AOC CAUGHT IN MAJOR LIE! … Claims ‘Green New Deal’ Document FROM HER OWN WEBSITE is a Fake

The only reasonable reaction any normal person can have to the fake news gateway pundit is to laugh at the idiot who uses them as a source.
except they are 100% correct on this and you just look stupid laughing at the source because you "giggle" don't like them.

refute the facts at least, but you can't now can you? so you go this route.

how "rofl" cute of you.
It matters not if they’re correct. They have no credibility and anyone who reads that nonsense is admitting they’re an idiot. To bolster that point, any reasonable person would have gone to a verifiable site to promote that story. Brain-dead folks go to fringe fake news sites because they’re too dumbed-down to recognize they’re fake news sites.
hey - the original document in question came from AOC's site, verified by the meta-data.

how about you forget about GWP for a bit and just tell me how the R's can hack her site, steal her plan, edit it w/o a trace and pin it all back to her camp.

or just say hey, bitch lied.
The bitch lied. Now only a rightard would read that, and source that, from a looney tunes site like the gatewaypundit. With what part of that do you struggle comprehending?
so - you are saying the site you've spend the last 4-5 posts, AT LEAST, trashing for being a hacksite of lies, is after all, correct?

what part of that do you not see as fucking ironic as hell? the very site you are trashing for being full of shit, is correct, by your own words.

Dumbfuck, I’m sure thedailykos gets a story right every now and then, meanwhile, only a raving lunatic would source them. Is any of this getting through to you or are you still contemplating the veracity of the video you posted?
except they are 100% correct on this and you just look stupid laughing at the source because you "giggle" don't like them.

refute the facts at least, but you can't now can you? so you go this route.

how "rofl" cute of you.
It matters not if they’re correct. They have no credibility and anyone who reads that nonsense is admitting they’re an idiot. To bolster that point, any reasonable person would have gone to a verifiable site to promote that story. Brain-dead folks go to fringe fake news sites because they’re too dumbed-down to recognize they’re fake news sites.
hey - the original document in question came from AOC's site, verified by the meta-data.

how about you forget about GWP for a bit and just tell me how the R's can hack her site, steal her plan, edit it w/o a trace and pin it all back to her camp.

or just say hey, bitch lied.
The bitch lied. Now only a rightard would read that, and source that, from a looney tunes site like the gatewaypundit. With what part of that do you struggle comprehending?
so - you are saying the site you've spend the last 4-5 posts, AT LEAST, trashing for being a hacksite of lies, is after all, correct?

what part of that do you not see as fucking ironic as hell? the very site you are trashing for being full of shit, is correct, by your own words.

Dumbfuck, I’m sure thedailykos gets a story right every now and then, meanwhile, only a raving lunatic would source them. Is any of this getting through to you or are you still contemplating the veracity of the video you posted?
again - i dont' give a shit about the source. in this case WHOEVER it was is correct.

so instead of just saying "bitch lied" and ending it, you've got to stage a jihad on the gateway pundit, me and anyone else who dares to make the mistake of trying to treat you like an adult.

all i ever said was they got this story correct. you're the one making it sound like it's a common place for me to get stories from when in fact, i never posted the link to them to begin with.

in your rush to be a dick, you sure to fuck up a lot of facts and viewpoints but hey - you got to where you wanted to be - a dick for all to see.
It matters not if they’re correct. They have no credibility and anyone who reads that nonsense is admitting they’re an idiot. To bolster that point, any reasonable person would have gone to a verifiable site to promote that story. Brain-dead folks go to fringe fake news sites because they’re too dumbed-down to recognize they’re fake news sites.
hey - the original document in question came from AOC's site, verified by the meta-data.

how about you forget about GWP for a bit and just tell me how the R's can hack her site, steal her plan, edit it w/o a trace and pin it all back to her camp.

or just say hey, bitch lied.
The bitch lied. Now only a rightard would read that, and source that, from a looney tunes site like the gatewaypundit. With what part of that do you struggle comprehending?
so - you are saying the site you've spend the last 4-5 posts, AT LEAST, trashing for being a hacksite of lies, is after all, correct?

what part of that do you not see as fucking ironic as hell? the very site you are trashing for being full of shit, is correct, by your own words.

Dumbfuck, I’m sure thedailykos gets a story right every now and then, meanwhile, only a raving lunatic would source them. Is any of this getting through to you or are you still contemplating the veracity of the video you posted?
again - i dont' give a shit about the source. in this case WHOEVER it was is correct.

so instead of just saying "bitch lied" and ending it, you've got to stage a jihad on the gateway pundit, me and anyone else who dares to make the mistake of trying to treat you like an adult.

all i ever said was they got this story correct. you're the one making it sound like it's a common place for me to get stories from when in fact, i never posted the link to them to begin with.

in your rush to be a dick, you sure to fuck up a lot of facts and viewpoints but hey - you got to where you wanted to be - a dick for all to see.
You don’t care about the source because you’re brain-dead. Why on Earth should anybody accept a bullshit source on the “hope” that maybe they’ll finally get one right? What’s the point of going to a bullshit fake news site when you have to go to a real site anyway just to verify a story? None of this is getting through to you, is it?
if i care about the source, i'm braindead.
if i don't care about the source, i'm braindead.

did you bother to see i didn't post GWP as my own source? i just put some facts into the thread and since you can't refute those, you now blame me for the source. i don't give a shit about GWP cause they are a hack site. in this instance yes they got it right. i move on.

you are assuming incorrectly, as usual, that was my link or i care about anything newswise from them.

the facts here simply don't give a shit about your feelz or incorrect assumptions. all i ever said was bitch lied, GWP got it right. you're on some jihad thinking i'm here defending a source i honestly don't give a shit about which makes you a clueless fool.

now bugger off.
Oh look, another Russian troll trying to influence our elections with their propaganda. Eat shit and die you Russian scum!

Would you please provide a valid reason why Russia would want Trump in office, as opposed to any of the socialists the Democrats are running?

I keep hearing about "Russians influencing the election" in Trump's favor, but I can't for the life of me figure out the logic behind that belief.
Mostly because Trump would weaken the western alliances

By making the western alliances put more money into their own defenses? How does that help Russia?
if i care about the source, i'm braindead.
if i don't care about the source, i'm braindead.

did you bother to see i didn't post GWP as my own source? i just put some facts into the thread and since you can't refute those, you now blame me for the source. i don't give a shit about GWP cause they are a hack site. in this instance yes they got it right. i move on.

you are assuming incorrectly, as usual, that was my link or i care about anything newswise from them.

the facts here simply don't give a shit about your feelz or incorrect assumptions. all i ever said was bitch lied, GWP got it right. you're on some jihad thinking i'm here defending a source i honestly don't give a shit about which makes you a clueless fool.

now bugger off.
Dumbfuck, Cite the post number where I said you sourced the story from thegatewaypundit...

There is something seriously wrong with you. :cuckoo:
if i care about the source, i'm braindead.
if i don't care about the source, i'm braindead.

did you bother to see i didn't post GWP as my own source? i just put some facts into the thread and since you can't refute those, you now blame me for the source. i don't give a shit about GWP cause they are a hack site. in this instance yes they got it right. i move on.

you are assuming incorrectly, as usual, that was my link or i care about anything newswise from them.

the facts here simply don't give a shit about your feelz or incorrect assumptions. all i ever said was bitch lied, GWP got it right. you're on some jihad thinking i'm here defending a source i honestly don't give a shit about which makes you a clueless fool.

now bugger off.
Dumbfuck, Cite the post number where I said you sourced the story from thegatewaypundit...

There is something seriously wrong with you. :cuckoo:
then why do you keep going on as if i used that as a source?

bitch lied. bigly. after that i have lost my god given ability to give a fuck.
if i care about the source, i'm braindead.
if i don't care about the source, i'm braindead.

did you bother to see i didn't post GWP as my own source? i just put some facts into the thread and since you can't refute those, you now blame me for the source. i don't give a shit about GWP cause they are a hack site. in this instance yes they got it right. i move on.

you are assuming incorrectly, as usual, that was my link or i care about anything newswise from them.

the facts here simply don't give a shit about your feelz or incorrect assumptions. all i ever said was bitch lied, GWP got it right. you're on some jihad thinking i'm here defending a source i honestly don't give a shit about which makes you a clueless fool.

now bugger off.
Dumbfuck, Cite the post number where I said you sourced the story from thegatewaypundit...

There is something seriously wrong with you. :cuckoo:
then why do you keep going on as if i used that as a source?

bitch lied. bigly. after that i have lost my god given ability to give a fuck.
I didn’t. I’m not responsible for your hallucinations.
if i care about the source, i'm braindead.
if i don't care about the source, i'm braindead.

did you bother to see i didn't post GWP as my own source? i just put some facts into the thread and since you can't refute those, you now blame me for the source. i don't give a shit about GWP cause they are a hack site. in this instance yes they got it right. i move on.

you are assuming incorrectly, as usual, that was my link or i care about anything newswise from them.

the facts here simply don't give a shit about your feelz or incorrect assumptions. all i ever said was bitch lied, GWP got it right. you're on some jihad thinking i'm here defending a source i honestly don't give a shit about which makes you a clueless fool.

now bugger off.
Dumbfuck, Cite the post number where I said you sourced the story from thegatewaypundit...

There is something seriously wrong with you. :cuckoo:
then why do you keep going on as if i used that as a source?

bitch lied. bigly. after that i have lost my god given ability to give a fuck.
I didn’t. I’m not responsible for your hallucinations.
god you're a billboard of dumbass.
Simple logic says Putin would have rather had HRC to deal with as president. He could buy her anytime he wanted to for a piece of broken mirror and some beads.
So far Trump has been nothing but a 'MAGA' problem for Putin.
if i care about the source, i'm braindead.
if i don't care about the source, i'm braindead.

did you bother to see i didn't post GWP as my own source? i just put some facts into the thread and since you can't refute those, you now blame me for the source. i don't give a shit about GWP cause they are a hack site. in this instance yes they got it right. i move on.

you are assuming incorrectly, as usual, that was my link or i care about anything newswise from them.

the facts here simply don't give a shit about your feelz or incorrect assumptions. all i ever said was bitch lied, GWP got it right. you're on some jihad thinking i'm here defending a source i honestly don't give a shit about which makes you a clueless fool.

now bugger off.
Dumbfuck, Cite the post number where I said you sourced the story from thegatewaypundit...

There is something seriously wrong with you. :cuckoo:
then why do you keep going on as if i used that as a source?

bitch lied. bigly. after that i have lost my god given ability to give a fuck.
I didn’t. I’m not responsible for your hallucinations.
god you're a billboard of dumbass.
I take that as admission you now realize you can’t actually show me saying you linked the gatewaypundit as you bizarrely thought I did. That’s good, you’re close to completing the first step of your twelve step program.

As far as Cortez, she’s an idiot and has no power to get anything she dreams up passed into law. But it is amusing watching the right freak out over her constantly.
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Why does the right wing have No long term strategy for any of our current long term deployments of our exorbitantly expensive superpower?
Attempting to carry on an intelligent conversation with these OAC lovers is like trying yo carry on an intelligent conversation with a woman who is 'riding the cotton pony having just drunk a bottle of cheap sherry.
Simple logic says Putin would have rather had HRC to deal with as president. He could buy her anytime he wanted to for a piece of broken mirror and some beads.
So far Trump has been nothing but a 'MAGA' problem for Putin.

"Simple logic says". Except that Putin said otherwise. He said he much preferred Trump to Clinton. His own words in Helsinki. He also told the German press that he has no problem getting Trump to do what he wants.

So your logic isn't quite so logical at all.
Attempting to carry on an intelligent conversation with these OAC lovers is like trying yo carry on an intelligent conversation with a woman who is 'riding the cotton pony having just drunk a bottle of cheap sherry.
there are right wingers in the House; come up with a better solution at lower cost.
So was trump not lying when he said Obama was born in Kenya or was he not lying when he said Obama was born in the U.S.?

SO do we believe the Kenya government birth document or do we believe the Hawaii document registered 8 years later after his mother returned to Hawaii?

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