AOC Still Silent On Mini-AOC Death Threats

She's not normal...there the problem.

Of course she ain't....and she's capable of orchestrating what happened to Mini.....I want somebody to take this seriously and look into who doxxed the Martinez family....who they are, who are they connected to. If AOC is behind this she belongs in a cage.

Occasional Cortex belongs in an asylum either way.
There is one positive thing about AOC. She's shown by her egregious lying behaviors what we're in for if we don't do something about communist takeover of the Democrat Party. Socialism is just a convenient way to disguise the real intention of the far left in the Democrat Party. They put a light to what parents didn't know what was going on in "history" departments at once-top Ivy League universities, now a bane to the working people in this nation due to expensive answers they demand on the road to wealth.
What about this is obvious? Either she is responsible or she isn't. If she isn't, there is nothing to apologize for or commit on. It's that simple.

AOC should apologize for a lot of things. But you wouldn't know... :)

Let's just stick to this incident. I still fail to see how AOC is responsible, and if she isn't, why would she need to commit on anything...
Socratica, many people have watched Ocasio-Cortez' actions. Her manners are absent, she is paranoid, and her false scenario at the border this past week that smacked of preplanned comments, and distance from scenes she claimed to be at when actually she was in a cool, air-conditioned limo came across as false witness, arrogance, and being out-of-touch with real illegal aliens who have praised the facilities and the accommodations that Ms. AOC claimed were non existence. Her pretentious outrage was overshadowed by the fact she refused humanitarian assistance with her vote against funding humanitarian assistance for expanded facilities the law and certainly humanity to those arriving there with no toothbrushes, nor any of the amenities of cleanliness we take for granted in this nation, plus the very Border Patrolers she was shaking her proverbial fist in their faces actually were spending a good percentage of their paychecks buying toys and meals for kids who needed nutrition upon arrival, but there were no funds provided by Congress for it.

AOC comes across as a snotty-nosed brat with zero heart for homeless people as she violates the tenets of her proposed New Green Deal. It's rare to see this much hypocrisy in someone so young as she. Most people would help the hungry, not view them from the comforts she was spending time in rather that getting out of the car and meeting actual border people she'd never spoken with before. She was canned, cold, calumnious, and caustic.

I don't care how smart or well-educated a Congressman or Congresswoman is, an absence of contact and spontaneity were simply not there. I want to see Congresspeople who care for other people, and not for the vote they're gonna get from ideologues whose hate for an opponent in the White House is by far greater than their love for people in need shown by voting for their welfare.

I don't think all the to-do about a pretentious child teasing a Congressperson is a cause for threatening the chld's life, and I have no idea who did such a thing. I just hope the police locate the louts and deal with them.
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