AOC CAUGHT IN MAJOR LIE! … Claims ‘Green New Deal’ Document FROM HER OWN WEBSITE is a Fake

Publish the plan before reading it... She certainly has the spirit of the democratic party.
Oh look, another Russian troll trying to influence our elections with their propaganda. Eat shit and die you Russian scum!

Would you please provide a valid reason why Russia would want Trump in office, as opposed to any of the socialists the Democrats are running?

I keep hearing about "Russians influencing the election" in Trump's favor, but I can't for the life of me figure out the logic behind that belief.
Because The Don gets the pretty girls.

Oh look, another Russian troll trying to influence our elections with their propaganda. Eat shit and die you Russian scum!

Would you please provide a valid reason why Russia would want Trump in office, as opposed to any of the socialists the Democrats are running?

I keep hearing about "Russians influencing the election" in Trump's favor, but I can't for the life of me figure out the logic behind that belief.
Because The Don gets the pretty girls.

View attachment 245270

Wow. That bottom picture is a bunch of Democrats if I ever saw one..


Just keep making shit up. Your Orange Individual 1 would be proud.
do you even know what's going on? this has NOT ONE FUCKING THING TO DO WITH TRUMP.

AOC and company make up a "Green Deal" and says A LOT of stupid shit. we're talking record breaking stupid shit. one of which was to pay people UNWILLING TO WORK.

when called on it they say "the republicans are floating a bogus copy - we NEVER said that!"

only the meta data on her PDF says her camp DID write all this, when they did it, when it was saved and everything else needed to factually call her out as a liar.

why not address the topic at hand instead of running to TRUMP when you got nothing?

Do you believe AOC lied about her Green Plan or do you believe her when she says the GOP are floating a fake copy with stupid stuff in there to make them look bad?
oooo - a deflection! i thought we didn't like those!
Just speaking the language of the land, so to speak.
why not do something different and just say "yep, the bitch lied" and leave it at that?

did you ROFL like this when you saw how busted up she got for lying about her own deal?

or are you going to actually just sit here and giggle at gateway pundit when this is 100% correct and you're trying to pull away from that fact?

you can't fake meta-data easily and someone forgot to tell her there's meta data in her own PDF to sell her out on her lies.

did you ROFL like this when you saw how busted up she got for lying about her own deal?

or are you going to actually just sit here and giggle at gateway pundit when this is 100% correct and you're trying to pull away from that fact?

you can't fake meta-data easily and someone forgot to tell her there's meta data in her own PDF to sell her out on her lies.
The only reasonable reaction any normal person can have to the fake news gateway pundit is to laugh at the idiot who uses them as a source.
Oh look, another Russian troll trying to influence our elections with their propaganda. Eat shit and die you Russian scum!

Would you please provide a valid reason why Russia would want Trump in office, as opposed to any of the socialists the Democrats are running?

I keep hearing about "Russians influencing the election" in Trump's favor, but I can't for the life of me figure out the logic behind that belief.
I keep asking what did Russia actually do....and no left tard can actually name anything they did.

Not one Russian voted in our election, but millions of illegals did.

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