AOC Flunks Economics 101

Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.


You're correct, you cannot be fixed.

Either you are stupid, or too biased to see a point made by her which wasn't even abstract. She simply made an observation that the priorities would create long term jobs and lift up the people in her district.

She's a genuine moron and economic illiterate.

Are you agreeing with her?

I understand what she meant. It's kinda sad that you fit the mold of Easy65 - unable too think outside the box, the tiny little box of ignorance.

A box actually holds things together; AOC's "ideas" are a glidepath to Venezuela
I understand what she meant. It's kinda sad that you fit the mold of Easy65 - unable too think outside the box, the tiny little box of ignorance.

Another illiterate, too got-damned stoopit to recognize that the $3 bil isn't cash-on-hand. :lmao::laughing0301::laugh2::auiqs.jpg:

LOL, a classic STRAW MAN. You are the one who is stupid.


"Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to." - AOC

Here's an idea, go to any bank of your choice, and tell them you would like to invest $3 billion dollars in future tax savings. Let us know how that goes please.

LOL, yes Virgina, there are stupid posts, colored by bigotry.

Does an analogy need to framed by real life?
AOC was talking AS IF it were cash in hand. Because she is stupid. That's the point.

AOC said that her district would not "giving away" $3 billion, but invest it in the community.

The rub is (and for some reason, some are confused by this) that the $3 billion in tax incentives to Amazon to move to NYC was nothing more than NYC agreeing NOT to collect $3 billion in tax dollars.

It's AMAZON's money.

NYC would not collect it EITHER WAY.

The difference is that, rather than NOT getting $3 billion in taxes, but getting thousands of new jobs and FUTURE tax revenues from Amazon, NYC is now just NOT getting $3 billion....with nothing to show for it but AOC's morbid stupidity.

Option A:
Get a huge employer to bring thousands of jobs and HUGE future tax revenues, but not take $3 billion in initial would-be taxes.

Option B:
Run off said huge employer, lose out on thousands of jobs and HUGE future tax revenues, and STILL not take $3 billion in initial would-be taxes.



Boston College must be a fucking shit-hole school to produce such a clue-fuck.


The state of New York told Amazon, 'we'll steal $3 billion LESS of your dollars than we can,' and Amazon responded with, 'sure, we're ok with that.'

Then comes AOC saying 'but think of what we could do with $3 billion!' Not realizing of course that she just tossed away $24 billion.
"Papa, why is everyone talking about capitalism, socialism? Why can't it be peopleism?" --My 13 year old son
Me: "Can I use that?"
Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.


You're correct, you cannot be fixed.

Either you are stupid, or too biased to see a point made by her which wasn't even abstract. She simply made an observation that the priorities would create long term jobs and lift up the people in her district.

She's a genuine moron and economic illiterate.

Are you agreeing with her?

I understand what she meant. It's kinda sad that you fit the mold of Easy65 - unable too think outside the box, the tiny little box of ignorance.

A box actually holds things together; AOC's "ideas" are a glidepath to Venezuela

That's silly ^^^

Ideas did not create the crisis in Venezuela, corruption did. You ought to fear the Trump Crime Family and the swamp critters he brought into his administration, and not one member of the H. or Rep. who is brand new to politics.
Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.


You're correct, you cannot be fixed.

Either you are stupid, or too biased to see a point made by her which wasn't even abstract. She simply made an observation that the priorities would create long term jobs and lift up the people in her district.

She's a genuine moron and economic illiterate.

Are you agreeing with her?

I understand what she meant. It's kinda sad that you fit the mold of Easy65 - unable too think outside the box, the tiny little box of ignorance.

A box actually holds things together; AOC's "ideas" are a glidepath to Venezuela

That's silly ^^^

Ideas did not create the crisis in Venezuela, corruption did. You ought to fear the Trump Crime Family and the swamp critters he brought into his administration, and not one member of the H. or Rep. who is brand new to politics.

Bad Progressives redistribution ideas made Venezuela great - for Chavez and Maduro, each of whom should be charged with crimes against humanity, stripped of their ill gotten wealth, flogged, and then hung in public.
Corporations would not even exist without their government charter.
Corporations use the courts far more than the average individual; they should pay the cost for that privilege.
Transnational corporation rely on the US Navy to protect their sham "free trade" economy.

In the 1950s, the corporate income tax was 25% of federal outlay. It is now about 5%. If you compared all corporate income tax paid to all corporate welfare (like Foxconn and Amazon), the aggregate would likely be zero tax paid.

That puts the burden on wage labor, which is exactly what both major political parties have been doing over the last five decades.

Never Trump Establishment Loses Again as MAGA Keeps Rising at Ballot Box | Breitbart

Who got rich from that?
/——-/ Nice attempt to dodge the question and change the subject. I repeat, corporations pass taxes onto the consumer ——in the form of higher prices.
/——-/ Nice attempt to dodge the question and change the subject. I repeat, corporations pass taxes onto the consumer ——in the form of higher prices
So consumers pay corporations a few dollars more for goods and services they buy.

What do they receive in exchange?

Lower taxes.

More public services.

Rich citizens, natural and artificial, don't need more wealth.

They need to pay their fair share of society's opportunity costs.
/——-/ I already pay enough for stuff. If you feel so guilty, then write a check to the Treasury Dept every week to pay down the debt.
/——-/ I already pay enough for stuff. If you feel so guilty, then write a check to the Treasury Dept every week to pay down the debt.
Can Amazon make the same claim?
/——/ I bet they pay more than you do in taxes. The company, in its latest annual report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, said that it paid $177 million in income taxes in 2014, $273 million in 2015 and $412 million last year.
——/ I bet they pay more than you do in taxes. The company, in its latest annual report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, said that it paid $177 million in income taxes in 2014, $273 million in 2015 and $412 million last year.
You are right.
Not only do they pay more in taxes than I did, they also got a tax refund that was 500 times all the money I made in my entire life.


Trump vs Bezos: How Amazon's CEO responded to the president's Twitter attacks

"Thanks to a variety of tax credits and a significant tax break available on pay handed out in the form of company stock, Amazon actually received a federal tax rebate of $129 million last year, giving it an effective federal tax rate of roughly -1 percent."
You're correct, you cannot be fixed.

Either you are stupid, or too biased to see a point made by her which wasn't even abstract. She simply made an observation that the priorities would create long term jobs and lift up the people in her district.

She's a genuine moron and economic illiterate.

Are you agreeing with her?

I understand what she meant. It's kinda sad that you fit the mold of Easy65 - unable too think outside the box, the tiny little box of ignorance.

A box actually holds things together; AOC's "ideas" are a glidepath to Venezuela

That's silly ^^^

Ideas did not create the crisis in Venezuela, corruption did. You ought to fear the Trump Crime Family and the swamp critters he brought into his administration, and not one member of the H. or Rep. who is brand new to politics.

Bad Progressives redistribution ideas made Venezuela great - for Chavez and Maduro, each of whom should be charged with crimes against humanity, stripped of their ill gotten wealth, flogged, and then hung in public.

LOL LOL LOL LOL and almost spit water on my screen. How much pain will Chavez feel when his body is exhumed from his grave? Can a corpse long dead be hung, or will the rope simple cut through his neck and separate his head from his body?

Q. Do you believe Trump is corrupt and has committed crimes against humanity
AOC wants to do away with cows, cars, children and airplanes and the cost will only be $94 trillion!

Her Green New Deal will only cost each American $600,000 each.
Oh My God. Yet another dumbass Trumpette who can't fucking tread.

You people are dumber than shit.

Another dumber than a doorknob Moon Bat that doesn't understand the cost of stupid Socialism programs. No wonder socialism always fails with idiots like this Moon Bat not understanding the cost of giving everybody and their Little Brown Dog free shit.

$94 Trillion means that every income in this country over $30K a year will have to be taxed at 100% for the next ten years.

Of course to a welfare queen Moon Bat like Real Dave anything over $30K a year is rich, huh?
Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.

If stupid were money AOC would be a billionaire and hate herself
AOC wants to do away with cows, cars, children and airplanes and the cost will only be $94 trillion!

Her Green New Deal will only cost each American $600,000 each.
Oh My God. Yet another dumbass Trumpette who can't fucking tread.

You people are dumber than shit.

Another dumber than a doorknob Moon Bat that doesn't understand the cost of stupid Socialism programs. No wonder socialism always fails with idiots like this Moon Bat not understanding the cost of giving everybody and their Little Brown Dog free shit.

$94 Trillion means that every income in this country over $30K a year will have to be taxed at 100% for the next ten years.

Of course to a welfare queen Moon Bat like Real Dave anything over $30K a year is rich, huh?

94 trillion. Lets look at Medicare for all that you declare will cost 35 trillion over ten years.

Well, how much do we spend on healthcare a year as a country? 3.5 trillion???? So if we do nothing on healthcare, we will spent 35 trillion over ten years. Do you people ever think????? Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

And when AGW forces every building to upgrade its HVAC due to significant hgher temps, what will that cost. Our grid won't be able to handle it.

Cars are already going electric. A couple manufacturers have already announced they will fade our combustion engine cars.

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run., Even dumbasses like you will save money.

HVAC for homes that is green, will save you money.

What will it cost to protect our coastal cities & military bases from sea level increases. We have a base in VA that you can't access during high tide on certain days.

What will it cost when our bread belt can not longer produce the quantity of food.

What will it cost when tropical storms become stringer.

What will it cost to fight & rebuild after major fires?

Go ahead & do nothing & allow 3 more degrees C of warming. Your children will love it.
AOC wants to do away with cows, cars, children and airplanes and the cost will only be $94 trillion!

Her Green New Deal will only cost each American $600,000 each.
Oh My God. Yet another dumbass Trumpette who can't fucking tread.

You people are dumber than shit.

Another dumber than a doorknob Moon Bat that doesn't understand the cost of stupid Socialism programs. No wonder socialism always fails with idiots like this Moon Bat not understanding the cost of giving everybody and their Little Brown Dog free shit.

$94 Trillion means that every income in this country over $30K a year will have to be taxed at 100% for the next ten years.

Of course to a welfare queen Moon Bat like Real Dave anything over $30K a year is rich, huh?

94 trillion. Lets look at Medicare for all that you declare will cost 35 trillion over ten years.

Well, how much do we spend on healthcare a year as a country? 3.5 trillion???? So if we do nothing on healthcare, we will spent 35 trillion over ten years. Do you people ever think????? Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

And when AGW forces every building to upgrade its HVAC due to significant hgher temps, what will that cost. Our grid won't be able to handle it.

Cars are already going electric. A couple manufacturers have already announced they will fade our combustion engine cars.

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run., Even dumbasses like you will save money.

HVAC for homes that is green, will save you money.

What will it cost to protect our coastal cities & military bases from sea level increases. We have a base in VA that you can't access during high tide on certain days.

What will it cost when our bread belt can not longer produce the quantity of food.

What will it cost when tropical storms become stringer.

What will it cost to fight & rebuild after major fires?

Go ahead & do nothing & allow 3 more degrees C of warming. Your children will love it.

Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

Is that what happened when the government started throwing money at college tuition?
Did it lower the amount we pay for college?

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run.,

If you twats were serious about the dangers of AGW, you'd be pushing for dozens of new nuke plants.
AOC wants to do away with cows, cars, children and airplanes and the cost will only be $94 trillion!

Her Green New Deal will only cost each American $600,000 each.
Oh My God. Yet another dumbass Trumpette who can't fucking tread.

You people are dumber than shit.

Another dumber than a doorknob Moon Bat that doesn't understand the cost of stupid Socialism programs. No wonder socialism always fails with idiots like this Moon Bat not understanding the cost of giving everybody and their Little Brown Dog free shit.

$94 Trillion means that every income in this country over $30K a year will have to be taxed at 100% for the next ten years.

Of course to a welfare queen Moon Bat like Real Dave anything over $30K a year is rich, huh?

94 trillion. Lets look at Medicare for all that you declare will cost 35 trillion over ten years.

Well, how much do we spend on healthcare a year as a country? 3.5 trillion???? So if we do nothing on healthcare, we will spent 35 trillion over ten years. Do you people ever think????? Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

And when AGW forces every building to upgrade its HVAC due to significant hgher temps, what will that cost. Our grid won't be able to handle it.

Cars are already going electric. A couple manufacturers have already announced they will fade our combustion engine cars.

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run., Even dumbasses like you will save money.

HVAC for homes that is green, will save you money.

What will it cost to protect our coastal cities & military bases from sea level increases. We have a base in VA that you can't access during high tide on certain days.

What will it cost when our bread belt can not longer produce the quantity of food.

What will it cost when tropical storms become stringer.

What will it cost to fight & rebuild after major fires?

Go ahead & do nothing & allow 3 more degrees C of warming. Your children will love it.

Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

Is that what happened when the government started throwing money at college tuition?
Did it lower the amount we pay for college?

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run.,

If you twats were serious about the dangers of AGW, you'd be pushing for dozens of new nuke plants.

P1 A simple example which is based on an analogy which lacks sagacious thought.

P2 Off topic, start a post in the new generation of Nuclear Power Plants, you will find support for those on the left and on the right when such plants are not situated on earthquake faults or near being inundated near a potential tsunami.

BTW Did you watch 60 minutes last Sunday? China has 100 businesses building electric cars.

China's drive to dominate the electric car industry

My son purchased a Chevy Bolt a year ago, and we has solar panels placed on our roof over a year ago. We've not paid a single cent for gas for the Bolt, nor for the electricity for our home.

I own an '18 Toy. RAV 4 Hybrid and own an electric bike.

The anti-Green / renewable energy set are wrong. Once again they are making an argument to make America anything but exceptional.
First, nobody who thinks tariffs are a good idea has a leg to stand on criticising anyone else's understanding of economics, and don't even get me started on the trickle down myth.

Second, NYC was gonna give them $3 billion in tax breaks. It would have taken them many decades to recoup that investment if they ever did.

It was a bad deal. You can't buy jobs, just like you can't spend your way outta debt.

Yeah, 3 Billion in tax breaks but NYC would be collecting taxes still that they would otherwise not be collecting.
From Amazon. Now they will be getting none of that money..... thats not a recipe to get out of debt either by chasing away tax revenue.

Amazon Headquarters?

Don't be deliberately thick.
Taxes they would otherwise be collecting like?

So you're telling us you have no idea what state and local taxes businesses pay?
Son, that's what NYC is negotiating away.
Ideas did not create the crisis in Venezuela, corruption did. You ought to fear the Trump Crime Family and the swamp critters he brought into his administration, and not one member of the H. or Rep. who is brand new to politics.
And, who are these angels you will appoint to organize society for us?

OF COURSE corruption is THE problem. It is ALWAYS the problem. Socialism does not cure that problem. It makes it worse. Then, people have no alternatives. They have no options.
AOC wants to do away with cows, cars, children and airplanes and the cost will only be $94 trillion!

Her Green New Deal will only cost each American $600,000 each.
Oh My God. Yet another dumbass Trumpette who can't fucking tread.

You people are dumber than shit.

Another dumber than a doorknob Moon Bat that doesn't understand the cost of stupid Socialism programs. No wonder socialism always fails with idiots like this Moon Bat not understanding the cost of giving everybody and their Little Brown Dog free shit.

$94 Trillion means that every income in this country over $30K a year will have to be taxed at 100% for the next ten years.

Of course to a welfare queen Moon Bat like Real Dave anything over $30K a year is rich, huh?

94 trillion. Lets look at Medicare for all that you declare will cost 35 trillion over ten years.

Well, how much do we spend on healthcare a year as a country? 3.5 trillion???? So if we do nothing on healthcare, we will spent 35 trillion over ten years. Do you people ever think????? Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

And when AGW forces every building to upgrade its HVAC due to significant hgher temps, what will that cost. Our grid won't be able to handle it.

Cars are already going electric. A couple manufacturers have already announced they will fade our combustion engine cars.

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run., Even dumbasses like you will save money.

HVAC for homes that is green, will save you money.

What will it cost to protect our coastal cities & military bases from sea level increases. We have a base in VA that you can't access during high tide on certain days.

What will it cost when our bread belt can not longer produce the quantity of food.

What will it cost when tropical storms become stringer.

What will it cost to fight & rebuild after major fires?

Go ahead & do nothing & allow 3 more degrees C of warming. Your children will love it.

Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

Is that what happened when the government started throwing money at college tuition?
Did it lower the amount we pay for college?

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run.,

If you twats were serious about the dangers of AGW, you'd be pushing for dozens of new nuke plants.

P1 A simple example which is based on an analogy which lacks sagacious thought.

P2 Off topic, start a post in the new generation of Nuclear Power Plants, you will find support for those on the left and on the right when such plants are not situated on earthquake faults or near being inundated near a potential tsunami.

BTW Did you watch 60 minutes last Sunday? China has 100 businesses building electric cars.

China's drive to dominate the electric car industry

My son purchased a Chevy Bolt a year ago, and we has solar panels placed on our roof over a year ago. We've not paid a single cent for gas for the Bolt, nor for the electricity for our home.

I own an '18 Toy. RAV 4 Hybrid and own an electric bike.

The anti-Green / renewable energy set are wrong. Once again they are making an argument to make America anything but exceptional.

Granted there may need to be some more research done but here's some food for thought. Are protections really in place? and has the government really thought all this out? or are we just guessing as we go?

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety: Hybrid & Electric Cars: Electromagnetic Radiation Risks
AOC wants to do away with cows, cars, children and airplanes and the cost will only be $94 trillion!

Her Green New Deal will only cost each American $600,000 each.
Oh My God. Yet another dumbass Trumpette who can't fucking tread.

You people are dumber than shit.

Another dumber than a doorknob Moon Bat that doesn't understand the cost of stupid Socialism programs. No wonder socialism always fails with idiots like this Moon Bat not understanding the cost of giving everybody and their Little Brown Dog free shit.

$94 Trillion means that every income in this country over $30K a year will have to be taxed at 100% for the next ten years.

Of course to a welfare queen Moon Bat like Real Dave anything over $30K a year is rich, huh?

94 trillion. Lets look at Medicare for all that you declare will cost 35 trillion over ten years.

Well, how much do we spend on healthcare a year as a country? 3.5 trillion???? So if we do nothing on healthcare, we will spent 35 trillion over ten years. Do you people ever think????? Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

And when AGW forces every building to upgrade its HVAC due to significant hgher temps, what will that cost. Our grid won't be able to handle it.

Cars are already going electric. A couple manufacturers have already announced they will fade our combustion engine cars.

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run., Even dumbasses like you will save money.

HVAC for homes that is green, will save you money.

What will it cost to protect our coastal cities & military bases from sea level increases. We have a base in VA that you can't access during high tide on certain days.

What will it cost when our bread belt can not longer produce the quantity of food.

What will it cost when tropical storms become stringer.

What will it cost to fight & rebuild after major fires?

Go ahead & do nothing & allow 3 more degrees C of warming. Your children will love it.

Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

Is that what happened when the government started throwing money at college tuition?
Did it lower the amount we pay for college?

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run.,

If you twats were serious about the dangers of AGW, you'd be pushing for dozens of new nuke plants.

P1 A simple example which is based on an analogy which lacks sagacious thought.

P2 Off topic, start a post in the new generation of Nuclear Power Plants, you will find support for those on the left and on the right when such plants are not situated on earthquake faults or near being inundated near a potential tsunami.

BTW Did you watch 60 minutes last Sunday? China has 100 businesses building electric cars.

China's drive to dominate the electric car industry

My son purchased a Chevy Bolt a year ago, and we has solar panels placed on our roof over a year ago. We've not paid a single cent for gas for the Bolt, nor for the electricity for our home.

I own an '18 Toy. RAV 4 Hybrid and own an electric bike.

The anti-Green / renewable energy set are wrong. Once again they are making an argument to make America anything but exceptional.

P1 A simple example which is based on an analogy which lacks sagacious thought.

Did a massive influx of government money make college cheaper or not?

China has 100 businesses building electric cars.

Why should I care?

My son purchased a Chevy Bolt a year ago, and we has solar panels placed on our roof over a year ago. We've not paid a single cent for gas for the Bolt, nor for the electricity for our home.

That's awesome! It sounds like the Chevy Bolt is perfect for him.
Sales must be skyrocketing!!!
GM delivered 3,949 Bolt EVs during the last three months versus 6,710 units during the same period last year. That’s a 41.1% decrease in sales in the U.S., the biggest market for GM’s flagship all-electric vehicle.
Or not.​
How much did your solar installation cost? What was your average monthly electric bill before?​
The question to ask is what is the turnaround time on a solar installation. Because after that the electricity is free
Oh My God. Yet another dumbass Trumpette who can't fucking tread.

You people are dumber than shit.

Another dumber than a doorknob Moon Bat that doesn't understand the cost of stupid Socialism programs. No wonder socialism always fails with idiots like this Moon Bat not understanding the cost of giving everybody and their Little Brown Dog free shit.

$94 Trillion means that every income in this country over $30K a year will have to be taxed at 100% for the next ten years.

Of course to a welfare queen Moon Bat like Real Dave anything over $30K a year is rich, huh?

94 trillion. Lets look at Medicare for all that you declare will cost 35 trillion over ten years.

Well, how much do we spend on healthcare a year as a country? 3.5 trillion???? So if we do nothing on healthcare, we will spent 35 trillion over ten years. Do you people ever think????? Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

And when AGW forces every building to upgrade its HVAC due to significant hgher temps, what will that cost. Our grid won't be able to handle it.

Cars are already going electric. A couple manufacturers have already announced they will fade our combustion engine cars.

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run., Even dumbasses like you will save money.

HVAC for homes that is green, will save you money.

What will it cost to protect our coastal cities & military bases from sea level increases. We have a base in VA that you can't access during high tide on certain days.

What will it cost when our bread belt can not longer produce the quantity of food.

What will it cost when tropical storms become stringer.

What will it cost to fight & rebuild after major fires?

Go ahead & do nothing & allow 3 more degrees C of warming. Your children will love it.

Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

Is that what happened when the government started throwing money at college tuition?
Did it lower the amount we pay for college?

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run.,

If you twats were serious about the dangers of AGW, you'd be pushing for dozens of new nuke plants.

P1 A simple example which is based on an analogy which lacks sagacious thought.

P2 Off topic, start a post in the new generation of Nuclear Power Plants, you will find support for those on the left and on the right when such plants are not situated on earthquake faults or near being inundated near a potential tsunami.

BTW Did you watch 60 minutes last Sunday? China has 100 businesses building electric cars.

China's drive to dominate the electric car industry

My son purchased a Chevy Bolt a year ago, and we has solar panels placed on our roof over a year ago. We've not paid a single cent for gas for the Bolt, nor for the electricity for our home.

I own an '18 Toy. RAV 4 Hybrid and own an electric bike.

The anti-Green / renewable energy set are wrong. Once again they are making an argument to make America anything but exceptional.

P1 A simple example which is based on an analogy which lacks sagacious thought.

Did a massive influx of government money make college cheaper or not?

China has 100 businesses building electric cars.

Why should I care?

My son purchased a Chevy Bolt a year ago, and we has solar panels placed on our roof over a year ago. We've not paid a single cent for gas for the Bolt, nor for the electricity for our home.

That's awesome! It sounds like the Chevy Bolt is perfect for him.
Sales must be skyrocketing!!!

GM delivered 3,949 Bolt EVs during the last three months versus 6,710 units during the same period last year. That’s a 41.1% decrease in sales in the U.S., the biggest market for GM’s flagship all-electric vehicle.

Chevy Bolt EV sales are slumping in the US, GM says production going to Canada and South Korea

Or not.

How much did your solar installation cost? What was your average monthly electric bill before?​

It is fine if somebody has a demand for an electric car and somebody builds one for them.

However, it is absolutely wrong for the fitly ass government to take taxpayer's money to subsidize a business that can't make it on its on.

That Chevy Volt came with a ton of stupid government subsidies thanks to that idiot Obama.

That means the Volt is a welfare car.

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