Archie Bunker And George Jefferson Would Be Trump Supporters.

While it is meaningless to wonder what long ago fictional characters would think about current events it is certain a guy like Trump would never have a political career in the 1970s.

looking at the stories a society tells itself and the way people react to it, is a valid way to learn about or explore a society.

you want to avoid that, because you know that shedding light on the matter, any matter of substance, will be a problem for your political agenda.

my dad's generation was archies. i never heard any of them talk like he did, about "the jews" or "the blacks".

but i did see them work hard and support their families.

that you consider the generation that actually defeated nazi germany to be the villains, reflects on you.
All in the family was the second most liberal show of all time. Archie was presented as bigoted yet ultimately fair-minded for the sake of him learning a moral lesson every so often. If you see anything admirable in the Archie Bunker character it is only because he was written that way by some of the most liberal people who ever worked in television.

i made a point about a failure of the character, ie how his bigoted rhetoric did not match the reality of that generation, at that time.

that was the bigotry of the hollywood elite.

that they managed to make the character and the show work, despite that flaw, is a testimony to their other skills and to the actor.

but my point stands. would you like to address it?
Yeah I was growing up in Alabama at the time and most of my older male relatives were in the Klan. I heard way worse than Archie Bunker every day of the week. To me he seemed like a guy who just had bigoted views out of habit and didn't really hate anyone. He would have never put on a Klan robe and burn a cross. I was surrounded by the real thing from birth.

Yep, next you can tell us you're not a racist.
I'm not. Guaranteed you have more in common with my older relatives than I do. They love Trump as well.

That's how you quantify racism, your hate for Trump? Brilliant.
While it is meaningless to wonder what long ago fictional characters would think about current events it is certain a guy like Trump would never have a political career in the 1970s.

looking at the stories a society tells itself and the way people react to it, is a valid way to learn about or explore a society.

you want to avoid that, because you know that shedding light on the matter, any matter of substance, will be a problem for your political agenda.

my dad's generation was archies. i never heard any of them talk like he did, about "the jews" or "the blacks".

but i did see them work hard and support their families.

that you consider the generation that actually defeated nazi germany to be the villains, reflects on you.
All in the family was the second most liberal show of all time. Archie was presented as bigoted yet ultimately fair-minded for the sake of him learning a moral lesson every so often. If you see anything admirable in the Archie Bunker character it is only because he was written that way by some of the most liberal people who ever worked in television.

i made a point about a failure of the character, ie how his bigoted rhetoric did not match the reality of that generation, at that time.

that was the bigotry of the hollywood elite.

that they managed to make the character and the show work, despite that flaw, is a testimony to their other skills and to the actor.

but my point stands. would you like to address it?
Yeah I was growing up in Alabama at the time and most of my older male relatives were in the Klan. I heard way worse than Archie Bunker every day of the week. To me he seemed like a guy who just had bigoted views out of habit and didn't really hate anyone. He would have never put on a Klan robe and burn a cross. I was surrounded by the real thing from birth.

Yep, next you can tell us you're not a racist.
I'm not. Guaranteed you have more in common with my older relatives than I do. They love Trump as well.

That's how you quantify racism, your hate for Trump? Brilliant.
Nope just letting you know that I know you people better than you know yourselves. I lived the birth of the modern conservative movement in the aftermath of the civil rights era where it all began. Every political opinion you have as a conservative began where I did.
Yeah but since they're both dead we'll just chalk those two votes up to the Biden camp.
If Archie and George were alive today I'm sure they would both be Trump supporters.The Meathead and Lionel would be Antifa and Biden supporters.

YOu realize those characters were not presented to be the ones the audience sympathized with. They were made the fool in each story because of their intolerance.
There were, in fact, exaggerations of what the left considered their political opponents. The GOP, then and now, was nothing like what was portrayed by these shows. They were used as a means of indoctrinating people into the producer's beliefs. Many of which carries on today.

It fascinates Me that you would think that they were intolerant given the intolerance of the left today.
If Archie and George were alive today I'm sure they would both be Trump supporters.The Meathead and Lionel would be Antifa and Biden supporters.

YOu realize those characters were not presented to be the ones the audience sympathized with. They were made the fool in each story because of their intolerance.
I remember Archie as being an ignorant buffoon and a bigot who would damn sure be a trumpbot today.

A lot of things about Archie. But he stayed with his family, unlike most Progs. And the costs of Progs to society us massive because of it.
If Archie and George were alive today I'm sure they would both be Trump supporters.The Meathead and Lionel would be Antifa and Biden supporters.

See the source image

Boy, The Meathead sure used to kick Archie's ass. It was good practice for The Dotard. :)

I love satire and so my favorite character was Louise and George's son, Lionel Jefferson. Lionel's interaction with Archie was great comedy writing.
Bunker and Jefferson were fictitious characters. They never existed except in the minds of stupid Hollywood weenies trying to make a buck by selling commercial time to mindless uneducated idiots watching the dumb shows.
While it is meaningless to wonder what long ago fictional characters would think about current events it is certain a guy like Trump would never have a political career in the 1970s.

looking at the stories a society tells itself and the way people react to it, is a valid way to learn about or explore a society.

you want to avoid that, because you know that shedding light on the matter, any matter of substance, will be a problem for your political agenda.

my dad's generation was archies. i never heard any of them talk like he did, about "the jews" or "the blacks".

but i did see them work hard and support their families.

that you consider the generation that actually defeated nazi germany to be the villains, reflects on you.
All in the family was the second most liberal show of all time. Archie was presented as bigoted yet ultimately fair-minded for the sake of him learning a moral lesson every so often. If you see anything admirable in the Archie Bunker character it is only because he was written that way by some of the most liberal people who ever worked in television.

i made a point about a failure of the character, ie how his bigoted rhetoric did not match the reality of that generation, at that time.

that was the bigotry of the hollywood elite.

that they managed to make the character and the show work, despite that flaw, is a testimony to their other skills and to the actor.

but my point stands. would you like to address it?
Yeah I was growing up in Alabama at the time and most of my older male relatives were in the Klan. I heard way worse than Archie Bunker every day of the week. To me he seemed like a guy who just had bigoted views out of habit and didn't really hate anyone. He would have never put on a Klan robe and burn a cross. I was surrounded by the real thing from birth.

Yep, next you can tell us you're not a racist.
I'm not. Guaranteed you have more in common with my older relatives than I do. They love Trump as well.

That's how you quantify racism, your hate for Trump? Brilliant.
Nope just letting you know that I know you people better than you know yourselves. I lived the birth of the modern conservative movement in the aftermath of the civil rights era where it all began. Every political opinion you have as a conservative began where I did.

Oh wise one....blow it out your rear.
If Archie and George were alive today I'm sure they would both be Trump supporters.The Meathead and Lionel would be Antifa and Biden supporters.

See the source image
Archie and George were never alive since they were fictional characters portrayed by actors.

You do know the stuff you watch on TV isn't all real don't you?

your pretense of not understanding what is going on here, is not credible.

stop playing stupid troll games.
What's stupid is pretending fictional characters are real people

no it is not. pretending fictional characters are real people, is a great way to get emotionally involved in a story and a great way to understand what the story says about the society that told it, and the society that heard it.

you are stonewalling, because you know that "learning" is something that would be a problem for your political agenda.
Fictional characters are not real people by definition.

And what exactly is my political agenda since you seem to know sooooo much about me?

correct. fictional characters are not real people. that point is utterly irrelevant to everything that has been said in this thread.

your political agenda? something lefty. probably pretty commie of some type. though you are unlikely to admit it.
While it is meaningless to wonder what long ago fictional characters would think about current events it is certain a guy like Trump would never have a political career in the 1970s.

looking at the stories a society tells itself and the way people react to it, is a valid way to learn about or explore a society.

you want to avoid that, because you know that shedding light on the matter, any matter of substance, will be a problem for your political agenda.

my dad's generation was archies. i never heard any of them talk like he did, about "the jews" or "the blacks".

but i did see them work hard and support their families.

that you consider the generation that actually defeated nazi germany to be the villains, reflects on you.
All in the family was the second most liberal show of all time. Archie was presented as bigoted yet ultimately fair-minded for the sake of him learning a moral lesson every so often. If you see anything admirable in the Archie Bunker character it is only because he was written that way by some of the most liberal people who ever worked in television.

i made a point about a failure of the character, ie how his bigoted rhetoric did not match the reality of that generation, at that time.

that was the bigotry of the hollywood elite.

that they managed to make the character and the show work, despite that flaw, is a testimony to their other skills and to the actor.

but my point stands. would you like to address it?
Yeah I was growing up in Alabama at the time and most of my older male relatives were in the Klan. I heard way worse than Archie Bunker every day of the week. To me he seemed like a guy who just had bigoted views out of habit and didn't really hate anyone. He would have never put on a Klan robe and burn a cross. I was surrounded by the real thing from birth.

yeah, sorry i don't believe you. i've seen too many lefties see wacism, where there was none, to buy that.
As the thread title states, Archie’s incredible ignorance would make him a vocal and devoted fanatic of the impeached president trump, while the small potatoes businessman, Jefferson would believe his “riches” are protected by the impeached president trump’s tax policies.

Both would be touting the impeached president trump’s wonderfulness during the COVID-19 crisis. Archie’s praise would continue even as he lie dying from the disease since he refused to wear a mask and chose to disregard all other precautions recommended by the experts.

Jefferson would be blaming the Democrats because he couldn’t get a small business loan from the COVID stimulus as his business folds. He would never admit his failure was due to so much stimulus cash being soaked up by churches, Big Business, and other organizations not meant to receive these funds.

Two perfect examples of right-wingers.

What is interesting is All in the Family and the Jeffersons are classic shows considered some of the best in TV history yet they could never get on broadcast TV in todays PC culture. They might make it on cable or a streaming service but I'm not even sure they would have made it there given the very blunt and direct way they delt with the issuses of the times.
If Archie and George were alive today I'm sure they would both be Trump supporters.The Meathead and Lionel would be Antifa and Biden supporters.

YOu realize those characters were not presented to be the ones the audience sympathized with. They were made the fool in each story because of their intolerance.

This is a good comment and worth extrapolating further.

It's ironic, because the racists were the stars of the show. The intolerance and even racism they showed, was interpreted by the audience as not being acceptable, but, they were tolerated (that's sort of how people used to be, even A-holes were viewed as simply having different views) and for some reason people tuned in. The question from a social study standpoint is, what was that reason?

You can say the same of Sanford and Son. A show I watched quite a lot of as a kid. Red Foxx was a mean old prick who never bit his tongue, and in fact, his son on the show, unlike these shows; was a logical and full-of-wisdom preacher to the audience. George and Archie had counter characters (such as Meathead and his Canadian gf), who weren't too convincing. Yeah, nobody wanted to be Archie, but who the hell wanted to be like Meathead?

It's an interesting study of humans. Did people enjoy the shows as they saw a little bit of themselves in these characters, or, was it like watching a train wreck? Maybe people just wanted to see the debate between the two unfold and chew their popcorn while deciding who came out on top?

If the writers were not trying to have them shown as appealing they wouldn't have made them the stars of the show. Once in awhile they'd paint them as truly cruel, so that the audience would dislike them fiercely. You'd hear a gasp from the audience, and a silence if George, say, really said something mean to his wife "You've gone too far this time George. We can accept your bigotry, but only if there is humour in it."

Too often though, they were just viewed as "oh, that's just George (or Archie)". You laugh and shrug your shoulders, because they were a reliable source of entertainment on T.V, you got to know them.

This formula hasn't gone away, it's all on how we view them (malicious people or those who can't help themselves?). I think of Sheldon Cooper. Super Genius who cares little for your emotions or opinion. He might be autistic, might not. Bottom line, we find humour in his character, maybe in his innocence ("that's just Sheldon, he doesn't know any better". Notice the pattern?). Not unlike characters of yesteryear though far less edgy.

You might be on to something.

Heck, for that matter, people like the character of Hannibal Lecter.. even though he's a manipulative sociopath and a cannibal. So if you get someone charming enough to portray an awful person, they seem less awful.

Yes, Archie was a bigot. He also served his country when called upon, he loved his family, he worked hard, he cared about his coworkers and his community.

The other problem was the nature of episodic television. Unlike real people or people in compelling fiction, TV characters can never change. If Archie was a bigot in Season 1, he was still had to be a bigot in Season 9. (In fact, in the spinoff series, they softened Archie by giving him an adopted daughter and a black housekeeper, and it didn't go well.)
As the thread title states, Archie’s incredible ignorance would make him a vocal and devoted fanatic of the impeached president trump, while the small potatoes businessman, Jefferson would believe his “riches” are protected by the impeached president trump’s tax policies.

Both would be touting the impeached president trump’s wonderfulness during the COVID-19 crisis. Archie’s praise would continue even as he lie dying from the disease since he refused to wear a mask and chose to disregard all other precautions recommended by the experts.

Jefferson would be blaming the Democrats because he couldn’t get a small business loan from the COVID stimulus as his business folds. He would never admit his failure was due to so much stimulus cash being soaked up by churches, Big Business, and other organizations not meant to receive these funds.

Two perfect examples of right-wingers.


your hate makes you stupid.
If Archie and George were alive today I'm sure they would both be Trump supporters.The Meathead and Lionel would be Antifa and Biden supporters.

See the source image
Archie and George were never alive since they were fictional characters portrayed by actors.

You do know the stuff you watch on TV isn't all real don't you?

your pretense of not understanding what is going on here, is not credible.

stop playing stupid troll games.
What's stupid is pretending fictional characters are real people

no it is not. pretending fictional characters are real people, is a great way to get emotionally involved in a story and a great way to understand what the story says about the society that told it, and the society that heard it.

you are stonewalling, because you know that "learning" is something that would be a problem for your political agenda.
Fictional characters are not real people by definition.

And what exactly is my political agenda since you seem to know sooooo much about me?

correct. fictional characters are not real people. that point is utterly irrelevant to everything that has been said in this thread.

your political agenda? something lefty. probably pretty commie of some type. though you are unlikely to admit it.
Guess again, Corky.

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