AOC is a lying piece of garbage

Look at the Ttumpians all in a fuss over a politician insulting people!

It’s expected from the Low IQ set.

AOC is a commie pig and that is why you have such an affection for her..."kindred souls" as it were. I would utterly destroy that bitch in a real time discussion as to how things really work. She is merely a tool of the very elite she claims to be fighting against. Slope-skulled morons like you couldn't see the bigger picture even with a tutorial video. Sucks to be an uninformed minion...such as yourself.
Nobody is a commie, super dupe.

She is a commie sack of shit....just like you are. You are not fooling anyone, "super duper dupe"!

So I am for a dictatorship that owns all business and industry? ...brainwashed functional idiocy is rampant....

That is what commies do....indirectly or directly.
There is only one propaganda machine, the Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc 1. Every respected media and Network and newspaper around the world agrees with the CNN version.

Sorry I watch CNN, MSNBC and listen to NPR....All are anti-Trump. I also watch FOX have several news services, etc. I know it's hard for some to comprehend but, there are other points of view in America that do not reflect the same views as LA, NY, SF and DC. Frankly, FOX has more leftists on than either CNN or MSNBC has conservatives. Fox leans right, CNN leans left. Those who self prohibit alternate information are dupes.
Fox leans to propaganda, CNN
leans toward journalism. I'm sick of all of them for being ridiculous politico gab fests... No one has foreign offices or reporters anymore aaarrrggghhh.... During prime time there is little connection to reality on Fox...
There is only one propaganda machine, the Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc 1. Every respected media and Network and newspaper around the world agrees with the CNN version.

Sorry I watch CNN, MSNBC and listen to NPR....All are anti-Trump. I also watch FOX have several news services, etc. I know it's hard for some to comprehend but, there are other points of view in America that do not reflect the same views as LA, NY, SF and DC. Frankly, FOX has more leftists on than either CNN or MSNBC has conservatives. Fox leans right, CNN leans left. Those who self prohibit alternate information are dupes.
Alternate information also known as fake news. Incredible misinformation andcharacter assassination. Hundreds of phony scandals against Hillary Obama older Lerner the FBI Mueller you name it, all investigated and nothing but garbage propaganda.... Of course never retracted and you fools still believe it.... All to save the greedy idiots GOP Rich from paying their fair share, now we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. Only a garbage propaganda machine makes it possible...

Nonsense franco......Hillary was guilty and Comey let her off which, btw, was NOT his decision to make. No....The DOJ and Hillary need to be anal-examined the SAME WAY Trump is being examined by TDSers. Oh yeah but it won't make any difference because the DOJ will find the Trump-hater 'not guilty'......
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There is only one propaganda machine, the Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc 1. Every respected media and Network and newspaper around the world agrees with the CNN version.

Sorry I watch CNN, MSNBC and listen to NPR....All are anti-Trump. I also watch FOX have several news services, etc. I know it's hard for some to comprehend but, there are other points of view in America that do not reflect the same views as LA, NY, SF and DC. Frankly, FOX has more leftists on than either CNN or MSNBC has conservatives. Fox leans right, CNN leans left. Those who self prohibit alternate information are dupes.
Fox leans to propaganda, CNN
leans toward journalism. I'm sick of all of them for being ridiculous politico gab fests... No one has foreign offices or reporters anymore aaarrrggghhh.... During prime time there is little connection to reality on Fox...

ROTFLMAO!!!!! "CNN leans towards journalism"?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? HOLY FUCK! How many examples must be posted showing CNN faking and staging news events???? Wanna start with "Desert Storm"????
There is only one propaganda machine, the Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc 1. Every respected media and Network and newspaper around the world agrees with the CNN version.

Sorry I watch CNN, MSNBC and listen to NPR....All are anti-Trump. I also watch FOX have several news services, etc. I know it's hard for some to comprehend but, there are other points of view in America that do not reflect the same views as LA, NY, SF and DC. Frankly, FOX has more leftists on than either CNN or MSNBC has conservatives. Fox leans right, CNN leans left. Those who self prohibit alternate information are dupes.
Fox leans to propaganda, CNN
leans toward journalism. I'm sick of all of them for being ridiculous politico gab fests... No one has foreign offices or reporters anymore aaarrrggghhh.... During prime time there is little connection to reality on Fox...

CNN is anti-Trump 24/7. Most of their reporting includes the word 'if'....conjecture and not journalism is their forte. FOX has more differing points of view including looney leftists. Frankly, I consider FOX to be traditional left. Leftists are so far off the scale they may never be able to recover. They are all radical left and live in the hall of 'parrots and mirrors' where their every thought is somehow given credence by those in total agreement.

Any alternate information is strictly verboten. In fact, the more they can slander and otherwise falsely accuse others of what they themselves are doing, the more they consider themselves somehow relevant and 'correct.'
Last edited:

Will you now apologize?

FOX News is not a source either. They lie continually to cover for Trump.

OK, I'm sorry you're a complete idiot who shills for Trump

Huh? I give you video evidence that you were unequivocally wrong,
FOX News is not a source either. They lie continually to cover for Trump.

OK, I'm sorry you're a complete idiot who shills for Trump
The clip shows nothing you should apologize for or CNN or anybody else....

Video evidence and you retards stick to your false talking points. SMFH

FOX news isn’t video evidence of anything.

Sayes someone that enjoys the Clinton news network

There is only one propaganda machine, the Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc 1. Every respected media and Network and newspaper around the world agrees with the CNN version.

All progressives are fucked in the head
Look at the Ttumpians all in a fuss over a politician insulting people!

It’s expected from the Low IQ set.

AOC is a commie pig and that is why you have such an affection for her..."kindred souls" as it were. I would utterly destroy that bitch in a real time discussion as to how things really work. She is merely a tool of the very elite she claims to be fighting against. Slope-skulled morons like you couldn't see the bigger picture even with a tutorial video. Sucks to be an uninformed minion...such as yourself.
Nobody is a commie, super dupe.

She is a commie sack of shit....just like you are. You are not fooling anyone, "super duper dupe"!

So I am for a dictatorship that owns all business and industry? ...brainwashed functional idiocy is rampant....
Small business cannot succeed in a socialist environment
What a pile of crap..

Yeah you're right, you have described dumbfuck AOC to the T!!! "pile of crap" :113:
hypocrite, she is?

Hey, dipshit, please "hip" the board masses as to how this bogus "man-made" climate change (caused by the average Johnny Lunchpail that uses a conveyance that requires a combustion engine in order to eek out a meager existence) if everyone would simply acquiesce to the banking oligarchs that wish to propose a carbon tax that they would collect? How would that (snicker) "cool" the planet?

Listen up, dipshit, stop eating the paste, turn around and face the blackboard as I reveal some very relevant facts.

#1 The ruling elites set up the petro-dollar system.

#2 The technology to free all of humanity from an electrical grid and dependence on petroleum has been around since the days of Nikola Tesla.

#3 Suppression of technology like a carburetor that would use 100 percent of all gasoline instead of the 20 percent (with the other 80 percent emitted) has been around for decades.

#4 The plan to create a false flag "environmental crisis" using the Hegelian Dialectic of "cause, affect, solution" was proposed by the think tank group aka "The Iron Mountain Report" in 1967. The Club of Rome soon followed using the very protocols that were proposed by the IMR. Slow, incremental steps, technology like weather modification has been used to scare the sheeple into accepting a pre-planned verdict that the very existence of the sheeple has caused an existential threat to all life on the planet.

You have been duped, dumb ass......
∆∆∆conspiracy nut job like all GOP dupes, just more so LOL

Franky, you get your ass handed to you on a daily basis here. You are not what one would call a "pundit" by any stretch of the imagination. You are a water carrier for the CPUSA.

Hope this helps!!!
As soon as you think people are communist, you have proved yourself to be disconnected from reality. I have basically been a French socialist since the 80s. Every other modern country knows the difference between socialists and communists, everyone but GOP nut jobs and doops... Socialists are fair capitalists unlike GOP assholes.
Look at the Ttumpians all in a fuss over a politician insulting people!

It’s expected from the Low IQ set.

AOC is a commie pig and that is why you have such an affection for her..."kindred souls" as it were. I would utterly destroy that bitch in a real time discussion as to how things really work. She is merely a tool of the very elite she claims to be fighting against. Slope-skulled morons like you couldn't see the bigger picture even with a tutorial video. Sucks to be an uninformed minion...such as yourself.
Nobody is a commie, super dupe.

She is a commie sack of shit....just like you are. You are not fooling anyone, "super duper dupe"!

So I am for a dictatorship that owns all business and industry? ...brainwashed functional idiocy is rampant....
Small business cannot succeed in a socialist environment
they have plenty of small businesses in Scandinavia France Canada Australia etc etc. That is socialism everywhere but cold war dinosaur superdupe GOP America..."we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed...
There is only one propaganda machine, the Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc 1. Every respected media and Network and newspaper around the world agrees with the CNN version.

Sorry I watch CNN, MSNBC and listen to NPR....All are anti-Trump. I also watch FOX have several news services, etc. I know it's hard for some to comprehend but, there are other points of view in America that do not reflect the same views as LA, NY, SF and DC. Frankly, FOX has more leftists on than either CNN or MSNBC has conservatives. Fox leans right, CNN leans left. Those who self prohibit alternate information are dupes.
Fox leans to propaganda, CNN
leans toward journalism. I'm sick of all of them for being ridiculous politico gab fests... No one has foreign offices or reporters anymore aaarrrggghhh.... During prime time there is little connection to reality on Fox...

ROTFLMAO!!!!! "CNN leans towards journalism"?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? HOLY FUCK! How many examples must be posted showing CNN faking and staging news events???? Wanna start with "Desert Storm"????
So it was like the moon landing?
There is only one propaganda machine, the Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc 1. Every respected media and Network and newspaper around the world agrees with the CNN version.

Sorry I watch CNN, MSNBC and listen to NPR....All are anti-Trump. I also watch FOX have several news services, etc. I know it's hard for some to comprehend but, there are other points of view in America that do not reflect the same views as LA, NY, SF and DC. Frankly, FOX has more leftists on than either CNN or MSNBC has conservatives. Fox leans right, CNN leans left. Those who self prohibit alternate information are dupes.
Fox leans to propaganda, CNN
leans toward journalism. I'm sick of all of them for being ridiculous politico gab fests... No one has foreign offices or reporters anymore aaarrrggghhh.... During prime time there is little connection to reality on Fox...

CNN is anti-Trump 24/7. Most of their reporting includes the word 'if'....conjecture and not journalism is their forte. FOX has more differing points of view including looney leftists. Frankly, I consider FOX to be traditional left. Leftists are so far off the scale they may never be able to recover. They are all radical left and live in the hall of 'parrots and mirrors' where their every thought is somehow given credence by those in total agreement.

Any alternate information is strictly verboten. In fact, the more they can slander and otherwise falsely accuse others of what they themselves are doing, the more they consider themselves somehow relevant and 'correct.'
90% of the world is against Trump LOL. Only brainwashed fools in America are for him. So many lies so much misinformation all he hadto do to get elected was repeat your garbage propaganda about lock her up... Talk about dumb and dumber...
Look at the Ttumpians all in a fuss over a politician insulting people!

It’s expected from the Low IQ set.

AOC is a commie pig and that is why you have such an affection for her..."kindred souls" as it were. I would utterly destroy that bitch in a real time discussion as to how things really work. She is merely a tool of the very elite she claims to be fighting against. Slope-skulled morons like you couldn't see the bigger picture even with a tutorial video. Sucks to be an uninformed minion...such as yourself.
Nobody is a commie, super dupe.

She is a commie sack of shit....just like you are. You are not fooling anyone, "super duper dupe"!

So I am for a dictatorship that owns all business and industry? ...brainwashed functional idiocy is rampant....

That is what commies do....indirectly or directly.
No, they do it very directly. They've always had a violent revolution to get communism going. socialism is fair capitalism and always Democratic and elected, for good reason, super duper.
Yeah you're right, you have described dumbfuck AOC to the T!!! "pile of crap" :113:
hypocrite, she is?

Hey, dipshit, please "hip" the board masses as to how this bogus "man-made" climate change (caused by the average Johnny Lunchpail that uses a conveyance that requires a combustion engine in order to eek out a meager existence) if everyone would simply acquiesce to the banking oligarchs that wish to propose a carbon tax that they would collect? How would that (snicker) "cool" the planet?

Listen up, dipshit, stop eating the paste, turn around and face the blackboard as I reveal some very relevant facts.

#1 The ruling elites set up the petro-dollar system.

#2 The technology to free all of humanity from an electrical grid and dependence on petroleum has been around since the days of Nikola Tesla.

#3 Suppression of technology like a carburetor that would use 100 percent of all gasoline instead of the 20 percent (with the other 80 percent emitted) has been around for decades.

#4 The plan to create a false flag "environmental crisis" using the Hegelian Dialectic of "cause, affect, solution" was proposed by the think tank group aka "The Iron Mountain Report" in 1967. The Club of Rome soon followed using the very protocols that were proposed by the IMR. Slow, incremental steps, technology like weather modification has been used to scare the sheeple into accepting a pre-planned verdict that the very existence of the sheeple has caused an existential threat to all life on the planet.

You have been duped, dumb ass......
∆∆∆conspiracy nut job like all GOP dupes, just more so LOL

Franky, you get your ass handed to you on a daily basis here. You are not what one would call a "pundit" by any stretch of the imagination. You are a water carrier for the CPUSA.

Hope this helps!!!
As soon as you think people are communist, you have proved yourself to be disconnected from reality. I have basically been a French socialist since the 80s. Every other modern country knows the difference between socialists and communists, everyone but GOP nut jobs and doops... Socialists are fair capitalists unlike GOP assholes.

I am a constutionalist that is armed with more knowledge and information than you could possibly fathom. You haven't a clue about the central banking system at all. Communism is nothing but socialism in a hurry. Stupid fucks like you believe anyone that opposes leftardism is a "republican". Stupid little fucks like yourself are compelled to put those that oppose you into neat, little categories. You haven't the intellect nor armed with enough facts to take me on in a debate. You are a little commie troll....nothing more, nothing less.
There is only one propaganda machine, the Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc 1. Every respected media and Network and newspaper around the world agrees with the CNN version.

Sorry I watch CNN, MSNBC and listen to NPR....All are anti-Trump. I also watch FOX have several news services, etc. I know it's hard for some to comprehend but, there are other points of view in America that do not reflect the same views as LA, NY, SF and DC. Frankly, FOX has more leftists on than either CNN or MSNBC has conservatives. Fox leans right, CNN leans left. Those who self prohibit alternate information are dupes.
Fox leans to propaganda, CNN
leans toward journalism. I'm sick of all of them for being ridiculous politico gab fests... No one has foreign offices or reporters anymore aaarrrggghhh.... During prime time there is little connection to reality on Fox...

CNN is anti-Trump 24/7. Most of their reporting includes the word 'if'....conjecture and not journalism is their forte. FOX has more differing points of view including looney leftists. Frankly, I consider FOX to be traditional left. Leftists are so far off the scale they may never be able to recover. They are all radical left and live in the hall of 'parrots and mirrors' where their every thought is somehow given credence by those in total agreement.

Any alternate information is strictly verboten. In fact, the more they can slander and otherwise falsely accuse others of what they themselves are doing, the more they consider themselves somehow relevant and 'correct.'
90% of the world is against Trump LOL. Only brainwashed fools in America are for him. So many lies so much misinformation all he hadto do to get elected was repeat your garbage propaganda about lock her up... Talk about dumb and dumber...

Ya poor little neo-marxist dupe!! Trump is ruling rhe world!! MAGA!!!!!

Funny-face franco still tongue tied “LOL”
Last edited:
hypocrite, she is?

Hey, dipshit, please "hip" the board masses as to how this bogus "man-made" climate change (caused by the average Johnny Lunchpail that uses a conveyance that requires a combustion engine in order to eek out a meager existence) if everyone would simply acquiesce to the banking oligarchs that wish to propose a carbon tax that they would collect? How would that (snicker) "cool" the planet?

Listen up, dipshit, stop eating the paste, turn around and face the blackboard as I reveal some very relevant facts.

#1 The ruling elites set up the petro-dollar system.

#2 The technology to free all of humanity from an electrical grid and dependence on petroleum has been around since the days of Nikola Tesla.

#3 Suppression of technology like a carburetor that would use 100 percent of all gasoline instead of the 20 percent (with the other 80 percent emitted) has been around for decades.

#4 The plan to create a false flag "environmental crisis" using the Hegelian Dialectic of "cause, affect, solution" was proposed by the think tank group aka "The Iron Mountain Report" in 1967. The Club of Rome soon followed using the very protocols that were proposed by the IMR. Slow, incremental steps, technology like weather modification has been used to scare the sheeple into accepting a pre-planned verdict that the very existence of the sheeple has caused an existential threat to all life on the planet.

You have been duped, dumb ass......
∆∆∆conspiracy nut job like all GOP dupes, just more so LOL

Franky, you get your ass handed to you on a daily basis here. You are not what one would call a "pundit" by any stretch of the imagination. You are a water carrier for the CPUSA.

Hope this helps!!!
As soon as you think people are communist, you have proved yourself to be disconnected from reality. I have basically been a French socialist since the 80s. Every other modern country knows the difference between socialists and communists, everyone but GOP nut jobs and doops... Socialists are fair capitalists unlike GOP assholes.

I am a constutionalist that is armed with more knowledge and information than you could possibly fathom. You haven't a clue about the central banking system at all. Communism is nothing but socialism in a hurry. Stupid fucks like you believe anyone that opposes leftardism is a "republican". Stupid little fucks like yourself are compelled to put those that oppose you into neat, little categories. You haven't the intellect nor armed with enough facts to take me on in a debate. You are a little commie troll....nothing more, nothing less.
communism is a dictatorship socialism since World War II now means Democratic. Start there. you are an ignorant right-winger no matter what conspiracy theories exactly you believe.
There is only one propaganda machine, the Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc 1. Every respected media and Network and newspaper around the world agrees with the CNN version.

Sorry I watch CNN, MSNBC and listen to NPR....All are anti-Trump. I also watch FOX have several news services, etc. I know it's hard for some to comprehend but, there are other points of view in America that do not reflect the same views as LA, NY, SF and DC. Frankly, FOX has more leftists on than either CNN or MSNBC has conservatives. Fox leans right, CNN leans left. Those who self prohibit alternate information are dupes.
Fox leans to propaganda, CNN
leans toward journalism. I'm sick of all of them for being ridiculous politico gab fests... No one has foreign offices or reporters anymore aaarrrggghhh.... During prime time there is little connection to reality on Fox...

CNN is anti-Trump 24/7. Most of their reporting includes the word 'if'....conjecture and not journalism is their forte. FOX has more differing points of view including looney leftists. Frankly, I consider FOX to be traditional left. Leftists are so far off the scale they may never be able to recover. They are all radical left and live in the hall of 'parrots and mirrors' where their every thought is somehow given credence by those in total agreement.

Any alternate information is strictly verboten. In fact, the more they can slander and otherwise falsely accuse others of what they themselves are doing, the more they consider themselves somehow relevant and 'correct.'
90% of the world is against Trump LOL. Only brainwashed fools in America are for him. So many lies so much misinformation all he hadto do to get elected was repeat your garbage propaganda about lock her up... Talk about dumb and dumber...

Ya poor little neo-marxist dupe!! Trump is ruling rhe world!! MAGA!!!!!

Funny-face franco still tongue tied “LOL”
Hasn't done a damn thing except look like a fool...
Hey, dipshit, please "hip" the board masses as to how this bogus "man-made" climate change (caused by the average Johnny Lunchpail that uses a conveyance that requires a combustion engine in order to eek out a meager existence) if everyone would simply acquiesce to the banking oligarchs that wish to propose a carbon tax that they would collect? How would that (snicker) "cool" the planet?

Listen up, dipshit, stop eating the paste, turn around and face the blackboard as I reveal some very relevant facts.

#1 The ruling elites set up the petro-dollar system.

#2 The technology to free all of humanity from an electrical grid and dependence on petroleum has been around since the days of Nikola Tesla.

#3 Suppression of technology like a carburetor that would use 100 percent of all gasoline instead of the 20 percent (with the other 80 percent emitted) has been around for decades.

#4 The plan to create a false flag "environmental crisis" using the Hegelian Dialectic of "cause, affect, solution" was proposed by the think tank group aka "The Iron Mountain Report" in 1967. The Club of Rome soon followed using the very protocols that were proposed by the IMR. Slow, incremental steps, technology like weather modification has been used to scare the sheeple into accepting a pre-planned verdict that the very existence of the sheeple has caused an existential threat to all life on the planet.

You have been duped, dumb ass......
∆∆∆conspiracy nut job like all GOP dupes, just more so LOL

Franky, you get your ass handed to you on a daily basis here. You are not what one would call a "pundit" by any stretch of the imagination. You are a water carrier for the CPUSA.

Hope this helps!!!
As soon as you think people are communist, you have proved yourself to be disconnected from reality. I have basically been a French socialist since the 80s. Every other modern country knows the difference between socialists and communists, everyone but GOP nut jobs and doops... Socialists are fair capitalists unlike GOP assholes.

I am a constutionalist that is armed with more knowledge and information than you could possibly fathom. You haven't a clue about the central banking system at all. Communism is nothing but socialism in a hurry. Stupid fucks like you believe anyone that opposes leftardism is a "republican". Stupid little fucks like yourself are compelled to put those that oppose you into neat, little categories. You haven't the intellect nor armed with enough facts to take me on in a debate. You are a little commie troll....nothing more, nothing less.
communism is a dictatorship socialism since World War II now means Democratic. Start there. you are an ignorant right-winger no matter what conspiracy theories exactly you believe.

We were formed as a REPUBLIC, not a "democracy" where 50.01 percent can dictate and restrict what the God given rights of 49.99 percent will be and that includes unfair taxation having to do with the bartering of one's labor for paper notes of debt. I noticed that you never can address how the monetary system actually works against the people and why is that? Because you are an ignorant little troll.

Hope this helps!!!

Trump supporters bitching and moaning about politicians lying. :lmao:

Too fucking funny.
There is only one propaganda machine, the Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc 1. Every respected media and Network and newspaper around the world agrees with the CNN version.

Sorry I watch CNN, MSNBC and listen to NPR....All are anti-Trump. I also watch FOX have several news services, etc. I know it's hard for some to comprehend but, there are other points of view in America that do not reflect the same views as LA, NY, SF and DC. Frankly, FOX has more leftists on than either CNN or MSNBC has conservatives. Fox leans right, CNN leans left. Those who self prohibit alternate information are dupes.
Fox leans to propaganda, CNN
leans toward journalism. I'm sick of all of them for being ridiculous politico gab fests... No one has foreign offices or reporters anymore aaarrrggghhh.... During prime time there is little connection to reality on Fox...

ROTFLMAO!!!!! "CNN leans towards journalism"?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? HOLY FUCK! How many examples must be posted showing CNN faking and staging news events???? Wanna start with "Desert Storm"????
So it was like the moon landing?

I don;t believe she's lying. The Democratic party believes that everything that comes from the right is racist no matter what it is, just ask them

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