AOC CAUGHT IN MAJOR LIE! … Claims ‘Green New Deal’ Document FROM HER OWN WEBSITE is a Fake

This is not the only example of dishonesty in the Cortez camp. Cortez claimed that the world would end in 12 years if we did not address climate change. Then after people started tearing her apart on this issue, she claimed what she said was a joke. Contrary to her attempted disclaimer, she was dead serious when she made that preposterous statement. Here is a video of her in action:

Later, when her theory was discredited, she claimed it was all a joke. On her website she said, “This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it. Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.”

According to a Rasmussen poll, 67 percent of Democrats took what she said literally. Cortez inadvertently established that 67 percent of Democrats have the social intelligence of a sea sponge! The following links show her official website comments and the result of the Rasmussen poll:

AOC says only a 'sea sponge' would believe her '12 years' doomsday remark, but most Dems bought it

Ocasio-Cortez: You'd be dumb as 'a sea sponge' to believe my climate change rhetoric - 67% of Dems believe it

CONCLUSION: Occasional Cortex is not only the most ignorant person ever elected to national office, she is also one of the most dishonest. The darling of the ultra-liberals and the purported future of the Democratic party is a dishonest dolt. One last thing: many posters on USMB took her seriously and believed everything she said. Most of us knew better.

/——/ Well, I take everything AOC says as a joke.

I bet she pours a mean beer.

Unlike most of the "Privileged" few in Washington, She knows what it's like to actually work for a living.

and like most all of those in DC, she knows nothing about economics. she's a fking bartender.

This is not the only example of dishonesty in the Cortez camp. Cortez claimed that the world would end in 12 years if we did not address climate change. Then after people started tearing her apart on this issue, she claimed what she said was a joke. Contrary to her attempted disclaimer, she was dead serious when she made that preposterous statement. Here is a video of her in action:

Later, when her theory was discredited, she claimed it was all a joke. On her website she said, “This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it. Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.”

According to a Rasmussen poll, 67 percent of Democrats took what she said literally. Cortez inadvertently established that 67 percent of Democrats have the social intelligence of a sea sponge! The following links show her official website comments and the result of the Rasmussen poll:

AOC says only a 'sea sponge' would believe her '12 years' doomsday remark, but most Dems bought it

Ocasio-Cortez: You'd be dumb as 'a sea sponge' to believe my climate change rhetoric - 67% of Dems believe it

CONCLUSION: Occasional Cortex is not only the most ignorant person ever elected to national office, she is also one of the most dishonest. The darling of the ultra-liberals and the purported future of the Democratic party is a dishonest dolt. One last thing: many posters on USMB took her seriously and believed everything she said. Most of us knew better.

/——/ Well, I take everything AOC says as a joke.

I bet she pours a mean beer.

Unlike most of the "Privileged" few in Washington, She knows what it's like to actually work for a living.

/——/ Dr Ben Carson worked for a living, but racist libtards attack him constantly.

I'm sure if he opened up AOC's head to look for a brain, it would be fking hollow.

This is not the only example of dishonesty in the Cortez camp. Cortez claimed that the world would end in 12 years if we did not address climate change. Then after people started tearing her apart on this issue, she claimed what she said was a joke. Contrary to her attempted disclaimer, she was dead serious when she made that preposterous statement. Here is a video of her in action:

Later, when her theory was discredited, she claimed it was all a joke. On her website she said, “This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it. Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.”

According to a Rasmussen poll, 67 percent of Democrats took what she said literally. Cortez inadvertently established that 67 percent of Democrats have the social intelligence of a sea sponge! The following links show her official website comments and the result of the Rasmussen poll:

AOC says only a 'sea sponge' would believe her '12 years' doomsday remark, but most Dems bought it

Ocasio-Cortez: You'd be dumb as 'a sea sponge' to believe my climate change rhetoric - 67% of Dems believe it

CONCLUSION: Occasional Cortex is not only the most ignorant person ever elected to national office, she is also one of the most dishonest. The darling of the ultra-liberals and the purported future of the Democratic party is a dishonest dolt. One last thing: many posters on USMB took her seriously and believed everything she said. Most of us knew better.

/——/ Well, I take everything AOC says as a joke.

I bet she pours a mean beer.

Unlike most of the "Privileged" few in Washington, She knows what it's like to actually work for a living.

/——/ Dr Ben Carson worked for a living, but racist libtards attack him constantly.

Ben Carson has since lost his roots. Looking at his background one would think he would be fantastic at his current job. Not the case. I guess his childhood was so traumatic that he must have blocked it out. Normally, his would be a real live Cinderella story. But Cinderella must have burnt the old homestead to the ground right after she moved to the Palace.
The Gateway Pundit


The AO-C obsession continues.

"Last night Tucker Carlson invited Cornell University professor, green activist and Ocasio-Cortez adviser Robert Hockett on his show to debate the Green New Deal proposed by Democrats on Thursday.

Robert Hockett immediately told Tucker Carlson the document source he was reading from was doctored and not from Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s website."

Gateway provided many outside links in the article to support their narrative.

AOC and her staff lied, it is well documented. Here is the WAYBACK MACHINE link showing it was real and on her website:


"What is the Green New Deal?

The Green New Deal is a 10-year plan to create a greenhouse gas neutral society that creates unprecedented levels of prosperity and wealth for all while ensuring economic and environmental justice and security.

The Green New Deal achieves this through a World War 2 scale mobilization that focuses the robust and creative economic engine of the United States on reversing climate change by fully rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, restoring our natural ecosystems, dramatically expanding renewable power generation, overhauling our entire transportation system, upgrading all our buildings, jumpstarting US clean manufacturing, transforming US agriculture, and putting our nation's people to work doing what they do best: making the impossible possible.

Any large-scale transformation of society can create the risk of some people slipping through the cracks. That’s why the Green New Deal also calls for an upgrade to the basic economic securities enjoyed by all people in the US to ensure everybody benefits from the newly created wealth. It guarantees to everyone:"

Robert Hockett LIED!

Your bigoty and ignorance made you weak and foolish.

Sounds like a Trojan Horse to Nationalize our Economy.
This is not the only example of dishonesty in the Cortez camp. Cortez claimed that the world would end in 12 years if we did not address climate change. Then after people started tearing her apart on this issue, she claimed what she said was a joke. Contrary to her attempted disclaimer, she was dead serious when she made that preposterous statement. Here is a video of her in action:

Later, when her theory was discredited, she claimed it was all a joke. On her website she said, “This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it. Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.”

According to a Rasmussen poll, 67 percent of Democrats took what she said literally. Cortez inadvertently established that 67 percent of Democrats have the social intelligence of a sea sponge! The following links show her official website comments and the result of the Rasmussen poll:

AOC says only a 'sea sponge' would believe her '12 years' doomsday remark, but most Dems bought it

Ocasio-Cortez: You'd be dumb as 'a sea sponge' to believe my climate change rhetoric - 67% of Dems believe it

CONCLUSION: Occasional Cortex is not only the most ignorant person ever elected to national office, she is also one of the most dishonest. The darling of the ultra-liberals and the purported future of the Democratic party is a dishonest dolt. One last thing: many posters on USMB took her seriously and believed everything she said. Most of us knew better.

/——/ Well, I take everything AOC says as a joke.

I bet she pours a mean beer.

Unlike most of the "Privileged" few in Washington, She knows what it's like to actually work for a living.

/——/ Dr Ben Carson worked for a living, but racist libtards attack him constantly.

Ben Carson has since lost his roots. Looking at his background one would think he would be fantastic at his current job. Not the case. I guess his childhood was so traumatic that he must have blocked it out. Normally, his would be a real live Cinderella story. But Cinderella must have burnt the old homestead to the ground right after she moved to the Palace.

He is actually doing a good job, since Democrats are forcing him to find housing for a Million Illegal Immigrants a year instead of focusing on the needs of American citizens and their housing issues, and issues in urban areas.
/——/ Well, I take everything AOC says as a joke.
I bet she pours a mean beer.

Unlike most of the "Privileged" few in Washington, She knows what it's like to actually work for a living.
/——/ Dr Ben Carson worked for a living, but racist libtards attack him constantly.

Ben Carson has since lost his roots. Looking at his background one would think he would be fantastic at his current job. Not the case. I guess his childhood was so traumatic that he must have blocked it out. Normally, his would be a real live Cinderella story. But Cinderella must have burnt the old homestead to the ground right after she moved to the Palace.

He is actually doing a good job, since Democrats are forcing him to find housing for a Million Illegal Immigrants a year instead of focusing on the needs of American citizens and their housing issues, and issues in urban areas.

Before he came to office, the normal way to apply for citizenship or a visa was to go through the various countries US Embassies. The Embassies would work with the local authorities to see if they were wanted for anything and would know if they were actually in jeporady of their lives if they stayed. Most failed the test and stayed there. But when that option was removed, now came the 1000s of people (along with children) marches for thousands of miles tto the US border. This is a created emergency. And since Trump created the problem in the first place and refused to adapt to it, He needed to be forced to take action on it. Since then, the Embassies are allowed to screen applications again. You will note that the 1000s of Men,Women and Children "Caravans" are not coming anymore other than the ones already at the Mexican Border. If you are in a store and knock over a lamp and break it, you buy it. In this case, Trump broke it, he needs to fix it. And he is just starting to come to the realization that some programs that the "Other Side" has been screaming about needs to be done. Even though He now claims those were his ideas all along, he won't work with the "Other Side" because they are all out to get him. Small wonder why.
I bet she pours a mean beer.

Unlike most of the "Privileged" few in Washington, She knows what it's like to actually work for a living.
/——/ Dr Ben Carson worked for a living, but racist libtards attack him constantly.

Ben Carson has since lost his roots. Looking at his background one would think he would be fantastic at his current job. Not the case. I guess his childhood was so traumatic that he must have blocked it out. Normally, his would be a real live Cinderella story. But Cinderella must have burnt the old homestead to the ground right after she moved to the Palace.

He is actually doing a good job, since Democrats are forcing him to find housing for a Million Illegal Immigrants a year instead of focusing on the needs of American citizens and their housing issues, and issues in urban areas.

Before he came to office, the normal way to apply for citizenship or a visa was to go through the various countries US Embassies. The Embassies would work with the local authorities to see if they were wanted for anything and would know if they were actually in jeporady of their lives if they stayed. Most failed the test and stayed there. But when that option was removed, now came the 1000s of people (along with children) marches for thousands of miles tto the US border. This is a created emergency. And since Trump created the problem in the first place and refused to adapt to it, He needed to be forced to take action on it. Since then, the Embassies are allowed to screen applications again. You will note that the 1000s of Men,Women and Children "Caravans" are not coming anymore other than the ones already at the Mexican Border. If you are in a store and knock over a lamp and break it, you buy it. In this case, Trump broke it, he needs to fix it. And he is just starting to come to the realization that some programs that the "Other Side" has been screaming about needs to be done. Even though He now claims those were his ideas all along, he won't work with the "Other Side" because they are all out to get him. Small wonder why.
Trump did not create or break Asylum Law, which imo is Unconstitutional because it bypasses Immigration Law. Congress Broke it, Congress needs to fix it. The President does not create legislation. Congress does.
Unlike most of the "Privileged" few in Washington, She knows what it's like to actually work for a living.
/——/ Dr Ben Carson worked for a living, but racist libtards attack him constantly.

Ben Carson has since lost his roots. Looking at his background one would think he would be fantastic at his current job. Not the case. I guess his childhood was so traumatic that he must have blocked it out. Normally, his would be a real live Cinderella story. But Cinderella must have burnt the old homestead to the ground right after she moved to the Palace.

He is actually doing a good job, since Democrats are forcing him to find housing for a Million Illegal Immigrants a year instead of focusing on the needs of American citizens and their housing issues, and issues in urban areas.

Before he came to office, the normal way to apply for citizenship or a visa was to go through the various countries US Embassies. The Embassies would work with the local authorities to see if they were wanted for anything and would know if they were actually in jeporady of their lives if they stayed. Most failed the test and stayed there. But when that option was removed, now came the 1000s of people (along with children) marches for thousands of miles tto the US border. This is a created emergency. And since Trump created the problem in the first place and refused to adapt to it, He needed to be forced to take action on it. Since then, the Embassies are allowed to screen applications again. You will note that the 1000s of Men,Women and Children "Caravans" are not coming anymore other than the ones already at the Mexican Border. If you are in a store and knock over a lamp and break it, you buy it. In this case, Trump broke it, he needs to fix it. And he is just starting to come to the realization that some programs that the "Other Side" has been screaming about needs to be done. Even though He now claims those were his ideas all along, he won't work with the "Other Side" because they are all out to get him. Small wonder why.
Trump did not create or break Asylum Law, which imo is Unconstitutional because it bypasses Immigration Law. Congress Broke it, Congress needs to fix it. The President does not create legislation. Congress does.

Congress cannot present a single piece of legislation to the President. He won't even hear it. Besides, McConnel won't even allow it onto the floor on the Senate. Right now, the entire Executive branch and the Senate is broken. Nothing can get fixed. You want something fixed, get those people back to doing their jobs.
/——/ Dr Ben Carson worked for a living, but racist libtards attack him constantly.

Ben Carson has since lost his roots. Looking at his background one would think he would be fantastic at his current job. Not the case. I guess his childhood was so traumatic that he must have blocked it out. Normally, his would be a real live Cinderella story. But Cinderella must have burnt the old homestead to the ground right after she moved to the Palace.

He is actually doing a good job, since Democrats are forcing him to find housing for a Million Illegal Immigrants a year instead of focusing on the needs of American citizens and their housing issues, and issues in urban areas.

Before he came to office, the normal way to apply for citizenship or a visa was to go through the various countries US Embassies. The Embassies would work with the local authorities to see if they were wanted for anything and would know if they were actually in jeporady of their lives if they stayed. Most failed the test and stayed there. But when that option was removed, now came the 1000s of people (along with children) marches for thousands of miles tto the US border. This is a created emergency. And since Trump created the problem in the first place and refused to adapt to it, He needed to be forced to take action on it. Since then, the Embassies are allowed to screen applications again. You will note that the 1000s of Men,Women and Children "Caravans" are not coming anymore other than the ones already at the Mexican Border. If you are in a store and knock over a lamp and break it, you buy it. In this case, Trump broke it, he needs to fix it. And he is just starting to come to the realization that some programs that the "Other Side" has been screaming about needs to be done. Even though He now claims those were his ideas all along, he won't work with the "Other Side" because they are all out to get him. Small wonder why.
Trump did not create or break Asylum Law, which imo is Unconstitutional because it bypasses Immigration Law. Congress Broke it, Congress needs to fix it. The President does not create legislation. Congress does.

Congress cannot present a single piece of legislation to the President. He won't even hear it. Besides, McConnel won't even allow it onto the floor on the Senate. Right now, the entire Executive branch and the Senate is broken. Nothing can get fixed. You want something fixed, get those people back to doing their jobs.

When Congress Presents Legislation, he will consider it. You can't ask a Broken House of Representatives all Drunk on Russian Collsuion and Open Borders to get anything done. Add in "Impeach 45" and I Hate Jews, and you can see that is just too many chainsaws for The House of Representatives to juggle.

My Prediction is that Nancy Pelosi lead House will not even pass more than just a handful of Bills between the time she greedily took the gavel and President Trump's 2020 Re-election in a land slide when he is finally given a Congress he can work with as The GOP will have a Supermajority to kick off his next 4 years.

/——/ Dr Ben Carson worked for a living, but racist libtards attack him constantly.

Ben Carson has since lost his roots. Looking at his background one would think he would be fantastic at his current job. Not the case. I guess his childhood was so traumatic that he must have blocked it out. Normally, his would be a real live Cinderella story. But Cinderella must have burnt the old homestead to the ground right after she moved to the Palace.

He is actually doing a good job, since Democrats are forcing him to find housing for a Million Illegal Immigrants a year instead of focusing on the needs of American citizens and their housing issues, and issues in urban areas.

Before he came to office, the normal way to apply for citizenship or a visa was to go through the various countries US Embassies. The Embassies would work with the local authorities to see if they were wanted for anything and would know if they were actually in jeporady of their lives if they stayed. Most failed the test and stayed there. But when that option was removed, now came the 1000s of people (along with children) marches for thousands of miles tto the US border. This is a created emergency. And since Trump created the problem in the first place and refused to adapt to it, He needed to be forced to take action on it. Since then, the Embassies are allowed to screen applications again. You will note that the 1000s of Men,Women and Children "Caravans" are not coming anymore other than the ones already at the Mexican Border. If you are in a store and knock over a lamp and break it, you buy it. In this case, Trump broke it, he needs to fix it. And he is just starting to come to the realization that some programs that the "Other Side" has been screaming about needs to be done. Even though He now claims those were his ideas all along, he won't work with the "Other Side" because they are all out to get him. Small wonder why.
Trump did not create or break Asylum Law, which imo is Unconstitutional because it bypasses Immigration Law. Congress Broke it, Congress needs to fix it. The President does not create legislation. Congress does.

Congress cannot present a single piece of legislation to the President. He won't even hear it. Besides, McConnel won't even allow it onto the floor on the Senate. Right now, the entire Executive branch and the Senate is broken. Nothing can get fixed. You want something fixed, get those people back to doing their jobs.
/—-/ democRATs will do nothing to make Trump look good, so you can forget meaningful legislation.
Ben Carson has since lost his roots. Looking at his background one would think he would be fantastic at his current job. Not the case. I guess his childhood was so traumatic that he must have blocked it out. Normally, his would be a real live Cinderella story. But Cinderella must have burnt the old homestead to the ground right after she moved to the Palace.

He is actually doing a good job, since Democrats are forcing him to find housing for a Million Illegal Immigrants a year instead of focusing on the needs of American citizens and their housing issues, and issues in urban areas.

Before he came to office, the normal way to apply for citizenship or a visa was to go through the various countries US Embassies. The Embassies would work with the local authorities to see if they were wanted for anything and would know if they were actually in jeporady of their lives if they stayed. Most failed the test and stayed there. But when that option was removed, now came the 1000s of people (along with children) marches for thousands of miles tto the US border. This is a created emergency. And since Trump created the problem in the first place and refused to adapt to it, He needed to be forced to take action on it. Since then, the Embassies are allowed to screen applications again. You will note that the 1000s of Men,Women and Children "Caravans" are not coming anymore other than the ones already at the Mexican Border. If you are in a store and knock over a lamp and break it, you buy it. In this case, Trump broke it, he needs to fix it. And he is just starting to come to the realization that some programs that the "Other Side" has been screaming about needs to be done. Even though He now claims those were his ideas all along, he won't work with the "Other Side" because they are all out to get him. Small wonder why.
Trump did not create or break Asylum Law, which imo is Unconstitutional because it bypasses Immigration Law. Congress Broke it, Congress needs to fix it. The President does not create legislation. Congress does.

Congress cannot present a single piece of legislation to the President. He won't even hear it. Besides, McConnel won't even allow it onto the floor on the Senate. Right now, the entire Executive branch and the Senate is broken. Nothing can get fixed. You want something fixed, get those people back to doing their jobs.

When Congress Presents Legislation, he will consider it. You can't ask a Broken House of Representatives all Drunk on Russian Collsuion and Open Borders to get anything done. Add in "Impeach 45" and I Hate Jews, and you can see that is just too many chainsaws for The House of Representatives to juggle.

My Prediction is that Nancy Pelosi lead House will not even pass more than just a handful of Bills between the time she greedily took the gavel and President Trump's 2020 Re-election in a land slide when he is finally given a Congress he can work with as The GOP will have a Supermajority to kick off his next 4 years.


No he won't. He's trying to keep things wound up and buying time. He wants the investigations to drag on until AFTER November 2020. This is why the Courts are not being involved. Trump refuses to do his job in order to drag this mess on as long as he can. But his time is running out fast. The House will no longer tolerate him beating on the table and stomping out of a crucial meeting to get something done that is extremely important and is bipartisan. You seem to think this is a good idea that a President refuses to do his job. Fine. So we use the Courts to get the various investigations to come to a head no matter where it leads. If they are concluded before November 2020 and nothing comes out of it, the fact that the Federal Government is perilized all that time is not a good thing. If something does come out of it then that will also affect the election. As well as the Senate and House elections. Trump is putting his own wants, needs and fears above the needs and wants of America. And we need to put an end to that.

Sorry, cupcake, no Impeachment. Either he resigns, the Courts sends him to prison while he still remains President in shame, or the voters remove him. The Nation has never had this blight.
He is actually doing a good job, since Democrats are forcing him to find housing for a Million Illegal Immigrants a year instead of focusing on the needs of American citizens and their housing issues, and issues in urban areas.

Before he came to office, the normal way to apply for citizenship or a visa was to go through the various countries US Embassies. The Embassies would work with the local authorities to see if they were wanted for anything and would know if they were actually in jeporady of their lives if they stayed. Most failed the test and stayed there. But when that option was removed, now came the 1000s of people (along with children) marches for thousands of miles tto the US border. This is a created emergency. And since Trump created the problem in the first place and refused to adapt to it, He needed to be forced to take action on it. Since then, the Embassies are allowed to screen applications again. You will note that the 1000s of Men,Women and Children "Caravans" are not coming anymore other than the ones already at the Mexican Border. If you are in a store and knock over a lamp and break it, you buy it. In this case, Trump broke it, he needs to fix it. And he is just starting to come to the realization that some programs that the "Other Side" has been screaming about needs to be done. Even though He now claims those were his ideas all along, he won't work with the "Other Side" because they are all out to get him. Small wonder why.
Trump did not create or break Asylum Law, which imo is Unconstitutional because it bypasses Immigration Law. Congress Broke it, Congress needs to fix it. The President does not create legislation. Congress does.

Congress cannot present a single piece of legislation to the President. He won't even hear it. Besides, McConnel won't even allow it onto the floor on the Senate. Right now, the entire Executive branch and the Senate is broken. Nothing can get fixed. You want something fixed, get those people back to doing their jobs.

When Congress Presents Legislation, he will consider it. You can't ask a Broken House of Representatives all Drunk on Russian Collsuion and Open Borders to get anything done. Add in "Impeach 45" and I Hate Jews, and you can see that is just too many chainsaws for The House of Representatives to juggle.

My Prediction is that Nancy Pelosi lead House will not even pass more than just a handful of Bills between the time she greedily took the gavel and President Trump's 2020 Re-election in a land slide when he is finally given a Congress he can work with as The GOP will have a Supermajority to kick off his next 4 years.


No he won't. He's trying to keep things wound up and buying time. He wants the investigations to drag on until AFTER November 2020. This is why the Courts are not being involved. Trump refuses to do his job in order to drag this mess on as long as he can. But his time is running out fast. The House will no longer tolerate him beating on the table and stomping out of a crucial meeting to get something done that is extremely important and is bipartisan. You seem to think this is a good idea that a President refuses to do his job. Fine. So we use the Courts to get the various investigations to come to a head no matter where it leads. If they are concluded before November 2020 and nothing comes out of it, the fact that the Federal Government is perilized all that time is not a good thing. If something does come out of it then that will also affect the election. As well as the Senate and House elections. Trump is putting his own wants, needs and fears above the needs and wants of America. And we need to put an end to that.

Sorry, cupcake, no Impeachment. Either he resigns, the Courts sends him to prison while he still remains President in shame, or the voters remove him. The Nation has never had this blight.
/—-/ You silly little man. Trump is the best president in a 100 years.
/——/ Dr Ben Carson worked for a living, but racist libtards attack him constantly.

Ben Carson has since lost his roots. Looking at his background one would think he would be fantastic at his current job. Not the case. I guess his childhood was so traumatic that he must have blocked it out. Normally, his would be a real live Cinderella story. But Cinderella must have burnt the old homestead to the ground right after she moved to the Palace.

He is actually doing a good job, since Democrats are forcing him to find housing for a Million Illegal Immigrants a year instead of focusing on the needs of American citizens and their housing issues, and issues in urban areas.

Before he came to office, the normal way to apply for citizenship or a visa was to go through the various countries US Embassies. The Embassies would work with the local authorities to see if they were wanted for anything and would know if they were actually in jeporady of their lives if they stayed. Most failed the test and stayed there. But when that option was removed, now came the 1000s of people (along with children) marches for thousands of miles tto the US border. This is a created emergency. And since Trump created the problem in the first place and refused to adapt to it, He needed to be forced to take action on it. Since then, the Embassies are allowed to screen applications again. You will note that the 1000s of Men,Women and Children "Caravans" are not coming anymore other than the ones already at the Mexican Border. If you are in a store and knock over a lamp and break it, you buy it. In this case, Trump broke it, he needs to fix it. And he is just starting to come to the realization that some programs that the "Other Side" has been screaming about needs to be done. Even though He now claims those were his ideas all along, he won't work with the "Other Side" because they are all out to get him. Small wonder why.
Trump did not create or break Asylum Law, which imo is Unconstitutional because it bypasses Immigration Law. Congress Broke it, Congress needs to fix it. The President does not create legislation. Congress does.

Congress cannot present a single piece of legislation to the President. He won't even hear it. Besides, McConnel won't even allow it onto the floor on the Senate. Right now, the entire Executive branch and the Senate is broken. Nothing can get fixed. You want something fixed, get those people back to doing their jobs.
/—-/ And you thought draining the swamp would be easy? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Ben Carson has since lost his roots. Looking at his background one would think he would be fantastic at his current job. Not the case. I guess his childhood was so traumatic that he must have blocked it out. Normally, his would be a real live Cinderella story. But Cinderella must have burnt the old homestead to the ground right after she moved to the Palace.

He is actually doing a good job, since Democrats are forcing him to find housing for a Million Illegal Immigrants a year instead of focusing on the needs of American citizens and their housing issues, and issues in urban areas.

Before he came to office, the normal way to apply for citizenship or a visa was to go through the various countries US Embassies. The Embassies would work with the local authorities to see if they were wanted for anything and would know if they were actually in jeporady of their lives if they stayed. Most failed the test and stayed there. But when that option was removed, now came the 1000s of people (along with children) marches for thousands of miles tto the US border. This is a created emergency. And since Trump created the problem in the first place and refused to adapt to it, He needed to be forced to take action on it. Since then, the Embassies are allowed to screen applications again. You will note that the 1000s of Men,Women and Children "Caravans" are not coming anymore other than the ones already at the Mexican Border. If you are in a store and knock over a lamp and break it, you buy it. In this case, Trump broke it, he needs to fix it. And he is just starting to come to the realization that some programs that the "Other Side" has been screaming about needs to be done. Even though He now claims those were his ideas all along, he won't work with the "Other Side" because they are all out to get him. Small wonder why.
Trump did not create or break Asylum Law, which imo is Unconstitutional because it bypasses Immigration Law. Congress Broke it, Congress needs to fix it. The President does not create legislation. Congress does.

Congress cannot present a single piece of legislation to the President. He won't even hear it. Besides, McConnel won't even allow it onto the floor on the Senate. Right now, the entire Executive branch and the Senate is broken. Nothing can get fixed. You want something fixed, get those people back to doing their jobs.
/—-/ And you thought draining the swamp would be easy? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

I have to give it to Trump. He did drain the swamp and got rid of the Alligators. But he filled it back up and put in the Crocodiles who are even meaner and nastier.
He is actually doing a good job, since Democrats are forcing him to find housing for a Million Illegal Immigrants a year instead of focusing on the needs of American citizens and their housing issues, and issues in urban areas.

Before he came to office, the normal way to apply for citizenship or a visa was to go through the various countries US Embassies. The Embassies would work with the local authorities to see if they were wanted for anything and would know if they were actually in jeporady of their lives if they stayed. Most failed the test and stayed there. But when that option was removed, now came the 1000s of people (along with children) marches for thousands of miles tto the US border. This is a created emergency. And since Trump created the problem in the first place and refused to adapt to it, He needed to be forced to take action on it. Since then, the Embassies are allowed to screen applications again. You will note that the 1000s of Men,Women and Children "Caravans" are not coming anymore other than the ones already at the Mexican Border. If you are in a store and knock over a lamp and break it, you buy it. In this case, Trump broke it, he needs to fix it. And he is just starting to come to the realization that some programs that the "Other Side" has been screaming about needs to be done. Even though He now claims those were his ideas all along, he won't work with the "Other Side" because they are all out to get him. Small wonder why.
Trump did not create or break Asylum Law, which imo is Unconstitutional because it bypasses Immigration Law. Congress Broke it, Congress needs to fix it. The President does not create legislation. Congress does.

Congress cannot present a single piece of legislation to the President. He won't even hear it. Besides, McConnel won't even allow it onto the floor on the Senate. Right now, the entire Executive branch and the Senate is broken. Nothing can get fixed. You want something fixed, get those people back to doing their jobs.
/—-/ And you thought draining the swamp would be easy? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

I have to give it to Trump. He did drain the swamp and got rid of the Alligators. But he filled it back up and put in the Crocodiles who are even meaner and nastier.

This is one of the worst of them.

The Gateway Pundit


The AO-C obsession continues.

"Last night Tucker Carlson invited Cornell University professor, green activist and Ocasio-Cortez adviser Robert Hockett on his show to debate the Green New Deal proposed by Democrats on Thursday.

Robert Hockett immediately told Tucker Carlson the document source he was reading from was doctored and not from Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s website."

Gateway provided many outside links in the article to support their narrative.

AOC and her staff lied, it is well documented. Here is the WAYBACK MACHINE link showing it was real and on her website:


"What is the Green New Deal?

The Green New Deal is a 10-year plan to create a greenhouse gas neutral society that creates unprecedented levels of prosperity and wealth for all while ensuring economic and environmental justice and security.

The Green New Deal achieves this through a World War 2 scale mobilization that focuses the robust and creative economic engine of the United States on reversing climate change by fully rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, restoring our natural ecosystems, dramatically expanding renewable power generation, overhauling our entire transportation system, upgrading all our buildings, jumpstarting US clean manufacturing, transforming US agriculture, and putting our nation's people to work doing what they do best: making the impossible possible.

Any large-scale transformation of society can create the risk of some people slipping through the cracks. That’s why the Green New Deal also calls for an upgrade to the basic economic securities enjoyed by all people in the US to ensure everybody benefits from the newly created wealth. It guarantees to everyone:"

Robert Hockett LIED!

Your bigoty and ignorance made you weak and foolish.

Tucker Carlson? Gotta be true

This is not the only example of dishonesty in the Cortez camp. Cortez claimed that the world would end in 12 years if we did not address climate change. Then after people started tearing her apart on this issue, she claimed what she said was a joke. Contrary to her attempted disclaimer, she was dead serious when she made that preposterous statement. Here is a video of her in action:

Later, when her theory was discredited, she claimed it was all a joke. On her website she said, “This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it. Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.”

According to a Rasmussen poll, 67 percent of Democrats took what she said literally. Cortez inadvertently established that 67 percent of Democrats have the social intelligence of a sea sponge! The following links show her official website comments and the result of the Rasmussen poll:

AOC says only a 'sea sponge' would believe her '12 years' doomsday remark, but most Dems bought it

Ocasio-Cortez: You'd be dumb as 'a sea sponge' to believe my climate change rhetoric - 67% of Dems believe it

CONCLUSION: Occasional Cortex is not only the most ignorant person ever elected to national office, she is also one of the most dishonest. The darling of the ultra-liberals and the purported future of the Democratic party is a dishonest dolt. One last thing: many posters on USMB took her seriously and believed everything she said. Most of us knew better.

/——/ Well, I take everything AOC says as a joke.

I bet she pours a mean beer.

Unlike most of the "Privileged" few in Washington, She knows what it's like to actually work for a living.

/——/ Dr Ben Carson worked for a living, but racist libtards attack him constantly.

3 guys in 30000 FBI?

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