AOC CAUGHT IN MAJOR LIE! … Claims ‘Green New Deal’ Document FROM HER OWN WEBSITE is a Fake

The Gateway Pundit


The AO-C obsession continues.
You leftards spinning for AOC is almost as hilarious as AOC herself.
Every one of you right wing crackpots are obsesessed with her.

Every one of you has been jerking off to her college video since it first surfaced. Or I should say, have been trying to.

Most of you haven't had a hard on in decades, and even back then you were just shooting puffs of dust when you came.
You keep dangling her in front of us, who can't help but stare at a train wreck?

Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.

Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.
perhaps, a committee on fixing some Standards regarding left wing talking points and left wing policy would be helpful.

You cant fix that level of stupid.
there are digital levels now.

Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.

Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.
perhaps, a committee on fixing some Standards regarding left wing talking points and left wing policy would be helpful.

Maybe they want to limit speech of anyone that doesn't sound exactly like they want them to sound like. Yes, the true Dictators Handbook. Doesn't work out so well for either side.
There is an entire "special battalion" of Representatives to Government.

We should expect results, not excuses.

Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.

Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.
perhaps, a committee on fixing some Standards regarding left wing talking points and left wing policy would be helpful.

You cant fix that level of stupid.
there are digital levels now.

What does measuring have to do with a cure?
Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.

Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.
perhaps, a committee on fixing some Standards regarding left wing talking points and left wing policy would be helpful.

You cant fix that level of stupid.
there are digital levels now.

What does measuring have to do with a cure?
coming up with valid arguments instead of merely fallacious excuses.
Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.
perhaps, a committee on fixing some Standards regarding left wing talking points and left wing policy would be helpful.

You cant fix that level of stupid.
there are digital levels now.

What does measuring have to do with a cure?
coming up with valid arguments instead of merely fallacious excuses.

I'm waiting on the valid arguments.
perhaps, a committee on fixing some Standards regarding left wing talking points and left wing policy would be helpful.

You cant fix that level of stupid.
there are digital levels now.

What does measuring have to do with a cure?
coming up with valid arguments instead of merely fallacious excuses.

I'm waiting on the valid arguments.
it was actually just commentary.

we should hold our Representatives to Government to fix Standards.
Everyone keeps saying she is stupid but she has been elected to political office. Playing dumb keeps people underestimating what they are capable of doing. We shouldn't be laughing, we should be concerned.
Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.

Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.
perhaps, a committee on fixing some Standards regarding left wing talking points and left wing policy would be helpful.

You cant fix that level of stupid.
there are digital levels now.

What does measuring have to do with a cure?

If you have to ask, you may be stupid and we can't fix stupid.
perhaps, a committee on fixing some Standards regarding left wing talking points and left wing policy would be helpful.

You cant fix that level of stupid.
there are digital levels now.

What does measuring have to do with a cure?
coming up with valid arguments instead of merely fallacious excuses.

I'm waiting on the valid arguments.

You've been given them. Since they aren't valid to you, then you won't accept them. Your level of stupid may beyond repair.

For those that only go by what their talking heads tell them to say and think, you can skip this section. But from the above link, here is the bill.

Introduced in House (02/07/2019)

This resolution calls for the creation of a Green New Deal with the goals of

  • achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions;
  • establishing millions of high-wage jobs and ensuring economic security for all;
  • investing in infrastructure and industry;
  • securing clean air and water, climate and community resiliency, healthy food, access to nature, and a sustainable environment for all; and
  • promoting justice and equality.

The resolution calls for accomplishment of these goals through a 10-year national mobilization effort. The resolution also enumerates the goals and projects of the mobilization effort, including

  • building smart power grids (i.e., power grids that enable customers to reduce their power use during peak demand periods);
  • upgrading all existing buildings and constructing new buildings to achieve maximum energy and water efficiency;
  • removing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation and agricultural sectors;
  • cleaning up existing hazardous waste and abandoned sites;
  • ensuring businesspersons are free from unfair competition; and
  • providing higher education, high-quality health care, and affordable, safe, and adequate housing to all.
These are some pretty lofty things. While I will admit we can't reach them 100%, there is no reason that they shouldn't be seriously looked at. Some can be obtained in the very near future. Some States have already adopted some of them. Just remember, if a state next to yours is trashing the place up, it does overflow into your back yard. In fact, it overflows all over the globe when you have one or more bad actors.

The first 5 can be done in the very near future. But then it gets harder.

We already know we need to do something about the Power grids. But that's going to take a lot of time, planning and money. But it has to be done.

I don't think upgrading all existing buildings is going to happen anytime soon. But new construction can have that requirement built in without adding too much cost. Afterall, a roof is a roof regardless of what covers it. You can cover it with your Italian Tile or a series of solar panels. Both keep out the rain, snow and sun. The big difference is, the Solar Panels run your power meter backwards in the daylight hours. And, for the stupid, we already know it won't work that well in all areas. But it will in most areas.

Removing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from Transportation is actually easy to do. We are seeing electric refueling stations cropping up all around this area and we aren't even a main Metro Area. It takes putting the Infrastructure into place and I am seeing private companies doing just that. These are high output 15 minute electric recharging stations. Tesla can already do over 300 miles on a charge and there are couple others out there that are shooting for 400 miles per charge. In a two car family, you would still have your gas rig for long drives but for the bulk of your driving, the electric can do it cheaper with less breakdown. Both vehicles cost about the same but the Electric operates at a fraction of what the gas rig does. The only question is, what is generating the electricity and we are back to the Grid problem which can and will be cured sooner or later. For the stupid, that means within 10 years, the Grid won't be a problem.

Now, for Agriculture. For the stupid, it's cow farts. For everyone else, it's the crops. You may think that growing corn to be used for ethanol is a good idea but corn puts out tons and tons of CO2. It isn't putting out very much O2 at all and the fertilizer really mucks things up for the environment. It's about the worst crop you can grow for the environment. There is NO appreciable reason to even have it in the Gasoline at all. It ends up costing more to produce than straight gasoline. Yes, it does pollute less when you burn it but it's a disaster making it. For the stupid, it's still cow farts.

Cleaning up existing hazardous waste sites. That's a real Duh. We have tons and tons of places that have been abandoned and no one is held responsible for cleaning the places up. We just went through a mine that polluted a river. That river polluted over 4 states. I don't mean a little either. The River flowed red and brown until the Government went in and got it under control. It took them a couple of weeks. Cities depended on it for irrigation, drinking water, fish died, recreation ceased, etc.. But Mother Nature is a wonderful thing. Once it was cleaned up, Mother nature kicked and finished the job on the River in about a week after the crap stopped flowing. They are reseeding the game including birds, fish and more. Mother Nature does need a little help when Man screws things up so bad. This is a MUST. Only the stupid don't think so.

Ensure Business are free from unfair competition. That used to be a law but it got thrown out in the 80s and 90s. I worked for Walmart in the early 90s. Part of my job was to visit other National Chains and price. We were forbidden to visit locally owned businesses. Today, no such limitations are there. But, if a local company were to offer something for X dollars, we could meet that even if it meant a loss. I find that practice cannibalistic at best. Putting in store that sells at a loss when it first comes in to shut down the competitors and then hiking the prices up when there are no competitors left should be illegal as hell. But it's not. Maybe it should be. A lot of Mom an Pops get nailed like that.

Provide higher Education. Why not. And you don't need to do it with a college or a university. It used to be that a company would train from within. It doesn't take a college grad to do most jobs. You can train one of your Mail Room People that are sharp to do that job and end up with a better employee and a better output. That used to be the norm. Today, the Business expect others to train them through Colleges, Universities or Technical Schools at no cost to the Business for the most part. If you want to see a program like this, look at the Military. I trained for a job that I never went to Tech School just by subscribing to the Tech Manuals and passing the tests. The rest of the education was done on the job. I will admit that going to the Tech School would have been quicker but it wasn't better. And it was for a very technical job in the Air Force.

High Quality Health Care. Notice, it didn't say "Free". It said High Quality. Meaning, the best bang for the buck. We aren't getting the best bang for your buck these days. The Bang is going down while the Buck keeps going up. It's out of control.

Affordable, Safe and adequate Housing. This is another no brainer. Slum Lords won't like this one. There were many different housing programs just outside Aspen, Co. where it was for Employee Housing. It was for the first 5 years. It met the contractual obligation for tax breaks that way. At the end of the 5 years, the housing was converted to Condos and the Employees were left to fend for themselves. Aspen, Co. has a real bad employee hosing problem where a one bedroom apartment might have 10 people living in it sleeping on the floor or having to drive 60 miles each day. Metro Areas have their own brand of problems and people are sick and dying from poor housing or lack of housing. It's sad when a person has a job and is forced to live in their car. Now, for the terminally stupid; Yeah, I know, you don't see this. You never do. But it's there and it's real.

I don't see a thing on the proposed list that shouldn't be at least addressed. And no mention of Cow Farts except by the terminally stupid.
Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.
perhaps, a committee on fixing some Standards regarding left wing talking points and left wing policy would be helpful.

You cant fix that level of stupid.
there are digital levels now.

What does measuring have to do with a cure?

If you have to ask, you may be stupid and we can't fix stupid.

Well Mr **** if you're actually responding to my tongue and cheek seriously I can see you have nothing to offer.
perhaps, a committee on fixing some Standards regarding left wing talking points and left wing policy would be helpful.

You cant fix that level of stupid.
there are digital levels now.

What does measuring have to do with a cure?

If you have to ask, you may be stupid and we can't fix stupid.

Well Mr **** if you're actually responding to my tongue and cheek seriously I can see you have nothing to offer.

Of course you see it that way being stupid as you are. Have a nice day.
You cant fix that level of stupid.
there are digital levels now.

What does measuring have to do with a cure?

If you have to ask, you may be stupid and we can't fix stupid.

Well Mr **** if you're actually responding to my tongue and cheek seriously I can see you have nothing to offer.

Of course you see it that way being stupid as you are. Have a nice day.

Everyday is a nice day with Trump kicking leftist ass on a regular basis.

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