AOC Deletes Tweet Celebrating Oil Industry Nosedive

This woman is beyond reprehensible. Thousands of people employed by the oil industry have lost their jobs since this crisis began. These are people with mortgages to pay and families to take care of. Millions more middle class Americans and union workers have their 401k and pension plans heavily invested in the American energy sector.

How does someone like this become elected to the United States Congress? These people losing their jobs are the people she is supposed to represent. What does this say about her priorities and those of like mind? Can you imagine if this technology existed during the Great Depression and some twat waffle in Congress tweeted out, "Look at those bankers jumping off of buildings! Gotta love it!!"

Her antics are no longer amusing
Why are people investing and working in something thats killing the planet?

Do you realize, had it not been for the use of oil in the last century, the planet would not have a tree left. They would have been mostly cut down for fuel... and that is still a problem in some parts of the world. Whales would be extinct because prior to using crude oil... they were hunted for their oil. Crude oil made hunting whales for oil obsolete.
many other great benefits to humanity have been made possible up to now because of oil.... of course along with the bad, but there is that whole Yin and Yang thing.
Oil BAD.... is looking at one side of the balance of things. Its not a true picture. Oil is still a natural substance that mother earth knows how to reabsorb. Solar and other alternative energy sources are fantastic as long as they are driven by demand. Anything the government tries to do artificially will end in economic disaster. I wouldnt Trust AOC to handle a cookie drive for the Girl Scouts.
when he met Putin in NY in 2003, US Energy Sec Spencer Abraham bellowed: "the US is ready to assist Russia as its role in the global energy market increases"

no fueling, that's Putin!

Fill 'er up, Vladdy Daddy!

Russia is 2nd only to Saudi Arabia in daily production of crude oil

"it is impossible to divide the interest of a country and a company that works on its soil. our interests are the same. what's good for Russia is good for the company" - Vagit Alekperov, head of Lukoil, Russia's largest oil company, after they had opened up shop in America, which cost them a lot of money
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in 2003, OPEC supplied half of America's crude oil, and controlled prices at will. American consumers looked helplessly as gas prices skyrocketed to their highest price in 50 years. consumers were paying more than 2$ for the 1st time ever.

Schumer said. "I hope OPEC is hurt by this so they don't have a stranglehold on the oil market anymore."

BROTHERS AND SISTERS: I dont mean to be rude, but i also want to be clear: the oil industry is a big casino that produces power and triumphant great gobs of cash, with little regard for merit

this invites gangsterism, extortion, thuggery, and the sorts of folks who enjoy those hobbies, laying the groundwork for climate change, but also re-ordering geopolitics in a dumb survival contest that renders everything we think of as politics as just theater.

that's just the way it is, my friends!
crude oil was called "rock oil" originally

just so you know!

"we were all in a sinking ship, and we built a lifeboat to carry us to shore. the Standard Oil was angel of mercy, reaching down from the sky, and saying Get in the ark, Put in your old junk. we'll take the risks" - John D Rockefeller, upon discovering oil
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She probably got a call from another liberal dweeb telling her that her post didn't look good. It's too bad that AOC couldn't figure that out on her own.
did you know?

John D Rockefeller, the man who first discovered oil in the world, was named by forbes as the richest man in the history of the world, worth 350 billion dollars in 2019 dollars

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