AOC vaccinated for Kung Flu. Is she high risk?

All congresspeople travel to talk live with their constituents and put their health in danger to do so.

Well, she shouldn't be doing that should she? Completely contrary to what they are telling us to do. Putting all those people in danger.
All congresspeople travel at one point or another, like when the congress closes for vacation. Their homes are not where congress is located.
You claimed she was traveling around talking live to her constituents. Again, why would she put her constituents' lives at risk with such reckless and unnecessary behavior?
Why are you pursuing this ridiculous question when you should know what I mean if you do some thinking.
What's ridiculous? You tried to defend her jumping in line to take the vaccine by claiming she was traveling around talking live to her constituents. Third time, why is she putting her constituents' lives at risk with such reckless and unnecessary behavior?
Third time. She did not "jump in line". All congresspeople get their vaccination because it is necessary
in their capacity.
How about a fourth time, or are you as ignorant as you sound. Pence got his, yes?
Third time. She did not "jump in line".
She didn't get the vaccine?

All congresspeople get their vaccination because it is necessary
in their capacity.
In her case, just about as far from necessary as possible. Young healthy. There are at least 100,000,000 people that shoud get the vaccine before she does.

How about a fourth time, or are you as ignorant as you sound. Pence got his, yes?
Not very good at this debate thing, are you?
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

ALL members of Congress are getting shots. Why are YOU so crazy over AOC getting a vaccine? She's an "essential worker". She's one of over 400 members of Congress getting the shot.

I didn't see you posting when the Trump Administration scheduled vaccinations for White House employees on Day 1 after the vaccines were approved.

Thanks for showing people what a total partisan fool you are. But then we already knew that, didn't we FuckBoi?
Third time. She did not "jump in line".
She didn't get the vaccine?

All congresspeople get their vaccination because it is necessary
in their capacity.
In her case, just about as far from necessary as possible. Young healthy. There are at least 100,000,000 people that shoud get the vaccine before she does.

How about a fourth time, or are you as ignorant as you sound. Pence got his, yes?
Not very good at this debate thing, are you?

When are you idiots going to understand, that this doesn't work unless EVERYONE gets the shot? Congress isn't a safe workplace unless EVERYBODY in Congress gets the shot. It's not about whether AOC will die from it, but if she gets it, she'll spread it to others. That's the essence of herd immunity.
When are you idiots going to understand, that this doesn't work unless EVERYONE gets the shot? Congress isn't a safe workplace unless EVERYBODY in Congress gets the shot. It's not about whether AOC will die from it, but if she gets it, she'll spread it to others. That's the essence of herd immunity.

Have you followed any of this thread? It's not a matter of "if," it's the timing.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just when I think your stupidity has hit an all time high, you continually impress me. Your hatred of ALL things not Trump diminishes the ability to think rationally and logically.

The United States of America has a continuity of business (COB) protocol that they adhere to and members of congress are encouraged to take the vaccination.

Additionally, SCOTUS was also provided this, however, I do not see your trivial drivel regarding them.

Why not?

Could it possibly be because the youngest member of the Supreme Court is 53, whereas Alexandria Occasional Cortex is 31? Nah, that's much too easy.
Third time. She did not "jump in line".
She didn't get the vaccine?

All congresspeople get their vaccination because it is necessary
in their capacity.
In her case, just about as far from necessary as possible. Young healthy. There are at least 100,000,000 people that shoud get the vaccine before she does.

How about a fourth time, or are you as ignorant as you sound. Pence got his, yes?
Not very good at this debate thing, are you?

When are you idiots going to understand, that this doesn't work unless EVERYONE gets the shot? Congress isn't a safe workplace unless EVERYBODY in Congress gets the shot. It's not about whether AOC will die from it, but if she gets it, she'll spread it to others. That's the essence of herd immunity.

Right after you understand that no one wants or values your foreign input into OUR country.
Just when I think your stupidity has hit an all time high, you continually impress me. Your hatred of ALL things not Trump diminishes the ability to think rationally and logically.

The United States of America has a continuity of business (COB) protocol that they adhere to and members of congress are encouraged to take the vaccination.

Additionally, SCOTUS was also provided this, however, I do not see your trivial drivel regarding them.

Why not?
"Encouraged" to get the vaccine. But not required.
The question remains, why was a young healthy political threshing machine like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez put at the head of a vaccine line in front of so many other vulnerable at risk people ?

You never really answered that question in favor of personal invective and politically partisan rhetoric.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just when I think your stupidity has hit an all time high, you continually impress me. Your hatred of ALL things not Trump diminishes the ability to think rationally and logically.

The United States of America has a continuity of business (COB) protocol that they adhere to and members of congress are encouraged to take the vaccination.

Additionally, SCOTUS was also provided this, however, I do not see your trivial drivel regarding them.

Why not?
Why are young healthy people like her, I don't give a rat's ass if he's a congresscritter, getting vaccinated before old people?

She says she was trying to set an example to soothe public health concerns about the vaccine. On that score, I don't have a problem with it. But I'm almighty tired of this canard that it's Trump and Republicans that have caused public distrust of the Covid vaccines. I'd have to be as dumb as Occasional Cortex to believe that talking point over the evidence of my own eyes.
Third time. She did not "jump in line".
She didn't get the vaccine?

All congresspeople get their vaccination because it is necessary
in their capacity.
In her case, just about as far from necessary as possible. Young healthy. There are at least 100,000,000 people that shoud get the vaccine before she does.

How about a fourth time, or are you as ignorant as you sound. Pence got his, yes?
Not very good at this debate thing, are you?
It is commonly known as "leading by example" since many are afraid or don't believe. Congressmen
and congresswomen are always in the presence of others and each other, so it is imperative. Why don't you use Mitch McConnel as your example? Hate them Dems, yes?
Lawmakers begin receiving COVID-19 vaccines - Roll Call › 2020/12/18 › lawmakers-begin-rec...

4 days ago — Members of Congress, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, started getting the COVID-19 vaccineon ...

Still want more "debating"?
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just when I think your stupidity has hit an all time high, you continually impress me. Your hatred of ALL things not Trump diminishes the ability to think rationally and logically.

The United States of America has a continuity of business (COB) protocol that they adhere to and members of congress are encouraged to take the vaccination.

Additionally, SCOTUS was also provided this, however, I do not see your trivial drivel regarding them.

Why not?
Why are young healthy people like her, I don't give a rat's ass if he's a congresscritter, getting vaccinated before old people?
Maybe she is high risk, who knows what her medical history or status. This is as silly as the OP posting this. It's amazing how dumb you Trumplicans are to even question why.

Nope. They are offering it to all COngresscritters. Tulsi Gabbard to them to give her shot to an old person.

Is Pence high risk? His compliant walking-dead fat ass got it too... where's the questioning of that?
Pence is second in the Constitutional line of succession. But you knew that, right?
Absolutely, so why the concern over AOC's vaccination? She's a member of US Congress and has a vital role as a representative, no?
Nope. She's young and healthy. We should be vaccinating the old and the otherwise vulnerable first. Not young healthy people like AOC
You do NOT know her health status and stop making up bullshit lies like you do. You assume she's healthy, but you don't know. You trumplicans just make up shit to support your narrative without any quantitative data.

Inferior pieces of shit! lol
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just when I think your stupidity has hit an all time high, you continually impress me. Your hatred of ALL things not Trump diminishes the ability to think rationally and logically.

The United States of America has a continuity of business (COB) protocol that they adhere to and members of congress are encouraged to take the vaccination.

Additionally, SCOTUS was also provided this, however, I do not see your trivial drivel regarding them.

Why not?
Why are young healthy people like her, I don't give a rat's ass if he's a congresscritter, getting vaccinated before old people?
Maybe she is high risk, who knows what her medical history or status. This is as silly as the OP posting this. It's amazing how dumb you Trumplicans are to even question why.

Is Pence high risk? His compliant walking-dead fat ass got it too... where's the questioning of that?

Mike Pence is 61 years old, so yeah. He is much higher risk than the 31-year-old Occasional Cortex, however many hypothetical excuses about "secret health problems" you want to make up for her. Also, he's one heartbeat away from the Presidency until Inauguration Day, which makes him far more essential than a one-in-hundreds Representative.

Y'know, for all that the left likes to pussy-ache about "THE SCIENCE!" we sure do have to spend a lot of time repeating the most basic and obvious scientific points, like COVID IS MORE DANGEROUS TO OLDER PEOPLE.
She says she was trying to set an example to soothe public health concerns about the vaccine. On that score, I don't have a problem with it. But I'm almighty tired of this canard that it's Trump and Republicans that have caused public distrust of the Covid vaccines. I'd have to be as dumb as Occasional Cortex to believe that talking point over the evidence of my own eyes.
Given her age and her health, I do have a problem with that. IMHO setting a bad example. Who needs to be publically getting a shot, preferably in the ass, is Harris. Who spent all summer campaigning that she wouldn't take any vaccine recommended by the President. I truly detest her.
You do NOT know her health status and stop making up bullshit lies like you do. You assume she's healthy, but you don't know. You trumplicans just make up shit to support your narrative without any quantitative data.

Inferior pieces of shit! lol
Wow. With that level of anger and hate please tell us that you don't have access to any firearms.

Bye Bye.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just when I think your stupidity has hit an all time high, you continually impress me. Your hatred of ALL things not Trump diminishes the ability to think rationally and logically.

The United States of America has a continuity of business (COB) protocol that they adhere to and members of congress are encouraged to take the vaccination.

Additionally, SCOTUS was also provided this, however, I do not see your trivial drivel regarding them.

Why not?
Why are young healthy people like her, I don't give a rat's ass if he's a congresscritter, getting vaccinated before old people?
Maybe she is high risk, who knows what her medical history or status. This is as silly as the OP posting this. It's amazing how dumb you Trumplicans are to even question why.

Nope. They are offering it to all COngresscritters. Tulsi Gabbard to them to give her shot to an old person.

Is Pence high risk? His compliant walking-dead fat ass got it too... where's the questioning of that?
Pence is second in the Constitutional line of succession. But you knew that, right?
Absolutely, so why the concern over AOC's vaccination? She's a member of US Congress and has a vital role as a representative, no?

There are 435 Representatives in the House. She's not all that essential, no. She's also, as has been pointed out to you, not at any particular risk by the very same science the shitbrick leftists have been claiming as the highest and most sacred governing principle they have for the entire year.

But then, I don't think anyone will be surprised to discover that "Science!" is nothing more than an optional smokescreen to be discarded the instant it gets in the way.
She says she was trying to set an example to soothe public health concerns about the vaccine. On that score, I don't have a problem with it. But I'm almighty tired of this canard that it's Trump and Republicans that have caused public distrust of the Covid vaccines. I'd have to be as dumb as Occasional Cortex to believe that talking point over the evidence of my own eyes.
It's highly doubtful that the persons who would be positively influenced by AOC would need to be induced to
get their vaccine shot.

That sort of "reasoning" just doesn't hold up. Who knows which person went untreated because of AOC
but the optics aren't good given that the vaccine is much needed, in short supply and Ocasio-Cortez
is not in any apparent danger.
She says she was trying to set an example to soothe public health concerns about the vaccine. On that score, I don't have a problem with it. But I'm almighty tired of this canard that it's Trump and Republicans that have caused public distrust of the Covid vaccines. I'd have to be as dumb as Occasional Cortex to believe that talking point over the evidence of my own eyes.
Given her age and her health, I do have a problem with that. IMHO setting a bad example. Who needs to be publically getting a shot, preferably in the ass, is Harris. Who spent all summer campaigning that she wouldn't take any vaccine recommended by the President. I truly detest her.
She changed her mind and is being realistic. Trump's rhetoric changes every day--do you hate him also?
The difference is that trump never admits when he is wrong. Rather, he doubles down.
Few things first anyone anyone not in the high risk category for covid and I don't care what their race, gender or political affiliation is should not be one of the first to get the vaccine second those who should be first in line for the vaccine should be front line health care workers and the ederly last if someone has doubts about taking the vaccine watching some politican get it is unlikely to change their mind.

You'd be surprised how susceptible many people are to meaningless optics like that.
She says she was trying to set an example to soothe public health concerns about the vaccine. On that score, I don't have a problem with it. But I'm almighty tired of this canard that it's Trump and Republicans that have caused public distrust of the Covid vaccines. I'd have to be as dumb as Occasional Cortex to believe that talking point over the evidence of my own eyes.
It's highly doubtful that the persons who would be positively influenced by AOC would need to be induced to
get their vaccine shot.

That sort of "reasoning" just doesn't hold up. Who knows which person went untreated because of AOC
but the optics aren't good given that the vaccine is much needed, in short supply and Ocasio-Cortez
is not in any apparent danger.

Oh, sure they would. You forget just how much energy the left put into undermining public confidence in "Trump's vaccine" before the election, because they were afraid he might get another four years in office. Now they have to calm their useful idiots back down and get them in line with the new program.
She changed her mind and is being realistic. Trump's rhetoric changes every day--do you hate him also?
The difference is that trump never admits when he is wrong. Rather, he doubles down.

Not sure what you are talking about, "changed her mind" For months she went around the country claiming she wouldn't take any vaccine recommended by the President. She even did it in the VP debate, less than a month before the election, when she knew the phase 3 clinical trials were over. And you really wonder why some people might be hesitant to take the vaccine?

"Come on man"

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