anyone worried about their government checks next month?

I can't see Sleepy Joe doing that. Although I'm not "worried" about it, even if he would do that. I have other money, it isn't a big fucking deal
are soc security etc really under threat?
I get SS checks. I'm not worried. At the worst, I might get a delayed check but no one is going to miss getting checks entirely. They will get the whole check at some point. Inflation is hurting everyone and continued spending will cause continued high inflation. Thank God one side is trying to get inflation under control and it ain't the D side. Democrat's strategy is to rely on the fed raising interest rates, which throws the country into a recession and causes runs on banks, of which Democrats will blame the evil bankers instead of themselves.
I think both Biden and McCarthy are worried about Government checks next month.

If Social Security and Military checks to not go out next month, there will be a public uproar and political fallout.
Anybody here ever study Civics?

The Social Security "trust fund" is entirely separate and apart from the annual Federal budget. A problem with the debt ceiling will have no impact on SS checks (or direct deposits).

Furthermore, a failure to raise the debt ceiling will NOT result in defaulting on existing debts. There is PLENTY of ongoing revenue (i.e., your monthly FIT withholdings) to pay the debt service.

If they fail to timely increase the debt ceiling:
  • Federal employees deemed "non essential" will be laid off,
  • Some entitlement programs will be temporarily suspended - but not many,
  • The Gubmint will close down those government agencies and institutions that will create the most pain for us the taxpayers...speaking of national parks, museums, monuments, libraries,
  • The debt ceiling will ultimately be resolved, and those government employees who got laid off will get BACK PAY for the days when they DID NOT WORK, and
  • Any payments (etc) that were lost or suspended will be made up.
The stock market will dip because people are neurotic and stupid when it comes to the stock that they own.

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