AOC CAUGHT IN MAJOR LIE! … Claims ‘Green New Deal’ Document FROM HER OWN WEBSITE is a Fake

there are digital levels now.

What does measuring have to do with a cure?

If you have to ask, you may be stupid and we can't fix stupid.

Well Mr **** if you're actually responding to my tongue and cheek seriously I can see you have nothing to offer.

Of course you see it that way being stupid as you are. Have a nice day.

Everyday is a nice day with Trump kicking leftist ass on a regular basis.

If thinking that makes you have a nice day, that's a good thing. It keeps you from acting on your other delusions.
What does measuring have to do with a cure?

If you have to ask, you may be stupid and we can't fix stupid.

Well Mr **** if you're actually responding to my tongue and cheek seriously I can see you have nothing to offer.

Of course you see it that way being stupid as you are. Have a nice day.

Everyday is a nice day with Trump kicking leftist ass on a regular basis.

If thinking that makes you have a nice day, that's a good thing. It keeps you from acting on your other delusions.

If pretending dems are winning gets you through the day.....
If you have to ask, you may be stupid and we can't fix stupid.

Well Mr **** if you're actually responding to my tongue and cheek seriously I can see you have nothing to offer.

Of course you see it that way being stupid as you are. Have a nice day.

Everyday is a nice day with Trump kicking leftist ass on a regular basis.

If thinking that makes you have a nice day, that's a good thing. It keeps you from acting on your other delusions.

If pretending dems are winning gets you through the day.....

If pretending they aren't winning gets you through the day.......

This has been entertaining. Anything that makes you rightwingnutjobs heads explode is worth the ticket of admission.
Well Mr **** if you're actually responding to my tongue and cheek seriously I can see you have nothing to offer.

Of course you see it that way being stupid as you are. Have a nice day.

Everyday is a nice day with Trump kicking leftist ass on a regular basis.

If thinking that makes you have a nice day, that's a good thing. It keeps you from acting on your other delusions.

If pretending dems are winning gets you through the day.....

If pretending they aren't winning gets you through the day.......

This has been entertaining. Anything that makes you rightwingnutjobs heads explode is worth the ticket of admission.

So tell me...
What exactly has happened that would make my head explode because I'm not seeing it?
You have dems supporting the murder of children that have been born. AOC spouting her quackery,a great economy and job market,dems supporting illegals over Americans,white clad weirdos who dont clap for American success stories,open borders and sanctuary cities.
So again...why should I be upset about anything?
Dems have once again shown their ass to the American people and it was all self inflicted.
Of course you see it that way being stupid as you are. Have a nice day.

Everyday is a nice day with Trump kicking leftist ass on a regular basis.

If thinking that makes you have a nice day, that's a good thing. It keeps you from acting on your other delusions.

If pretending dems are winning gets you through the day.....

If pretending they aren't winning gets you through the day.......

This has been entertaining. Anything that makes you rightwingnutjobs heads explode is worth the ticket of admission.

So tell me...
What exactly has happened that would make my head explode because I'm not seeing it?
You have dems supporting the murder of children that have been born. AOC spouting her quackery,a great economy and job market,dems supporting illegals over Americans,white clad weirdos who dont clap for American success stories,open borders and sanctuary cities.
So again...why should I be upset about anything?
Dems have once again shown their ass to the American people and it was all self inflicted.

Who said I was a Democrat, cupcake. Shall we list the insanity of the Republican party? Or are you ready for that. Make sure you keep your hate securely on your head.
If you have to ask, you may be stupid and we can't fix stupid.

Well Mr **** if you're actually responding to my tongue and cheek seriously I can see you have nothing to offer.

Of course you see it that way being stupid as you are. Have a nice day.

Everyday is a nice day with Trump kicking leftist ass on a regular basis.

If thinking that makes you have a nice day, that's a good thing. It keeps you from acting on your other delusions.

If pretending dems are winning gets you through the day.....
Well since Trump became president, we've won about 400 seats in state and federal elections, taken control of the House, and Trump's JAR averages out at a whopping 42.6%, I'd say we're not doing too bad.
Everyday is a nice day with Trump kicking leftist ass on a regular basis.

If thinking that makes you have a nice day, that's a good thing. It keeps you from acting on your other delusions.

If pretending dems are winning gets you through the day.....

If pretending they aren't winning gets you through the day.......

This has been entertaining. Anything that makes you rightwingnutjobs heads explode is worth the ticket of admission.

So tell me...
What exactly has happened that would make my head explode because I'm not seeing it?
You have dems supporting the murder of children that have been born. AOC spouting her quackery,a great economy and job market,dems supporting illegals over Americans,white clad weirdos who dont clap for American success stories,open borders and sanctuary cities.
So again...why should I be upset about anything?
Dems have once again shown their ass to the American people and it was all self inflicted.

Who said I was a Democrat, cupcake. Shall we list the insanity of the Republican party? Or are you ready for that. Make sure you keep your hate securely on your head.

I didnt.

Go ahead and list it.
If thinking that makes you have a nice day, that's a good thing. It keeps you from acting on your other delusions.

If pretending dems are winning gets you through the day.....

If pretending they aren't winning gets you through the day.......

This has been entertaining. Anything that makes you rightwingnutjobs heads explode is worth the ticket of admission.

So tell me...
What exactly has happened that would make my head explode because I'm not seeing it?
You have dems supporting the murder of children that have been born. AOC spouting her quackery,a great economy and job market,dems supporting illegals over Americans,white clad weirdos who dont clap for American success stories,open borders and sanctuary cities.
So again...why should I be upset about anything?
Dems have once again shown their ass to the American people and it was all self inflicted.

Who said I was a Democrat, cupcake. Shall we list the insanity of the Republican party? Or are you ready for that. Make sure you keep your hate securely on your head.

I didnt.

Go ahead and list it.

You won't listen. I don't need to hear about you standing there with your hands clasped over your ears screaming, "LaLaLaLa" over and over again. Newsflash: cupcake, both parties are screwed up and much of what you repeat is repeats of the ultrarightwingnutjobs that pull the strings these days. Step away from Rush and Shaun, turn off the TV and read a friggin book.
If pretending dems are winning gets you through the day.....

If pretending they aren't winning gets you through the day.......

This has been entertaining. Anything that makes you rightwingnutjobs heads explode is worth the ticket of admission.

So tell me...
What exactly has happened that would make my head explode because I'm not seeing it?
You have dems supporting the murder of children that have been born. AOC spouting her quackery,a great economy and job market,dems supporting illegals over Americans,white clad weirdos who dont clap for American success stories,open borders and sanctuary cities.
So again...why should I be upset about anything?
Dems have once again shown their ass to the American people and it was all self inflicted.

Who said I was a Democrat, cupcake. Shall we list the insanity of the Republican party? Or are you ready for that. Make sure you keep your hate securely on your head.

I didnt.

Go ahead and list it.

You won't listen. I don't need to hear about you standing there with your hands clasped over your ears screaming, "LaLaLaLa" over and over again. Newsflash: cupcake, both parties are screwed up and much of what you repeat is repeats of the ultrarightwingnutjobs that pull the strings these days. Step away from Rush and Shaun, turn off the TV and read a friggin book.

LOL....America is kicking ass under Trump and you just cant stand it.:auiqs.jpg:
I read on average 3 books a week and I dont watch TV other than sports and cooking shows,nor do I watch/listen to Rush or Hannity.


did you ROFL like this when you saw how busted up she got for lying about her own deal?

or are you going to actually just sit here and giggle at gateway pundit when this is 100% correct and you're trying to pull away from that fact?

you can't fake meta-data easily and someone forgot to tell her there's meta data in her own PDF to sell her out on her lies.
The only reasonable reaction any normal person can have to the fake news gateway pundit is to laugh at the idiot who uses them as a source.
except they are 100% correct on this and you just look stupid laughing at the source because you "giggle" don't like them.

refute the facts at least, but you can't now can you? so you go this route.

how "rofl" cute of you.
It matters not if they’re correct. They have no credibility and anyone who reads that nonsense is admitting they’re an idiot. To bolster that point, any reasonable person would have gone to a verifiable site to promote that story. Brain-dead folks go to fringe fake news sites because they’re too dumbed-down to recognize they’re fake news sites.
You mean like CNN?
If pretending dems are winning gets you through the day.....

If pretending they aren't winning gets you through the day.......

This has been entertaining. Anything that makes you rightwingnutjobs heads explode is worth the ticket of admission.

So tell me...
What exactly has happened that would make my head explode because I'm not seeing it?
You have dems supporting the murder of children that have been born. AOC spouting her quackery,a great economy and job market,dems supporting illegals over Americans,white clad weirdos who dont clap for American success stories,open borders and sanctuary cities.
So again...why should I be upset about anything?
Dems have once again shown their ass to the American people and it was all self inflicted.

Who said I was a Democrat, cupcake. Shall we list the insanity of the Republican party? Or are you ready for that. Make sure you keep your hate securely on your head.

I didnt.

Go ahead and list it.

You won't listen. I don't need to hear about you standing there with your hands clasped over your ears screaming, "LaLaLaLa" over and over again. Newsflash: cupcake, both parties are screwed up and much of what you repeat is repeats of the ultrarightwingnutjobs that pull the strings these days. Step away from Rush and Shaun, turn off the TV and read a friggin book.
You mean Sean?
except they are 100% correct on this and you just look stupid laughing at the source because you "giggle" don't like them.

refute the facts at least, but you can't now can you? so you go this route.

how "rofl" cute of you.
It matters not if they’re correct. They have no credibility and anyone who reads that nonsense is admitting they’re an idiot. To bolster that point, any reasonable person would have gone to a verifiable site to promote that story. Brain-dead folks go to fringe fake news sites because they’re too dumbed-down to recognize they’re fake news sites.
hey - the original document in question came from AOC's site, verified by the meta-data.

how about you forget about GWP for a bit and just tell me how the R's can hack her site, steal her plan, edit it w/o a trace and pin it all back to her camp.

or just say hey, bitch lied.
The bitch lied. Now only a rightard would read that, and source that, from a looney tunes site like the gatewaypundit. With what part of that do you struggle comprehending?
so - you are saying the site you've spend the last 4-5 posts, AT LEAST, trashing for being a hacksite of lies, is after all, correct?

what part of that do you not see as fucking ironic as hell? the very site you are trashing for being full of shit, is correct, by your own words.

Dumbfuck, I’m sure thedailykos gets a story right every now and then, meanwhile, only a raving lunatic would source them. Is any of this getting through to you or are you still contemplating the veracity of the video you posted?
How is the Dailykos any different from any other left wing site?
The Gateway Pundit


The AO-C obsession continues.

"Last night Tucker Carlson invited Cornell University professor, green activist and Ocasio-Cortez adviser Robert Hockett on his show to debate the Green New Deal proposed by Democrats on Thursday.

Robert Hockett immediately told Tucker Carlson the document source he was reading from was doctored and not from Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s website."

Gateway provided many outside links in the article to support their narrative.

AOC and her staff lied, it is well documented. Here is the WAYBACK MACHINE link showing it was real and on her website:


"What is the Green New Deal?

The Green New Deal is a 10-year plan to create a greenhouse gas neutral society that creates unprecedented levels of prosperity and wealth for all while ensuring economic and environmental justice and security.

The Green New Deal achieves this through a World War 2 scale mobilization that focuses the robust and creative economic engine of the United States on reversing climate change by fully rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, restoring our natural ecosystems, dramatically expanding renewable power generation, overhauling our entire transportation system, upgrading all our buildings, jumpstarting US clean manufacturing, transforming US agriculture, and putting our nation's people to work doing what they do best: making the impossible possible.

Any large-scale transformation of society can create the risk of some people slipping through the cracks. That’s why the Green New Deal also calls for an upgrade to the basic economic securities enjoyed by all people in the US to ensure everybody benefits from the newly created wealth. It guarantees to everyone:"

Robert Hockett LIED!

Your bigoty and ignorance made you weak and foolish.

This is not the only example of dishonesty in the Cortez camp. Cortez claimed that the world would end in 12 years if we did not address climate change. Then after people started tearing her apart on this issue, she claimed what she said was a joke. Contrary to her attempted disclaimer, she was dead serious when she made that preposterous statement. Here is a video of her in action:

Later, when her theory was discredited, she claimed it was all a joke. On her website she said, “This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it. Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.”

According to a Rasmussen poll, 67 percent of Democrats took what she said literally. Cortez inadvertently established that 67 percent of Democrats have the social intelligence of a sea sponge! The following links show her official website comments and the result of the Rasmussen poll:

AOC says only a 'sea sponge' would believe her '12 years' doomsday remark, but most Dems bought it

Ocasio-Cortez: You'd be dumb as 'a sea sponge' to believe my climate change rhetoric - 67% of Dems believe it

CONCLUSION: Occasional Cortex is not only the most ignorant person ever elected to national office, she is also one of the most dishonest. The darling of the ultra-liberals and the purported future of the Democratic party is a dishonest dolt. One last thing: many posters on USMB took her seriously and believed everything she said. Most of us knew better.

This is not the only example of dishonesty in the Cortez camp. Cortez claimed that the world would end in 12 years if we did not address climate change. Then after people started tearing her apart on this issue, she claimed what she said was a joke. Contrary to her attempted disclaimer, she was dead serious when she made that preposterous statement. Here is a video of her in action:

Later, when her theory was discredited, she claimed it was all a joke. On her website she said, “This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it. Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.”

According to a Rasmussen poll, 67 percent of Democrats took what she said literally. Cortez inadvertently established that 67 percent of Democrats have the social intelligence of a sea sponge! The following links show her official website comments and the result of the Rasmussen poll:

AOC says only a 'sea sponge' would believe her '12 years' doomsday remark, but most Dems bought it

Ocasio-Cortez: You'd be dumb as 'a sea sponge' to believe my climate change rhetoric - 67% of Dems believe it

CONCLUSION: Occasional Cortex is not only the most ignorant person ever elected to national office, she is also one of the most dishonest. The darling of the ultra-liberals and the purported future of the Democratic party is a dishonest dolt. One last thing: many posters on USMB took her seriously and believed everything she said. Most of us knew better.

/——/ Well, I take everything AOC says as a joke.

This is not the only example of dishonesty in the Cortez camp. Cortez claimed that the world would end in 12 years if we did not address climate change. Then after people started tearing her apart on this issue, she claimed what she said was a joke. Contrary to her attempted disclaimer, she was dead serious when she made that preposterous statement. Here is a video of her in action:

Later, when her theory was discredited, she claimed it was all a joke. On her website she said, “This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it. Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.”

According to a Rasmussen poll, 67 percent of Democrats took what she said literally. Cortez inadvertently established that 67 percent of Democrats have the social intelligence of a sea sponge! The following links show her official website comments and the result of the Rasmussen poll:

AOC says only a 'sea sponge' would believe her '12 years' doomsday remark, but most Dems bought it

Ocasio-Cortez: You'd be dumb as 'a sea sponge' to believe my climate change rhetoric - 67% of Dems believe it

CONCLUSION: Occasional Cortex is not only the most ignorant person ever elected to national office, she is also one of the most dishonest. The darling of the ultra-liberals and the purported future of the Democratic party is a dishonest dolt. One last thing: many posters on USMB took her seriously and believed everything she said. Most of us knew better.

/——/ Well, I take everything AOC says as a joke.

I bet she pours a mean beer.

This is not the only example of dishonesty in the Cortez camp. Cortez claimed that the world would end in 12 years if we did not address climate change. Then after people started tearing her apart on this issue, she claimed what she said was a joke. Contrary to her attempted disclaimer, she was dead serious when she made that preposterous statement. Here is a video of her in action:

Later, when her theory was discredited, she claimed it was all a joke. On her website she said, “This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it. Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.”

According to a Rasmussen poll, 67 percent of Democrats took what she said literally. Cortez inadvertently established that 67 percent of Democrats have the social intelligence of a sea sponge! The following links show her official website comments and the result of the Rasmussen poll:

AOC says only a 'sea sponge' would believe her '12 years' doomsday remark, but most Dems bought it

Ocasio-Cortez: You'd be dumb as 'a sea sponge' to believe my climate change rhetoric - 67% of Dems believe it

CONCLUSION: Occasional Cortex is not only the most ignorant person ever elected to national office, she is also one of the most dishonest. The darling of the ultra-liberals and the purported future of the Democratic party is a dishonest dolt. One last thing: many posters on USMB took her seriously and believed everything she said. Most of us knew better.

/——/ Well, I take everything AOC says as a joke.

I bet she pours a mean beer.

Unlike most of the "Privileged" few in Washington, She knows what it's like to actually work for a living.

This is not the only example of dishonesty in the Cortez camp. Cortez claimed that the world would end in 12 years if we did not address climate change. Then after people started tearing her apart on this issue, she claimed what she said was a joke. Contrary to her attempted disclaimer, she was dead serious when she made that preposterous statement. Here is a video of her in action:

Later, when her theory was discredited, she claimed it was all a joke. On her website she said, “This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it. Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.”

According to a Rasmussen poll, 67 percent of Democrats took what she said literally. Cortez inadvertently established that 67 percent of Democrats have the social intelligence of a sea sponge! The following links show her official website comments and the result of the Rasmussen poll:

AOC says only a 'sea sponge' would believe her '12 years' doomsday remark, but most Dems bought it

Ocasio-Cortez: You'd be dumb as 'a sea sponge' to believe my climate change rhetoric - 67% of Dems believe it

CONCLUSION: Occasional Cortex is not only the most ignorant person ever elected to national office, she is also one of the most dishonest. The darling of the ultra-liberals and the purported future of the Democratic party is a dishonest dolt. One last thing: many posters on USMB took her seriously and believed everything she said. Most of us knew better.

/——/ Well, I take everything AOC says as a joke.

I bet she pours a mean beer.

Unlike most of the "Privileged" few in Washington, She knows what it's like to actually work for a living.

/——/ Dr Ben Carson worked for a living, but racist libtards attack him constantly.

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