AP Discovers a Lot of Clinton Foundation Donars Got Special Favors

We've been operating like this in america forever. Perhaps it should be considered outrageous for all. Justa thought.
We've been operating like this in america forever. Perhaps it should be considered outrageous for all. Justa thought.
Forever? Name one other Sec of State who took hundreds of millions of dollars in exchange for political favors.
I can name a Governor who did. He is serving a 14 year term in Federal prison.
Was there a financial gain for her? Or did the money go to the charity and she and Bill took none of it for themselves?

NOTE! I haven't read the article yet!!! I will though so if these questions are answered there, please ignore them!

How many of these so called 'favors' were given...not how many asked, but how many got what they asked for and is what they asked for, reasonable?

The foundation is bill and hilary....they use the investments through the foundation to hide their money......they took in 2 billion dollars and put out a mere 10% for charity work......the rest they kept.
We've been operating like this in america forever. Perhaps it should be considered outrageous for all. Justa thought.
We've been operating like this in america forever. Perhaps it should be considered outrageous for all. Justa thought.
Forever? Name one other Sec of State who took hundreds of millions of dollars in exchange for political favors.
I can name a Governor who did. He is serving a 14 year term in Federal prison.
Was there a financial gain for her? Or did the money go to the charity and she and Bill took none of it for themselves?

NOTE! I haven't read the article yet!!! I will though so if these questions are answered there, please ignore them!

How many of these so called 'favors' were given...not how many asked, but how many got what they asked for and is what they asked for, reasonable?

The foundation is bill and hilary....they use the investments through the foundation to hide their money......they took in 2 billion dollars and put out a mere 10% for charity work......the rest they kept.

If they're simply "hiding" their money there, how do they later retreive it for their use?

BTW, that "mere 10%" would be $200 million according to your post.
[Your points only show why Trump should be long gone.

Stick to the point. Is that salary unusual or in line with other charities?

You and I both know he doesn't know the answer to that question. We also know that the individual is either:
  1. too physically lazy to find out,
  2. too cognitively inept to have anticipated that question and made sure to know the answer before presenting Mr. Braverman's salary at the Clinton Foundation, or
  3. Both.
Introducing Mr. Braverman's salary into the fray here is emblematic of a disconcerting trend in American debate, discourse, and, of course, politics: folks bothering to share whatever thought crosses their mind and believing that because that puerile, incoherent or feeble idea did enter their mind, it is actually worth airing.

What does Mr. Braverman's salary or role at the Clinton Foundation have to do with whether there was some sort of collusion going on between Mrs. Clinton and anyone whereby she used her position as SecState? Nothing. Bringing up the man's role and salary is logically incoherent with regard to supporting the assertions and position the member favors in the discussion for which that data point was offered.

  • John Rushkay, executive vice president of United Jewish Appeal-Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, who received $494,000 in salary, $2.64 million in deferred payments and $17,000 in other payments;
  • Bob Mazzuca, chief scout executive of Boy Scouts of America, who received $391,986 in salary, a $43,707 bonus, $1.3 million in deferred payments and $66,891 in other payments;
  • Brian Gallagher, president of United Way Worldwide, who received $520,043 in salary, a $180,657 bonus, $470,801 in deferred payments and $48,804 in other payments;
  • Edwin Feulner Jr., president of the Heritage Foundation, who received $531,561 in salary, a $613,250 bonus and $17,885 in other payments; and
  • James Cuno, president of the J. Paul Getty Trust, who received $657,263 in salary, a $250,000 bonus and $156,757 in other payments.
Source: Executive Compensation 2014
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We've been operating like this in america forever. Perhaps it should be considered outrageous for all. Justa thought.
We've been operating like this in america forever. Perhaps it should be considered outrageous for all. Justa thought.
Forever? Name one other Sec of State who took hundreds of millions of dollars in exchange for political favors.
I can name a Governor who did. He is serving a 14 year term in Federal prison.
Was there a financial gain for her? Or did the money go to the charity and she and Bill took none of it for themselves?

NOTE! I haven't read the article yet!!! I will though so if these questions are answered there, please ignore them!

How many of these so called 'favors' were given...not how many asked, but how many got what they asked for and is what they asked for, reasonable?

The foundation is bill and hilary....they use the investments through the foundation to hide their money......they took in 2 billion dollars and put out a mere 10% for charity work......the rest they kept.
That's simply a LIE that you FELL for from your right wing propagandists. ;)

The Clinton Family Foundation spends 88.3% on their Charity Programs, and about 12% on overhead.

They spend $2 on collecting every $100 in donations to the charity.

The Clinton Foundation has an "A" rating as a Charity.

Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch
Well, it's what you do in a Banana Republic.

News from The Associated Press
It is obvious that Hillary has been engaging in Pay-to-Play bribery schemes from the time she was appoint Secretary of State.

Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State
More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. It's an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president.

If it was obvious wouldn't you state each fact rather than post rhetoric?
Was there a financial gain for her? Or did the money go to the charity and she and Bill took none of it for themselves?
I dont know that this was in the article or not, but Bill has received millions in 'speaking fees' while Hillary was Sec of State, and the people that bought him, err, I mean paid for his speeches had cases coming up for Hillary to decide on.

It is obvious that Hillary has been engaging in Pay-to-Play bribery schemes from the time she was appoint Secretary of State.

Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State
More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. It's an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president.

How much would he have made if his wife wasn't the Secretary of State? Millions?
Crook Crook!!!! that woman is a crook and Bill Clinton is a other crook.... SHAME ON YOU BOTH! YOU CAN NOT TAKE IT WITH YOU WHEN YOU FINALLY LEAVE THIS EARTH!

“There has to be a full accounting of where this money came from,” Priebus said. Adding that there should be an “accounting” of the funds that came from foreign governments in order to “be able to track this money and what it was used for. And whether or not anyone profited from these arraignments.”

Read more: Priebus: ‘The Only Work That The Clinton Foundation Is Doing Is Lining The Pockets Of Bill And Hillary Clinton’

The Democrats are trying to put the biggest crook, swindler, cheat and bribe taking manslaughtering fraud this country has ever seen in the Executive branch to be the POTUS of the USA.

And they could not care less as long as they get their free shit.

I totally agree with you!

Like 'Bowie', you are an idiot.
Or how about this, please answer how many are hurt because if Trump lies? How long is dead body trail behind Trump? How many are killed because of his negligence. How many state secrets were exposed because Trump lied?

You do know, but something is telling me you wont answer.

Every person named in the Trump University Class action suits.

Every small independent contractor who has gone broke as a result of doing work for which Trump didn't pay him.

All of the people who lost money in his bankruptcies. Bankruptcies which Trump has boasted he made $40 million dollars on. Guess he wasn't really bankrupt then was he?

And how did the suit ended?

Every contractor? Name few.

Who lost money in his bankruptcies? Name few.

You have no clue how bankruptcy law work, dont ya?
So, this begs the following pertinent question.

IF the Clinton Foundation was indeed "Play-To-Play" as der Trumpendummy claims.

What did his One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) worth of donations buy him?.

Trump gave at least $100K to Clinton Foundation.

Why if Trumpty Dumpty has gotten his short hairs (what few he has) in a twist over the Clinton Foundation....why.....oh.....why won't he release his Taxes and let the world see what he with his money....what is he hiding?

He wants Clinton to come clean with the Foundation, he should just as willing to come clean with his taxes.

Trump isn't accused of doing anything illegal. Hillary is. That's the difference. There's nothing for Trump to "come clean" about.

What's illegal here dope?

Violating the laws for handling classified material. Taking bribes in exchange for government favors.
To those who hate the Clintons, it screams "conflict of interest". Except its not. There isn't the slightest indication that ANYONE received favours from the State Department as a result of donations to the Clinton Foundation. Just because it could be made to appear to the completely stupid and gullible that this why the Foundation exists, such conspiracy theories have NO BASIS IN FACT.

Republican dark money paid for these rumours, and like all Republican bullshit against the Clintons, it's a FALSE NARRATIVE.

More millions of taxpayer money being spent to investigate the Clintons based on REPUBLICAN RUMOURS, LIES AND INNUENDO.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

There isn't slightest indication? LOL.

Clinton Cash

Seems you still talking out of your ass.
We've been operating like this in america forever. Perhaps it should be considered outrageous for all. Justa thought.
We've been operating like this in america forever. Perhaps it should be considered outrageous for all. Justa thought.
Forever? Name one other Sec of State who took hundreds of millions of dollars in exchange for political favors.
I can name a Governor who did. He is serving a 14 year term in Federal prison.
Was there a financial gain for her? Or did the money go to the charity and she and Bill took none of it for themselves?

NOTE! I haven't read the article yet!!! I will though so if these questions are answered there, please ignore them!

How many of these so called 'favors' were given...not how many asked, but how many got what they asked for and is what they asked for, reasonable?

The foundation is bill and hilary....they use the investments through the foundation to hide their money......they took in 2 billion dollars and put out a mere 10% for charity work......the rest they kept.
That's simply a LIE that you FELL for from your right wing propagandists. ;)

The Clinton Family Foundation spends 88.3% on their Charity Programs, and about 12% on overhead.

They spend $2 on collecting every $100 in donations to the charity.

The Clinton Foundation has an "A" rating as a Charity.

Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch
And pays Clintons buddies over half a mill a year.
How do you know there was no request for bribes?

Because there is no evidence that they did. Remember the part where the guy who wrote the book where all this innuendo about the Clinton Foundation started said he had NO EVIDENCE as to any of this happening, but the optics are certainly there? This is a rumour, bought and paid for with Republican dark money, to smear the Clintons - no more, no less.

This is no different than email, Benghazi, TravelGate, Vince Foster, stealing china from the White House. None of this happened except in the fevered minds of Republicans.
Again, name one US charity that foreign governments give that kind of money to.

There are none, because it's bribery.
The Abedin emails reveal that the longtime Clinton aide apparently served as a conduit between Clinton Foundation donors and Hillary Clinton while Clinton served as secretary of state. In more than a dozen email exchanges, Abedin provided expedited, direct access to Clinton for donors who had contributed from $25,000 to $10 million to the Clinton Foundation. In many instances, Clinton Foundation top executive Doug Band, who worked with the Foundation throughout Hillary Clinton’s tenure at State, coordinated closely with Abedin. In Abedin’s June deposition to Judicial Watch, she conceded that part of her job at the State Department was taking care of “Clinton family matters."

Clinton's cash for access diplomacy: Glenn Reynolds
AP Discovers a Lot of Clinton Foundation Donars Got Special Favors

over 1/2

REALLY???? - You know they've had to retract that story as both false and misleading?

The AP’s defense of its bad Clinton Foundation story is also bad

Here's another one:

Experts: New Clinton State Dept. emails show donor ‘access,’ not ‘favors’

and another:

Terrified to answer why not one US charity recieves that kind of money from foreign governments.
The OP is lying about what the AP story suggests. There is not one shred of proof that a specific favor was granted.

You can toss around words like "access", but you can't name one specific thing this so called access produced.

The Clinton Foundation is a global philanthropy organization that has nearly the same list of donors as the Gates Foundation.

The OP doesn't know anything about the foundation; he is just taking potshots. Read some of his other posts. He is a troll spammer hoping to sway low information morons.
I truly think all the Clinton Foundation recriminations exist and are even possible to make for the following reasons:
  • Most people are not senior executives and have no clue of what a senior executive does, what their work days are like or anything else about how they live, other than that outwardly senior execs and principals appear to live "the live of Riley."
  • Senior executives and principals are not about to publicly discuss what their work days and lives are like, other than perhaps to talk about interesting places, interesting people/conversations, hobbies, vacations or their kids or some other "polite" topic that somehow intersects with their work lives.

For all the Clinton Foundation hoopla, people are forgetting (or don't know) one thing:

People don't set up 501(c) foundations, which is what the Clinton Foundation is, to collect/make money; they set them up to give it away!!!

Can the creator of a 501(c) earn something from the Foundation? Yes, they can if the foundation pays them a salary. They can if the foundation buys their founder's goods and services. The Clinton's don't have any goods, and their only service offerings are honoraria and government service. Do you really think the Clinton Foundation is going to engage the Clintons to give a speech to the Clinton Foundation?

There's plenty of sensationalism about the Clinton Foundation and the people who met with Mrs. Clinton.
  • Meetings:
    Out of curiosity, what the heck do you think a Secretary of State or any other senior executive mostly does? Well, I'll tell you: mostly, they go from one meeting to the next. In between "big" meetings, they read stuff to get prepared for the next meeting, they sign documents that lower level staff prepared as a consequence of prior meetings, they talk to folks on the phone to get details about a meeting that already took place or that will take place.
  • Money:
    What money? Who gets rich saying, "Give money to this charity that does nothing for and buys nothing from me or my friends, and maybe I'll talk to you."?

In alleged the Clinton Foundation "pay to play" scheme, what personal financial gain did Hillary or Bill Clinton get?
  • 2010 Clinton Foundation Tax Return
    • Page 7: Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors
      • No Clinton received compensation of any sort.
  • 2012 Clinton Foundation Tax Return
    • Page 7: Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors
      • Chelsea Clinton and Terry McAuliffe are both listed. How much did they receive? $0.00.
Looking at the (as known) process of donations to the Clinton Foundation (CF) and meeting requests with HRC, the process would look as follows:
  1. Donor gives "big money" to CF
  2. CF spends money on needy people and various good/service providers
    • Was HRC one of those recipients of money? No.
    • The donor clearly wasn't.
  3. Donor requests meeting with Hillary Clinton (HRC)
    • Meeting does not occur --> End.
    • Meeting occurs --> Go to #4.
  4. Donor and HRC meet.
  5. Donor ask for "something" from HRC/SecState, which by inference means U.S.
    • Donor receives what was requested --> Go to #6
    • Donor does not receive what was requested.--> Go to #6
  6. Increase in HRC personal fortune?
  7. End
So, somebody please show me some tangible proof that Hillary Clinton personally benefitted from anything having to do with the Clinton Foundation's fundraising. In other words, just what did the Clintons receive in exchange for all these donations and meetings? The CF is not like Trump Organization, which is a business. It's a charity, just like the Shawn Carter Foundation.

Seeing as Mrs. Clinton wasn't paid anything by the CF, that's not where she'd have gotten a personal financial gain. The next place to look is to see what outcomes took place subsequent to the meeting. I looked into one such donor, the first one noted in the AP's article.

What does the AP article say? (I have time right now to address only the first person noted.)
Donors who were granted time with Clinton included:An internationally known economist who asked for her help as the Bangladesh government pressured him to resign from a nonprofit bank he ran.
What is the value of the Grameen Bank? In addition to what you'll have found if you read the content at the links I provided, it, under Mr. Yunus, has pioneered a new approach to making the benefits of capitalism available to poor folks and has played a central role in bringing more wealth to the poorest people there.. Do you suppose there's a reason for Mrs. Clinton to want to understand?

More directly related to her role at State, are you aware of how ISIS preys on poor nations and inserts itself? Do you know where Bangladesh may fit in ISIS' designs? If ISIS were to have its way, Bangladesh could easily become a place where ISIS inserts itself. What about Myanmar right next door to Bangladesh?​
So, while it may massage one's feelings of disdain toward Mrs. Clinton for what her relationships looked like superficially, exercise just a little bit of intellectual integrity and at least look further than just what you see published in a newspaper article. Mrs. Clinton is quite like many senior execs in that she acts to do the right thing first and worries about optics later. That's hurting her right now given the acrimony over the CF. But if you read the content I've linked in this post, you'll find that at least one of the associations noted in the AP article the thread OP references is not one whereof there existed some untoward goings on.
Name one other US charity that foreign governments give tens of millions of dollars to. Just one.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck......

Bush Foundations Accepted Unlimited Secret Donations from Foreign Countries

I win.

and I bet a hell of alot more than 6% went to charity, unlike the clintons. And she did it through the state dept. Pay to play. Why so many deleted emails and lies? Why did Chelsea have an alias? This is crazy.

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