AOC not attending the SOTU tonight

The speech is over. All the whore said was a somewhat cleaned-up version of his usual speech at his Nuremberg rallies. AOC just refused to be a prop for him and his bullshit. Turns out that she was right. The grey-haired white male republican zombies were practically on their knees to him, begging him for an autograph. That was funny.
The speech is over. All the whore said was a somewhat cleaned-up version of his usual speech at his Nuremberg rallies. AOC just refused to be a prop for him and his bullshit. Turns out that she was right. The grey-haired white male republican zombies were practically on their knees to him, begging him for an autograph. That was funny.
WOW! That really convinces me to vote Democrat! (snicker)
The speech is over. All the whore said was a somewhat cleaned-up version of his usual speech at his Nuremberg rallies. AOC just refused to be a prop for him and his bullshit. Turns out that she was right. The grey-haired white male republican zombies were practically on their knees to him, begging him for an autograph. That was funny.
WOW! That really convinces me to vote Democrat! (snicker)

Was there anything in the speech that would convince me to vote repubs? All he did was appease his cult followers. His sycophants were really funny. Bunch of old white boys behaving like teenage girls did when the Beatles arrived.
The speech is over. All the whore said was a somewhat cleaned-up version of his usual speech at his Nuremberg rallies. AOC just refused to be a prop for him and his bullshit. Turns out that she was right. The grey-haired white male republican zombies were practically on their knees to him, begging him for an autograph. That was funny.
WOW! That really convinces me to vote Democrat! (snicker)

Was there anything in the speech that would convince me to vote repubs? All he did was appease his cult followers. His sycophants were really funny. Bunch of old white boys behaving like teenage girls did when the Beatles arrived.
So maybe we need someone as "Smart" as AOC?
There are a few Dems that said they won’t attend, including Sanders

Good thing Bernie cares about unity.

I was not an Obama fan, but he was the president.

When Bernie is elected (and pigs fly), he'll get it from the other end.

Great leadership Bernie. Self over country.
tRump gets it from the other end every time he visits vladimir.

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The speech is over. All the whore said was a somewhat cleaned-up version of his usual speech at his Nuremberg rallies. AOC just refused to be a prop for him and his bullshit. Turns out that she was right. The grey-haired white male republican zombies were practically on their knees to him, begging him for an autograph. That was funny.

And all you can do is sit on the sideline and suck on it.
The speech is over. All the whore said was a somewhat cleaned-up version of his usual speech at his Nuremberg rallies. AOC just refused to be a prop for him and his bullshit. Turns out that she was right. The grey-haired white male republican zombies were practically on their knees to him, begging him for an autograph. That was funny.

And all you can do is sit on the sideline and suck on it.
Why are your standards so low? You love the whore in the Oval Office, and his theatrics, and you insult everyone who doesn't. He is mentally ill: lying, narcissistic, erratic, can't take advice from experienced people, in love with enemy dictators, authoritarian, arrogant, ignorant of our constitution and laws, insulting to large segments of the American population. He needs a hospital, not the White House.
It's going to give the same old boring, self-aggrandizing speech anyway. Staying home to do one's hair and nails is probably a better idea. Read the comments on the other thread on Democratic behavior by those who think that everyone in the chamber has to stand and applaud its "accomplishments."

I don't remember any "STATE OF THE UNION" address that included the words
It's going to give the same old boring, self-aggrandizing speech anyway. Staying home to do one's hair and nails is probably a better idea. Read the comments on the other thread on Democratic behavior by those who think that everyone in the chamber has to stand and applaud its "accomplishments."
Those Prog broads have no idea how to produce an economy. I know everyday who does the building and the work to keep things going. TV may say different. But reality is the truth.
It's going to give the same old boring, self-aggrandizing speech anyway. Staying home to do one's hair and nails is probably a better idea. Read the comments on the other thread on Democratic behavior by those who think that everyone in the chamber has to stand and applaud its "accomplishments."
Those Prog broads have no idea how to produce an economy. I know everyday who does the building and the work to keep things going. TV may say different. But reality is the truth.
AOC and "The Four" ? Well ,two of 'em hate this country.
It's going to give the same old boring, self-aggrandizing speech anyway. Staying home to do one's hair and nails is probably a better idea. Read the comments on the other thread on Democratic behavior by those who think that everyone in the chamber has to stand and applaud its "accomplishments."
Those Prog broads have no idea how to produce an economy. I know everyday who does the building and the work to keep things going. TV may say different. But reality is the truth.
AOC and "The Four" ? Well ,two of 'em hate this country.

They "hate this country"? This is the kind of hyperbolic nonsense that has got to stop.
It's going to give the same old boring, self-aggrandizing speech anyway. Staying home to do one's hair and nails is probably a better idea. Read the comments on the other thread on Democratic behavior by those who think that everyone in the chamber has to stand and applaud its "accomplishments."
Those Prog broads have no idea how to produce an economy. I know everyday who does the building and the work to keep things going. TV may say different. But reality is the truth.
AOC and "The Four" ? Well ,two of 'em hate this country.

They "hate this country"? This is the kind of hyperbolic nonsense that has got to stop.
I sure don't see any love from this country from Talib or Omar (if that IS her name).
ROGER STONE’S GREATEST DIRTY TRICK: It’s Starting to Feel Like AOC Is a Republican Plant.

Ever since AOC burst onto the national political scene a year ago she has been a ceaselessly erupting geyser of inane soundbites. There are days when it seems as if she is performing an extemporaneous Saturday Night Live skit, soliloquizing away, always desperately attempting to project an awkward gravitas that feels like she may have learned it from a YouTube video called, “How To Seem Super Super Serious and Stuff.”

One of the more bizarre aspects of AOC’s ongoing struggle with verbal diarrhea is that the media insists on celebrating everything she says actually having intellectual heft. Sure, it’s not unusual for the mainstream media to fawn over their own creations -- Beto O’Rourke comes to mind -- but the treatment of AOC stands out because she is truly a remarkably stupid woman.

I mean, a real paste-eater.

O’Rourke -- a monumental moron in his own right -- is the second coming of Einstein compared to Ocasio-Cortez.

Our girl Alexandria was at it again on Thursday, offering up perhaps her most stunning display of prime-time stupidity yet:

The Oversight Committee held a hearing Wednesday to discuss proposed changes to poverty line calculations made by the Trump administration. During the hearing, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez argued that, contrary to Trump’s claim in the State of the Union, Americans hadn’t been “lifted” off of food stamps, they had been “kicked” off.
Then she went into Bizzaroland:

@AOC on America’s rags-to-riches ideal:

“It’s a physical impossibility to lift yourself up by a bootstrap, by your shoelaces? It’s physically impossible. The whole thing is a joke.”​

The Twitter reaction was swift, brutal, and quite entertaining:

Lauren Chen


Not sure what's funnier:

>AOC taking metaphors literally

>AOC, a former bartender who is now a congressman, dismissing the idea of pulling yourself up by the bootstraps …

Gretchen Lynn@Bubola

It's a physical impossibility to be in a pickle. Inside an actual pickle?? Our bodies are too big. It's physically impossible. The whole thing is a joke! …

AOC is a Republican plant, the GOP’s own Manchurian candidate, snuck into office from the Left fringe to disrupt the Democrats and make them look bad.

She causes Nancy Pelosi more headaches than she does the Republicans. AOC is the reason, after all, that Granny Boxwine rushed impeachment and had it blow up in the party’s face.

It’s more comforting to indulge this fantastical notion than it is to think that someone who is too stupid to be left alone near electrical outlets or sharp objects is a congressional juggernaut.
It's going to give the same old boring, self-aggrandizing speech anyway. Staying home to do one's hair and nails is probably a better idea. Read the comments on the other thread on Democratic behavior by those who think that everyone in the chamber has to stand and applaud its "accomplishments."
Those Prog broads have no idea how to produce an economy. I know everyday who does the building and the work to keep things going. TV may say different. But reality is the truth.
AOC and "The Four" ? Well ,two of 'em hate this country.

They "hate this country"? This is the kind of hyperbolic nonsense that has got to stop.

why? The comment "they hate this country" is a natural response to
their bitter denunciations. Would saying "Nancy Pelosi hates Trump"
strike you as hyperbolic nonsense that HAS GOT TO STOP?
It's going to give the same old boring, self-aggrandizing speech anyway. Staying home to do one's hair and nails is probably a better idea. Read the comments on the other thread on Democratic behavior by those who think that everyone in the chamber has to stand and applaud its "accomplishments."
Those Prog broads have no idea how to produce an economy. I know everyday who does the building and the work to keep things going. TV may say different. But reality is the truth.
AOC and "The Four" ? Well ,two of 'em hate this country.

They "hate this country"? This is the kind of hyperbolic nonsense that has got to stop.

why? The comment "they hate this country" is a natural response to
their bitter denunciations. Would saying "Nancy Pelosi hates Trump"
strike you as hyperbolic nonsense that HAS GOT TO STOP?
They hate us. They repeatedly make that clear, and we won't be controlled by their hate.
It's going to give the same old boring, self-aggrandizing speech anyway. Staying home to do one's hair and nails is probably a better idea. Read the comments on the other thread on Democratic behavior by those who think that everyone in the chamber has to stand and applaud its "accomplishments."
Those Prog broads have no idea how to produce an economy. I know everyday who does the building and the work to keep things going. TV may say different. But reality is the truth.
AOC and "The Four" ? Well ,two of 'em hate this country.

They "hate this country"? This is the kind of hyperbolic nonsense that has got to stop.

why? The comment "they hate this country" is a natural response to
their bitter denunciations. Would saying "Nancy Pelosi hates Trump"
strike you as hyperbolic nonsense that HAS GOT TO STOP?
No.That is a proven fact.

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