Arctic Temperatures Today

Barrow -18
Anitpajuta -15
Resolute -18
Yarol -44

Yet there's a .5 "anomaly:


Arctic Weather Map

Silly little ass, it is 29 F in Seneca, Oregon right now. The temperature there in the past has been as cold as -54 F at this time of the year. The actual average is much colder than the present temperature, but it is not 83 degrees colder. And that average has been much warmer than when I lived in that area as a child.
Silly little ass, it is 29 F in Seneca, Oregon right now. The temperature there in the past has been as cold as -54 F at this time of the year. The actual average is much colder than the present temperature, but it is not 83 degrees colder. And that average has been much warmer than when I lived in that area as a child.

Topic: Here
You: way out in Lalaland

See the problem?
Silly little ass, it is 29 F in Seneca, Oregon right now. The temperature there in the past has been as cold as -54 F at this time of the year. The actual average is much colder than the present temperature, but it is not 83 degrees colder. And that average has been much warmer than when I lived in that area as a child.

Oh so Seneca, OR is why there is a .5 "anomaly" in the Arctic?
You do realize that the Time front cover you posted is fake. Of course you do, you are a liar, just as is the person that created that is.
I did a little research and you are right the cover is fake but the fact remains that in that time frame predictions were being made that we would soon be in an ice age. The excuse is that in those years scientists did not understand climate as well as they do today. I am not convinced they know much more about climate today either. However one thing that hurts acceptance of Global Warming theories is when outlandish predictions are made that don’t come true. By making foolish predictions Global Warming experts are basically shooting their efforts in the foot.

I just said he made the prediction. It is drunkeness, stupidity or dishonesty that causes you to keep saying such stupid things?

You said many scientists were saying snow was a thing of the past, yet you can only come up with _one_. You made up some stupid shit, you got caught, and now you're flailing and crying. Who exactly do you think you're fooling? Even your fellow cultists all know you're lying. They just approve of your lying.

So, nice shitposting meme frenzy, cult boi. I do so love seeing cultists get triggered. Now proceed to run from the topic yet another time. No matter, we can always track you down by the smell of your soiled britches.
I enjoy the opportunity to post article and memes which piss people like you off. It also allows others the chance to read articles on topics they may have only heard liberal propaganda about and might open their minds to truth.

Thanks for the opportunity.

Here’s some more bad predictions to laugh at.



I did a little research and you are right the cover is fake but the fact remains that in that time frame predictions were being made that we would soon be in an ice age. The excuse is that in those years scientists did not understand climate as well as they do today. I am not convinced they know much more about climate today either. However one thing that hurts acceptance of Global Warming theories is when outlandish predictions are made that don’t come true. By making foolish predictions Global Warming experts are basically shooting their efforts in the foot.

There were some predictions made, based on the increasing aerosols in the air from the burning of fossil fuels. However, the majority of predictions even at that time was for a warming;


At the same time as some scientists were suggesting we might be facing another ice age, a greater number published contradicting studies. Their papers showed that the growing amount of greenhouse gasses that humans were putting into the atmosphere would cause much greater warming – warming that would exert a much greater influence on global temperature than any possible natural or human-caused cooling effects.

By 1980 the predictions about ice ages had ceased, due to the overwhelming evidence contained in an increasing number of reports that warned of global warming. Unfortunately, the small number of predictions of an ice age appeared to be much more interesting than those of global warming, so it was those sensational 'Ice Age' stories in the press that so many people tend to remember.
Predictions from a real scientist;

Publication Abstracts​

Hansen et al. 1981​

Hansen, J., D. Johnson, A. Lacis, S. Lebedeff, P. Lee, D. Rind, and G. Russell, 1981: Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Science, 213, 957-966, doi:10.1126/science.213.4511.957.

The global temperature rose 0.2°C between the middle 1960s and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980s. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.

There were some predictions made, based on the increasing aerosols in the air from the burning of fossil fuels. However, the majority of predictions even at that time was for a warming;

View attachment 585928

At the same time as some scientists were suggesting we might be facing another ice age, a greater number published contradicting studies. Their papers showed that the growing amount of greenhouse gasses that humans were putting into the atmosphere would cause much greater warming – warming that would exert a much greater influence on global temperature than any possible natural or human-caused cooling effects.

By 1980 the predictions about ice ages had ceased, due to the overwhelming evidence contained in an increasing number of reports that warned of global warming. Unfortunately, the small number of predictions of an ice age appeared to be much more interesting than those of global warming, so it was those sensational 'Ice Age' stories in the press that so many people tend to remember.
The problem with making extreme climate predictions is if they fail to come true the global warming advocates look foolish. Then when there is really a threat and it is presented to the public it gets ignored because the people see.It as just another “boy who cried wolf” story.

Plus now we have AOC saying the world will end in 12 years.

But then she comes out and states she really didn’t mean it.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s claim that the world will “end in 12 years” unless climate change is tackled was accepted as a fact by two-thirds of Democrats, even though she said herself that only those with the “social intelligence of a sea sponge” could actually believe it.

The New York Democrat drew mockery from Republicans after she made the doomsday warning in a bid to convince people that radical action against climate change is needed.
The problem with making extreme climate predictions is if they fail to come true the global warming advocates look foolish. Then when there is really a threat and it is presented to the public it gets ignored because the people see.It as just another “boy who cried wolf” story.

Plus now we have AOC saying the world will end in 12 years.

But then she comes out and states she really didn’t mean it.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s claim that the world will “end in 12 years” unless climate change is tackled was accepted as a fact by two-thirds of Democrats, even though she said herself that only those with the “social intelligence of a sea sponge” could actually believe it.

The New York Democrat drew mockery from Republicans after she made the doomsday warning in a bid to convince people that radical action against climate change is needed.

Wow. . . that was already three years ago. Shit, only nine years left! :ack-1:

It is you who is desperate.

For one thing unlike what you just stated here are more than just one scientist who have predicted rare snow.

Yet you've been unable to show us more than one, despite being asked over and over. You latest links certainly didn't show any. If you disagree, please write for us the name of this second climate scientist, right here:


You fell for dumb propaganda. And you know it, but you won't admit it.

What? You really thought it wasn't obvious? You actually thought we haven't seen your type here a hundred times before? Come on. Propaganda parrots are a dime-a-dozen. You possess almost no knowledge of the topic here.

I feel a little bad for you. There you were, safely isolated from reality in your right-wing madrassa, learning your religious scripture. Then you went out into the world, so eager to PreachTheGoodWord ... and reality smacked you hard. That must sting, so we're going easy on you.

Oh, I forgot. Gore Rule Invoked. The first one to talk about Gore forfeits the thread for their side. You did that. Those who can discuss the science, do. Those who can't, who are just mindless party hacks, they deflect from their ignorance by demonizing opposition political figures. Thanks for playing, we have some lovely parting gifts for you, including the USMB Home Game.
The idiocy posted here by the denialists supplied the script for "Don't Look Up". It was originally a satire of climate denialists, and then Covid came along, and Trump played the part Streep plays perfectly. And hundreds of thousands of Americans have died for his criminal lies.
Yet you've been unable to show us more than one, despite being asked over and over. You latest links certainly didn't show any. If you disagree, please write for us the name of this second climate scientist, right here:


You fell for dumb propaganda. And you know it, but you won't admit it.

What? You really thought it wasn't obvious? You actually thought we haven't seen your type here a hundred times before? Come on. Propaganda parrots are a dime-a-dozen. You possess almost no knowledge of the topic here.

I feel a little bad for you. There you were, safely isolated from reality in your right-wing madrassa, learning your religious scripture. Then you went out into the world, so eager to PreachTheGoodWord ... and reality smacked you hard. That must sting, so we're going easy on you.

Oh, I forgot. Gore Rule Invoked. The first one to talk about Gore forfeits the thread for their side. You did that. Those who can discuss the science, do. Those who can't, who are just mindless party hacks, they deflect from their ignorance by demonizing opposition political figures. Thanks for playing, we have some lovely parting gifts for you, including the USMB Home Game.
I offered you plenty of articles mentioning bad predictions by scientists but you offer me the opportunity to offer even more.

Well, thanks. I will post some links that names scientists who have made bad predictions. No problem. You of course will continue to argue that I am lying and everything I post is just propaganda. I will also post links for scientists you disagree with the Global Warming Religion.

So members of your Global Warming Religion hate it when the name of your patron Saint Al Gore is ridiculed. Al Gore is a joke.


Where is your proof that the predictions I have mentioned actually happened In the alternate universe you live in? Surely snow is extremely rare in your universe.

More bad predictions by scientists links. ….

Links for scientists who disagree with global warming theory.

How about I name scientists who disagree with the Global Warming Religion.

The idiocy posted here by the denialists supplied the script for "Don't Look Up". It was originally a satire of climate denialists, and then Covid came along, and Trump played the part Streep plays perfectly. And hundreds of thousands of Americans have died for his criminal lies.

AhhhHaaa.....will soon be the most watched movie in NETFLIX history :cul2::cul2:

Your views continue to be fringe. You can embrace them until the cows come home!
Nobody cares.

Most people have waaaaaaay too much to worry about to put global warming anywhere near their top concerns. Which makes your stuff irrelevant.

And the icing on the cake is the country frozen to the bone today....yuk....yuk

Coldest air in three years coming to parts of the country
Barrow -8
Anabar -24
Krenkelja -20
Eureka -27

Yet Climate "Reanalyzer" aka: made up shit to fool you, is showing a 1.2C Arctic "anomaly"
The idiocy posted here by the denialists supplied the script for "Don't Look Up". It was originally a satire of climate denialists, and then Covid came along, and Trump played the part Streep plays perfectly. And hundreds of thousands of Americans have died for his criminal lies.

Bad movie and has NOTHING in common with Climate "Science" given its 50 year track record of being wrong about every prediction. Astrophysics should protest

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