should have limits of it own. Should EOs have a time limit? Should the subject have restrictions, such as national security?

If we even have EOs, what is their place? I hope the Supreme Court gets an opportunity to review this and rebalance federal powers.
I have felt for a long time that Executive Orders can and do erode the separation of powers and override the Constitution. I thought perhaps I was wrong, that modern society required swifter reaction to crisis by the actions of our leader or that it was purely an obvious administrative function.

Now we have a common sense immigration restriction EO by president Trump. I see it as a good thing, but something that should have limits of it own. Should EOs have a time limit? Should the subject have restrictions, such as national security?

If we even have EOs, what is their place? I hope the Supreme Court gets an opportunity to review this and rebalance federal powers.
Upon Trumps departure, we should.....
Pass the buck? I am unwilling to see the country or Constitution abused by anyone. Should he undo Obama's EOs before Supreme Court review? Absolutely.
If we even have EOs, what is their place? I hope the Supreme Court gets an opportunity to review this and rebalance federal powers.

Just how much imbalance do you require? Of the three branches of the federal government, two have the power to in effect emasculate unilaterally any executive order. In contrast, there exists no Presidential power to do the same and with similar durability to the pronouncements of either the federal judiciary or legislature.

Make no mistake...I'm not keen on Trump's EOs to date, but as President, the fact is that he has the little bit of executive authority that has been granted to him by Congress and the Constitution. I would not further constrain presidential power so that the office becomes all but titular, much akin to that of the English monarch today.
Pass the buck? I am unwilling to see the country or Constitution abused by anyone. Should he undo Obama's EOs before Supreme Court review? Absolutely.
We sent Trump there for a reason.....he is the only one who can dismantle the liberals leviathan and return power to we the people, thus paving the way for a conservative to take the WH.....

I am perfectly fine with his use of EO's to achieve that end....let a conservative POTUS deal with EO's after we are done....
EOs should be unconstitutional. Allowing that much power in the hands of one person, is always trouble.
gipper has the rub of it (the amount of power), I think, but EOs go all the way back to Washington.
Wait a second trumps E. O. s cancelled out Obama's E. O. s and now people are bitching?



No bear, read what I said in the OP. I am suggesting EOs are a source of presidential abuse of power by any president. Are we going to live in a country that changes major policy by who is in office with a pen versus convincing and negotiating with Congress?
gipper has the rub of it (the amount of power), I think, but EOs go all the way back to Washington.

Agreed, but EOs have evolved into more of an end around to Congress. Congress, by its nature is suppose to represent our more individualized wants and needs.
Wait a second trumps E. O. s cancelled out Obama's E. O. s and now people are bitching?



No bear, read what I said in the OP. I am suggesting EOs are a source of presidential abuse of power by any president. Are we going to live in a country that changes major policy by who is in office with a pen versus convincing and negotiating with Congress?

That's why we vote, Obama was a tyrant on his trying to fundamentally change America.. We seen it through history where Congress tried to force it's will on the people ..
Pass the buck? I am unwilling to see the country or Constitution abused by anyone. Should he undo Obama's EOs before Supreme Court review? Absolutely.

Where were you when Obama was signing EO's about illegal immigration that defied laws on the books?

It seems redundant that Trump has to sign an EO to follow the law.

What a sick government we have.
gipper has the rub of it (the amount of power), I think, but EOs go all the way back to Washington.

Agreed, but EOs have evolved into more of an end around to Congress. Congress, by its nature is suppose to represent our more individualized wants and needs.

Obama was the one who started it.. He didn't know how to lead.. Trump balanced the power back.

Remember Obama said he had a pen and a phone..

Never did he think his legacy would lose.. He rolled the dice, went for broke and lost.
gipper has the rub of it (the amount of power), I think, but EOs go all the way back to Washington.

Agreed, but EOs have evolved into more of an end around to Congress. Congress, by its nature is suppose to represent our more individualized wants and needs.

Obama was the one who started it.. He didn't know how to lead.. Trump balanced the power back.

Remember Obama said he had a pen and a phone..

Never did he think his legacy would lose.. He rolled the dice, went for broke and lost.

Obama is the most unilateral president in US history, incapable of working with one Republican.

As it was, he had to bribe members of his own party to pass Obamacare.

Truly an inept little tyrant.
gipper has the rub of it (the amount of power), I think, but EOs go all the way back to Washington.
Funny had no problem when the big eared one was pumping out EOs daily, but now you do.

Why the hypocrisy?
gipper has the rub of it (the amount of power), I think, but EOs go all the way back to Washington.

Agreed, but EOs have evolved into more of an end around to Congress. Congress, by its nature is suppose to represent our more individualized wants and needs.

Obama was the one who started it.. He didn't know how to lead.. Trump balanced the power back.

Remember Obama said he had a pen and a phone..

Never did he think his legacy would lose.. He rolled the dice, went for broke and lost.

Obama is the most unilateral president in US history, incapable of working with one Republican.

As it was, he had to bribe members of his own party to pass Obamacare.

Truly an inept little tyrant.
So right!!!

Yet many on the Left had no problems with his tyrannical actions...yet now they bitch like little girls over what Trump is doing. Hypocrites!!!
gipper has the rub of it (the amount of power), I think, but EOs go all the way back to Washington.

Agreed, but EOs have evolved into more of an end around to Congress. Congress, by its nature is suppose to represent our more individualized wants and needs.

Obama was the one who started it.. He didn't know how to lead.. Trump balanced the power back.

Remember Obama said he had a pen and a phone..

Never did he think his legacy would lose.. He rolled the dice, went for broke and lost.
Imagine what the left and their media would say about Trump, if he said the same words the big eared former POTUS said.

Yet, many Americans still can't see the lies and distortions of the MSM.
Obama used far fewer EOs than the darlings of the screwy and confused far right, and several were blocked by the courts.

Yet they approve whatever Trump is doing.

Time will tell.
gipper has the rub of it (the amount of power), I think, but EOs go all the way back to Washington.

Agreed, but EOs have evolved into more of an end around to Congress. Congress, by its nature is suppose to represent our more individualized wants and needs.

Obama was the one who started it.. He didn't know how to lead.. Trump balanced the power back.

Remember Obama said he had a pen and a phone..

Never did he think his legacy would lose.. He rolled the dice, went for broke and lost.

Obama is the most unilateral president in US history, incapable of working with one Republican.

As it was, he had to bribe members of his own party to pass Obamacare.

Truly an inept little tyrant.

Yup, and that attitude was working it's way down the ranks of the democrat minions to the point of anarchy.. With violating federal immigration laws, Federal drug laws....

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