AOC not A-OK with Boston's Straight Pride Parade

Dont know biology?
You must have been there prancing around too eh bear? Dude get a girlfriend or something. There are better ways to spend your time.

They are taunting you, call it what it is
Causing me an endless supply of laughing is taunting me? Sorry but I like laughing at dumb people.

So you laugh when you look in the mirror?
That's the best you have? This isn't second grade kid. Geez.

Most 2nd graders are smarter than your hero, AOC, who was easily triggered by a parade.
Nothing says straight pride like a bunch of dude prancing around in a parade.
Did you get excited?
If laughing counts.
Did you jerk off later?
Laughing makes you jerk off? That's a weird one.
You said you were excited
I said laughing, you don't read well do you? I think you logged into the wrong forum. Take your weird fetishes somewhere else.
You must have been there prancing around too eh bear? Dude get a girlfriend or something. There are better ways to spend your time.

They are taunting you, call it what it is
Causing me an endless supply of laughing is taunting me? Sorry but I like laughing at dumb people.

So you laugh when you look in the mirror?
That's the best you have? This isn't second grade kid. Geez.

Most 2nd graders are smarter than your hero, AOC, who was easily triggered by a parade.
And yet you clearly aren't. Funny.
Did you get excited?
If laughing counts.
Did you jerk off later?
Laughing makes you jerk off? That's a weird one.
You said you were excited
I said laughing, you don't read well do you? I think you logged into the wrong forum. Take your weird fetishes somewhere else.
So you didn’t get excited?
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a swipe not necessarily at the city of Boston, but at the men marching in the town's Straight Pride parade Saturday. Commenting on a tweeted video that shows mostly men with a few women marching, AOC said it looks like the men might have a "masculinity" problem.

"For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

AOC bashes Boston "Straight Pride" parade for having few accompanying females

Right airhead. You will get just as many straight pride people joining the LGBTXZOI community as you will them joining the straight pride parade.

The organizers of this event made a public announcement that all who are not troublemakers or hate groups are welcome. If mostly men were interested, then how is that a masculinity problem? I thought a desire to carry firearms was a masculinity problem too!

In any case, there were police in riot gear, protesters against the parade because of course being for normal people means you are against non-normal people, and few arrests were made.
A parade for bigots....

a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions

Homosexuals are bigots because they are intolerant
towards those who do not accept homosexuality
You must have been there prancing around too eh bear? Dude get a girlfriend or something. There are better ways to spend your time.

They are taunting you, call it what it is
Causing me an endless supply of laughing is taunting me? Sorry but I like laughing at dumb people.

So you laugh when you look in the mirror?
That's the best you have? This isn't second grade kid. Geez.

Most 2nd graders are smarter than your hero, AOC, who was easily triggered by a parade.

What??? Are you saying that a woman who didn't know what a garbage disposal was is less intelligent than a second grader who does?
Did you get excited?
If laughing counts.
Did you jerk off later?
Laughing makes you jerk off? That's a weird one.
You said you were excited
I said laughing, you don't read well do you? I think you logged into the wrong forum. Take your weird fetishes somewhere else.

Your the one posting about Israel and franco
If laughing counts.
Did you jerk off later?
Laughing makes you jerk off? That's a weird one.
You said you were excited
I said laughing, you don't read well do you? I think you logged into the wrong forum. Take your weird fetishes somewhere else.

Your the one posting about Israel and franco
You are a slow one. I was responding to Azog who can't stop talking about Israel. Try to keep up.
Did you jerk off later?
Laughing makes you jerk off? That's a weird one.
You said you were excited
I said laughing, you don't read well do you? I think you logged into the wrong forum. Take your weird fetishes somewhere else.

Your the one posting about Israel and franco
You are a slow one. I was responding to Azog who can't stop talking about Israel. Try to keep up.

And your sock posted?

If laughing counts.
Did you jerk off later?
Laughing makes you jerk off? That's a weird one.
You jacking off?

That's disgraceful
You have some weird fantasies, try to keep me out of them.
You the one who is upset about straight people
Upset? I find it incredibly funny. I like laughing at other peoples stupidity.
Did you jerk off later?
Laughing makes you jerk off? That's a weird one.
You jacking off?

That's disgraceful
You have some weird fantasies, try to keep me out of them.
You the one who is upset about straight people
Upset? I find it incredibly funny. I like laughing at other peoples stupidity.
Straight people?
Did you jerk off later?
Laughing makes you jerk off? That's a weird one.
You jacking off?

That's disgraceful
You have some weird fantasies, try to keep me out of them.
You the one who is upset about straight people
Upset? I find it incredibly funny. I like laughing at other peoples stupidity.
Why call them names
So now you don't believe 99% of normal people don't have a right to a parade?
There is no bigotry against straights, this is ridiculous. It would only be a parade for bigots like you.

bigot |ˈbiɡət| noun

a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions: don't let a few small-minded bigots destroy the good image of the city. he was a fanatical bigot.

Sounds to me like the bigot is you.

I’m just seeing this now, after the fact

Great minds think alike :113:
Did you jerk off later?
Laughing makes you jerk off? That's a weird one.
You jacking off?

That's disgraceful
You have some weird fantasies, try to keep me out of them.
You the one who is upset about straight people
Upset? I find it incredibly funny. I like laughing at other peoples stupidity.
We already now you milk yourself on this thread and your sock franco chimed in

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