AOC says she needs a raise?

Start a thread on it, marc. :smoke:
Nicely done...

So you said.

Considering you don't know what she made...and likely don't know how she was as a bartender, you are simply partison posturing for your tribe?
NO, little man. the d behind her name means little to nothing to me. I base my opinion of her on what she has accomplished while in office.

Like being instrumental on preventing Amazon from building in her district. something that prevented hundreds if not thousands of people gaining employment either in construction, or working in the building.

IMO, if someone gave her $2 for a fuck, he'd be overpaying her by $1.75.
You are forgetting that he restrictions need to apply to spouses and immediate family members as well.
Most of the thing on that list would not need to apply to anyone other than the elected official. But I wouldn't object to it applying to the official and his/her wife/kids.
Instead of a raise they should be provided low rent barracks at the DC Navy Yard.

It solves the two residences housing cost problem.....Done and done. ;)
For the life of me, I don't understand how she gets elected.
How is Schiff strongly leading for Senate nominee in the California primary? It's because most Democrats don't give two hoots about character, integrity, honor, honesty, or accomplishments. They crave power above and beyond everything else which is what makes them so extra dangerous with their Marxist and anti-American agenda. If a Democrat is running in a district that would elect a ham sandwich if it had a D after it's name, people like AOC don't have to worry about re-election.
NO, little man. the d behind her name means little to nothing to me. I base my opinion of her on what she has accomplished while in office.

What does that have to with being a bartender?

Like being instrumental on preventing Amazon from building in her district. something that prevented hundreds if not thousands of people gaining employment either in construction, or working in the building.

How come she was against it?

IMO, if someone gave her $2 for a fuck, he'd be overpaying her by $1.75.
How is Schiff strongly leading for Senate nominee in the California primary? It's because most Democrats don't give two hoots about character, integrity, honor, honesty, or accomplishments. They crave power above and beyond everything else which is what makes them so extra dangerous with their Marxist and anti-American agenda. If a Democrat is running in a district that would elect a ham sandwich if it had a D after it's name, people like AOC don't have to worry about re-election.

It sure seems that way.

I've never really taken the time to look into the demographics of AOC's district, whether they're largely first generation imports, trying to establish a home away from home type of scenario or what.
How is Schiff strongly leading for Senate nominee in the California primary?

Because the voters like him.

It's because most Democrats don't give two hoots about character, integrity, honor, honesty, or accomplishments.

So if they voted for someone you like they would care about those things?

How is Schiff not those things relative to other politicians?

They crave power above and beyond everything else which is what makes them so extra dangerous with their Marxist and anti-American agenda.

Politicians want to win elections.

Who would have thought?

If a Democrat is running in a district that would elect a ham sandwich if it had a D after it's name, people like AOC don't have to worry about re-election.
Sure. Blind partison voting is an issue. It happens on both sides so I suspect this isn't really your issue.

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has long been vocal about the need for members of Congress to get a pay bump.

As it turns out, Rep. Patrick McHenry — the North Carolina Republican who briefly served as interim speaker of the House in October — agrees with her, recently telling The Dispatch that congressional pay needs to be raised to attract "credible people to run for office."

"I've been saying this for some time," Ocasio-Cortez told BI this week. "I think he's right. I know it's kind of a contrarian position."

Contrarian position? The hell you say!

The argument is that without raising the wage in Congress, middle class people won't seek office and only be dominated by rich folk. But then, was Joe Biden a rich person before he went into office? No, but now he is worth millions and millions and millions!!! Funny how there are a myriad of Congressmen and women just like him. In fact, AOC is a millionaire now as well, but it certainly was not from her salary in Congress. No, you must sell your soul to get the money Biden and AOC have received, and then whine about wanting more money.

Elizabeth Warren as well .. the 1/1024 Native American who used this to advance her career and wealth.

Elizabeth Warren says lawmakers need a raise so that Congress isn't 'the plaything of multimillionaires and billionaires

  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren is backing a pay raise for members of Congress.
  • "Congress should not be the plaything of multimillionaires and billionaires," she told BI.
  • But she also emphasized that congressional staff need a raise even more.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren is joining calls for members of Congress to get a pay raise.
How about none if those fuckwits gets paid a dime until they balance the budget.

I think that they're saying that they want to save the planet before they learn how to balance a budget. Heh heh...
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The key to better representatives is more representatives. It's absurd to believe that one representative can be adequately answerable to 700,000 constituents. At the time the constitution was ratified the ratio was about 1:35,000. While it's not really feasible to have a 10,000 member House, we really probably should have 3 times as many as we do now. More accountability to the people, reduced effectiveness of gerrymandering, diminished effect of the occasional extremist like AOC.
It wouldn't matter. As soon as they are elected to the Congress they stop listening to the voters and prostitute themselves to the special interests. More representatives just mean more whores in the Washington whorehouse.
I think that the'yre saying that they want to save the planet before they learn how to balance a budget. Heh heh...
And i'm their b*tch , doin' the jetson's thing now

Fact is , i'm simply flying from job to job w/mask & cape now

Faster than a green machine bulletin….. More powerful than a congressional laxative……Able to leap to tall conclusions with a single pronoun! Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Sparky! …….Yes, it’s Sparky! Strange visitor from podunk Vermont, who came to earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men....... Sparky! Who can change the course of mighty reviews, bend liberal math with his bare hands, and who….. disguised as mild-mannered redneck pig farmer — fights a never ending battle for truth, justice and the American way!

It sure seems that way.

I've never really taken the time to look into the demographics of AOC's district, whether they're largely first generation imports, trying to establish a home away from home type of scenario or what.
AOC's New York 14th Congressional District:
Median age - mid 30s
Demographics - 52% Hispanic - 16% white non Hispanic -12% black - 11% Asian - 9% other
Median household income $61k - avg for NYC $67k
20% of people are below poverty line
About 70% rent
Roughly 40% are foreign born
Fewer than 2% are veterans

I don't think it has ever been determined if AOC actually lived in the Bronx or moved there to run for Congress.
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How is Schiff strongly leading for Senate nominee in the California primary? It's because most Democrats don't give two hoots about character, integrity, honor, honesty, or accomplishments. They crave power above and beyond everything else which is what makes them so extra dangerous with their Marxist and anti-American agenda. If a Democrat is running in a district that would elect a ham sandwich if it had a D after it's name, people like AOC don't have to worry about re-election.
Congress is where the dumbest Democrats go to scam a no accountability job I swear. None of those morons could land a career in the private sector.

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