AP Discovers a Lot of Clinton Foundation Donars Got Special Favors

No one can honestly believe a donor to the Clinton Foundation received unbiased or unweighted treatment by Senator/Secretary Clinton.

This is total sleaze. As sleazy as it gets.

If ever there was such as a thing as "conflict of interest", the relationship between Senator/Secretary Clinton and the donors is it.

This mess SCREAMS conflict of interest. There simply is no denying this is a textbook case. If this isn't a conflict of interest, then no one on Earth has ever been guilty of a conflict of interest.

Not only that, who was locked out of access to the State Department for legitimate business because they weren't big donors to the Foundation? Who got shoved aside by the big money people?

To those who hate the Clintons, it screams "conflict of interest". Except its not.
It most certainly is. It is the textbook definition of conflict of interest.

Accepting money from the same people who are lobbying your government office is as clearcut a case of conflict of interest as it gets.

To deny this is to be beyond retarded.

She wasn't accepting money from them. A charity which she set up received money from them, and in return, the charity paid out that money to programs which it runs in Third World countries. There is no enrichment of the Clintons at all, so no, there is no conflict of interest.

Care to tell us what other US charity gets huge sums of money from foreign governments?

Prince of Abu Dhabi and Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates Shaikh Abdullah bin Zayed al Nahayan and the Al Nahayan family of Abu Dhabi
<$5,000,000 Access to HRC at State Dept. and a $500,000 environmental speech by Bill Clinton given at the Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi while HRC was meeting in Washington with Shaikh Abdullah.

$500,000 State clearance for U.S. arms sales to Algeria. Deal included biological and chemical agents.
Australia, Commonwealth of
$75,000,000 Strong State Dept. for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which stands to be a boon for Australian multinational firms.
Bahrain, Kingdom of

$250,000 Muted criticism by State of Bahrain’s abysmal human rights practices.
Boeing Corp.

$900,000 State Dept. clearance for $29 billion arms U.S. arms sale to Saudi Arabia, including Boeing’s F-15 fighter.
Brunei Darussalam, Sultanate of

$5,000,000 State Dept. clearance for U.S. weapons sales to Brunei.
Cameroon, Republic of

<$100,000 Influence buying by the Cameroon government with the Clinton State Department.
$500,000 State Dept. support for Canada’s Keystone XL pipeline, eventually vetoed by Barack Obama.
Chagoury Group <$5,000,000 in cash and a $1,000,000,000 pledge HRC delayed designating Nigeria’s Boko Haram as a foreign terrorist organization because of Chagoury Group’s investments and operations in Nigeria. Chagoury Group received the “Sustainable Development Award” from the CGI. Chagooury helped the family of Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha hide his wealth stolen from Nigeria’s oil revenues.
Confederation of Indian Industry

<$1,000,000 Access for Indian businesses to U.S. government officials.
Corning, Inc.

$150,000 Clinton arranged for international access for the New York-based firm.
Dahdaleh, Victor

<$5,000,000 Lobbyist for Bahrain state-owned aluminum company who sought a contract between the Bahraini firm and the U.S.-owned Alcoa World Alumina.
Dominican Republic

<$25,000,000 Clinton Foundation board member Rolando Gonzalez’s company InterEnergy received contracts from Dominican government for wind energy projects. The firm received Domican President’s Gold Citizen Award in 2010.
Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)

<$100,000 State pressure on Justice Dept. to curtail criminal investigation of FIFA.
Fernwood Foundation (Canadian foundation run by Canadian uranium mining mogul Ian Telfer

$2,600,000 Telfer’s UrAsia and Uranium One Corporations, co-owned with Canadian mining magnate and “Friend of Bill” Frank Giustra receved favorable uranium mining deals with Kazakhstan and Russia’s ROSATOM and Kazakhstan’s KAZATOMPROM.
Flanders, Government of

€780,000 ($872,000) High-level access to U.S. government officials by Flemish government officials and businesses.
GEMS Education, Dubai

$5,600,000 Bill Clinton made “honorary chairman” of the Dubai company.
Germany, Federal Republic of

$250,000 High-level access to U.S. government officials by German officials and businessmen.
Giustra, Frank (Canadian mining magnate) (Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership/Radcliffe Foundation)

$31,300,000 State soft-peddled threat of the Islamic State because Lafarge had negotiated with the terrorists to maintain its operations in ISIL-controlled territory in Syria. arranged favorable deals with Kazakhstan and its president, Nursultan Nazarbayev.
Hindustan Construction Corp. (India)

<$500,000 Access for corporate officials to U.S. government officials.
Ireland, Republic of

<$158,300,000 Influence-buying by Irish government with the Clintons.
Italy, Republic of

$100,000 Influence buying by the Italian government with the Clinton State Department.
Jamaica $100,000 Digicel Group, owned by Irish billionaire and Friend of Bill, Denis O’Brien, received USAID grant for a telecommunications project in Jamaica. Digicel (Jamaica) paid Bill Clinton $225,000 for a speech in Kingston. That was in addition to the $100,000 kicked in by Jamaica to the Clinton Foundation.
Kuwait, Emirate of
$10,000,000 State Dept. clearance for U.S. weapons sales to Kuwait.
Lafarge Group <$100,000 State soft-peddled threat of Islamic State (ISIL) in Syria because Lafarge had an agreement with ISIL not to interfere in Lafarge activities in ISIL-controlled territory in Syria. HRC was a director of Lafarge between 1990 and 1992, at a time when the firm was selling strategic military materials to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.
Lesotho, Kingdom of

<$100,000 Kickback from $11.2 million Irish grant to Clinton Foundation for HIV/AIDS abatement in Lesotho.
Mittal, Lakshmi, owner of ArcelorMittal, a major steel company, and board member of Goldman Sachs

<$5,000,000 Favorable opportunities in Kazakhstan, where Mittal is a member of the Foreign Investment Council of Kazakhstan. Dovetails with Bill Clinton’s uranium deals with Giustra and Nazarbayev.
Sheikh Mohammed H. Al Amoudi (Ethiopian-Saudi billionaire)1

<$10,000,000 Influence-buying within the Clinton State Dept.

<$5,000,000 State advocated for Monsanto “Frankenfood” and “Frankenseeds” worldwide.
Netherlands, Kingdom of the (Netherlands National Lottery)

$10,000,000 State helped open up investment opportunities for Dutch firms in Africa.
New Zealand, Government of

$1,200,000 Influence-buying within the Clinton State Dept.
Norway, Kingdom of

$89,600,000 Norwegian government split up donations to make them look smaller than they actually were. Norwegian firms received investment opportunities in the developing world, courtesy of the U.S. Millennium Goals Corporation.
Oman, Sultanate of

<$5,000,000 State clearance for U.S. weapons sales to Oman.
Papua New Guinea, Government of

<$100,000 Influence-buying within the Clinton State Dept.
Qatar, Emirate of

<$5,000,000 State Dept. approval for U.S. arms sales to Qatar. State pressure on Justice Dept. to curtail investigation of bribery payments regarding FIFA and 2022 World Cup host, Qatar.
Ras al Khaimah, Emirate of

$50,000 Influence-buying within the Clinton State Dept.
Rwanda, Republic of

$200,000 Influence-buying with HRC’s State Department.
Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of

$25,000,000 State Dept. approval for U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia
Suzlon Energy, Ltd. (Amsterdam)

<$5,000,000 State and CGI promoted wind turbine solutions in developing countries. Suzlon, owned by an Indian national, is a leading supplier of wind turbines.
Swaziland, Kingdom of

<$100,000 Access to U.S. government officials for Swazi government/private business leaders.
Sweden, Kingdom of

$7,200,000 Access to U.S. government officials for Swedish government/private business leaders.
Switzerland, Confederation of

$325,000 Access to U.S. government officials for Swiss government/private business leaders.
Tenerife Island, Government of

$50,000 High-level access to U.S. government officials by Flemish government officials and businesses.

$10,000,000 State Dept. approval for U.S. weapons sales to Taiwan.
United Arab Emirates

<$5,000,000 State Dept. approval for U.S. weapons sales to the UAE.
United Kingdom

£50,000,000 ($78,000,000) Access for key UK officials and UK businesses to key U.S.government policymakers.
Victor Pinchuk Foundation (Ukraine)

$8,600,000 Buy influence with Clinton at State to pressure Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to free jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.
Walmart, Inc.

<$5,000,000 HRC pressured Indian government to open up India to Walmart, an action opposed by India’s small retailers.
No one can honestly believe a donor to the Clinton Foundation received unbiased or unweighted treatment by Senator/Secretary Clinton.

This is total sleaze. As sleazy as it gets.

If ever there was such as a thing as "conflict of interest", the relationship between Senator/Secretary Clinton and the donors is it.

This mess SCREAMS conflict of interest. There simply is no denying this is a textbook case. If this isn't a conflict of interest, then no one on Earth has ever been guilty of a conflict of interest.

Not only that, who was locked out of access to the State Department for legitimate business because they weren't big donors to the Foundation? Who got shoved aside by the big money people?

To those who hate the Clintons, it screams "conflict of interest". Except its not.
It most certainly is. It is the textbook definition of conflict of interest.

Accepting money from the same people who are lobbying your government office is as clearcut a case of conflict of interest as it gets.

To deny this is to be beyond retarded.

She wasn't accepting money from them. A charity which she set up received money from them, and in return, the charity paid out that money to programs which it runs in Third World countries. There is no enrichment of the Clintons at all, so no, there is no conflict of interest.
Bill Clinton was paid a salary and benefits by the Foundation. So you bet your ass they were enriched by donors.

You're going to have to provide documentation on that one.
Bottom line this just shows the left love serving the one percenters.

I support a charitable foundation that does great work across the globe. I can see that the dupes like yourself have a problem with people who use their power and influence to make positive changes in the lives of millions of people in the world. In fact you morons are so depraved with your partisan BS that you even suggest it's criminal. Not only do the Clinton's work over the last decade outside of govt dwarf the entirety of Trump's, they have done it transparently. The financial records of the foundation are publicly available as are 30+ years of personal taxes. It's very easy to show that they have not profited personally in any way through the foundation. Trump couldn't even come close.
I work for two international charities for children, and I see BS when I see it.
Trump isn't accused of doing anything illegal. Hillary is. That's the difference. There's nothing for Trump to "come clean" about.

What's illegal here dope?
Ask Blagovich. He can be found in Federal prison for another 10 years.

Apparently you are unable to outline the criminality as well.
Ask Blagovich. He can be found serving 14 years in a Federal prison for pay to play.
Blagovich made overt requests for a bribe. There is no evidence Clinton did the same.
How do you know there was no request for bribes?
What's illegal here dope?
Ask Blagovich. He can be found in Federal prison for another 10 years.

Apparently you are unable to outline the criminality as well.
Ask Blagovich. He can be found serving 14 years in a Federal prison for pay to play.
Blagovich made overt requests for a bribe. There is no evidence Clinton did the same.
How do you know there was no request for bribes?
The burden of proof is on the prosecution.

No one has claimed the Clintons solicited bribes. You are wishfully thinking.
No one can honestly believe a donor to the Clinton Foundation received unbiased or unweighted treatment by Senator/Secretary Clinton.

This is total sleaze. As sleazy as it gets.

If ever there was such as a thing as "conflict of interest", the relationship between Senator/Secretary Clinton and the donors is it.

This mess SCREAMS conflict of interest. There simply is no denying this is a textbook case. If this isn't a conflict of interest, then no one on Earth has ever been guilty of a conflict of interest.

Not only that, who was locked out of access to the State Department for legitimate business because they weren't big donors to the Foundation? Who got shoved aside by the big money people?

Are members of Congress or any elected office holder for that matter, barred from meeting with those who have donated to their campaign?
Ask Blagovich. He can be found in Federal prison for another 10 years.

Apparently you are unable to outline the criminality as well.
Ask Blagovich. He can be found serving 14 years in a Federal prison for pay to play.
Blagovich made overt requests for a bribe. There is no evidence Clinton did the same.
How do you know there was no request for bribes?
The burden of proof is on the prosecution.

No one has claimed the Clintons solicited bribes. You are wishfully thinking.
That's as stupid as saying Clinton never took a crap because no one witnessed any such doing.
If there is no conflict of interest between Clinton being on the board of the Foundation and being a government official who is lobbied by entities who donate to the Foundation, why is she announcing she will stop accepting those donations if she is elected?

She clearly knows it is a conflict of interest.
No one can honestly believe a donor to the Clinton Foundation received unbiased or unweighted treatment by Senator/Secretary Clinton.

This is total sleaze. As sleazy as it gets.

If ever there was such as a thing as "conflict of interest", the relationship between Senator/Secretary Clinton and the donors is it.

This mess SCREAMS conflict of interest. There simply is no denying this is a textbook case. If this isn't a conflict of interest, then no one on Earth has ever been guilty of a conflict of interest.

Not only that, who was locked out of access to the State Department for legitimate business because they weren't big donors to the Foundation? Who got shoved aside by the big money people?

To those who hate the Clintons, it screams "conflict of interest". Except its not.
It most certainly is. It is the textbook definition of conflict of interest.

Accepting money from the same people who are lobbying your government office is as clearcut a case of conflict of interest as it gets.

To deny this is to be beyond retarded.
don't lobbyists donate money to the actual representatives campaigns in order to get access? IS this illegal?
Here's the thing, rubes.

Clinton has stated she and her family are going to step back from the Clinton foundation if she wins the election. The Foundation will stop accepting foreign and corporate donations.

That is as close to an admission of wrongdoing as you can get. If it is wrong to accept foreign and corporate donations as President, then it was wrong to accept corporate and foreign donations as Secretary of State.

Or simply as an effort to remove the mistaken perception of impropriety.
Apparently you are unable to outline the criminality as well.
Ask Blagovich. He can be found serving 14 years in a Federal prison for pay to play.
Blagovich made overt requests for a bribe. There is no evidence Clinton did the same.
How do you know there was no request for bribes?
The burden of proof is on the prosecution.

No one has claimed the Clintons solicited bribes. You are wishfully thinking.
That's as stupid as saying Clinton never took a crap because no one witnessed any such doing.
Nope. Stop using TardLogic™ to "prove" your manufactured bullshit.
Ask Blagovich. He can be found serving 14 years in a Federal prison for pay to play.
Blagovich made overt requests for a bribe. There is no evidence Clinton did the same.
How do you know there was no request for bribes?
The burden of proof is on the prosecution.

No one has claimed the Clintons solicited bribes. You are wishfully thinking.
That's as stupid as saying Clinton never took a crap because no one witnessed any such doing.
Nope. Stop using TardLogic™ to "prove" your manufactured bullshit.
Name one US charity who recieves large donations from foreign governments.
Clinton Foundation acknowledges 2010 donation broke Obama administration agreement - CNNPolitics.com

In 2008, before Hillary Clinton became Obama's secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation and the Obama administration signed an agreement that outlined how the foundation would deal with conflict of interest questions but still be allowed to continue its philanthropic work.

One aspect of the agreement was that the Clinton Foundation would stop taking new foreign donations, except from those countries that had previously donated to the foundation and didn't increase their contributions.
Trump isn't accused of doing anything illegal. Hillary is. That's the difference. There's nothing for Trump to "come clean" about.

What's illegal here dope?
Ask Blagovich. He can be found in Federal prison for another 10 years.

Apparently you are unable to outline the criminality as well.
Ask Blagovich. He can be found serving 14 years in a Federal prison for pay to play.
Blagovich made overt requests for a bribe. There is no evidence Clinton did the same.

Which would be the actual impropriety and even a crime. Without that you only have your supposition.
How do you know there was no request for bribes?

Because there is no evidence that they did. Remember the part where the guy who wrote the book where all this innuendo about the Clinton Foundation started said he had NO EVIDENCE as to any of this happening, but the optics are certainly there? This is a rumour, bought and paid for with Republican dark money, to smear the Clintons - no more, no less.

This is no different than email, Benghazi, TravelGate, Vince Foster, stealing china from the White House. None of this happened except in the fevered minds of Republicans.
Bottom line this just shows the left love serving the one percenters.

I support a charitable foundation that does great work across the globe. I can see that the dupes like yourself have a problem with people who use their power and influence to make positive changes in the lives of millions of people in the world. In fact you morons are so depraved with your partisan BS that you even suggest it's criminal. Not only do the Clinton's work over the last decade outside of govt dwarf the entirety of Trump's, they have done it transparently. The financial records of the foundation are publicly available as are 30+ years of personal taxes. It's very easy to show that they have not profited personally in any way through the foundation. Trump couldn't even come close.
I work for two international charities for children, and I see BS when I see it.


If you understood the not for profit world at all you would know the Clintons can't be enriching themselves through the foundation without it being immediately apparent in the financial statements.
What's illegal here dope?
Ask Blagovich. He can be found in Federal prison for another 10 years.

Apparently you are unable to outline the criminality as well.
Ask Blagovich. He can be found serving 14 years in a Federal prison for pay to play.
Blagovich made overt requests for a bribe. There is no evidence Clinton did the same.
How do you know there was no request for bribes?

How do we know you're not a closet homosexual? While I believe it's probable, we should investigate.

Most of us figured out long ago how the american political and economic systems work.

This had nothing to do with the US economic system. It had to do with the enrichment of the Clinton's by granting access and governmental favors.

Your entire system runs on this shit, go after everyone.
YOUR system? Not an American, huh.

Not a dumb blindass participant like you , nah.
Well, it's what you do in a Banana Republic.

News from The Associated Press

Not a criticism really, but it is helpful to always quote from the article...for the non partisan readers who may see the headline but not click the link......you won't influence the Borg drones...but those readers who don't pay attention to politics will be able to get a quick look at your information....that's what I do anyway...

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