AOC CAUGHT IN MAJOR LIE! … Claims ‘Green New Deal’ Document FROM HER OWN WEBSITE is a Fake

When you are so stupid as to get fired from Hot Dog on a Stick for incompetency then it is likely you would also dream up the world's worst economic policy.
So was trump not lying when he said Obama was born in Kenya or was he not lying when he said Obama was born in the U.S.?

SO do we believe the Kenya government birth document or do we believe the Hawaii document registered 8 years later after his mother returned to Hawaii?
There is no valid Kenyan birth document and his mother was in Hawaii the day he was born.
So was trump not lying when he said Obama was born in Kenya or was he not lying when he said Obama was born in the U.S.?

SO do we believe the Kenya government birth document or do we believe the Hawaii document registered 8 years later after his mother returned to Hawaii?
There is no valid Kenyan birth document and his mother was in Hawaii the day he was born.
But surely the birth notice in the newspaper is fake..
So was trump not lying when he said Obama was born in Kenya or was he not lying when he said Obama was born in the U.S.?

SO do we believe the Kenya government birth document or do we believe the Hawaii document registered 8 years later after his mother returned to Hawaii?
There is no valid Kenyan birth document and his mother was in Hawaii the day he was born.

And look at you dumb fucks. Still stuck on Bammers birth certificate. Alex Jones wing gone must have really left a vacuum in halls lives.

Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.

Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.
perhaps, a committee on fixing some Standards regarding left wing talking points and left wing policy would be helpful.
Does this make Trump's lies bad also?
Trump doesn't lie!
So was trump not lying when he said Obama was born in Kenya or was he not lying when he said Obama was born in the U.S.?

SO do we believe the Kenya government birth document or do we believe the Hawaii document registered 8 years later after his mother returned to Hawaii?
There is no valid Kenyan birth document and his mother was in Hawaii the day he was born.

And look at you dumb fucks. Still stuck on Bammers birth certificate. Alex Jones wing gone must have really left a vacuum in halls lives.
Shat’s More entertaining than birtherism?
Does this make Trump's lies bad also?
Trump doesn't lie!
So was trump not lying when he said Obama was born in Kenya or was he not lying when he said Obama was born in the U.S.?

SO do we believe the Kenya government birth document or do we believe the Hawaii document registered 8 years later after his mother returned to Hawaii?
There is no valid Kenyan birth document and his mother was in Hawaii the day he was born.

And look at you dumb fucks. Still stuck on Bammers birth certificate. Alex Jones wing gone must have really left a vacuum in halls lives.
Alex Jones wing gone must have really left a vacuum in halls lives


Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.

Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.
perhaps, a committee on fixing some Standards regarding left wing talking points and left wing policy would be helpful.

You cant fix that level of stupid.
Oh look, another Russian troll trying to influence our elections with their propaganda. Eat shit and die you Russian scum!

Would you please provide a valid reason why Russia would want Trump in office, as opposed to any of the socialists the Democrats are running?

I keep hearing about "Russians influencing the election" in Trump's favor, but I can't for the life of me figure out the logic behind that belief.
Mostly because Trump would weaken the western alliances

But Hillary took campaign funds from Russia.

Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.

Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.

I will admit that you are. I will also admit that she scares the living hell out of you. If so, then there must be something good there to begin with. You ultrarightwingnuts getting so scared that you go off like this means that there is something good in the message. Hope she keeps it up. You are so entertaining.

Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.

Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.

I will admit that you are. I will also admit that she scares the living hell out of you. If so, then there must be something good there to begin with. You ultrarightwingnuts getting so scared that you go off like this means that there is something good in the message. Hope she keeps it up. You are so entertaining.
why wouldn't it? she's more stupid than a box of rocks and got elected. you bet, I fear the stupid that elected her will elect more like her. fk an A I'm scared. I don't do stupid.

Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.

Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.

I will admit that you are. I will also admit that she scares the living hell out of you. If so, then there must be something good there to begin with. You ultrarightwingnuts getting so scared that you go off like this means that there is something good in the message. Hope she keeps it up. You are so entertaining.

So I'm afraid she'll eliminate cow farts,airplanes and run high speed rail across the ocean?
Jesus Christ you people are stupid!!!

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Unlike you, you untalented pissant, I don't need anyone to provide me with memes. The lack of imagination and talent of a trump minion is .....well......... completely off the scale on the downward side.

Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.

Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.

I will admit that you are. I will also admit that she scares the living hell out of you. If so, then there must be something good there to begin with. You ultrarightwingnuts getting so scared that you go off like this means that there is something good in the message. Hope she keeps it up. You are so entertaining.

People are scared of AOC like people were scared of Hitler and Stalin if they gained political power.

Otherwise she is a loontard moron perfect for the idiots she represents.

Escape From New York.

High taxes make New York the unfriendliest state for business: report - NY Daily News

Why do New York politicians hate small business?

Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.

Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.
perhaps, a committee on fixing some Standards regarding left wing talking points and left wing policy would be helpful.

Maybe they want to limit speech of anyone that doesn't sound exactly like they want them to sound like. Yes, the true Dictators Handbook. Doesn't work out so well for either side.

Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.

Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.

I will admit that you are. I will also admit that she scares the living hell out of you. If so, then there must be something good there to begin with. You ultrarightwingnuts getting so scared that you go off like this means that there is something good in the message. Hope she keeps it up. You are so entertaining.

So I'm afraid she'll eliminate cow farts,airplanes and run high speed rail across the ocean?
Jesus Christ you people are stupid!!!

Did someone read her proposal to you through a really big, bad and poor filter once again? I call it the Rightwingnutjob filter for complete morons.

Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.

Just admit it...she's a blithering idiot.

I will admit that you are. I will also admit that she scares the living hell out of you. If so, then there must be something good there to begin with. You ultrarightwingnuts getting so scared that you go off like this means that there is something good in the message. Hope she keeps it up. You are so entertaining.

People are scared of AOC like people were scared of Hitler and Stalin if they gained political power.

Otherwise she is a loontard moron perfect for the idiots she represents.

Escape From New York.

High taxes make New York the unfriendliest state for business: report - NY Daily News

Why do New York politicians hate small business?
It’s true, she’s an illiterate boob who has no fucking clue what she’s doing and shouldn’t be in office.

You know, just like trump.

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