AOC vaccinated for Kung Flu. Is she high risk?

Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

She is a congresswoman, travels far and wide in our country, and may pass on the covid virus or contract the virus. Good idea to innoculate all government officials. As a sidelight, she is a very intelligent individual whether you dislike her politics, color of skin, or religious affiliation. She could eat your type for lunch in any discussion and spit out the pits.

Bobo...shes an idiot.
But to him she's a genius.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Why? She is Puerto Rican. Therefore entitled.

Why? Puerto Rico's not even a state. It's a floating turd like Haiti or Cuba, floating around in the Atlantic off the coast of Florida.

Spain is welcome to have it back anytime they want it.
Hold on, Hold on, Hold on--we have a naval gun range there--don't be givin' it back to Spain. LOL

Cuba just called and said we could use their floating turd for a naval gun range instead.
Works for me. LOL
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Why? She is Puerto Rican. Therefore entitled.

Why? Puerto Rico's not even a state. It's a floating turd like Haiti or Cuba, floating around in the Atlantic off the coast of Florida.

Spain is welcome to have it back anytime they want it.
You are a waste of human cells - Trump has you fucking brain dead and you're too dumb to recognize your miserable existence.

Case in point - islands do NOT float. LOL!

That's not what Hank Johnson said.
Nor Maxine Waters, she's on video asking about the floating islands.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just when I think your stupidity has hit an all time high, you continually impress me. Your hatred of ALL things not Trump diminishes the ability to think rationally and logically.

The United States of America has a continuity of business (COB) protocol that they adhere to and members of congress are encouraged to take the vaccination.

Additionally, SCOTUS was also provided this, however, I do not see your trivial drivel regarding them.

Why not?
Why are young healthy people like her, I don't give a rat's ass if he's a congresscritter, getting vaccinated before old people?
Maybe she is high risk, who knows what her medical history or status. This is as silly as the OP posting this. It's amazing how dumb you Trumplicans are to even question why.

Nope. They are offering it to all COngresscritters. Tulsi Gabbard to them to give her shot to an old person.

Is Pence high risk? His compliant walking-dead fat ass got it too... where's the questioning of that?
Pence is second in the Constitutional line of succession. But you knew that, right?
I'd inoculate her

See the source image
AOC would get some A2M.
There's 3 billion holes on this planet. THAT one comes in last place for shit-dicking.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just like the other democrat "elites in their own minds" she thinks she is more important than the common folks. Personally, I don't care--I'll donate my doses to her. Maybe she'll be adversely affected by the vaccine and just f***ing fade away.

The only thing I'd donate to her is a load of my sperm. She's a breeder, nothing more.

<pfffft> as if she would look in yer di-rection.



I'd have that bitch drunk, down to her panties, and dancing on my dinner table in no time flat. Don't let that elitist attitude of hers fool you. It's all an act.
I take it from what you are saying that you do not have a religious-based morality. You certainly have nothing to do with Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or any other religion that I can name. were you raised in dirt?
A couple of things come to mind when listening to a religious hypocrite like you. The first has something to do with casting the first stone. The second has a quote that begins something like Judge not and ye...Take your hypocrisy down the road.
I was not the one to introduce pornography here. Many of these posters go on other threads and introduce themselves as Christians. One second they are "Christians," and the next they are talking about the "loads of their sperm" and a woman in her panties. No honorable believer in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, or any other religion does this.

You want this dirty, disrespectful behavior to be excused? If so, take it to your congregation at your church, synagogue, mosque, temple, worship circle, whatever, and stand proud in front of your fellowship.

Geesus, babe. I just asked a simple question. Ya doesn't have to go all psycho on me. You girls and your hormones.
Last edited:
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just like the other democrat "elites in their own minds" she thinks she is more important than the common folks. Personally, I don't care--I'll donate my doses to her. Maybe she'll be adversely affected by the vaccine and just f***ing fade away.

The only thing I'd donate to her is a load of my sperm. She's a breeder, nothing more.

<pfffft> as if she would look in yer di-rection.



I'd have that bitch drunk, down to her panties, and dancing on my dinner table in no time flat. Don't let that elitist attitude of hers fool you. It's all an act.
I take it from what you are saying that you do not have a religious-based morality. You certainly have nothing to do with Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or any other religion that I can name. were you raised in dirt?
A couple of things come to mind when listening to a religious hypocrite like you. The first has something to do with casting the first stone. The second has a quote that begins something like Judge not and ye...Take your hypocrisy down the road.
I was not the one to introduce pornography here. Many of these posters go on other threads and introduce themselves as Christians. One second they are "Christians," and the next they are talking about the "loads of their sperm" and a woman in her panties. No honorable believer in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, or any other religion does this.

You want this dirty, disrespectful behavior to be excused? If so, take it to your congregation at your church, synagogue, mosque, temple, worship circle, whatever, and stand proud in front of your fellowship.
All this from a woman who believes that it is alright to use sex as a weapon. Stinking hypocrites.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just like the other democrat "elites in their own minds" she thinks she is more important than the common folks. Personally, I don't care--I'll donate my doses to her. Maybe she'll be adversely affected by the vaccine and just f***ing fade away.

The only thing I'd donate to her is a load of my sperm. She's a breeder, nothing more.

<pfffft> as if she would look in yer di-rection.



I'd have that bitch drunk, down to her panties, and dancing on my dinner table in no time flat. Don't let that elitist attitude of hers fool you. It's all an act.
I take it from what you are saying that you do not have a religious-based morality. You certainly have nothing to do with Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or any other religion that I can name. were you raised in dirt?
A couple of things come to mind when listening to a religious hypocrite like you. The first has something to do with casting the first stone. The second has a quote that begins something like Judge not and ye...Take your hypocrisy down the road.
I was not the one to introduce pornography here. Many of these posters go on other threads and introduce themselves as Christians. One second they are "Christians," and the next they are talking about the "loads of their sperm" and a woman in her panties. No honorable believer in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, or any other religion does this.

You want this dirty, disrespectful behavior to be excused? If so, take it to your congregation at your church, synagogue, mosque, temple, worship circle, whatever, and stand proud in front of your fellowship.
I don't need a place of worship or some hypocritical clergy that changes their views on what is holy and what is not depending on the flavor of the week to tell me what is right and wrong and, sorry to inform you, you are not qualified to judge anyone.

Is your comment meant just for me or for all of those who have some comment on "what is holy and what is not depending on the flavor of the week"? Is this kind of porn stuff common in your religious group? The only religious group in which I have a background is Christianity, and i have understood this to mean that sexual morality meant that there was no sex before heterosexual marriage and no sex outside the marriage thereafter.

This isn't what I SAID, this is what was been marketed all along. Go ask your priest, pastor, bishop, whomever.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just like the other democrat "elites in their own minds" she thinks she is more important than the common folks. Personally, I don't care--I'll donate my doses to her. Maybe she'll be adversely affected by the vaccine and just f***ing fade away.

The only thing I'd donate to her is a load of my sperm. She's a breeder, nothing more.

<pfffft> as if she would look in yer di-rection.



I'd have that bitch drunk, down to her panties, and dancing on my dinner table in no time flat. Don't let that elitist attitude of hers fool you. It's all an act.
I take it from what you are saying that you do not have a religious-based morality. You certainly have nothing to do with Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or any other religion that I can name. were you raised in dirt?
A couple of things come to mind when listening to a religious hypocrite like you. The first has something to do with casting the first stone. The second has a quote that begins something like Judge not and ye...Take your hypocrisy down the road.
I was not the one to introduce pornography here. Many of these posters go on other threads and introduce themselves as Christians. One second they are "Christians," and the next they are talking about the "loads of their sperm" and a woman in her panties. No honorable believer in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, or any other religion does this.

You want this dirty, disrespectful behavior to be excused? If so, take it to your congregation at your church, synagogue, mosque, temple, worship circle, whatever, and stand proud in front of your fellowship.
I don't need a place of worship or some hypocritical clergy that changes their views on what is holy and what is not depending on the flavor of the week to tell me what is right and wrong and, sorry to inform you, you are not qualified to judge anyone.

Is your comment meant just for me or for all of those who have some comment on "what is holy and what is not depending on the flavor of the week"? Is this kind of porn stuff common in your religious group? The only religious group in which I have a background is Christianity, and i have understood this to mean that sexual morality meant that there was no sex before heterosexual marriage and no sex outside the marriage thereafter

I'm exempt from your "Jew nailed to a stick" morality, seeing as how I have no "religious group."

Well, there is Odin from my Anglo-Saxon heritage, but I don't think he'll mind.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just when I think your stupidity has hit an all time high, you continually impress me. Your hatred of ALL things not Trump diminishes the ability to think rationally and logically.

The United States of America has a continuity of business (COB) protocol that they adhere to and members of congress are encouraged to take the vaccination.

Additionally, SCOTUS was also provided this, however, I do not see your trivial drivel regarding them.

Why not?
Why are young healthy people like her, I don't give a rat's ass if he's a congresscritter, getting vaccinated before old people?
Maybe she is high risk, who knows what her medical history or status. This is as silly as the OP posting this. It's amazing how dumb you Trumplicans are to even question why.

Nope. They are offering it to all COngresscritters. Tulsi Gabbard to them to give her shot to an old person.

Is Pence high risk? His compliant walking-dead fat ass got it too... where's the questioning of that?
Pence is second in the Constitutional line of succession. But you knew that, right?
Absolutely, so why the concern over AOC's vaccination? She's a member of US Congress and has a vital role as a representative, no?
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just like the other democrat "elites in their own minds" she thinks she is more important than the common folks. Personally, I don't care--I'll donate my doses to her. Maybe she'll be adversely affected by the vaccine and just f***ing fade away.

The only thing I'd donate to her is a load of my sperm. She's a breeder, nothing more.

<pfffft> as if she would look in yer di-rection.



I'd have that bitch drunk, down to her panties, and dancing on my dinner table in no time flat. Don't let that elitist attitude of hers fool you. It's all an act.
I take it from what you are saying that you do not have a religious-based morality. You certainly have nothing to do with Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or any other religion that I can name. were you raised in dirt?
A couple of things come to mind when listening to a religious hypocrite like you. The first has something to do with casting the first stone. The second has a quote that begins something like Judge not and ye...Take your hypocrisy down the road.
I was not the one to introduce pornography here. Many of these posters go on other threads and introduce themselves as Christians. One second they are "Christians," and the next they are talking about the "loads of their sperm" and a woman in her panties. No honorable believer in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, or any other religion does this.

You want this dirty, disrespectful behavior to be excused? If so, take it to your congregation at your church, synagogue, mosque, temple, worship circle, whatever, and stand proud in front of your fellowship.
I don't need a place of worship or some hypocritical clergy that changes their views on what is holy and what is not depending on the flavor of the week to tell me what is right and wrong and, sorry to inform you, you are not qualified to judge anyone.

Is your comment meant just for me or for all of those who have some comment on "what is holy and what is not depending on the flavor of the week"? Is this kind of porn stuff common in your religious group? The only religious group in which I have a background is Christianity, and i have understood this to mean that sexual morality meant that there was no sex before heterosexual marriage and no sex outside the marriage thereafter.

This isn't what I SAID, this is what was been marketed all along. Go ask your priest, pastor, bishop, whomever.
I don't have a religious group that includes anyone but God and me. I don't need hypocrite that figures he has an inside line to God to tell me what is right and wrong. Least of all when the Pope tries to justify acts that are specifically admonished in HIS holy book. And, I certainly wouldn't advocate using sex as a weapon--sound familiar? Keep casting those stones, I'm sure you'll be judged favorably.
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Just when I think your stupidity has hit an all time high, you continually impress me. Your hatred of ALL things not Trump diminishes the ability to think rationally and logically.

The United States of America has a continuity of business (COB) protocol that they adhere to and members of congress are encouraged to take the vaccination.

Additionally, SCOTUS was also provided this, however, I do not see your trivial drivel regarding them.

Why not?
Why are young healthy people like her, I don't give a rat's ass if he's a congresscritter, getting vaccinated before old people?
Maybe she is high risk, who knows what her medical history or status. This is as silly as the OP posting this. It's amazing how dumb you Trumplicans are to even question why.

Nope. They are offering it to all COngresscritters. Tulsi Gabbard to them to give her shot to an old person.

Is Pence high risk? His compliant walking-dead fat ass got it too... where's the questioning of that?
Pence is second in the Constitutional line of succession. But you knew that, right?
Absolutely, so why the concern over AOC's vaccination? She's a member of US Congress and has a vital role as a representative, no?
Nope. She's young and healthy. We should be vaccinating the old and the otherwise vulnerable first. Not young healthy people like AOC
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

Well, Trump has already had his share of anti-virus meds long before anyone else..
Why is this bubble headed idiot put in front of front line workers and those most vulnerable?

To encourage said front line workers, many of whom are hispanic, to get vaccinated.

So you think Hispanics are so fucking stupid they won't get vaccinated unless that Bubbleheaded Gerkin does?
Are you so fucking stupid you think that's what I meant?

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