Arabic: "The Language of the Future"

Someone inform me... is there an advantage to learning Arabic in daily life of the average American? I can understand Spanish in the US, because it's become too damn intrusive, and makes you eligible to be management over low/no skill laborers.

But really, in the corporate world, unless you are going to do lots of work in the middle east, where is this skill really usable? Why not learn Czech? Or Hungarian, or Tagalog, or Swahili? The only advantage you get is in the culture of Islam which means, unfortunately, it's of limited use/value outside of that niche.

some polls are projecting it to be used more in the future. its us trying to get the jump on the future.
Would you support an Arabic program in your local school district?

Yes, I would, although I think Spanish or Chinese would be far more useful today. I believe the U.S. is about the only country in the world where a plurality of our citizens are not bilingual.

Yep Chinese and Spanish will likely be the 2 most useful languages to the next generation.
I don't think it will be for about 3 generations at the VERY least (75-150 years), and even then, it will be a 'second tier language compared to English, Spanish, Chinese, and possibly Farsi.
Yes, I would, although I think Spanish or Chinese would be far more useful today. I believe the U.S. is about the only country in the world where a plurality of our citizens are not bilingual.

Yep Chinese and Spanish will likely be the 2 most useful languages to the next generation.
I don't think it will be for about 3 generations at the VERY least (75-150 years), and even then, it will be a 'second tier language compared to English, Spanish, Chinese, and possibly Farsi.

That's what you get for thinking ahead. Our public education system appears unable to do that.
Yep Chinese and Spanish will likely be the 2 most useful languages to the next generation.
I don't think it will be for about 3 generations at the VERY least (75-150 years), and even then, it will be a 'second tier language compared to English, Spanish, Chinese, and possibly Farsi.

That's what you get for thinking ahead. Our public education system appears unable to do that.
that's what you get with a government monopoly.
Producing countries(Real stuff.Like food !) carry the languages of the future.
Comprende pendejos ?
Entender imbéciles?
Entenda idiotas?
Arabic is more useless than Ukrainian ( which I also bleat---- a little)
The South is rising.
I aint talkin boot that thar AllyBammy, MissyShitty and ArkIsLost.
I don't see why the study of any specific foreign language would be made mandatory in US public schools. It should be a matter of choice and I'm sure that many students would benefit more from learning languages other than Arabic. That being said, Arabic is a great language and it's much easier to learn than most people seem to think it is. Its structure is logical and predictable compared to English and a large number of other languages either use its alphabet or borrow extensively from its vocabulary; even Spanish has thousands of Arabic loanwords.

I think public school students here would benefit from being able to study languages with non-Latin orthographies... common sense tells me that mastering a language dissimilar from your native tongue significantly improves your ability to learn and reason.
It's a language with I'm sure the normal cultural context element. It's useful in may fields, including of course the military. What's the big deal? Should we not allow kids to learn needed skills because of the bogeyman? Did we ban German classes in WWII? Russian during the Cold War? Or did we realize that passing familiarity with those languages was a smart thing for some of our young people to have?


Absolutely, all children should be allowed access to some sort of foreign language. The problem here is that it seems to be mandatory. THAT is bs. There should be choices of what language you want to lean and it should never be a requirement.
Would you support an Arabic program in your local school district?

Absolutely. Arabic and many other languages.

In fact, I support mandating a foreign language program for all students from day one of the education.

I would prefer the students actually learn the English language first before they learn anything else.

There are many examples of those who have yet to master the English language on this message board. We call them "liberals".
George Bush was talking to Saddam Hussein and they were discussing their dreams.

Saddam said, 'I had a dream where I went to Washington and all the flags were for the global caliphate and everywhere there were banners praising Allah and the Prophet '.

Bush said, 'I had a very similar dream. I went to Baghdad everywhere there were flags and banners'.

Saddam said, 'What did they say?'.

Bush said, 'I don't know. I dont read Hebrew'.
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George Bush was talking to Saddam Hussein and they were discussing their dreams.

Saddam said, 'I had a dream where I went to Washington and all the flags were for the global caliphate and everywhere there were banners praising Allah and the Prophet '.

Bush said, 'I had a very similar dream. I went to Tehran and everywhere there were flags and banners'.

Saddam said, 'What did they say?'.

Bush said, 'I don't know. I dont read Hebrew'.

That joke doesn't work. Saddam would not have cared if there were Hebrew flags and banners in Tehran. He hated the Iranians just as much as he did the Jews.
George Bush was talking to Saddam Hussein and they were discussing their dreams.

Saddam said, 'I had a dream where I went to Washington and all the flags were for the global caliphate and everywhere there were banners praising Allah and the Prophet '.

Bush said, 'I had a very similar dream. I went to Tehran and everywhere there were flags and banners'.

Saddam said, 'What did they say?'.

Bush said, 'I don't know. I dont read Hebrew'.

That joke doesn't work. Saddam would not have cared if there were Hebrew flags and banners in Tehran He hated the Iranians just as much as he did the Jews.

Yea, I messed it up. The joke was originally Ahmadinejad. I forgot to change the city.
A Mansfield ISD program to teach Arabic language and culture in schools is on hold for now, and may not happen at all.

The school district wanted students at selected schools to take Arabic language and culture classes as part of a federally funded grant.

The Foreign Language Assistance Program (FLAP) grant was awarded to Mansfield ISD last summer by the U.S. Department of Education.

As part of the five-year $1.3 million grant, Arabic classes would have been taught at Cross Timbers Intermediate School and other schools feeding into Summit High School.

Parents at Cross Timbers say they were caught off-guard by the program, and were surprised the district only told them about it in a meeting Monday night between parents and Mansfield ISD Superintendent Bob Morrison.

The Department of Education has identified Arabic as a ‘language of the future.’ But parent Joseph Balson was frustrated by the past. “Why are we just now finding out about it?” asked Balson. “It’s them (Mansfield ISD) applying for the grant, getting it approved and them now saying they’ll go back and change it only when they were caught trying to implement this plan without parents knowing about it.”

The FLAP grant was awarded to only five school districts across the country, including Mansfield. The district says the plan is on hold so it can hear from more parents. After that evaluation is over, the district says it is possible they might return the grant.

Mansfield Arabic Program On Hold « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Perhaps the U.S. Dept of Ed should label it "the language of the Middle Ages". :evil:

Would you support an Arabic program in your local school district?

As a teacher of very very many years' duration, let me tell you: much of what comes out of any "Dept of Ed" is complete and utter hogwash dreamed up by people who have not been in contact with actual students in years. It seems this might be no exception, since the "Dept of Ed" dreamed this up with no input from the local population. So typical.
Would you support an Arabic program in your local school district?

Absolutely. Arabic and many other languages.

In fact, I support mandating a foreign language program for all students from day one of the education.

I would prefer the students actually learn the English language first before they learn anything else.

There are many examples of those who have yet to master the English language on this message board. We call them "liberals".
A Mansfield ISD program to teach Arabic language and culture in schools is on hold for now, and may not happen at all.

The school district wanted students at selected schools to take Arabic language and culture classes as part of a federally funded grant.

The Foreign Language Assistance Program (FLAP) grant was awarded to Mansfield ISD last summer by the U.S. Department of Education.

As part of the five-year $1.3 million grant, Arabic classes would have been taught at Cross Timbers Intermediate School and other schools feeding into Summit High School.

Parents at Cross Timbers say they were caught off-guard by the program, and were surprised the district only told them about it in a meeting Monday night between parents and Mansfield ISD Superintendent Bob Morrison.

The Department of Education has identified Arabic as a ‘language of the future.’ But parent Joseph Balson was frustrated by the past. “Why are we just now finding out about it?” asked Balson. “It’s them (Mansfield ISD) applying for the grant, getting it approved and them now saying they’ll go back and change it only when they were caught trying to implement this plan without parents knowing about it.”

The FLAP grant was awarded to only five school districts across the country, including Mansfield. The district says the plan is on hold so it can hear from more parents. After that evaluation is over, the district says it is possible they might return the grant.

Mansfield Arabic Program On Hold « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Perhaps the U.S. Dept of Ed should label it "the language of the Middle Ages". :evil:

Would you support an Arabic program in your local school district?

More than ever.

Teaching Russian was promoted during the Cold War.

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