Are all gays born that way?

That IS the choice.

"I never made a choice except when I chose". Good grief.

She was born gay. My sister-in-law said she knew when she was six. Usual accounts state 5-6 years old. They knew. Now I know you'd rather have your ass drop-kicked off Lady Liberty before you'll own new knowledge but this is getting old. You can't just wander around declaring your world is the only real one.

And it's just coincidence that you were both sexually molested.

Got it.

I didn't mention my sister. I said my sister-in-law, and no. She was not. Nor was Seawytch.
That's great.

Completely irrelevant, and highly questionable, considering the source...but wonderful all the same.
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

Out of three siblings, two may hate the taste of spinach while the third loves the taste of spinach.

Where is the spinach gene? Anyone?

If there is no spinach gene, then the spinach lover was clearly taught to love the taste of spinach.

She could not just be a born spinach lover. That does not fit our world view.

Since spinach lovers are in the minority, it must be okay to say spinach lovers are abnormal, and it must be okay to discriminate against them and forbid them to marry other spinach lovers just because we don't like spinach!

The illogic of ignorance is SOOO much fun!
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Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?


Go upstairs and ask your mother what a fallacy of the excluded middle is.

Next topic!
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

Out of three siblings, two may hate the taste of spinach while the third loves the taste of spinach.

Where is the spinach gene? Anyone?

If there is no spinach gene, then the spinach lover was clearly taught to love the taste of spinach.

She could not just be a born spinach lover. That does not fit our world view.

Since spinach lovers are in the minority, it must be okay to say spinach lovers are abnormal, and it must be okay to discriminate against them and forbid them to marry other spinach lovers just because we don't like spinach!

The illogic of ignorance is SOOO much fun!

I <3 spinach!!!
It really doesn't matter...except that the pro-homosexual movement MAKES IT AN ISSUE by continually repeating the lie that homosexuality "can't be helped" and is "hardwired".

The implication is that people have no control over their sexuality, and there's ZERO evidence that is true. They are perpetrating a myth that people are slaves to their sexual impulses...they use it to justify abortion, the sexualization of children, and a variety of other depraved behaviors. People CAN control their sexual urges, they CAN exert influence over their sexuality, they DON'T have to screw every time they feel the urge, it ISN'T written in stone.

If they would just be honest they'd find a lot more acceptance. The idea that to accept homosexuals, you have to also accept the depravity and lack of character of all humankind is repugnant, and untrue.
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

Out of three siblings, two may hate the taste of spinach while the third loves the taste of spinach.

Where is the spinach gene? Anyone?

If there is no spinach gene, then the spinach lover was clearly taught to love the taste of spinach.

She could not just be a born spinach lover. That does not fit our world view.

Since spinach lovers are in the minority, it must be okay to say spinach lovers are abnormal, and it must be okay to discriminate against them and forbid them to marry other spinach lovers just because we don't like spinach!

The illogic of ignorance is SOOO much fun!

Spinach tastes nothing like pussy

Homosexuality is a naturally occurring anomaly that has been present in approximately the same percentages for thousands of years. Whether it's genetic or not really doesn't mean anything. It is, it always has been and that is not going to change.
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

No. I think that 10% to 15% of the human population are wired that way at birth.

I don't think they will find a gay gene, I think it has more to do with the balance of hormones in a persons system. since we all have both male and female hormones.
It really doesn't matter...except that the pro-homosexual movement MAKES IT AN ISSUE by continually repeating the lie that homosexuality "can't be helped" and is "hardwired".

The implication is that people have no control over their sexuality, and there's ZERO evidence that is true. They are perpetrating a myth that people are slaves to their sexual impulses...they use it to justify abortion, the sexualization of children, and a variety of other depraved behaviors. People CAN control their sexual urges, they CAN exert influence over their sexuality, they DON'T have to screw every time they feel the urge, it ISN'T written in stone.

If they would just be honest they'd find a lot more acceptance. The idea that to accept homosexuals, you have to also accept the depravity and lack of character of all humankind is repugnant, and untrue.

The fact that I cannot get a boner for MEN, but can for WOMEN, is not a myth, you twit. It is a fact that cannot be changed no matter how hard you really wish it true, and quite to the contrary I'd like for YOU to show ME evidence that people can force themselves to be turned on by something. Go ahead, you can do it.
It really doesn't matter...except that the pro-homosexual movement MAKES IT AN ISSUE by continually repeating the lie that homosexuality "can't be helped" and is "hardwired".

Bigots live in a delusion that sexual orientation is a choice. And yet they never answer the question of when they decided not to be gay.

Interesting, no?

The implication is that people have no control over their sexuality, and there's ZERO evidence that is true.

There is zero evidence homosexuality is a choice. As if people wake up one day and say to themselves, "I think I will be gay. I want to spend my life being harrassed and punched around and discriminated against. Yeeeeeeesss, being gay is the life for me!"
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I can't imagine a person choosing to be the object of ridicule for so many narrow minded people...

You OBVIOUSLY haven't been around horny men! Or men who couldn't have sex with a woman unless they raped them.

Where are gays an " object of ridicule"?
So you think ALL straight people think "gays are objects of ridicule"?

Just the intollerant assholes among us. Alot of religionist are like that too.
I find it to be depravity and lack of character to snarl at others the way you do, koshergrl, and I think you show an enormous lack of character in the way that you conversate with other human beings right on this message board.

I can accept that you're "a person," but I dont have to accept your depravity and lack of character. You make me sick.
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

Because they haven't found a gene yet, or something else that may actually cause them to be gay, it must be a learned trait. You really are that stupid.

I'm just curious if you have ever seen a five or six year old boy and thought to yourself, that kid is going to be gay? I guess such a kid must be a quick learner, lol.

Stupid? So how do gays reproduce?
It takes a male and a female unless you know something different which obviously if you did you wouldn't be on this board!

Again.. has there EVER been any human being born to two people of the same sex?
I know that sounds "Stupid" (to you) because YOU evidently know something different!!
So...everyone has to reproduce or else there is something "wrong" with them? Sounds like that is your point.
It really doesn't matter...except that the pro-homosexual movement MAKES IT AN ISSUE by continually repeating the lie that homosexuality "can't be helped" and is "hardwired".

The implication is that people have no control over their sexuality, and there's ZERO evidence that is true. They are perpetrating a myth that people are slaves to their sexual impulses...they use it to justify abortion, the sexualization of children, and a variety of other depraved behaviors. People CAN control their sexual urges, they CAN exert influence over their sexuality, they DON'T have to screw every time they feel the urge, it ISN'T written in stone.

If they would just be honest they'd find a lot more acceptance. The idea that to accept homosexuals, you have to also accept the depravity and lack of character of all humankind is repugnant, and untrue.

The fact that I cannot get a boner for MEN, but can for WOMEN, is not a myth, you twit. It is a fact that cannot be changed no matter how hard you really wish it true, and quite to the contrary I'd like for YOU to show ME evidence that people can force themselves to be turned on by something. Go ahead, you can do it.

Prison populations.

Incidentally, all the "hardwired" nonsense, and the "children are sexual from birth" crap was brought to us by Kinsey, who used a single study on a prison inmate population to support it....

And whose erstwhile research partner worked long and hard to make pedophilia universally accepted.

Just so you know.

You can control your sexual urges. That doesn't mean you have the ability to control what arouses you, you might not have that control. What you can control is whether or not you act on those urges.

The homosexual lobby believes you shouldn't have to restrain yourself, and maintains that people can't control themselves when it comes to their sexuality. They have no CHOICE but to be homosexual.

It's a lie. They do have a choice, it's just not one they're willing to make.

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