AOC vaccinated for Kung Flu. Is she high risk?

uh - because she's a member of congress.

so, our servants should be placed above front line workers and the most vulnerable?

I wonder who’s granny will die cuz Bubblehead took her vaccine.
Are you gonna get vaccinated?
I have no idea WTF that has to do with this conversation, but yeah. Whenever it is widely available to anyone and everyone. I'm in no hurry.
Just asking.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

To encourage said front line workers, many of whom are hispanic, to get vaccinated.

So you think Hispanics are so fucking stupid they won't get vaccinated unless that Bubbleheaded Gerkin does?
The hispanics I know...and there are A LOT...think she's a dumbass and an embarrassment.
And the half Mexican lady I'm currently dating does not. According to her AOC is wildly popular with the hispanic community.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just when I think your stupidity has hit an all time high, you continually impress me. Your hatred of ALL things not Trump diminishes the ability to think rationally and logically.

The United States of America has a continuity of business (COB) protocol that they adhere to and members of congress are encouraged to take the vaccination.

Additionally, SCOTUS was also provided this, however, I do not see your trivial drivel regarding them.

Why not?
Why are young healthy people like her, I don't give a rat's ass if he's a congresscritter, getting vaccinated before old people?
Maybe she is high risk, who knows what her medical history or status. This is as silly as the OP posting this. It's amazing how dumb you Trumplicans are to even question why.

Nope. They are offering it to all COngresscritters. Tulsi Gabbard to them to give her shot to an old person.

Is Pence high risk? His compliant walking-dead fat ass got it too... where's the questioning of that?
Pence is second in the Constitutional line of succession. But you knew that, right?
Absolutely, so why the concern over AOC's vaccination? She's a member of US Congress and has a vital role as a representative, no?
Nope. She's young and healthy. We should be vaccinating the old and the otherwise vulnerable first. Not young healthy people like AOC
Also she is about 430th in the line of succession. As far as her vital role, she hasn't done shit this year except run her big mouth and nobody even noticed.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

To encourage said front line workers, many of whom are hispanic, to get vaccinated.

So you think Hispanics are so fucking stupid they won't get vaccinated unless that Bubbleheaded Gerkin does?
The hispanics I know...and there are A LOT...think she's a dumbass and an embarrassment.
And the half Mexican lady I'm currently dating does not. According to her AOC is wildly popular with the hispanic community.
Nobody here is shocked you are dating a moron.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

To encourage said front line workers, many of whom are hispanic, to get vaccinated.

So you think Hispanics are so fucking stupid they won't get vaccinated unless that Bubbleheaded Gerkin does?
The hispanics I know...and there are A LOT...think she's a dumbass and an embarrassment.
And the half Mexican lady I'm currently dating does not. According to her AOC is wildly popular with the hispanic community.
What's the other half, Honduran? Is that half illegal too? Those are the only hispanics that AOC is wildly popular with.
Few things first anyone anyone not in the high risk category for covid and I don't care what their race, gender or political affiliation is should not be one of the first to get the vaccine second those who should be first in line for the vaccine should be front line health care workers and the ederly last if someone has doubts about taking the vaccine watching some politican get it is unlikely to change their mind.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

To encourage said front line workers, many of whom are hispanic, to get vaccinated.

So you think Hispanics are so fucking stupid they won't get vaccinated unless that Bubbleheaded Gerkin does?
The hispanics I know...and there are A LOT...think she's a dumbass and an embarrassment.
And the half Mexican lady I'm currently dating does not. According to her AOC is wildly popular with the hispanic community.
What's the other half, Honduran? Is that half illegal too? Those are the only hispanics that AOC is wildly popular with.
Her mother is mexican, her father american.

As far as "illegal"?

Fuck you, you worthless piece of shit. She and her mom are more American than any ten shit-eating tRumplings you care to name.
An interesting saga you have created, and you are sure that she is resentful? My take is that, through perseverance, she has overcome a very difficult growing-up period and risen above the fray, and is now the bright and knowledgeable person she has strived to become. Do I agree with her politics?
Hell no but I have a lot of respect for her.
She grew up in a wealthy suburb of NYC. She went to BU $55K/year. Her dad died when she was 20.
And she got an Economics degree from that joke of a school..

Every parent who has paid a dime to that school to educate their child should sue their ass off for a full refund.

Your Honor, I present to you Exhibit A:
View attachment 432010Judge: " I find in your favor, how many millions in punitive damages do you want me to tack on"?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia › wiki › Alexandria_Ocasio-Cortez

Ocasio-Cortez graduated cum laude from Boston University in 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in both international relations and economics.
Yorktown High School · ‎International Science and ... ·
Since when is Boston University a joke? Cum laude also a joke? Obviously, you don't know much about educational institutions since you didn't do the education thing. Maybe high school because you have a high school mentality.
Last edited:
She is a congresswoman, travels far and wide in our country, and may pass on the covid virus or contract the virus.
Why would she be traveling at all? We've been told not to travel, to stay at home.

Good idea to innoculate all government officials. As a sidelight, she is a very intelligent individual whether you dislike her politics, color of skin, or religious affiliation. She could eat your type for lunch in any discussion and spit out the pits.
She even didn't know what a garbage disposal is. Seriously? Intelligent? LOL
All congresspeople travel to talk live with their constituents and put their health in danger to do so.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

She is a congresswoman, travels far and wide in our country, and may pass on the covid virus or contract the virus. Good idea to innoculate all government officials. As a sidelight, she is a very intelligent individual whether you dislike her politics, color of skin, or religious affiliation. She could eat your type for lunch in any discussion and spit out the pits.
You're special. Lol
An interesting saga you have created, and you are sure that she is resentful? My take is that, through perseverance, she has overcome a very difficult growing-up period and risen above the fray, and is now the bright and knowledgeable person she has strived to become. Do I agree with her politics?
Hell no but I have a lot of respect for her.
She grew up in a wealthy suburb of NYC. She went to BU $55K/year. Her dad died when she was 20.
And she got an Economics degree from that joke of a school..

Every parent who has paid a dime to that school to educate their child should sue their ass off for a full refund.

Your Honor, I present to you Exhibit A:
View attachment 432010Judge: " I find in your favor, how many millions in punitive damages do you want me to tack on"?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia › wiki › Alexandria_Ocasio-Cortez

Ocasio-Cortez graduated cum laude from Boston University in 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in both international relations and economics.
Yorktown High School · ‎International Science and ... ·
Since when is Boston University a joke? Cum laude also a joke? Obviously, you don't know much about educational institutions since you didn't do the education thing. Maybe high school because you have a high school mentality.

Boston University no Ivy League school. Heck, nearly nearly 1/2 the schools in the ACC rank above it in US News and World Report. (42nd) I am not knocking the school or her achievments there, but she wasn’t a Harvard valedictorian or anything even close to that. Beside this point, plenty of smart people are deranged and misled. She may fit into this category.
An interesting saga you have created, and you are sure that she is resentful? My take is that, through perseverance, she has overcome a very difficult growing-up period and risen above the fray, and is now the bright and knowledgeable person she has strived to become. Do I agree with her politics?
Hell no but I have a lot of respect for her.
She grew up in a wealthy suburb of NYC. She went to BU $55K/year. Her dad died when she was 20.
And she got an Economics degree from that joke of a school..

Every parent who has paid a dime to that school to educate their child should sue their ass off for a full refund.

Your Honor, I present to you Exhibit A:
View attachment 432010Judge: " I find in your favor, how many millions in punitive damages do you want me to tack on"?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia › wiki › Alexandria_Ocasio-Cortez

Ocasio-Cortez graduated cum laude from Boston University in 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in both international relations and economics.
Yorktown High School · ‎International Science and ... ·
Since when is Boston University a joke? Cum laude also a joke? Obviously, you don't know much about educational institutions since you didn't do the education thing. Maybe high school because you have a high school mentality.

Boston University no Ivy League school. Heck, nearly nearly 1/2 the schools in the ACC rank above it in US News and World Report. (42nd) I am not knocking the school or her achievments there, but she wasn’t a Harvard valedictorian or anything even close to that. Beside this point, plenty of smart people are deranged and misled. She may fit into this category.
Some are indeed deranged and misled and I don't think that this is the case here. She is a politician
and a liberal one at that. Boston University is a fine university and not every school can be a Princeton or Harvard. Cum laude at a school like BU is quite an achievement. My point is that BU is hardly a joke.
Some of the looneys who are critical of her education have not been educated past high school
and are trying to justify their sorry existence with false and very stupid statements since they don't have a clue.
All congresspeople travel to talk live with their constituents and put their health in danger to do so.

Well, she shouldn't be doing that should she? Completely contrary to what they are telling us to do. Putting all those people in danger.
All congresspeople travel to talk live with their constituents and put their health in danger to do so.

Well, she shouldn't be doing that should she? Completely contrary to what they are telling us to do. Putting all those people in danger.
All congresspeople travel at one point or another, like when the congress closes for vacation. Their homes are not where congress is located.
All congresspeople travel to talk live with their constituents and put their health in danger to do so.

Well, she shouldn't be doing that should she? Completely contrary to what they are telling us to do. Putting all those people in danger.
All congresspeople travel at one point or another, like when the congress closes for vacation. Their homes are not where congress is located.
You claimed she was traveling around talking live to her constituents. Again, why would she put her constituents' lives at risk with such reckless and unnecessary behavior?
All congresspeople travel to talk live with their constituents and put their health in danger to do so.

Well, she shouldn't be doing that should she? Completely contrary to what they are telling us to do. Putting all those people in danger.
All congresspeople travel at one point or another, like when the congress closes for vacation. Their homes are not where congress is located.
You claimed she was traveling around talking live to her constituents. Again, why would she put her constituents' lives at risk with such reckless and unnecessary behavior?
Why are you pursuing this ridiculous question when you should know what I mean if you do some thinking.
All congresspeople travel to talk live with their constituents and put their health in danger to do so.

Well, she shouldn't be doing that should she? Completely contrary to what they are telling us to do. Putting all those people in danger.
All congresspeople travel at one point or another, like when the congress closes for vacation. Their homes are not where congress is located.
You claimed she was traveling around talking live to her constituents. Again, why would she put her constituents' lives at risk with such reckless and unnecessary behavior?
Why are you pursuing this ridiculous question when you should know what I mean if you do some thinking.
What's ridiculous? You tried to defend her jumping in line to take the vaccine by claiming she was traveling around talking live to her constituents. Third time, why is she putting her constituents' lives at risk with such reckless and unnecessary behavior?
All congresspeople travel to talk live with their constituents and put their health in danger to do so.

Well, she shouldn't be doing that should she? Completely contrary to what they are telling us to do. Putting all those people in danger.
All congresspeople travel at one point or another, like when the congress closes for vacation. Their homes are not where congress is located.
You claimed she was traveling around talking live to her constituents. Again, why would she put her constituents' lives at risk with such reckless and unnecessary behavior?
Why are you pursuing this ridiculous question when you should know what I mean if you do some thinking. I guess by your standard, she is a naughty girl. You go right ahead and don't follow the recommendations of the medical profession. Why do fed Ex and other people deliver? It is their job.

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