AOC is a lying piece of garbage

∆∆∆conspiracy nut job like all GOP dupes, just more so LOL

Franky, you get your ass handed to you on a daily basis here. You are not what one would call a "pundit" by any stretch of the imagination. You are a water carrier for the CPUSA.

Hope this helps!!!
As soon as you think people are communist, you have proved yourself to be disconnected from reality. I have basically been a French socialist since the 80s. Every other modern country knows the difference between socialists and communists, everyone but GOP nut jobs and doops... Socialists are fair capitalists unlike GOP assholes.

I am a constutionalist that is armed with more knowledge and information than you could possibly fathom. You haven't a clue about the central banking system at all. Communism is nothing but socialism in a hurry. Stupid fucks like you believe anyone that opposes leftardism is a "republican". Stupid little fucks like yourself are compelled to put those that oppose you into neat, little categories. You haven't the intellect nor armed with enough facts to take me on in a debate. You are a little commie troll....nothing more, nothing less.
communism is a dictatorship socialism since World War II now means Democratic. Start there. you are an ignorant right-winger no matter what conspiracy theories exactly you believe.

We were formed as a REPUBLIC, not a "democracy" where 50.01 percent can dictate and restrict what the God given rights of 49.99 percent will be and that includes unfair taxation having to do with the bartering of one's labor for paper notes of debt. I noticed that you never can address how the monetary system actually works against the people and why is that? Because you are an ignorant little troll.

Hope this helps!!!
It's very simple, the rich do not pay enough in taxes to have a healthy investment in people and infrastructure. So you get the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Great job scumbag GOP and a silly dupes like you..
Back on topic Donkey Face Cow Farts is facing 5 years in prison for her involvement in the campaign finance scam. Did anyone see Donkey Face Cow Farts who like that Somalian Muslim with the towel head hides from journalists and their questions as if they were mob bosses? The creepy grin that Donkey Face Cow Farts displayed after fleeing the FOX journalist almost points to a form of schizophrenia. Folks, the current flock of retarded dems might seem entertainingly stupid and uneducated, but in history their attacks on civilized folks is a serious problem. Somalia and Puerto Rico for example. Would you ever move there and expect not to get assaulted daily by the savages? :p
Back on topic Donkey Face Cow Farts is facing 5 years in prison for her involvement in the campaign finance scam. Did anyone see Donkey Face Cow Farts who like that Somalian Muslim with the towel head hides from journalists and their questions as if they were mob bosses? The creepy grin that Donkey Face Cow Farts displayed after fleeing the FOX journalist almost points to a form of schizophrenia. Folks, the current flock of retarded dems might seem entertainingly stupid and uneducated, but in history their attacks on civilized folks is a serious problem. Somalia and Puerto Rico for example. Would you ever move there and expect not to get assaulted daily by the savages? :p
You're a pretty hateful person. Must suck to be around you
You wanted to know how far the Trumpletons are gone? This thread settles it, conclusively. That is, after a few thousand of prior threads had settled it already.

It's getting harder every day even to pretend they still can somehow be reached.
Yeah and when Obama said "you didn't build that" he meant the infrastructure, not any ones business. Did that stop the GOP from splicing that tiny clip and airing it in campaign aids as if he was talking about any ones business?

Or, has that particular lie continued to this day?
/---/ Stop lying. Here is what Obozo said:

"If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

Before your quote he clearly said "Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges." <your clip> "The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet."

He was not talking about anyones business.
Yeah and when Obama said "you didn't build that" he meant the infrastructure, not any ones business. Did that stop the GOP from splicing that tiny clip and airing it in campaign aids as if he was talking about any ones business?

Or, has that particular lie continued to this day?
/---/ Stop lying. Here is what Obozo said:

"If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

Taxpayers made it happen. It sure as fuck wasn’t Obama.

Socialist Collective?
Yeah and when Obama said "you didn't build that" he meant the infrastructure, not any ones business. Did that stop the GOP from splicing that tiny clip and airing it in campaign aids as if he was talking about any ones business?

Or, has that particular lie continued to this day?
/---/ Stop lying. Here is what Obozo said:

"If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

Before your quote he clearly said "Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges." <your clip> "The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet."

He was not talking about anyones business.

/-----/ Before, during or after Obozo said "
"If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”"
Get it? You can't ignore it without making yourself look like a blithering idiot in complete denial.

"If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

"If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

"If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
To further the lie that it was a racial slur is really disgusting.

Just like the lie about Trump mocking a disabled reporter.

Dimms lie, it’s what they do.

Trump DID mock a disabled reporter.

No he didn't.

Sure he did....

“You gotta see this guy...” ~ Donald Trump


... the video you posted doesn’t refute that. It shows trump waving his hands very differently than the mocking of the reporter; or where he shook his hands in similar fashion at a later date just so he could say, see that? I wasn’t mocking a man with a disability. And right on cue, the dumbest of the conservative cult ate it up and bought it, hook, line & sinker.
To further the lie that it was a racial slur is really disgusting.

Just like the lie about Trump mocking a disabled reporter.

Dimms lie, it’s what they do.

Trump DID mock a disabled reporter.

No he didn't.

Sure he did....

“You gotta see this guy...” ~ Donald Trump


... the video you posted doesn’t refute that. It shows trump waving his hands very differently than the mocking of the reporter; or where he shook his hands in similar fashion at a later date just so he could say, see that? I wasn’t mocking a man with a disability. And right on cue, the dumbest of the conservative cult ate it up and bought it, hook, line & sinker.

Oh bullshit.
He used the exact same hand gestures.
To further the lie that it was a racial slur is really disgusting.

Just like the lie about Trump mocking a disabled reporter.

Dimms lie, it’s what they do.

Trump DID mock a disabled reporter.

No he didn't.

Sure he did....

“You gotta see this guy...” ~ Donald Trump


... the video you posted doesn’t refute that. It shows trump waving his hands very differently than the mocking of the reporter; or where he shook his hands in similar fashion at a later date just so he could say, see that? I wasn’t mocking a man with a disability. And right on cue, the dumbest of the conservative cult ate it up and bought it, hook, line & sinker.

Even when presented with video evidence you moonbats stick to your guns. Can you imagine what the readers think of your credibility, or lack there of?
To further the lie that it was a racial slur is really disgusting.

Just like the lie about Trump mocking a disabled reporter.

Dimms lie, it’s what they do.

Trump DID mock a disabled reporter.

No he didn't.

Sure he did....

“You gotta see this guy...” ~ Donald Trump


... the video you posted doesn’t refute that. It shows trump waving his hands very differently than the mocking of the reporter; or where he shook his hands in similar fashion at a later date just so he could say, see that? I wasn’t mocking a man with a disability. And right on cue, the dumbest of the conservative cult ate it up and bought it, hook, line & sinker.

Even when presented with video evidence you moonbats stick to your guns. Can you imagine what the readers think of your credibility, or lack there of?

What do you think a video, which includes clips of trump purposefully waving his hands after mocking the reporter in order to show rightards that’s just the way he speaks with his hands, proves?
To further the lie that it was a racial slur is really disgusting.

Just like the lie about Trump mocking a disabled reporter.

Dimms lie, it’s what they do.

Trump DID mock a disabled reporter.

No he didn't.

Sure he did....

“You gotta see this guy...” ~ Donald Trump


... the video you posted doesn’t refute that. It shows trump waving his hands very differently than the mocking of the reporter; or where he shook his hands in similar fashion at a later date just so he could say, see that? I wasn’t mocking a man with a disability. And right on cue, the dumbest of the conservative cult ate it up and bought it, hook, line & sinker.

Even when presented with video evidence you moonbats stick to your guns. Can you imagine what the readers think of your credibility, or lack there of?

What do you think a video, which includes clips of trump purposefully waving his hands after mocking the reporter in order to show rightards that’s just the way he speaks with his hands, proves?

If thats your claim you need the dates ...
Get to it.
Trump DID mock a disabled reporter.

No he didn't.

Sure he did....

“You gotta see this guy...” ~ Donald Trump


... the video you posted doesn’t refute that. It shows trump waving his hands very differently than the mocking of the reporter; or where he shook his hands in similar fashion at a later date just so he could say, see that? I wasn’t mocking a man with a disability. And right on cue, the dumbest of the conservative cult ate it up and bought it, hook, line & sinker.

Even when presented with video evidence you moonbats stick to your guns. Can you imagine what the readers think of your credibility, or lack there of?

What do you think a video, which includes clips of trump purposefully waving his hands after mocking the reporter in order to show rightards that’s just the way he speaks with his hands, proves?

If thats your claim you need the dates ...
Get to it.
View attachment 249104

11/15 and 2/16.
No he didn't.

Sure he did....

“You gotta see this guy...” ~ Donald Trump


... the video you posted doesn’t refute that. It shows trump waving his hands very differently than the mocking of the reporter; or where he shook his hands in similar fashion at a later date just so he could say, see that? I wasn’t mocking a man with a disability. And right on cue, the dumbest of the conservative cult ate it up and bought it, hook, line & sinker.

Even when presented with video evidence you moonbats stick to your guns. Can you imagine what the readers think of your credibility, or lack there of?

What do you think a video, which includes clips of trump purposefully waving his hands after mocking the reporter in order to show rightards that’s just the way he speaks with his hands, proves?

If thats your claim you need the dates ...
Get to it.
View attachment 249104

11/15 and 2/16.

Gee thats compelling.......
Sure he did....

“You gotta see this guy...” ~ Donald Trump


... the video you posted doesn’t refute that. It shows trump waving his hands very differently than the mocking of the reporter; or where he shook his hands in similar fashion at a later date just so he could say, see that? I wasn’t mocking a man with a disability. And right on cue, the dumbest of the conservative cult ate it up and bought it, hook, line & sinker.

Even when presented with video evidence you moonbats stick to your guns. Can you imagine what the readers think of your credibility, or lack there of?
What do you think a video, which includes clips of trump purposefully waving his hands after mocking the reporter in order to show rightards that’s just the way he speaks with his hands, proves?

If thats your claim you need the dates ...
Get to it.
View attachment 249104
11/15 and 2/16.

Gee thats compelling.......
You asked for dates so I gave you dates.
Even when presented with video evidence you moonbats stick to your guns. Can you imagine what the readers think of your credibility, or lack there of?
What do you think a video, which includes clips of trump purposefully waving his hands after mocking the reporter in order to show rightards that’s just the way he speaks with his hands, proves?

If thats your claim you need the dates ...
Get to it.
View attachment 249104
11/15 and 2/16.

Gee thats compelling.......
You asked for dates so I gave you dates.

We’ll just take your word for it that you have the dates.
Even when presented with video evidence you moonbats stick to your guns. Can you imagine what the readers think of your credibility, or lack there of?
What do you think a video, which includes clips of trump purposefully waving his hands after mocking the reporter in order to show rightards that’s just the way he speaks with his hands, proves?

If thats your claim you need the dates ...
Get to it.
View attachment 249104
11/15 and 2/16.

Gee thats compelling.......
You asked for dates so I gave you dates.

Pretending to be stupid is not a form of debate....
But then there is a real possibility you are that stupid i suppose.

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