AOC vaccinated for Kung Flu. Is she high risk?

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An empty vessel with nice funbags.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

ALL members of Congress are getting shots. Why are YOU so crazy over AOC getting a vaccine? She's an "essential worker". She's one of over 400 members of Congress getting the shot.

I didn't see you posting when the Trump Administration scheduled vaccinations for White House employees on Day 1 after the vaccines were approved.

Thanks for showing people what a total partisan fool you are. But then we already knew that, didn't we FuckBoi?
She isn’t essential to anything.
Third time. She did not "jump in line".
She didn't get the vaccine?

All congresspeople get their vaccination because it is necessary
in their capacity.
In her case, just about as far from necessary as possible. Young healthy. There are at least 100,000,000 people that shoud get the vaccine before she does.

How about a fourth time, or are you as ignorant as you sound. Pence got his, yes?
Not very good at this debate thing, are you?

When are you idiots going to understand, that this doesn't work unless EVERYONE gets the shot? Congress isn't a safe workplace unless EVERYBODY in Congress gets the shot. It's not about whether AOC will die from it, but if she gets it, she'll spread it to others. That's the essence of herd immunity.

Right after you understand that no one wants or values your foreign input into OUR country.

She has never been right on any topic, and we wouldn’t give a shit if she was.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

She is at risk from jerks like you. In fact in all consideration you are as dangerous as any virus, by lying and posting conspiracy theories which are nothing but BIG LIES.
This thread poses a risk to her? How so, be specific.

just when I thought you snowflakes couldn’t get any more snowflakey.
She changed her mind and decided to be vaccinated. Good leadership is pragmatic and People are not hesitant because of her statements to the contrary.

She is detestable She is the number one example of why people hate politicians.
She is the number I example of why you hate Democrats and your hate is unfounded.

Hate to tell you this, but if she is the reason to hate democrats then there is a foundation to hate them. You may not like it but it is true.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

She is at risk from jerks like you. In fact in all consideration you are as dangerous as any virus, by lying and posting conspiracy theories which are nothing but BIG LIES.

If opinions were facts you might have a point. But as YOU sated it you have nothing but fear and hate.

Try again when you can admit that facet of your dialog present some verifiable as truth.

If you did not have your head up your ass, and only come out to listen to Hannity or Tucker or other purveyors of BIG LIES and Conspiracy Theories, you might take my comment as much more than an opinion, and informed opinion framed by an open mind and common sense.

As for hate and fear you are way off base. I don't hate anyone, and the hate and fear rhetoric is part of the BIG LIES and Conspiracy Theories posted on social media and cable news 24-7. It is the food fed by trump and echoed by his supporters and his press secretaries for four years.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

She is at risk from jerks like you. In fact in all consideration you are as dangerous as any virus, by lying and posting conspiracy theories which are nothing but BIG LIES.
This thread poses a risk to her? How so, be specific.

just when I thought you snowflakes couldn’t get any more snowflakey.

First of all you lied, you don't ever "thought"; BIG LIES and Character Assassinations hurt others, and now and then some kook like you will go out an shoot someone.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

She is at risk from jerks like you. In fact in all consideration you are as dangerous as any virus, by lying and posting conspiracy theories which are nothing but BIG LIES.
This thread poses a risk to her? How so, be specific.

just when I thought you snowflakes couldn’t get any more snowflakey.

First of all you lied, you don't ever "thought"; BIG LIES and Character Assassinations hurt others, and now and then some kook like you will go out an shoot someone.
1. What was my lie?

2. How would a lie in a thread on a messageboard pose a risk to her, Buttercup?
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

She is at risk from jerks like you. In fact in all consideration you are as dangerous as any virus, by lying and posting conspiracy theories which are nothing but BIG LIES.
This thread poses a risk to her? How so, be specific.

just when I thought you snowflakes couldn’t get any more snowflakey.

First of all you lied, you don't ever "thought"; BIG LIES and Character Assassinations hurt others, and now and then some kook like you will go out an shoot someone.
1. What was my lie?

2. How would a lie in a thread on a messageboard pose a risk to her, Buttercup?

1a That you think. You emote, the same hate and fear which spews from the mouth/tweets of trump.

2a Your really are dumb. The pen is mightier than the sword, it is not a cliché.

Writing has more influence on people and events than the use of force or violence it incites those inclined to use violence.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

She is at risk from jerks like you. In fact in all consideration you are as dangerous as any virus, by lying and posting conspiracy theories which are nothing but BIG LIES.
This thread poses a risk to her? How so, be specific.

just when I thought you snowflakes couldn’t get any more snowflakey.

First of all you lied, you don't ever "thought"; BIG LIES and Character Assassinations hurt others, and now and then some kook like you will go out an shoot someone.
1. What was my lie?

2. How would a lie in a thread on a messageboard pose a risk to her, Buttercup?

1a That you think. You emote, the same hate and fear which spews from the mouth/tweets of trump.

2a Your really are dumb. The pen is mightier than the sword, it is not a cliché.
Ok, so you can’t point out where I lied.

And if this thread poses a threat to AOC, can you point us to your outrage over the thousands of Trump hating threads over the past 4 years?


Then STFU with your snowflake bullshit, Moron.
She said that the reason she got it was to encourage everyone else to get it as well, especially in light of all the misinformation that is currently going on about the virus. I still can't believe that some are stupid enough to think that the vaccine contains nanobots they inject into your body, and then use 5G to transmit to the nanobots to control the population.

Nope, sorry, but I believe it is safe, and when the VA calls me to come get vaccinated, I will be there bright and early.

Right because everyone going to be rushingto take the vaccine just because she took it. These politicians are cutting the line and there’s no way around that.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

She is at risk from jerks like you. In fact in all consideration you are as dangerous as any virus, by lying and posting conspiracy theories which are nothing but BIG LIES.
This thread poses a risk to her? How so, be specific.

just when I thought you snowflakes couldn’t get any more snowflakey.

First of all you lied, you don't ever "thought"; BIG LIES and Character Assassinations hurt others, and now and then some kook like you will go out an shoot someone.
1. What was my lie?

2. How would a lie in a thread on a messageboard pose a risk to her, Buttercup?

1a That you think. You emote, the same hate and fear which spews from the mouth/tweets of trump.

2a Your really are dumb. The pen is mightier than the sword, it is not a cliché.
Ok, so you can’t point out where I lied.

And if this thread poses a threat to AOC, can you point us to your outrage over the thousands of Trump hating threads over the past 4 years?


Then STFU with your snowflake bullshit, Moron.

You really don't get it, bozo. I suggest you tune out Fox News' talking heads and tune in Sesame Street.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

She is at risk from jerks like you. In fact in all consideration you are as dangerous as any virus, by lying and posting conspiracy theories which are nothing but BIG LIES.
This thread poses a risk to her? How so, be specific.

just when I thought you snowflakes couldn’t get any more snowflakey.

First of all you lied, you don't ever "thought"; BIG LIES and Character Assassinations hurt others, and now and then some kook like you will go out an shoot someone.
1. What was my lie?

2. How would a lie in a thread on a messageboard pose a risk to her, Buttercup?

1a That you think. You emote, the same hate and fear which spews from the mouth/tweets of trump.

2a Your really are dumb. The pen is mightier than the sword, it is not a cliché.
Ok, so you can’t point out where I lied.

And if this thread poses a threat to AOC, can you point us to your outrage over the thousands of Trump hating threads over the past 4 years?


Then STFU with your snowflake bullshit, Moron.

You really don't get it, bozo. I suggest you tune out Fox News' talking heads and tune in Sesame Street.
WTF does Fox News have to do with you being unable to show my lie, or how my thread is a threat to AOC?

You seem loopy from the beatdown I’m giving you.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just when I think your stupidity has hit an all time high, you continually impress me. Your hatred of ALL things not Trump diminishes the ability to think rationally and logically.

The United States of America has a continuity of business (COB) protocol that they adhere to and members of congress are encouraged to take the vaccination.

Additionally, SCOTUS was also provided this, however, I do not see your trivial drivel regarding them.

Why not?
Why are young healthy people like her, I don't give a rat's ass if he's a congresscritter, getting vaccinated before old people?

She says she was trying to set an example to soothe public health concerns about the vaccine. On that score, I don't have a problem with it. But I'm almighty tired of this canard that it's Trump and Republicans that have caused public distrust of the Covid vaccines. I'd have to be as dumb as Occasional Cortex to believe that talking point over the evidence of my own eyes.

Hate to tell ya, but there are many people who believe that the vaccine is some kind of mind control (some of them are even on this board and have started a thread about nanobots in the shot). And, also hate to tell you, but many of those people (who also think Bill Gates is using the vaccine for mind and population control) are supporters of Trump.
She said that the reason she got it was to encourage everyone else to get it as well, especially in light of all the misinformation that is currently going on about the virus. I still can't believe that some are stupid enough to think that the vaccine contains nanobots they inject into your body, and then use 5G to transmit to the nanobots to control the population.

Nope, sorry, but I believe it is safe, and when the VA calls me to come get vaccinated, I will be there bright and early.

Right because everyone going to be rushingto take the vaccine just because she took it. These politicians are cutting the line and there’s no way around that.

Actually, it's because she's the representative for her district. In my 20 years in the Navy, part of leadership was showing those who worked for you that there was nothing to fear when something new came along. Leadership sometimes means that you are the one to take the first step, and that is what she did. Interestingly enough, when those who work for you see that you aren't afraid of something new, they tend to follow your example. And, people tend to reflect that which their leaders show them. If you are the leader, and you think something is good, so will those you lead. If you think something is crap, same thing applies.
She said that the reason she got it was to encourage everyone else to get it as well, especially in light of all the misinformation that is currently going on about the virus. I still can't believe that some are stupid enough to think that the vaccine contains nanobots they inject into your body, and then use 5G to transmit to the nanobots to control the population.

Nope, sorry, but I believe it is safe, and when the VA calls me to come get vaccinated, I will be there bright and early.

Right because everyone going to be rushingto take the vaccine just because she took it. These politicians are cutting the line and there’s no way around that.

Actually, it's because she's the representative for her district. In my 20 years in the Navy, part of leadership was showing those who worked for you that there was nothing to fear when something new came along. Leadership sometimes means that you are the one to take the first step, and that is what she did. Interestingly enough, when those who work for you see that you aren't afraid of something new, they tend to follow your example. And, people tend to reflect that which their leaders show them. If you are the leader, and you think something is good, so will those you lead. If you think something is crap, same thing applies.

Yeah that’s a crock of shit. She’s not the first in line to take the vaccine. The subjects in the clinical trials were. There is no one that is going to be more confident in taking the vaccine because AOC took it. These politicians are skipping the line. They’re lying to your face saying they’re taking the vaccine as a means of promoting confidence in it.
I never thought I would agree with Omar. She’s spot on.
AOC is taking some old and sick person’s vaccine ABikerSailor bottom line. That’s not leadership. That’s being in a position of privilege and taking advantage of it.
AOC is taking some old and sick person’s vaccine ABikerSailor bottom line. That’s not leadership. That’s being in a position of privilege and taking advantage of it.

Actually, considering the way that some people have been demonizing the vaccine, it's leadership. Guess you missed where there have been some people who have had a bad reaction to the vaccine. Not only that, but there are lots of conspiracy theorists (some on this very board) who have said that there are nanobots that use 5G to control people. Not only that, but others have said (again, on these very boards) that the vaccine is a conspiracy by Bill Gates to control the population and the people.

BTW.......................Governor Abbot (gov. in my state) has just had the vaccine. Is he taking advantage of his privilege? How about Pence? How about any other Republican who has taken the vaccine as a way to settle the fears of those they lead? You're an idiot, and know nothing of leadership.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just like the other democrat "elites in their own minds" she thinks she is more important than the common folks. Personally, I don't care--I'll donate my doses to her. Maybe she'll be adversely affected by the vaccine and just f***ing fade away.

The only thing I'd donate to her is a load of my sperm. She's a breeder, nothing more.

<pfffft> as if she would look in yer di-rection.



I'd have that bitch drunk, down to her panties, and dancing on my dinner table in no time flat. Don't let that elitist attitude of hers fool you. It's all an act.

uh-huh. for all i know you're an incel. you sure do sound like it.

I have no idea what an "incel" sounds like and that doesn't sound like anything I'd wanna try. Although I have had problems from trying to stick it in anything that has a gash between its legs.

That's gotten me into trouble more times than I'd care to talk about.



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