Arctic Sea Ice

For my love of snow, mountains and skiing, I hope myself, and the majority of scientists are wrong! I wish global cooling were happening, but our temps are going up, period, no debating that. The only debate is why.

No chicken little the world is going to end, no "we must make drastic changes or we're all doomed". This is juts plain old common sense, crap in your nest too long and something will go bad.
Get over it folks. The sun is not cooperating with your hoax and just letting you know who is the real power on the planet.

So my advice is to humbly go on your way and pray that the spots will reappear else we are in for another ice age. Are you prepared for that?

Crock of shit. A strong La Nina of exceptional duration, combined with a sunspot minimum, and still we get the eighth warmest year on record.

Face it, you con artists are still losing ... we are getting more people educated to your cons, this is what scares you so much. Gore Inc. is about to go bankrupt.

Now THAT is the inconvenient truth.
Crock of shit. A strong La Nina of exceptional duration, combined with a sunspot minimum, and still we get the eighth warmest year on record.

Face it, you con artists are still losing ... we are getting more people educated to your cons, this is what scares you so much. Gore Inc. is about to go bankrupt.

This isn't a contest to see who's right and wrong. Scientists are reporting data on our planets weather and temperatures. The ice on the planets is our biggest temperature regulator, and once we loose too much of it, it will be hard for it to recover.

Did you even go to science class in school? Ever?

Look up HOW ice regulates temperatures ... it may surprise you ...
Get over it folks. The sun is not cooperating with your hoax and just letting you know who is the real power on the planet.

So my advice is to humbly go on your way and pray that the spots will reappear else we are in for another ice age. Are you prepared for that?

Actually this angle works against you, not for you. The sun has been on an unusually long solar flare minimum , all the time our record high temps keep going up.

Solar flare minimum ends between 2006-2008.

Sun cycle to flare back up in 2008

You do know it is 2009? It hasn't happened yet. They keep pushing the date a couple months farther out. Sooner or later they are bound to get it right. Let's hope that later isn't a few decades from now.
Today's sun:

Face it, you con artists are still losing ... we are getting more people educated to your cons, this is what scares you so much. Gore Inc. is about to go bankrupt.

This isn't a contest to see who's right and wrong. Scientists are reporting data on our planets weather and temperatures. The ice on the planets is our biggest temperature regulator, and once we loose too much of it, it will be hard for it to recover.

Did you even go to science class in school? Ever?

Look up HOW ice regulates temperatures ... it may surprise you ...

The main way is reflecting the suns rays.
This isn't a contest to see who's right and wrong. Scientists are reporting data on our planets weather and temperatures. The ice on the planets is our biggest temperature regulator, and once we loose too much of it, it will be hard for it to recover.

Did you even go to science class in school? Ever?

Look up HOW ice regulates temperatures ... it may surprise you ...

The main way is reflecting the suns rays.

Um ... no ... in order for ice to cool something it has to melt, thus the water molecules absorb the energy from the warmer surrounding molecules.
Did you even go to science class in school? Ever?

Look up HOW ice regulates temperatures ... it may surprise you ...

The main way is reflecting the suns rays.

Um ... no ... in order for ice to cool something it has to melt, thus the water molecules absorb the energy from the warmer surrounding molecules.

Not the main reason, reflectivity is.

NASA - Seasons of Change: Evidence of Arctic Warming Grows

Polar ice reflects a great deal of the Sun's energy that falls on it back into space, helping regulate the amount of energy arriving on Earth, which drives weather and all the other atmospheric activities. Even a few percent more acres of open water absorbing energy could tip the scales of Earth's energy balance, adding more energy to the atmosphere, altering short- and long-term weather patterns
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Water transfers heat better than almost anything else on the planet, it is the balancer not the indicator. The ice gathers when it's too cold so there is less water surface, thus the planet does no transfer as much heat from the land, but when the heat rises the ice melts offering more water, thus allowing the heat to transfer more efficiently and cooling off the planet until the temperatures are low again. It's a cycle, one that is natural and suppose to happen. The ice at the poles has not been the same water since the beginning of earth, it cycles thus refreshing itself, if there was no change in the ice caps then we should be concerned.
Sea ice extent fluctuates just as cooling and warming does.

Sea ice in the Arctic - Encyclopedia of Earth

Perhaps the best-known record is the Icelandic sea ice index, compiled by Thoroddsen[16] and Koch [17], with subsequent extensions (e.g., Ogilvie and Jonsson[18]). The index combines information on the annual duration of sea ice along the Icelandic coast and the length of coastline affected by sea ice. Figure 6.6 shows several periods of severe sea ice conditions, especially during the late 1800s and early 1900s, followed by a long interval (from about 1920 to the early 1960s) in which sea ice was virtually absent from Icelandic waters. However, an abrupt change to severe ice conditions in the late 1960s serves as a reminder that decadal variability is a characteristic of sea ice. Since the early 1970s, sea ice conditions in the vicinity of Iceland have been relatively mild.

Water transfers heat better than almost anything else on the planet, it is the balancer not the indicator. The ice gathers when it's too cold so there is less water surface, thus the planet does no transfer as much heat from the land, but when the heat rises the ice melts offering more water, thus allowing the heat to transfer more efficiently and cooling off the planet until the temperatures are low again. It's a cycle, one that is natural and suppose to happen. The ice at the poles has not been the same water since the beginning of earth, it cycles thus refreshing itself, if there was no change in the ice caps then we should be concerned.

Yes, you are correct, reflecting the suns rays does more for cooling. It's the rapid decline that's concerning.
As Spring dawns it looks the sea ice has filled in rather extensively. Another winter like we just had and we will be talking about record sea ice extent. Still no sunspots.

Water transfers heat better than almost anything else on the planet, it is the balancer not the indicator. The ice gathers when it's too cold so there is less water surface, thus the planet does no transfer as much heat from the land, but when the heat rises the ice melts offering more water, thus allowing the heat to transfer more efficiently and cooling off the planet until the temperatures are low again. It's a cycle, one that is natural and suppose to happen. The ice at the poles has not been the same water since the beginning of earth, it cycles thus refreshing itself, if there was no change in the ice caps then we should be concerned.

Yes, you are correct, reflecting the suns rays does more for cooling. It's the rapid decline that's concerning.

Aaah ... so you think that a rapid decline has never happened before?
Get over it folks. The sun is not cooperating with your hoax and just letting you know who is the real power on the planet.

So my advice is to humbly go on your way and pray that the spots will reappear else we are in for another ice age. Are you prepared for that?

Crock of shit. A strong La Nina of exceptional duration, combined with a sunspot minimum, and still we get the eighth warmest year on record.

Face it, you con artists are still losing ... we are getting more people educated to your cons, this is what scares you so much. Gore Inc. is about to go bankrupt.

LOL. Al Gore has shown a real talent for investing in high tech stocks that go up even in hard times. No, he will not go broke, in fact, he will become even richer, all the while campaigning for increased taxes on the wealthy. Doesn't that just frost your little agates?:lol:
As Spring dawns it looks the sea ice has filled in rather extensively. Another winter like we just had and we will be talking about record sea ice extent. Still no sunspots.


The predictions for the sunspot cycle are for a normal max in about 2014, NASA;

NASA/Marshall Solar Physics

But I wish your bullshit sites were correct. We need a breather to get our carbon emissions under control. No such luck.
The sea ice that floats on the Arctic Ocean is covered with snow all winter. The snow-covered ice is bright white so it absorbs very little of the solar energy that gets to it. And during the Arctic winter, very little solar energy gets to it anyway. The Sun stays low on the horizon, days are short, and above the Arctic Circle there is at least one day of winter when the Sun does not make an appearance at all.

Summer is warmer than winter but it becomes even warmer as the ice changes and melts. How does this happen? As summer approaches, the Sun climbs higher in the sky each day and the weather gets a little warmer. Warmer temperatures melt the snow, exposing the bare sea ice. Pools of melt water form on the ice and cracks called leads break the ice into pieces like a puzzle. The exposed ice is darker in color than the snow. The pools and cracks are also darker. And where the ice has melted, dark ocean water is exposed. Because all these changes make the surface darker, the albedo is lower, more solar energy is absorbed, and less is reflected. Holding onto the energy causes more ice to melt, which, in turn, lowers the albedo, causes more energy to be absorbed and more warming.

This is a normal seasonal process, called a positive feedback. However it is changing as Earth’s climate changes.

Because Earth’s temperature is climbing as more greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, the snow on top of the ice melts earlier in the spring. A little later each autumn, temperatures drop to the chilly levels needed for sea ice to again form. There is more time during the summer for the compounding cycle of melting ice, lowering albedo, trapping of more solar energy, and more ice melt. And there is less time in the winter for ice to reform.

This process of a little warming causing more warming is called the ice-albedo feedback. The ice-albedo feedback can turn a small climate change into a big climate change. The sea ice is melting rapidly in the Arctic Ocean. According to climate models that pace of ice melt will speed up even more, so much that that there may be no more summer sea ice within the next few decades.Ice-Albedo Feedback: How Melting Ice Causes More Ice to Melt
As Spring dawns it looks the sea ice has filled in rather extensively. Another winter like we just had and we will be talking about record sea ice extent. Still no sunspots.


The predictions for the sunspot cycle are for a normal max in about 2014, NASA;

NASA/Marshall Solar Physics

But I wish your bullshit sites were correct. We need a breather to get our carbon emissions under control. No such luck.

That map is from the same site as you are quoting. Also from that site:

Predicting the behavior of a sunspot cycle is fairly reliable once the cycle is well underway (about 3 years after the minimum in sunspot number occurs

Since we haven't hit the minimum yet they have nothing to predict. They said the minimum would be March of last year yet here we are still with no sunspots.

Today's sun:

Monthly average ice extent for February 2009 was the fourth lowest in the satellite record. February 2005 had the lowest ice extent for the month; February 2006 was the second lowest; and February 2007 is in third place. Including 2009, the downward linear trend in February ice extent over the satellite record stands at –2.8% per decade.

Now, I'm not saying it necessarily means anything. But do you people not realize that what that says is that 2006 had a higher extent than 2005, then 2007 had a higher extent than 2006, then 2009 had a higher extent than 2007. Presumably 2008 must've had a higher sea ice extent than 2007 too so they must have mentioned it. So, if I'm thinking right, the past four years have been +, +, +, -.

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