AOC tests positive for Covid after her Miami “getaway”

I think most people would never say the things they say on the internet to your face. You're just an avatar here. They aren't humanizing you, and I think that's a big part of why they talk to you like that. I think the medium that we're all communicating on it's making the situation seem more toxic than it actually is.

I think you're a better person than somebody that would kill AOC. I don't want to believe you would actually do that.
So, if things that others say on this board deserve a pass because "internet anonymity", why is anything I say a big deal? Target me, please. I like it.
AOC stole from her coworkers when she poured beer for a living.


She is a corrupt, morally bankrupt, and stupid piece of human trash.

...and yet the left not only follow this mini Evita.....they WORSHIP her.

EVEN IN THE FACE OF BLATANT HYPOCRISY...these stupid fucks on the left worship her.

Tribalism, Cultists, it what you will.
So, if things that others say on this board deserve a pass because "internet anonymity", why is anything I say a big deal? Target me, please. I like it.
It's not. I don't actually think you're going to kill people or that you even really want to. I think you're just angry and perhaps a little fearful.

I do give you a pass. I think you're a good person. I wouldn't think that if I wasn't giving you a pass for what you say online. I think most of you are good people underneath the fear and frustration.

I also happen to believe you're one of the thinking people on this forum. I wanted to see if I could make any conversational progress with you on this.
You read the posts of those here who express their belief that "unvaxxed" people should die. Do you just not take them seriously? I do. I believe that any of them would be very pleased to see me die.

Edit, responding to your edit: Words are words? Not to an astoundingly large percentage of that tribe that believes I should die for not taking the jab. Words are violence to them. I take them at their word.

I seem to recall MANY of the left GIDDY over the prospect of Trump dying from COVID.

You are spot on. Lefties are soulless ghouls who would love all of those with a different opinion to drop dead.

That's why I like to say that I take all the things the left said about Trump when he was sick and offer the same sentiments to AOC.
That's why I like to say that I take all the things the left said about Trump when he was sick and offer the same sentiments to AOC.

Why not behave in a way that's more worthy than people you see as ghouls? Don't match their behavior. Take the high road instead.
Why not behave in a way that's more worthy than people you see as ghouls? Don't match their behavior. Take the high road instead.


Doesn't work.

You have to play on their level.

Playing by a different set of rules and losing is STUPID.

I wish AOC all the health the left wished Trump. Holding a mirror up to them.

Yet, the left will not call her out for her elitist hypocrisy.

It's so fucking bizarre. It's like Stockholm syndrome.
Losing doesn't help.

If you are playing monopoly and one of the players is going by another set of rules, why should the others play fairly and lose?
Being a classless ghoul isn't going to help your side win. Let them be ghouls. Be better than they are. That's the way I see things anyway.

Also I happen to believe there are much bigger things at work in the universe. Maybe you should be better than them just because it's right.
New York has more daily infections than Florida. And I'm not sure it is following CDC guidelines in any state to go around kissing strangers in a drag bar, Dumbass.
Strangers? Do you know AOC and her circle of friends?

What shithole wingnut site are you basing that assertion on?

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