Approve school vouchers as a way to fight “woke” public schools

A true voucher system rewards merit and punishes kleptocratic failure.

It empowers parents to choose, not leftwing homos dictating to parents.

Private schools will accept vouchers because vouchers are cash for that purpose. But taxpayer funded homos do not tell private schools dog shit.
If taxpayer funds are used then PRIVATE schools WILL BE forced to accept any kid that spies and the school will cater to that kid. That's the way it should be. That's what you clamor for. And the parents will tell those schools what to do and those schools will accept it.
You Libtards never understand reality and are confused about liberty like this.

I sent my kids to a private school.

1. The cost per student was 31% of what the inefficient and bureaucrat public schools were spending.

2. That private school was traditionally in the top three in achievement test in the County. Usually the other two were also private schools.

3. We could afford to send our kids to the good private school without having a voucher. We could adsorb the cost of tuition and the filthy ass school tax.

4. Poorer families were denied the opportunity for a quality education because they did not have a voucher.

5. The bureaucratic and politically controlled public schools were catering to the lowest denominator among the students instead of providing a quality education and that is why they suck. The voucher system would allow parents to opt out of the shitty public schools and why anybody would be against that is totally incomprehensible.
And those private schools will be forced by law to accept every student that applies even if they are a highly disruptive student. You cannot have it both ways. But many do. They are bad folk.
And those private schools will be forced by law to accept every student that applies even if they are a highly disruptive student. You cannot have it both ways. But many do. They are bad folk.
Yea, you can have it both ways. But it can also be fucked up if the filthy ass government gets too much involved.

If the filthy ass government puts restrictions on the private schools then they will not really be private, will they?

If they turn them into the failure of public schools then why even bother?

Just let the private market do education. They will do a million times better than the filthy government. The way to do that is to have an open voucher system that allows private schools to operate as they see fit. Everybody will prosper.
Yea, you can have it both ways. But it can also be fucked up if the filthy ass government gets too much involved.

If the filthy ass government puts restrictions on the private schools then they will not really be private, will they?

If they turn them into the failure of public schools then why even bother?

Just let the private market do education. They will do a million times better than the filthy government. The way to do that is to have an open voucher system that allows private schools to operate as they see fit. Everybody will prosper.
Nope. You cannot have it both ways. Want vouchers that's fine. But then you WILL ACCEPT ALL students who apply regardless if they are highly disruptive or hard to deal with. You are not entitled and neither are the schools if they take vouchers. Once you accept taxpayer money you lose the entitled "private" label.
Nope. You cannot have it both ways. Want vouchers that's fine. But then you WILL ACCEPT ALL students who apply regardless if they are highly disruptive or hard to deal with. You are not entitled and neither are the schools if they take vouchers. Once you accept taxpayer money you lose the entitled "private" label.
If your point is that the filthy ass government can fuck things up then you will get no argument from me.

If the filthy ass government turns private schools into failed public schools then it will just be another case of government fucks up. We see it all the time in everything the government touches.

How about lets not doing that?

How about letting the private schools operate as they see fit and let the parents decide if they want to send their children there?

Sounds good?
If your point is that the filthy ass government can fuck things up then you will get no argument from me.

If the filthy ass government turns private schools into failed public schools then it will just be another case of government fucks up. We see it all the time in everything the government touches.

How about lets not doing that?

How about letting the private schools operate as they see fit and let the parents decide if they want to send their children there?

Sounds good?
Without vouchers you bet. But once vouchers are accepted it all changes. That's the way it should be. Once vouchers enter the picture schools operate according to state laws and no more private stuff.
Without vouchers you bet. But once vouchers are accepted it all changes. That's the way it should be. Once vouchers enter the picture schools operate according to state laws and no more private stuff.

If the filthy ass government uses vouchers to turn private schools into failed public schools then why even bother?

The object of the vouchers is to provide parents with an alternative to the failed public schools.

I won't argue that the filthy ass government is capabale of fucking it up but if we allow that to happen then we are pretty much dumbshits, aren't we?
Yea, you can have it both ways. But it can also be fucked up if the filthy ass government gets too much involved.

If the filthy ass government puts restrictions on the private schools then they will not really be private, will they?

If they turn them into the failure of public schools then why even bother?

Just let the private market do education. They will do a million times better than the filthy government. The way to do that is to have an open voucher system that allows private schools to operate as they see fit. Everybody will prosper.
Is there a reason you want much, much higher taxes and much, much more crime?
No link…..just a topic for discussion.

Wouldn‘t the approval of school vouchers, allowing parents to choose an appropriate school for their children, force the School Board to somewhat moderate their attacks on parents, and, more importantly, ratchet down on the CRT wokeness crap they are pushing down their kids’ throats?

Think about it. Affluent parents can already put their kids in private, but the lower-middle class (the biggest segment of the population) are stuck with their kids in public. They can’t afford otherwise. If school officials knew that their unpopular attitudes and instruction were driving away their “customers,” wouldn’t they have to moderate somewhat in order to sell their product?
The only problem with this is that there is no evidence school vouchers improves education. In fact in some cases we see test scores falling.

Do school vouchers work? Here’s what research really says.

The other problem with vouchers is the private schools can get rid of under performing children and often times vouchers don't cover the full cost of sending your children to these schools.

Vouchers Don't Cover Cost of Private School, Data Show

With your focus seemingly on culture war issues like CRT rather than actual education it isn't surprising you never stopped to consider whether school vouchers actually work.
The only problem with this is that there is no evidence school vouchers improves education. In fact in some cases we see test scores falling.

Do school vouchers work? Here’s what research really says.

The other problem with vouchers is the private schools can get rid of under performing children and often times vouchers don't cover the full cost of sending your children to these schools.

Vouchers Don't Cover Cost of Private School, Data Show

With your focus seemingly on culture war issues like CRT rather than actual education it isn't surprising you never stopped to consider whether school vouchers actually work.
Once vouchers happen getting rid of disruptive or underperforming kids will not be an option. And the parents of wealth will complain about the school.
The only problem with this is that there is no evidence school vouchers improves education. In fact in some cases we see test scores falling.
That's not the point. The point is what constitutes a good education is subjective. And there's no reason you, or anyone else, should be allowed to force your opinion on others.

Parents have the right, the responsibility, to make this call for their children. You might not like what they decide. That's ok.
That's not the case right now where vouchers are currently happening.
So you are saying a school should be able to turn down a student with voucher money? No way should that be accept all school choice kids who spy regardless if they are disruptive etc.
So you are saying a school should be able to turn down a student with voucher money? No way should that be accept all school choice kids who spy regardless if they are disruptive etc.
I agree that's how it should be that is not actually how it is and that's before we even get to the fact that it doesn't work.
No link…..just a topic for discussion.

Wouldn‘t the approval of school vouchers, allowing parents to choose an appropriate school for their children, force the School Board to somewhat moderate their attacks on parents, and, more importantly, ratchet down on the CRT wokeness crap they are pushing down their kids’ throats?

Think about it. Affluent parents can already put their kids in private, but the lower-middle class (the biggest segment of the population) are stuck with their kids in public. They can’t afford otherwise. If school officials knew that their unpopular attitudes and instruction were driving away their “customers,” wouldn’t they have to moderate somewhat in order to sell their product?

We have vouchers in North Carolina. They call it the North Carolina Opportunity Scholarship. The problem we have is that investors don’t view them as permanent so nobody is willing to build private schools. My wife works at a private school and they try to limit the percentage of students on the scholarship because they are afraid one day it will be cut off and the school will be in for a doze of bankruptcy. Public schools are here to stay. If parents want their kids out of public school they can do it with or without vouchers but they aren’t.

Typical whining from the right. I have two children that have never attended a public school. One graduated high school in 2021. The other is in 11th grade. The option is there. For the most part it always has been. Not every dumb ass overreacts to a 20 minute discussion about an uncomfortable topic that happens once a year in a class room. Guess what? Those same uncomfortable discussions happen in homes, private schools, churches, and even at McDonald’s. Cool your jets whacky. Make your arguments against the first amendment and start killing people that discuss things that you like. Nobody would take you serious but at least you’d be honest about what you really want to accomplish.
We have vouchers in North Carolina. They call it the North Carolina Opportunity Scholarship. The problem we have is that investors don’t view them as permanent so nobody is willing to build private schools. My wife works at a private school and they try to limit the percentage of students on the scholarship because they are afraid one day it will be cut off and the school will be in for a doze of bankruptcy. Public schools are here to stay. If parents want their kids out of public school they can do it with or without vouchers but they aren’t.
NO, parents cannot remove their children from public school with or without vouchers. They can’t afford to! Instead, the left has them imprisoned in an inferior public school system where they are indoctrinated by leftists who despise conservatives and brainwash them with liberal nonsense.
Typical whining from the right. I have two children that have never attended a public school. One graduated high school in 2021. The other is in 11th grade. The option is there. For the most part it always has been. Not every dumb ass overreacts to a 20 minute discussion about an uncomfortable topic that happens once a year in a class room. Guess what? Those same uncomfortable discussions happen in homes, private schools, churches, and even at McDonald’s. Cool your jets whacky.
What is taking place in the public schools isn‘t a 20-minute discussion. It permeates every aspect. And the fact that these same uncomfortable discussions, according to you, take place in homes makes it even more important that the schools don’t have such an obvious bias.

Make your arguments against the first amendment and start killing people that discuss things that you like.

Killing people that discuss things I don’t like?? How did we go from my supporting school vouchers to your accusing me of wanting to murder people? You are showing the hate that the leftists have for those who discuss things THEY don’t like.
Nobody would take you serious but at least you’d be honest about what you really want to accomplish.
What is it you are covertly suggesting I want to accomplish? I want to give parents options so that they can have their kids properly educated.

P.S. It is “take you seriousLY.” I see you’re a product of the government education system.
NO, parents cannot remove their children from public school with or without vouchers. They can’t afford to! Instead, the left has them imprisoned in an inferior public school system where they are indoctrinated by leftists who despise conservatives and brainwash them with liberal nonsense.

What is taking place in the public schools isn‘t a 20-minute discussion. It permeates every aspect. And the fact that these same uncomfortable discussions, according to you, take place in homes makes it even more important that the schools don’t have such an obvious bias.

Killing people that discuss things I don’t like?? How did we go from my supporting school vouchers to your accusing me of wanting to murder people? You are showing the hate that the leftists have for those who discuss things THEY don’t like.

What is it you are covertly suggesting I want to accomplish? I want to give parents options so that they can have their kids properly educated.

P.S. It is “take you seriousLY.” I see you’re a product of the government education system.
Then how about you giving some options that work because vouchers ain't it.
The only problem with this is that there is no evidence school vouchers improves education. In fact in some cases we see test scores falling.

Do school vouchers work? Here’s what research really says.

The other problem with vouchers is the private schools can get rid of under performing children and often times vouchers don't cover the full cost of sending your children to these schools.

Vouchers Don't Cover Cost of Private School, Data Show

With your focus seemingly on culture war issues like CRT rather than actual education it isn't surprising you never stopped to consider whether school vouchers actually work.

Uncle Tom says

No school choice for blacks...(as long as I get my govt check)

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