AP Discovers a Lot of Clinton Foundation Donars Got Special Favors

AP Discovers a Lot of Clinton Foundation Donars Got Special Favors

over 1/2

REALLY???? - You know they've had to retract that story as both false and misleading?

The AP’s defense of its bad Clinton Foundation story is also bad

Here's another one:

Experts: New Clinton State Dept. emails show donor ‘access,’ not ‘favors’

and another:


They're all in the tank for Hillary.
cnn mslsd as well
How do you know there was no request for bribes?

Because there is no evidence that they did. Remember the part where the guy who wrote the book where all this innuendo about the Clinton Foundation started said he had NO EVIDENCE as to any of this happening, but the optics are certainly there? This is a rumour, bought and paid for with Republican dark money, to smear the Clintons - no more, no less.

This is no different than email, Benghazi, TravelGate, Vince Foster, stealing china from the White House. None of this happened except in the fevered minds of Republicans.
Again, name one US charity that foreign governments give that kind of money to.

There are none, because it's bribery.

It's been posted.
Then instead of spending the time saying they were named, name one US charity that foreign governments give that kind of money to.
Almost 300 posts and not one special favor cited. Hmmmm....I think the OP was lying.

Not 1(ONE)? How about NINE (9):

1. Clinton helped a major corporate (Blackstone Group) donor secure a visa from the State Department during her first year in office. The Blackstone Group donated between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation, donor records show.

Money paid, Visa problem went away.

2. In the same email from September 2009, Clinton asked her aide to help another corporate donor, Honeywell, with some export regulations that were hampering Honeywell's bottom line. Honeywell not only gave to the Clinton Foundation and officially lobbied the State Department, it contributed heavily to a political project dear to the secretary: the U.S. pavilion at the 2010 world's fair in Shanghai.

Money paid, problem went away.

3. Gregory Milne, a Clinton Foundation employee, asked Mills if she could meet with the CEO of Greif, Inc., a foundation donor, about their application for a U.S. Agency for International Development grant. USAID is housed within the State Department. Milne also asked if the Greif executives could meet with Clinton personally. The company, a packaging products firm, has donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation and committed more than $3 million to projects through the Clinton Global Initiative.

Money paid, access granted.

4. Clinton invited Kenneth Frazier, president and CEO of Merck, to meet with her at the State Department headquarters in Washington, D.C., in March 2012, according to a schedule released among her private emails.

Despite attacking pharmaceutical companies on the campaign trail, she totook the time to meet with one. Clinton invited Kenneth Frazier, president and CEO of Merck, to meet with her at the State Department headquarters in Washington, D.C., in March 2012, according to a schedule released among her private emails. Merck has donated between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

Money paid, access granted.

5. Clinton welcomed a meeting with a top Cisco executive in April 2009, just as the corporate leader and friend was moving into a position that gave him purview of the company's business in Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Cisco has donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation. Cisco won the award in 2010.

Money paid, contract awarded.

6. Boeing's relationship to the State Department became the subject of much scrutiny this May after multiple news outlets noted the connection between a lucrative Russian contract, facilitated by Clinton's State Department, and a major donation to the Clinton Foundation.

But emails released since then show Boeing, which has donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, enjoyed other perks while Clinton served as secretary of state. For example, Clinton's closest aides approved security clearance for Stanley Roth, a high-ranking executive at Boeing, to join diplomats on a presidential delegation to Mongolia in June 2009.

An email sent to Clinton six months later indicated Boeing executives were invited to South Africa with the Export-Import Bank to ink taxpayer-backed deals in Africa.

Money paid, access granted, security clearances given, contracvts awarded/deals made.

7. An executive at Morgan Stanley enjoyed a warm welcome from Clinton in July 2009 when he reached out to schedule a meeting with her. Stephen Roach, chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, wrote to Clinton early that month and said he "[w]ould love the opportunity to meet with you briefly and give you up update on my thoughts/ insights into China and the rest of the region."

Morgan Stanley has given between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation. What's more, the Wall Street titan is among the top donors to Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.

Money paid, access granted.

8. GE: After an associate of Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of General Electric, asked Clinton for a meeting about "jobs," Clinton told her staff she "would like to do this" in a July 2011 email. Huma Abedin, Clinton's deputy chief of staff, said she "wanted to discuss" the meeting with Clinton because it was actually an invitation to co-host a summit with the then-secretary of state.

General Electric has donated between $500,000 and $1 million to the Clinton Foundation. General Electric was able to secure a number of lucrative partnerships with the State Department during Clinton's tenure.

Money paid, deals/partnerships awarded.

9. George Soros, whose own foundation has given between $500,000 and $1 million to the Clinton Foundation, told a mutual friend in May 2012 he was "impressed" by the level of access he was able to gain to Clinton while she served as secretary of state. Clinton's official schedule indicated she met with Soros at the State Department in March 2012.

Soros has donated so much money he owns her ass. Soros might as well be referred to from now on as Hillary's 'Pimp'!

Nine times Clinton Foundation donors got special access at State
How do you know there was no request for bribes?

Because there is no evidence that they did. Remember the part where the guy who wrote the book where all this innuendo about the Clinton Foundation started said he had NO EVIDENCE as to any of this happening, but the optics are certainly there? This is a rumour, bought and paid for with Republican dark money, to smear the Clintons - no more, no less.

This is no different than email, Benghazi, TravelGate, Vince Foster, stealing china from the White House. None of this happened except in the fevered minds of Republicans.
Again, name one US charity that foreign governments give that kind of money to.

There are none, because it's bribery.

It's been posted.
Then instead of spending the time saying they were named, name one US charity that foreign governments give that kind of money to.

Try actually reading and following the thread you're commenting in.
AP smells blood. Interesting how they are forced to sue the most transparent administration in history just to get public records.

The Associated Press’ reporting relied on publicly available data provided by the State Department about Hillary Clinton’s meetings, phone calls and emails, cross-referenced against donor information provided by the Clinton Foundation and its related charities on its websites. As AP wrote, our reporting was based on Mrs. Clinton’s calendars covering the entirety of her tenure as secretary of state and on more detailed schedules of meetings and phone calls covering roughly half that period. AP first requested Mrs. Clinton’s calendars and schedules in 2010 and again in 2013 but was unsuccessful. AP then sued the State Department in federal court to obtain the schedules it has received so far. AP expects to receive the remaining files before Election Day and will continue to examine them and report on their contents.AP has been transparent in how it has reported this story. It focused on Mrs. Clinton’s meetings and calls involving people outside government who were not federal employees or foreign diplomats, because meeting with U.S. or foreign government officials would inherently have been part of her job as secretary of state. We focused on Mrs. Clinton’s meetings and calls involving those people outside her duties as secretary of state whom she chose to include in her busy schedule.This reporting was done by the same AP investigative team that discovered Mrs. Clinton’s private email server and traced it to her basement in Chappaqua, New York, and whose reporting last week resulted in the resignation of Donald Trump’s top campaign strategist. AP has been examining issues facing the presidential candidates and will continue to do so.

AP Definitive Source | AP statement on Clinton Foundation donors
Almost 300 posts and not one special favor cited. Hmmmm....I think the OP was lying.
You're such a pathetic liar.
Multiple posts have shown the pay for play.
Go to post 221 and shove it up your fat ass.

What's the play?
Pull your head out of your fat ass.

YOU pull the head out of YOUR ass. Where's the play? What did these people get in return for their donations? NOTHING.

Someone asked upthread for the name of an American charity which had donations from the same sources as the Clinton Foundation, on the assumption there wouldn't be one, because Clinton was taking bribes. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which also does health care work in Africa, has many of the same donors.

What will happen as a result of this media frenzy is that the Clintons will shut down the Foundation's work while Hillary is President, and then people will die as a result, and that will be on you assholes who keep insisting that the Clinton Foundation is anything other than one of the best, most effective and efficient charities in the world.
So, this begs the following pertinent question.

IF the Clinton Foundation was indeed "Play-To-Play" as der Trumpendummy claims.

What did his One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) worth of donations buy him?.

Trump gave at least $100K to Clinton Foundation.

Why if Trumpty Dumpty has gotten his short hairs (what few he has) in a twist over the Clinton Foundation....why.....oh.....why won't he release his Taxes and let the world see what he with his money....what is he hiding?

He wants Clinton to come clean with the Foundation, he should just as willing to come clean with his taxes.

Trump isn't accused of doing anything illegal. Hillary is. That's the difference. There's nothing for Trump to "come clean" about.

What's illegal here dope?

Violating the laws for handling classified material. Taking bribes in exchange for government favors.

Both of which only exist in your head.

Wrong, douche bag. Taking bribes is illegal. So is keeping classified material on a private email server.

Again, both of which only exist in your head.
Almost 300 posts and not one special favor cited. Hmmmm....I think the OP was lying.
You're such a pathetic liar.
Multiple posts have shown the pay for play.
Go to post 221 and shove it up your fat ass.

What's the play?
Pull your head out of your fat ass.

YOU pull the head out of YOUR ass. Where's the play? What did these people get in return for their donations? NOTHING.

Someone asked upthread for the name of an American charity which had donations from the same sources as the Clinton Foundation, on the assumption there wouldn't be one, because Clinton was taking bribes. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which also does health care work in Africa, has many of the same donors.

What will happen as a result of this media frenzy is that the Clintons will shut down the Foundation's work while Hillary is President, and then people will die as a result, and that will be on you assholes who keep insisting that the Clinton Foundation is anything other than one of the best, most effective and efficient charities in the world.
Your failure to understand basic concepts of numerous policy shifts after the bribes is likely due to your 3rd grade education level provided by the public school system.

All the pay to play policy changes are all listed in the thread so anyone with a room temperature IQ can understand.

I'm sorry that's beyond your grasp.
The lemmings claim 88% of their funds go to help those in need.

$143 million went to the Clinton Health Access Initiative. Of whom Chelsea gets paid huge amounts of money to sit on their board. They also refuse to be audited by charity watchdogs.

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) | GiveWell

$13.5 million went to the Clinton library. How does that help those in need?

All of their money goes to a "Clinton X" charity, each of which can be ripped apart. None of them are open to being audited by charity watchdogs.

Almost 300 posts and not one special favor cited. Hmmmm....I think the OP was lying.
You're such a pathetic liar.
Multiple posts have shown the pay for play.
Go to post 221 and shove it up your fat ass.

What's the play?
Pull your head out of your fat ass.

Unable to articulate what your point is I see.
Yeah, I don't speak stupid so you'll just have to never understand.
Well, it's what you do in a Banana Republic.

News from The Associated Press

Just another OCDD (Obsessive Clinton Derangement Disorder) article coming in AGAIN from the Reich wing.

They're going to make a lot of smoke and hope a fire starts underneath it.


What they don't want to discuss are those 3500 class action law suits that their chimpanzee nominee Donald Trump is going to be dealing with. Primarily Trump University that will be in court very soon.
Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam

And this will be the first witness on the stand.

Last edited:
Well, it's what you do in a Banana Republic.

News from The Associated Press

Just another OCDD (Obsessive Clinton Derangement Disorder) article coming in AGAIN from the Reich wing.

They're going to make a lot of smoke and hope a fire starts underneath it.

Just another Brown Shirter sheep responding to corruption.

Well until you can PROVE corruption--meaning she is charged and found guilty of corruption---it's nothing more than another OCDD (Obsessive Clinton Derangement Disorder) conspiracy theory.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!


Now your chimpanzee candidate has some court room issues over his University that is certain to the make the news here shortly.
Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam


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