Approve school vouchers as a way to fight “woke” public schools

My question is this:

Why take money away from places that need it to put it into places that do not need it, to people who do not need it? Why make it more difficult for those who cannot afford to go to school, to be able to go to school?

How does one know that the schools in Democratic States are not doing as well and therefore should have some of that money/vouchers, routed to a private school instead?

How well are Republican State schools public schools doing?

So far, the only things I have found about vouchers are these:

What are US school vouchers?

School vouchers are education tax dollars that are diverted from public schools to help subsidize the tuition of private and religious schools. Although some states and cities have limited voucher programs, the only federally funded program is in Washington, D.C.

School Vouchers

What is the argument against school vouchers?
No matter how you look at it, vouchers undermine strong public education and student opportunity. They take scarce funding from public schools—which serve 90 percent of students—and give it to private schools—institutions that are not accountable to taxpayers.

Vouchers | NEA - National Education Association

Vouchers punish bad and out of touch public schools

They are all Jews

The post is truth
Again, wrong thread. Post your rants about Jews in threads devoted to Jews. In fact, start your own threads where you can rant all you want about Jews. See if you can get people to talk with you about them. This isn't the place to do that.
If public education stuck to education and not indoctrination there wouldn't be this issue.
They do. It's you right wingers that kick up the outrage and vitriol....and keep yourself on it gotta be mad about something. :)
I haven't really found test scores, or grades, to be very indicative of success or a happy life. Maybe you're wrong here. Maybe there are better ways to evaluate an education.

Which results? Those you want? Those the government likes? Or those that the parents seek?
Are we talking about school or therapy? Because I'm talking about whether school vouchers produce any beneficial educational improvements and there is no indication that they do. I have no clue what you're talking about. As a parent, yes it would make me very happy if the institution I was sending my child to be educated in actually did it with some proficiency.
Are we talking about school or therapy?
We're talking about the statist desire to control other people's children.
Because I'm talking about whether school vouchers produce any beneficial educational improvements and there is no indication that they do.
Again, I ask - beneficial to whom? Who decides what's beneficial? It seems you think that should be the government, rather than the parents. Is that right?
I have no clue what you're talking about. As a parent, yes it would make me very happy if the institution I was sending my child to be educated in actually did it with some proficiency.
What if you disagreed with what they were doing - thought it was anything but "proficient"? Are you okay with being overruled by the state? What if conservatives take over the school boards and start pushing their agenda in the classroom?
We're talking about the statist desire to control other people's children.
Maybe you are, I'm speaking from the perspective of a parent.
Again, I ask - beneficial to whom? Who decides what's beneficial? It seems you think that should be the government, rather than the parents. Is that right?
I am a parent.
What if you disagreed with what they were doing - thought it was anything but "proficient"? Are you okay with being overruled by the state? What if conservatives take over the school boards and start pushing their agenda?
That's what elections are for.
Maybe you are, I'm speaking from the perspective of a parent.

I am a parent.

That's what elections are for.
So no real answers to my questions. I guess I'll just assume that if conservatives took over the school boards you'd dutiful send your kids to class for their right wing indoctrination.

I wouldn't.
So no answers to my real questions. I guess I'll assume that if conservatives took over the school boards you'd dutiful send your kids to class for their right wing indoctrination.

I wouldn't.
You have no real questions. You keep crying about the State and yelling what about parents and I am a parent. Do you want a parents opinion or not? If Republicans control everything they're going to do shitty and hateful things regardless. That's just reality. School choice is itself Republican propaganda meant to help eliminate our public school system. I don't know why you think you'd be free of Republican influence in a private school system who they will happily regulate as they wish. Even easier if they gerrymander and control state legislators. Right now in Florida the only thing standing in the way of DeSantis and a Republican Congress screwing with schools in my neighborhood is Broward county's local school board.
You have no real questions. You keep crying about the State and yelling what about parents and I am a parent. Do you want a parents opinion or not? If Republicans control everything they're going to do shitty and hateful things regardless. That's just reality.
So, you would send your kids to a Trumpster school? Really? I sure wouldn't.

School choice is itself Republican propaganda meant to help eliminate our public school system.
I'm all for that.
I don't know why you think you'd be free of Republican influence in a private school system who they will happily regulate as they wish.
This is more general topic that seems to be a real mental block for liberals. If a business isn't doing what you want, or not doing it the way you want, all you have to do to avoid it is stop giving them your money. It's not hard. You'd have to grow backbone and stand up for yourself, rather than whining to the government for "regulation". But that'll be good for you.
Even easier if they gerrymander and control state legislators. Right now in Florida the only thing standing in the way of DeSantis and a Republican Congress screwing with schools in my neighborhood is Broward county's local school board.
And when they cave? Seriously, if DeSantis and his minions get control of the schools, why would want to send your kids there? It seems a voucher program would be helpful in that situation. It's not ideal - the better solution is to get government out of education altogether, but vouchers at least give parents some choice.
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School vouchers are very beneficial, especially to the lower-income who could not otherwise afford the better education and student behavior found in the private school system. It is SHAMEFUL that liberals are so intent on indoctrinating school children via the government system that they would deprive them of a superior education:

Parents of disruptive students will now be able to attend the private schools and will not be able to be turned away thanks to vouchers. They have to by law be accepted.
Parents of disruptive students will now be able to attend the private schools and will not be able to be turned away thanks to vouchers. They have to by law be accepted.
Bit the private school can suspend disruptive students, and thus discipline will be restored in the classroom. We will see fewer disruptive students.
The schools can fight back against the bogus diagnoses. They’re not going to allow disruptive students to ruin their schools the way the public school system does.

Private school, meet lawyers representing special ed families.

Good luck

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