AOC Flunks Economics 101

The government has been subsidizing technology and infrastructure for decades and decades
The question to ask is what is the turnaround time on a solar installation. Because after that the electricity is free
And the turnaround time on a home solar installation (provided you have full sun on the South side of your roof) is 8 years.

That means it takes that long to pay back the installation costs and then for the remaining life of those panels (typically another 17 years) your electricity is free. A savings of $42,500.

Yea...avoid THAT at all cost huh?
The question to ask is what is the turnaround time on a solar installation. Because after that the electricity is free
And the turnaround time on a home solar installation (provided you have full sun on the South side of your roof) is 8 years.

That means it takes that long to pay back the installation costs and then for the remaining life of those panels (typically another 17 years) your electricity is free. A savings of $42,500.

Yea...avoid THAT at all cost huh?

And the turnaround time on a home solar installation (provided you have full sun on the South side of your roof) is 8 years.

Where? What's the rated output? With or without a subsidy?
Another dumber than a doorknob Moon Bat that doesn't understand the cost of stupid Socialism programs. No wonder socialism always fails with idiots like this Moon Bat not understanding the cost of giving everybody and their Little Brown Dog free shit.

$94 Trillion means that every income in this country over $30K a year will have to be taxed at 100% for the next ten years.

Of course to a welfare queen Moon Bat like Real Dave anything over $30K a year is rich, huh?

94 trillion. Lets look at Medicare for all that you declare will cost 35 trillion over ten years.

Well, how much do we spend on healthcare a year as a country? 3.5 trillion???? So if we do nothing on healthcare, we will spent 35 trillion over ten years. Do you people ever think????? Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

And when AGW forces every building to upgrade its HVAC due to significant hgher temps, what will that cost. Our grid won't be able to handle it.

Cars are already going electric. A couple manufacturers have already announced they will fade our combustion engine cars.

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run., Even dumbasses like you will save money.

HVAC for homes that is green, will save you money.

What will it cost to protect our coastal cities & military bases from sea level increases. We have a base in VA that you can't access during high tide on certain days.

What will it cost when our bread belt can not longer produce the quantity of food.

What will it cost when tropical storms become stringer.

What will it cost to fight & rebuild after major fires?

Go ahead & do nothing & allow 3 more degrees C of warming. Your children will love it.

Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

Is that what happened when the government started throwing money at college tuition?
Did it lower the amount we pay for college?

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run.,

If you twats were serious about the dangers of AGW, you'd be pushing for dozens of new nuke plants.

P1 A simple example which is based on an analogy which lacks sagacious thought.

P2 Off topic, start a post in the new generation of Nuclear Power Plants, you will find support for those on the left and on the right when such plants are not situated on earthquake faults or near being inundated near a potential tsunami.

BTW Did you watch 60 minutes last Sunday? China has 100 businesses building electric cars.

China's drive to dominate the electric car industry

My son purchased a Chevy Bolt a year ago, and we has solar panels placed on our roof over a year ago. We've not paid a single cent for gas for the Bolt, nor for the electricity for our home.

I own an '18 Toy. RAV 4 Hybrid and own an electric bike.

The anti-Green / renewable energy set are wrong. Once again they are making an argument to make America anything but exceptional.

P1 A simple example which is based on an analogy which lacks sagacious thought.

Did a massive influx of government money make college cheaper or not?

China has 100 businesses building electric cars.

Why should I care?

My son purchased a Chevy Bolt a year ago, and we has solar panels placed on our roof over a year ago. We've not paid a single cent for gas for the Bolt, nor for the electricity for our home.

That's awesome! It sounds like the Chevy Bolt is perfect for him.
Sales must be skyrocketing!!!

GM delivered 3,949 Bolt EVs during the last three months versus 6,710 units during the same period last year. That’s a 41.1% decrease in sales in the U.S., the biggest market for GM’s flagship all-electric vehicle.

Chevy Bolt EV sales are slumping in the US, GM says production going to Canada and South Korea

Or not.

How much did your solar installation cost? What was your average monthly electric bill before?​

It is fine if somebody has a demand for an electric car and somebody builds one for them.

However, it is absolutely wrong for the fitly ass government to take taxpayer's money to subsidize a business that can't make it on its on.

That Chevy Volt came with a ton of stupid government subsidies thanks to that idiot Obama.

That means the Volt is a welfare car.

A small mind just won't get it. Pity, I'd suggest you watch 60-minutes on demand from last Sunday, and watch the last segment on Electric Cars in China, but I won't because your mind is closed to the future.
The question to ask is what is the turnaround time on a solar installation. Because after that the electricity is free

And the turnaround time on a home solar installation (provided you have full sun on the South side of your roof) is 8 years.

That means it takes that long to pay back the installation costs and then for the remaining life of those panels (typically another 17 years) your electricity is free. A savings of $42,500.

Yea...avoid THAT at all cost huh?

And the turnaround time on a home solar installation (provided you have full sun on the South side of your roof) is 8 years.

Where? What's the rated output? With or without a subsidy?

You are penny wise and dollar foolish. Also (I suspect) you can't afford to buy an electric car and put panels on your home (if you have one).
A small mind just won't get it. Pity, I'd suggest you watch 60-minutes on demand from last Sunday, and watch the last segment on Electric Cars in China, but I won't because your mind is closed to the future.
Electric cars in

How does China create nearly all of their electricity?


Power Plants, fueled by coal. They also produce energy by hydro-electric plants, nuclear, wind and solar.

Of course China has a necessary need to use less coal and more of the other methods of creating electrical power with government support. To bad we are stuck with Trump and the swamp which puts profit before the future.
She's a genuine moron and economic illiterate.

Are you agreeing with her?

I understand what she meant. It's kinda sad that you fit the mold of Easy65 - unable too think outside the box, the tiny little box of ignorance.

A box actually holds things together; AOC's "ideas" are a glidepath to Venezuela

That's silly ^^^

Ideas did not create the crisis in Venezuela, corruption did. You ought to fear the Trump Crime Family and the swamp critters he brought into his administration, and not one member of the H. or Rep. who is brand new to politics.

Bad Progressives redistribution ideas made Venezuela great - for Chavez and Maduro, each of whom should be charged with crimes against humanity, stripped of their ill gotten wealth, flogged, and then hung in public.

LOL LOL LOL LOL and almost spit water on my screen. How much pain will Chavez feel when his body is exhumed from his grave? Can a corpse long dead be hung, or will the rope simple cut through his neck and separate his head from his body?

Q. Do you believe Trump is corrupt and has committed crimes against humanity

Chavez family is worth over $4,000,000,000 while Venezuelan are eating their pets and selling their kids.
The government has been subsidizing technology and infrastructure for decades and decades

...and that is wrong, really wrong. The filthy ass government should never be in the business of picking technology winners and losers.

Just ask that dipshit Obama how that hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer's subsidies for that stupid Solyndra environmental wacko technology worked out.

Infrastructure like building roads is fine if it is paid for through user fees, like the fuel tax. Of course we see the Democrats doing corrupt things like building bridges to nowhere in order to enhance the property value of the politicians.
AOC wants to do away with cows, cars, children and airplanes and the cost will only be $94 trillion!

Her Green New Deal will only cost each American $600,000 each.
Oh My God. Yet another dumbass Trumpette who can't fucking tread.

You people are dumber than shit.

Another dumber than a doorknob Moon Bat that doesn't understand the cost of stupid Socialism programs. No wonder socialism always fails with idiots like this Moon Bat not understanding the cost of giving everybody and their Little Brown Dog free shit.

$94 Trillion means that every income in this country over $30K a year will have to be taxed at 100% for the next ten years.

Of course to a welfare queen Moon Bat like Real Dave anything over $30K a year is rich, huh?

94 trillion. Lets look at Medicare for all that you declare will cost 35 trillion over ten years.

Well, how much do we spend on healthcare a year as a country? 3.5 trillion???? So if we do nothing on healthcare, we will spent 35 trillion over ten years. Do you people ever think????? Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

And when AGW forces every building to upgrade its HVAC due to significant hgher temps, what will that cost. Our grid won't be able to handle it.

Cars are already going electric. A couple manufacturers have already announced they will fade our combustion engine cars.

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run., Even dumbasses like you will save money.

HVAC for homes that is green, will save you money.

What will it cost to protect our coastal cities & military bases from sea level increases. We have a base in VA that you can't access during high tide on certain days.

What will it cost when our bread belt can not longer produce the quantity of food.

What will it cost when tropical storms become stringer.

What will it cost to fight & rebuild after major fires?

Go ahead & do nothing & allow 3 more degrees C of warming. Your children will love it.

You are really confused Moon Bat.

There is no AGW so all that $94 trillion will go down the shitter just like all that environmental wacko subsidy money that the dipshit Obama wasted during his administration. That is why the asshole got NASA and NOAA to fabricate data to justify spending that money.

Newsflash Moon Bat. Wildfires and tropical storms, in addition to climate change have been going on for hundreds of millions of years. Throwing money at it ain't gonna change jackshit but it will sure as hell bankrupt this country.

You can be the poster child for an idiot Moon Bat that supports dumber than a door knob dipshits like this AOC clown. Run down to the voting voting booth as fast as your feet will carry you and cast your vote to fuck up this country like Venezuela.
AOC wants to do away with cows, cars, children and airplanes and the cost will only be $94 trillion!

Her Green New Deal will only cost each American $600,000 each.
Oh My God. Yet another dumbass Trumpette who can't fucking tread.

You people are dumber than shit.

Another dumber than a doorknob Moon Bat that doesn't understand the cost of stupid Socialism programs. No wonder socialism always fails with idiots like this Moon Bat not understanding the cost of giving everybody and their Little Brown Dog free shit.

$94 Trillion means that every income in this country over $30K a year will have to be taxed at 100% for the next ten years.

Of course to a welfare queen Moon Bat like Real Dave anything over $30K a year is rich, huh?

94 trillion. Lets look at Medicare for all that you declare will cost 35 trillion over ten years.

Well, how much do we spend on healthcare a year as a country? 3.5 trillion???? So if we do nothing on healthcare, we will spent 35 trillion over ten years. Do you people ever think????? Medicare for all will lower the amount America pays on healthcare.

And when AGW forces every building to upgrade its HVAC due to significant hgher temps, what will that cost. Our grid won't be able to handle it.

Cars are already going electric. A couple manufacturers have already announced they will fade our combustion engine cars.

And the really funny apart is EVs are cheaper to run., Even dumbasses like you will save money.

HVAC for homes that is green, will save you money.

What will it cost to protect our coastal cities & military bases from sea level increases. We have a base in VA that you can't access during high tide on certain days.

What will it cost when our bread belt can not longer produce the quantity of food.

What will it cost when tropical storms become stringer.

What will it cost to fight & rebuild after major fires?

Go ahead & do nothing & allow 3 more degrees C of warming. Your children will love it.

You are really confused Moon Bat.

There is no AGW so all that $94 trillion will go down the shitter just like all that environmental wacko subsidy money that the dipshit Obama wasted during his administration. That is why the asshole got NASA and NOAA to fabricate data to justify spending that money.

Newsflash Moon Bat. Wildfires and tropical storms, in addition to climate change have been going on for hundreds of millions of years. Throwing money at it ain't gonna change jackshit but it will sure as hell bankrupt this country.

You can be the poster child for an idiot Moon Bat that supports dumber than a door knob dipshits like this AOC clown. Run down to the voting voting booth as fast as your feet will carry you and cast your vote to fuck up this country like Venezuela.
"There is no AGW"...according to you and a small number of bought and paid for "scientists" as well as most of the GOP

And why not just say "infinity dollars" for all the "reality" your bogus bullshit has
The government has been subsidizing technology and infrastructure for decades and decades

...and that is wrong, really wrong. The filthy ass government should never be in the business of picking technology winners and losers.

Just ask that dipshit Obama how that hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer's subsidies for that stupid Solyndra environmental wacko technology worked out.

Infrastructure like building roads is fine if it is paid for through user fees, like the fuel tax. Of course we see the Democrats doing corrupt things like building bridges to nowhere in order to enhance the property value of the politicians.
The program that Solyndra was part of NETTED the US taxpayer 5 billion dollars stupid
The question to ask is what is the turnaround time on a solar installation. Because after that the electricity is free

And the turnaround time on a home solar installation (provided you have full sun on the South side of your roof) is 8 years.

That means it takes that long to pay back the installation costs and then for the remaining life of those panels (typically another 17 years) your electricity is free. A savings of $42,500.

Yea...avoid THAT at all cost huh?

And the turnaround time on a home solar installation (provided you have full sun on the South side of your roof) is 8 years.

Where? What's the rated output? With or without a subsidy?

You are penny wise and dollar foolish. Also (I suspect) you can't afford to buy an electric car and put panels on your home (if you have one).

You are penny wise and dollar foolish.

Because I don't want to waste my money on uneconomic solar? LOL!
The government has been subsidizing technology and infrastructure for decades and decades

...and that is wrong, really wrong. The filthy ass government should never be in the business of picking technology winners and losers.

Just ask that dipshit Obama how that hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer's subsidies for that stupid Solyndra environmental wacko technology worked out.

Infrastructure like building roads is fine if it is paid for through user fees, like the fuel tax. Of course we see the Democrats doing corrupt things like building bridges to nowhere in order to enhance the property value of the politicians.
The program that Solyndra was part of NETTED the US taxpayer 5 billion dollars stupid

You're lying.
The government has been subsidizing technology and infrastructure for decades and decades

...and that is wrong, really wrong. The filthy ass government should never be in the business of picking technology winners and losers.

Just ask that dipshit Obama how that hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer's subsidies for that stupid Solyndra environmental wacko technology worked out.

Infrastructure like building roads is fine if it is paid for through user fees, like the fuel tax. Of course we see the Democrats doing corrupt things like building bridges to nowhere in order to enhance the property value of the politicians.
The program that Solyndra was part of NETTED the US taxpayer 5 billion dollars stupid

The taxpayers weren't netted jackshit you stupid Moon Bat. That worthless asshole Obama put this country $10 trillion in debt. There was no net on anything.

The Solyndra money was given to a failed technology company run by Democrat campaign money bundlers. The executives walked away with nice bonuses given to them by Obama and we taxpayers were screwed.
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For you stupid gullible uneducated Moon Bats that demand that the American economy be destroyed for this silly AGW bullshit here is a little dose of reality.

The taxpayers weren't netted jackshit you stupid Moon Bat. That worthless asshole Obama put this country $10 trillion in debt. There was no net on anything.

The Solyndra money was given to a failed technology company run by Democrat campaign money bundlers. The executives walked away with nice bonuses given to them by Obama and we taxpayers were screwed.

Did you mistake me for a Republican? When I make a claim I can support it

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

That program NETTED...5 billion for the US taxpayer
AOC is young, naive and dumb. She’s the Democrat's village idiot, which is good news for Maxine Waters because she use to have that title.

Kind of like Obama being good news for Jimmy Carter. Once Obama got elected by these stupid Moon Bats Jimmy Carter was no longer the worst President ever. Obama is the undisputed holder of that title.

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