AOC says she needs a raise?

She's been begging for a raise since her first days in Congress. She couldn't even afford an apartment when she started. Her income increased nearly sixfold when she joined Congress, and yet it's still not enough for her.

Nothing will ever be enough for her. Congressional salaries rank in the top 10% of income earners in the country. But they think they need more. And we wonder why we have so much public debt.
Politics rewards failure, so why not.

I would agree to better pay, for better representatives.
Lemme help you:
The only point I can see as consideration for a raise would be if it attracts better candidates then the fools in there now.
Politics rewards failure, so why not.

I would agree to better pay, for better representatives.

The key to better representatives is more representatives. It's absurd to believe that one representative can be adequately answerable to 700,000 constituents. At the time the constitution was ratified the ratio was about 1:35,000. While it's not really feasible to have a 10,000 member House, we really probably should have 3 times as many as we do now. More accountability to the people, reduced effectiveness of gerrymandering, diminished effect of the occasional extremist like AOC.
I agree. Members of Congress should be paid more. . . IF . . .

1. It is illegal for them to buy, trade, sell any stock, mutual fund, or any other investment while they are in office and for six months after they leave office.

2. It is illegal for them to debate or vote on any legislation or policy that directly affects investments they own or business enterprises in which they or their family have a direct interest.

3. They give up their Cadillac health benefits and purchase their health insurance on the open market as they require all the rest of us to do.

4. They give up their federal retirement and contribute into their 401k or IRAs like many of the rest of us have to do.

5. They give a full accounting of all expenditures from their government expense accounts and cannot use this for any personal expenditures of any kind including gifts to others.

6. They cannot exempt themselves from ANY law, rule, regulation, policy they impose on the people they represent.
You are forgetting that he restrictions need to apply to spouses and immediate family members as well.

I believe I'd rather take a dump in a freezing Porta-John than be In the same Buc-cee's if she showed up there. This creature is a cancer, it's has a negative quantifiable value. We would be better off with a Cobalt Rod in her office.
Funny, that's exactly what the dude in Post #26 looks like he's doing. :)

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