Arctic Sea Ice

"I can see Mount St. Helens from my house."

Yep, and, standing on the roof, Hood, Adams, and the tip of Rainer. And I can clearly see that you are a silly person with no knowledge of the world around him.

No ... it's not noticing the world around you that's important, unlike you he notices the entire world.

Silly girl. Geology is the study of the whole world. You, and Elvis, are sadly ignorant people. Sitting in front of the greatest research tool in the world, and never using it.
Yep, and, standing on the roof, Hood, Adams, and the tip of Rainer. And I can clearly see that you are a silly person with no knowledge of the world around him.

No ... it's not noticing the world around you that's important, unlike you he notices the entire world.

Silly girl. Geology is the study of the whole world. You, and Elvis, are sadly ignorant people. Sitting in front of the greatest research tool in the world, and never using it.

I didn't know one would use a lathe in the study of geology.
No ... it's not noticing the world around you that's important, unlike you he notices the entire world.

Silly girl. Geology is the study of the whole world. You, and Elvis, are sadly ignorant people. Sitting in front of the greatest research tool in the world, and never using it.

I didn't know one would use a lathe in the study of geology.

Over the years I have taken university courses to the point where I have about three years of college. The highest course I have taken is 470/570 Eng Geo. Geology and the land around me is my fun. I have walked mountains and land from Yellowknife, NWT, to the Mexican border.

And the primary tool of a Millwright is not a lathe. Learn a bit about trades. As stated before, you give evidence of being a rather ignorant individual.
Silly girl. Geology is the study of the whole world. You, and Elvis, are sadly ignorant people. Sitting in front of the greatest research tool in the world, and never using it.

I didn't know one would use a lathe in the study of geology.

Over the years I have taken university courses to the point where I have about three years of college. The highest course I have taken is 470/570 Eng Geo. Geology and the land around me is my fun. I have walked mountains and land from Yellowknife, NWT, to the Mexican border.

And the primary tool of a Millwright is not a lathe. Learn a bit about trades. As stated before, you give evidence of being a rather ignorant individual.

Whatever. I could care less what your trade is. You are NOT an authority on this subject. You do not have the qualifications of scientists we have quoted that you consider idiots because they do not agree with you and Al Whore.
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Silly girl. Geology is the study of the whole world. You, and Elvis, are sadly ignorant people. Sitting in front of the greatest research tool in the world, and never using it.

I didn't know one would use a lathe in the study of geology.

Over the years I have taken university courses to the point where I have about three years of college. The highest course I have taken is 470/570 Eng Geo. Geology and the land around me is my fun. I have walked mountains and land from Yellowknife, NWT, to the Mexican border.

And the primary tool of a Millwright is not a lathe. Learn a bit about trades. As stated before, you give evidence of being a rather ignorant individual.

Oh goody ... another moron who thinks that "education" actually makes you smart. Funny fact I should point out, I program computers for a living, do as well as I want (I like to work fewer hours than I could if I wanted), but here's the catch, I dropped out of school to start working at 16, never went to any college or university, but can write circles around ever single person with a degree in any programming field ....

So, what is the REAL proof you know a damned thing about geology? None so far.
I didn't know one would use a lathe in the study of geology.

Over the years I have taken university courses to the point where I have about three years of college. The highest course I have taken is 470/570 Eng Geo. Geology and the land around me is my fun. I have walked mountains and land from Yellowknife, NWT, to the Mexican border.

And the primary tool of a Millwright is not a lathe. Learn a bit about trades. As stated before, you give evidence of being a rather ignorant individual.

Oh goody ... another moron who thinks that "education" actually makes you smart. Funny fact I should point out, I program computers for a living, do as well as I want (I like to work fewer hours than I could if I wanted), but here's the catch, I dropped out of school to start working at 16, never went to any college or university, but can write circles around ever single person with a degree in any programming field ....

So, what is the REAL proof you know a damned thing about geology? None so far.

doesn't chris count? he says rocky is right.
You mean like watching the rapid decline of the worlds glaciers in less than one lifetime? You are the one in denial of reality. You would take the word of a few oil company whores over the whole of the worlds scientific establishment. Just look at the number of 'scientists' that deny global warming that are also on the payroll of tobacco companies. You people are pathetic.

Hmm ... if this hasn't happened ever before then why are there no frozen life forms from billions of years ago?

The Ice Ages only started about 2 million years ago as the closing of the Ismus of Panama changed the circulation of the oceans. It takes a special configuration of continents and an increased rate of weathering due to an area being raised much above normal. In this case the area is the Himalayas, and the weathering of the rock has removed much of the CO2 from the atmosphere.

There was a similiar ice age in the Ordivician when the ancestral Appalachians were as high as the Himalayas are today.

Would love to see the pictures:clap2::clap2::clap2:
Which has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

CO2 causes the earth to retain heat.

We have increased atmospheric CO2 by 40% in the last 200 years.

Therefore, we have caused the earth to warm.

Everything else is just bullshit.

As I'm sure you know by now since I've posted the relevant quote many times, not even the IPCC says that such an uequivocal statement of cause and effect can be made. CO2 is one gas that causes the planet to retain more heat than it would if none of those gases were present. Its concentration in the atmosphere is estimated to have risen from about 3 one hundreths of one percent to about 4 one hundreths of one percent since 1750. There are all kinds of other factors governing the atmosphere's temperature. No one even really knows that we've identified them all.

There are two points behind making the statement that it's believed that there have been no permanent ice caps during most of the history of life on this planet. The first is that the extent of sea ice now is well within the range of what's believed to have occurred over billions of years. It is not unusual when taken in full context. The second is that life can flourish under much warmer conditions than we are now experiencing as well as under warmer conditions than we will be experiencing 100 years from now if the "global warming" projections are realized.
Environuts don't like to think about more than one fact at a time ... it makes their heads explode, at least that's my theory.
To think that studying in a class room or walking on a mountain
reviewing and believing one side of an argument and saying the opposite point of view is totally wrong and we are now going to spend billions and billions on anything shows me only one thing
there are way to many pompous intellectuals for our own good and Schools have done a real good job of Brainwashing allot of people.

Take a trip on a boat to the middle of the Pacific or Atlantic and now tell me how insignificant Humans really are.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
KK = Big Oil

For God's sake young man - BIG OIL has already hedged its bets and has invested hundreds of millions into the Green Industry - following the lead of GE, who is all-in on the Go-Green industry, who in turn followed the lead of companies such as Enron back in the 1990s.

The GlobalWarming/Climate Change junta is all tied into the Go Green movement that is funded by BIG BUSINESS - big oil included.

Folks like you are being played.

Some day, if you open your eyes to the truth around you, you will realize this fact.

No, my friend, you are the one being played.

Do a little reading about the global warming deniers. Most were financed by the American Petroleum Institute...

American Petroleum Institute - SourceWatch

Now why would one trust SourceWatch? The owner of SourceWatch:

Center for Media & Democracy

Center for Media & Democracy
520 University Avenue, Suite 310, Madison, WI 53703
Phone 608-260-9713 | Fax 608-260-9714 | Email [email protected]

The Center for Media & Democracy (CMD) is a counterculture public relations effort disguised as an independent media organization. CMD isn’t really a center it would be more accurate to call it a partnership, since it is essentially a two-person operation.
I didn't know one would use a lathe in the study of geology.

Over the years I have taken university courses to the point where I have about three years of college. The highest course I have taken is 470/570 Eng Geo. Geology and the land around me is my fun. I have walked mountains and land from Yellowknife, NWT, to the Mexican border.

And the primary tool of a Millwright is not a lathe. Learn a bit about trades. As stated before, you give evidence of being a rather ignorant individual.

Whatever. I could care less what your trade is. You are NOT an authority on this subject. You do not have the qualifications of scientists we have quoted that you consider idiots because they do not agree with you and Al Whore.

But I have been giving you the research of those that are authorities on the subject. And you have been giving me absolutely nothing to back your assertations.

I consider those who will not face reality to be worse than idiots. Willfull ignorance is an ugly thing.
Sea ice extent fluctuates just as cooling and warming does.

Sea ice in the Arctic - Encyclopedia of Earth

Perhaps the best-known record is the Icelandic sea ice index, compiled by Thoroddsen[16] and Koch [17], with subsequent extensions (e.g., Ogilvie and Jonsson[18]). The index combines information on the annual duration of sea ice along the Icelandic coast and the length of coastline affected by sea ice. Figure 6.6 shows several periods of severe sea ice conditions, especially during the late 1800s and early 1900s, followed by a long interval (from about 1920 to the early 1960s) in which sea ice was virtually absent from Icelandic waters. However, an abrupt change to severe ice conditions in the late 1960s serves as a reminder that decadal variability is a characteristic of sea ice. Since the early 1970s, sea ice conditions in the vicinity of Iceland have been relatively mild.


Well Rocks, I gave you this, a peer reviewed scientist. When you do get what you ask for you totally ignore it. Now why is that?
To think that studying in a class room or walking on a mountain
reviewing and believing one side of an argument and saying the opposite point of view is totally wrong and we are now going to spend billions and billions on anything shows me only one thing
there are way to many pompous intellectuals for our own good and Schools have done a real good job of Brainwashing allot of people.

Take a trip on a boat to the middle of the Pacific or Atlantic and now tell me how insignificant Humans really are.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Bluegreen algea are insignificant, but they changed the content of the atmosphere two billion years ago.
Palaeos Earth: Atmosphere: Oxygen

That you are an ignorant individual is readily apparent, as is the fact that you desire to remain in that condition.
To think that studying in a class room or walking on a mountain
reviewing and believing one side of an argument and saying the opposite point of view is totally wrong and we are now going to spend billions and billions on anything shows me only one thing
there are way to many pompous intellectuals for our own good and Schools have done a real good job of Brainwashing allot of people.

Take a trip on a boat to the middle of the Pacific or Atlantic and now tell me how insignificant Humans really are.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Bluegreen algea are insignificant, but they changed the content of the atmosphere two billion years ago.
Palaeos Earth: Atmosphere: Oxygen

That you are an ignorant individual is readily apparent, as is the fact that you desire to remain in that condition.

Grasping at straws is what this is called ... :eusa_whistle:
Sea ice extent fluctuates just as cooling and warming does.

Sea ice in the Arctic - Encyclopedia of Earth

Perhaps the best-known record is the Icelandic sea ice index, compiled by Thoroddsen[16] and Koch [17], with subsequent extensions (e.g., Ogilvie and Jonsson[18]). The index combines information on the annual duration of sea ice along the Icelandic coast and the length of coastline affected by sea ice. Figure 6.6 shows several periods of severe sea ice conditions, especially during the late 1800s and early 1900s, followed by a long interval (from about 1920 to the early 1960s) in which sea ice was virtually absent from Icelandic waters. However, an abrupt change to severe ice conditions in the late 1960s serves as a reminder that decadal variability is a characteristic of sea ice. Since the early 1970s, sea ice conditions in the vicinity of Iceland have been relatively mild.


Well Rocks, I gave you this, a peer reviewed scientist. When you do get what you ask for you totally ignore it. Now why is that?

Sea ice in the Arctic - Encyclopedia of Earth

The recent trend of decreasing sea ice has also been identified in the coverage of multi-year sea ice in the central Arctic Ocean. An analysis of passive microwave derived coverage of multi-year sea ice in the Arctic showed a 14% decrease in winter multi-year sea ice between 1978 and 1998[9] . Comiso[10] analyzed trends in end-of-summer minimum ice cover for 1979 to 2000. Figure 6.5 contrasts the sea-ice concentrations at the time of ice minima during the first and second halves of the study period. The decrease is especially large north of the Russian and Alaskan coasts. The rate of decrease in perennial sea ice (9% per decade) computed by Comiso[11] is consistent with the trend in multi-year sea ice coverage found by Johannessen et al.[12], and is slightly greater than the rate of decrease in total ice-covered area in recent decades[13].

The decrease in sea ice extent over the past few decades is consistent with reports from indigenous peoples in various coastal communities of the Arctic. In particular, the themes of a shortened ice season and a deteriorating sea ice cover have emerged from studies that drew upon the experiences of residents of Sachs Harbor, Canada and Barrow, Alaska, as well as communities on St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea[14].

Vinnikov et al.[15] extended the record back to the 1950s using data from ships, coastal reports, and aircraft surveys, and found that the trends are comparable to those of the satellite period and are statistically significant. This study also compared the observed trends of the past several decades with estimates of natural (low-frequency) variability generated by a Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) climate model and showed that the decrease in arctic sea ice extent is highly unlikely to have occurred as a result of natural variability alone. However, this conclusion is based on the assumption that the natural variability of sea ice can be reliably inferred from climate model simulations.

You see, I did not ignore it. That article said the same thing that the articles I have been posting have said. That the warming is melting the Arctic Sea Ice, and is already having negative effects on the people living in that region.
To think that studying in a class room or walking on a mountain
reviewing and believing one side of an argument and saying the opposite point of view is totally wrong and we are now going to spend billions and billions on anything shows me only one thing
there are way to many pompous intellectuals for our own good and Schools have done a real good job of Brainwashing allot of people.

Take a trip on a boat to the middle of the Pacific or Atlantic and now tell me how insignificant Humans really are.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Bluegreen algea are insignificant, but they changed the content of the atmosphere two billion years ago.
Palaeos Earth: Atmosphere: Oxygen

That you are an ignorant individual is readily apparent, as is the fact that you desire to remain in that condition.

Grasping at straws is what this is called ... :eusa_whistle:

Silly girl. You may know programing, but your ignorance is woefully apperant in other areas. But rather than change that situation, you prefer play the comic. Grow up, beyond adolescence, willful ignorance is ugly.
Bluegreen algea are insignificant, but they changed the content of the atmosphere two billion years ago.
Palaeos Earth: Atmosphere: Oxygen

That you are an ignorant individual is readily apparent, as is the fact that you desire to remain in that condition.

Grasping at straws is what this is called ... :eusa_whistle:

Silly girl. You may know programing, but your ignorance is woefully apperant in other areas. But rather than change that situation, you prefer play the comic. Grow up, beyond adolescence, willful ignorance is ugly.

Enough Said you one sided :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::disagree::disagree::disagree::tomato::tomato::scared1::scared1::scared1::dig::dig::dig::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
Grasping at straws is what this is called ... :eusa_whistle:

Silly girl. You may know programing, but your ignorance is woefully apperant in other areas. But rather than change that situation, you prefer play the comic. Grow up, beyond adolescence, willful ignorance is ugly.

Enough Said you one sided :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::disagree::disagree::disagree::tomato::tomato::scared1::scared1::scared1::dig::dig::dig::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

Silly ass. I posted an article on the major changes a single celled algea had on our atmosphere, and all you cretins can do is standout in right field doing the 'neener, neener' routine. Again, post your ignorance and desire to remain so for all the world to see. Affects me not one whit.
Sea ice extent fluctuates just as cooling and warming does.

Sea ice in the Arctic - Encyclopedia of Earth

Perhaps the best-known record is the Icelandic sea ice index, compiled by Thoroddsen[16] and Koch [17], with subsequent extensions (e.g., Ogilvie and Jonsson[18]). The index combines information on the annual duration of sea ice along the Icelandic coast and the length of coastline affected by sea ice. Figure 6.6 shows several periods of severe sea ice conditions, especially during the late 1800s and early 1900s, followed by a long interval (from about 1920 to the early 1960s) in which sea ice was virtually absent from Icelandic waters. However, an abrupt change to severe ice conditions in the late 1960s serves as a reminder that decadal variability is a characteristic of sea ice. Since the early 1970s, sea ice conditions in the vicinity of Iceland have been relatively mild.


Well Rocks, I gave you this, a peer reviewed scientist. When you do get what you ask for you totally ignore it. Now why is that?

Sea ice in the Arctic - Encyclopedia of Earth

The recent trend of decreasing sea ice has also been identified in the coverage of multi-year sea ice in the central Arctic Ocean. An analysis of passive microwave derived coverage of multi-year sea ice in the Arctic showed a 14% decrease in winter multi-year sea ice between 1978 and 1998[9] . Comiso[10] analyzed trends in end-of-summer minimum ice cover for 1979 to 2000. Figure 6.5 contrasts the sea-ice concentrations at the time of ice minima during the first and second halves of the study period. The decrease is especially large north of the Russian and Alaskan coasts. The rate of decrease in perennial sea ice (9% per decade) computed by Comiso[11] is consistent with the trend in multi-year sea ice coverage found by Johannessen et al.[12], and is slightly greater than the rate of decrease in total ice-covered area in recent decades[13].

The decrease in sea ice extent over the past few decades is consistent with reports from indigenous peoples in various coastal communities of the Arctic. In particular, the themes of a shortened ice season and a deteriorating sea ice cover have emerged from studies that drew upon the experiences of residents of Sachs Harbor, Canada and Barrow, Alaska, as well as communities on St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea[14].

Vinnikov et al.[15] extended the record back to the 1950s using data from ships, coastal reports, and aircraft surveys, and found that the trends are comparable to those of the satellite period and are statistically significant. This study also compared the observed trends of the past several decades with estimates of natural (low-frequency) variability generated by a Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) climate model and showed that the decrease in arctic sea ice extent is highly unlikely to have occurred as a result of natural variability alone. However, this conclusion is based on the assumption that the natural variability of sea ice can be reliably inferred from climate model simulations.

You see, I did not ignore it. That article said the same thing that the articles I have been posting have said. That the warming is melting the Arctic Sea Ice, and is already having negative effects on the people living in that region.

Did you bother to notice that the recent melting is not extraordinary? Did you bother to note the cyclical nature? Did you bother to note all the variables besides warming that effect the equation? Did you bother to note that the 2007 melting is largely atributable to a wind shift change in Siberia?

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