Are Americans Waking Up?


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Maybe. If this new poll from CBS is any indication, Americans are finally wakening from their self-induced coma

CBS Poll: Obama’s Approval Rating Craters To All-Time Low, 37%…


Love it!

Via CBS News:

President Obama’s job approval rating has plunged to the lowest of his presidency, according to a new CBS News poll released Wednesday, and Americans’ approval of the Affordable Care Act has dropped it’s lowest since CBS News started polling on the law.

Thirty-seven percent now approve of the job Mr. Obama is doing as president, down from 46 percent in October – a nine point drop in just a month. Mr. Obama’s disapproval rating is 57 percent — the highest level for this president in CBS News Polls.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers


I'll believe it when I see it. Right now, it might just be people throwing a temper tantrum
I'm not going to count my chickens just yet.

A year is a lifetime in politics and you can NEVER count out the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.


I STRONGLY suspect their lack of lying for obama is temporary, at best.

Remember, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is TOTALLY on the side of dimocraps. Always have been.

They're not 'reporters' or 'Journalists'

They're activists. libturd activists. And they'll be back. Big time and in a big way.

My hope is that it will be too late. That once the American People find out what lying douchebags leftists are, they won't forget despite the cheer-leading from the LSM.

It won't last forever. Not with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

They'll be back with their knee pads on in full knob-slurping form before the 2014 midterms.

Count on it
Why is he running for re-election?


There are about two hundred of his fellow dimocraps that are.

And they are FREAKING OUT!!!

Democrats in Panic Over Obama: ?They?re freaking out, as they should be? | Jammie Wearing Fools

Democrats in Panic Over Obama: ‘They’re freaking out, as they should be’

This story doesn’t even factor in the crushing results of the new CBS poll this morning. Just imagine the terror once they see those numbers. Even with the psycho-babble that they’ll be running in support of ObamaCare, behind closed doors they realize what a loser they have on their hands.

You own him, folks. See you next November.

President Obama’s relationship with congressional Democrats has worsened to an unprecedented low, Democratic aides say.

They are letting it be known that House and Senate Democrats are increasingly frustrated, bitter and angry with the White House over ObamaCare’s botched rollout, and that the president’s mea culpa in a news conference last week failed to soothe any ill will.

Sources who attended a meeting of House chiefs of staff on Monday say the room was seething with anger over the immense damage being done to the Democratic Party and talk was of scrapping rollout events for the Affordable Care Act.

“Here we are, we’re supposed to be selling this to people, and it’s all screwed up,” one chief of staff ranted. “This either gets fixed or this could be the demise of the Democratic Party.

“It’s probably the worst I’ve ever seen it,” the aide said of the recent mood on Capitol Hill. “It’s bad. It’s really bad.”

It’s really bad, and will be getting a lot worse.

More at the link. Worth reading
Instead of perceiving Obama's betrayal of public trust, Americans would rather keep their eyes closed until they wake to a rich cup of Columbian roast coffee. :coffee:
Obama hits new low with Dems | TheHill

Meanwhile, at a recent caucus meeting with Senate Democrats and White House chief of staff Denis McDonough, one senator stood up and asked for a political point of contact at the White House.

“There’s been an increase in frustration because people feel like they are continuing to be blindsided,” said one Democrat who attended the caucus meeting, adding that there’s a “check-the-box” mentality at the White House in dealing with lawmakers.

Democrats around Capitol Hill say there are lots of people to blame for the debacle that has engulfed them. But increasingly the anger is directed at one person only: Obama.

“Is he even more unpopular than George W. Bush? I think that’s already happened,” said one Democratic chief of staff.


The view among those in the Senate is that it would be helpful to have the ability to vote on a healthcare fix.

“People here want to be on the record showing support for fixing the problem,” the senior Senate aide said. “He should understand that. For someone who served in Congress, people are surprised how little he understands Congress

Absolutely some folks who voted for this lying sack of shit will seek revenge at the ballot box. Just a question of how many and what they do with their votes. But pissed off Americans because of what they now know to be outright lies - likely more coming? - is not something easily overcome. Nobody likes the feeling of being duped with lies from people they trusted. It goes right to one's core.

Stay tuned.
Absolutely some folks who voted for this lying sack of shit will seek revenge at the ballot box. Just a question of how many and what they do with their votes. But pissed off Americans because of what they now know to be outright lies - likely more coming? - is not something easily overcome. Nobody likes the feeling of being duped with lies from people they trusted. It goes right to one's core.

Stay tuned.

About 60% of dimocrap voters are hardcore America-Haters, socialists, communists, racists and anarchists.

Another 20% are single-issue voters, usually regarding their genitalia in one fashion or another, and the remaining 20% just simply drank the Kool Aid.

THOSE people, the last 20%, are the ones that are going to be pissed and will likely recoil in horror at being lied to in such a bold fashion.

20% of dimocraps, about 10% of the electorate. That's the most we can count on.

The rest? Hopeless idiots and losers.

But 10% is more than enough to destroy the dimocrap party.

And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, needs to be done.

Without mercy.
Ouch. Obamacare and the deception got him.

A deception is a trick, a magic trick, an illusion, making something appear to be what it is not.

obama fucking LIED.

So did the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM and every dimocrap in Congress.


Barry's at 37%, huh?

A few weeks ago Rush played a bunch of audio of Wolf Blitzer on CNN being nearly orgasmic reporting Bush's ratings had sunk to an all-time low of, I think, 38%. It was joyous cut after cut after cut of Wolf over two hours or so constantly beating the drum about how low the president had fallen.

Can't wait to tune him in today. I'm sure he'll be very fair and balanced by comparison.
Why is he running for re-election?


There are about two hundred of his fellow dimocraps that are.

And they are FREAKING OUT!!!

Democrats in Panic Over Obama: ?They?re freaking out, as they should be? | Jammie Wearing Fools

Democrats in Panic Over Obama: ‘They’re freaking out, as they should be’

This story doesn’t even factor in the crushing results of the new CBS poll this morning. Just imagine the terror once they see those numbers. Even with the psycho-babble that they’ll be running in support of ObamaCare, behind closed doors they realize what a loser they have on their hands.

You own him, folks. See you next November.

President Obama’s relationship with congressional Democrats has worsened to an unprecedented low, Democratic aides say.

They are letting it be known that House and Senate Democrats are increasingly frustrated, bitter and angry with the White House over ObamaCare’s botched rollout, and that the president’s mea culpa in a news conference last week failed to soothe any ill will.

Sources who attended a meeting of House chiefs of staff on Monday say the room was seething with anger over the immense damage being done to the Democratic Party and talk was of scrapping rollout events for the Affordable Care Act.

“Here we are, we’re supposed to be selling this to people, and it’s all screwed up,” one chief of staff ranted. “This either gets fixed or this could be the demise of the Democratic Party.

“It’s probably the worst I’ve ever seen it,” the aide said of the recent mood on Capitol Hill. “It’s bad. It’s really bad.”

It’s really bad, and will be getting a lot worse.

More at the link. Worth reading

Oh...I see the problem. The GOP thinks that if they muddy Obama they can use the same strategy as Dems used against McCain and Republicans., The problem is Republicans are sheep, one gets away from the heard they send the attack dog. Democrats are more free thinkers and have been critical of Obama on a number of things.
Yes they are, you should see the GOP's approval ratings, it's the lowest they've been in history. Obama is dominating them :lol:
Think about it, Bush was at this point after Iraq and a hostile press that beat him up 24/7. Obama is here after the press basically giving him a hand-job and a pass on everything him for 5 years.

He got there all by himself... which tells me it's probably far worse than they're reporting.
Think about it, Bush was at this point after Iraq and a hostile press that beat him up 24/7. Obama is here after the press basically giving him a hand-job and a pass on everything him for 5 years.

He got there all by himself... which tells me it's probably far worse than they're reporting.

So Fox isn't as popular as they say..?
By the time Americans "wake up" - the wonderful country of America will be something else...much less wonderful. It is at least halfway there now.
Think about it, Bush was at this point after Iraq and a hostile press that beat him up 24/7. Obama is here after the press basically giving him a hand-job and a pass on everything him for 5 years.

He got there all by himself... which tells me it's probably far worse than they're reporting.

So Fox isn't as popular as they say..?

What does this even mean?

Strangely enough, it looks like Obamacare will be the referendum of the 2014 elections, not the economy. Evidently the economy and the jobless are something to which we have become accustomed.

They have to:

1. Get the website working
2. Weather the storm of people who aren't getting subsidies ending up with higher deductibles for higher premium
3. The upcoming nasty billing software glitches (they're nowhere near ready because the rules keep changing)
4. Deal with the upcoming doctor shortage, and
5. The inevitable upcoming glitches in any number of parts of this massive system

Who knows, maybe by Nov 2014 they will have somehow gotten past all that shit. But it does look like the ACA will be the determining factor. I sure as hell would be worried about having to defend it.

Yes they are, you should see the GOP's approval ratings, it's the lowest they've been in history. Obama is dominating them :lol:

Like monkeys in a cage, all you can do is throw your own shit at people.

We'll have to wait until November of next year to see if your party gets voted into oblivion.

I think it does because the worst part of obamacare hasn't even hit yet.

Wait until people start getting their Identity stolen.

We know the website is TOTALLY unsafe. We have been told that anybody with the skill of a 12 year old can hack the website.

Sign up and see.

Then wait for the employer mandate to start having its effects.

Wait and see when people start getting layed-off and fired. Wait and see.

Wait until word gets around about the sweetheart deals the SCUMBAG dimocraps made for Unions.

Wait until small group plans just go away and people have to fend for themselves by enrolling in an abortion of a website for individual coverage.

Just wait.

If this thing goes the way I think it does, the dimocrap party could lose as many as 16 of the Senate Seats they're defending and an additional 35-40 Congressional seats.

Don't be surprised if that happens.

And if it does, don't be surprised to see a SERIOUS effort to remove obama from office.

And this time, I think it flies because dimocrap Congressmen and Senators are PISSED off at obama.

Big time. If they don't go along with it, if they don't remove obama, the party will lose even more seats in the 2016 General and seriously could be in danger of becoming a non-viable political entity.

They could become the dimocrap party of the post Civil War era..... And they know it.

I grant you, some of that is wishful thinking but I think it's more likely than not.

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