Zone1 Are Atheists Happier Than Christians?

Tell me, what do you believe about "salvation"? Do you believe only Christians inherit eternal life in heaven, while everybody else gets tortured in hell for all eternity?
What is eternal life in heaven? What is tortured in hell for all eternity? Because I don't think in those terms at all.
So you believe God tortures people in hell for all eternity for not converting to Christianity? Answer the question, it's simple.
It seems you have answered it for me already. Let me know when you are done telling me what I believe.
What is eternal life in heaven? What is tortured in hell for all eternity? Because I don't think in those terms at all.
There is enough torture and hell on earth, and if anyone has read Revelations, imagine trying to have hope in that hell to come without a faith in God to deliver them.

It will only get worse on earth folks.
It seems you have answered it for me already. Let me know when you are done telling me what I believe.


Imagine if you will, being an atheist will all your hopes and dreams are placed in faith in mankind.


I got news for ya Jack, this world if full of oppression and misery, whether or not there is religion in it.

But without hope of redemption from such a world, in this life on a personal level as well as the next that will finally deal out justice, it would be intolerable.
You don't need religion to have hope for a better future.

What's even better than hope is action.

Hope is a wish and the old saying goes wish in one hand and and shit in the other and see which one fills up first
Some of the most miserable people one earth are rich, and their kids are a mess as well.

The fact that Christians who practice their faith are happier should not be a surprise.

Here is why.

Imagine if were told you had to do a job for a week and at the end of that week you would be given $100 million for your service. No matter how bad that job is, chances are you will be able to maintain a positive outlook through it all knowing what awaits you.

In addition, if you practice your faith, chances are you will do some house cleaning. You will stop focusing on yourself and be as narcissistic which just causes you to be miserable, your conscience will be cleared as you will be put at peace, you will put down the alcohol and smokes and drugs, you will stop with your illicit affairs and focus on your family instead, thus making them happier because chances are they have joined you in your faith pursuits, etc. Following the 10 commandments, for example, just makes the world a better place in general, not just for yourself, tut for everyone else around you. This happiness and cleaner living will then cause you to live longer as well.

It's just common sense.
You assume that people with no religion are more likely to be doing drugs and having illicit affairs and yet most people who do those things will say they believe in a god.

You don't need gods to live an examined life. People who believe in gods are no more likely to be kind and charitable in fact some of the meanest , unkind, intolerant assholes I have ever come across were the uber religious
It seems you have answered it for me already. Let me know when you are done telling me what I believe.

Tell me, what do you believe on this issue of salvation? Correct me if I'm wrong. Do you believe God requires people to convert to Christianity to be spared from eternal torture in hell? Clarify, what do you believe?
What is eternal life in heaven? What is tortured in hell for all eternity? Because I don't think in those terms at all.

OK so explain, what you believe about heaven and salvation. Do you have a belief about these issues?
you really have a skewed understanding for the issue, happiness - than within those that participate as to their contribution to the overall health and well being of the society they effectuate ... their happiness, the congregations is seldom more than their own reward.
The question that begins this thread is:

Atheists Happier Than Christians?​

I answered it.

to the limitation for one of the three desert religions -


no, your answer was a deflection ...

the three are identical their happiness is a result of their own goals not for the general good shared by everyone - their denial for atheists the right of self determination than a religion of servitude can not be true happiness.
Let me know when you are finished telling me what I do believe and don’t believe.
But I don’t believe I’m good or that I will necessarily be eternally united with God. So what do you believe my reason is believing in God?

It seems you have answered it for me already. Let me know when you are done telling me what I believe.

well, seems you did that earlier ... and confirmed what everyone believes to be true ...

"i don't believe i'm good or that I will necessarily be eternally united with god"

* necessarily, the odds are quite daunting in your case - good luck, sinner.
In one sense Christians have the hope and promise of Heaven, but in another sense atheists ( or so they think anyways) will never have to answer for sin in their lives.
"Ignorance" is bliss. Reality: The scriptures explain about those who do not acknowledge the Creator. "And since they see fit not to acknowledge God, God gave them over to a reprobate/debased mind to do what ought not be done. They are filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice; They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips." -- Romans 1:28-29

As always, the atheists and human secular types, have the mule attempting to push the plow........their life views are inverted, the opposite of the reality that confronts them. God does not require their belief or acceptance, its they that go through life always searching to find contentment, joy, and hope........never reaching their goal, never really happy with what and who they are, always seeking for more and more as something seems to be beyond their reach. They live in fear and misery. Why?

The scriptures explain. Mankind is born with an innate need to seek out and find the creator, whether acknowledged or not.....that need grows and grows, never fulfilled, because they do not know what's missing......they only know something is missing in their lives that drives them always forward seeking that contentment that is just beyond their reach.......they seek and do not find because they look in the wrong place, they look to the world, the physical world when mankind was created with an eternal spirit that innately seeks out the Father, crying, Abba, Abba (Rom. 8:15)......when all the time...........the hope they seek is within them because we have our very existence "WITHIN" THE GOD OF CREATION who needs nothing from man. (Acts 23:28)

Conclusion: Life is a gift.......accept that gift and live one day at a time in the eternal hope that exists within our Spirit. Its always been about the SPIRIT, not the flesh. The flesh has its own rewards and punishments cast in the laws of physics that govern it.......its born to decay, to rot, to go back to the earth/soil from which it was created....there is no quick fix to life, just accept your physical limitations, we as Christians are promised nothing extra in this life........our Sabbath/Rest and Reward comes after this race called life is over. (1 Cor. 9:24). If we slip in our struggle along life's path we have an advocate that is always faithful to stand between our physical limitations (all men sin and you lie if you say you do not) and the Creator God. -- 1 John 1:8-10
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Tell me, what do you believe on this issue of salvation? Correct me if I'm wrong. Do you believe God requires people to convert to Christianity to be spared from eternal torture in hell? Clarify, what do you believe?
You are conflating salvation for redemption. Those are two different things. They are related but not the same. Redemption means deliverance from the bondage of sin and the restoration of our relationship with God and was achieved through Christ's sacrificial death on the cross. Salvation begins with the grace of God but requires us to choose whether to receive this grace or reject it. If we choose to receive grace, we choose a life aligned with the will of God but it we don’t receive it, we remain in a life of sin. For most people this is a process; a journey.
OK so explain, what you believe about heaven and salvation. Do you have a belief about these issues?
Heaven is being eternally united with God. Hell is being eternally separated from God. They aren’t places. They are states of being.
Everyone is more unhappy nowadays. That said, in both history and my.personal interactions with people, Atheists are far more comfortable with evil. Some of the very issues that make people unhappy.
You are conflating salvation for redemption. Those are two different things. They are related but not the same. Redemption means deliverance from the bondage of sin and the restoration of our relationship with God and was achieved through Christ's sacrificial death on the cross. Salvation begins with the grace of God but requires us to choose whether to receive this grace or reject it. If we choose to receive grace, we choose a life aligned with the will of God but it we don’t receive it, we remain in a life of sin. For most people this is a process; a journey.

So a Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, atheist..etc, has to become a Christian in order to receive salvation and redemption? What are the consequences of not becoming a Christian or not being saved and redeemed?
Heaven is being eternally united with God. Hell is being eternally separated from God. They aren’t places. They are states of being.

So in your opinion or according to your understanding of the Bible, a person must become a Christian to enter the state of heaven or avoid being separated from God?
So a Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, atheist..etc, has to become a Christian in order to receive salvation and redemption? What are the consequences of not becoming a Christian or not being saved and redeemed?
Everyone is redeemed through the blood of Christ. Redemption is an unconditional gift. Your salvation is between you and God.

Salvation begins with the grace of God but requires us to choose whether to receive this grace or reject it. If we choose to receive grace, we choose a life aligned with the will of God but it we don’t receive it, we remain in a life of sin. For most people this is a process; a journey.
So in your opinion or according to your understanding of the Bible, a person must become a Christian to enter the state of heaven or avoid being separated from God?
Is that my opinion? Or is it your opinion?
Everyone is more unhappy nowadays. That said, in both history and my.personal interactions with people, Atheists are far more comfortable with evil. Some of the very issues that make people unhappy.

not everyone ...

not those who endorse liberation theology, self determination what they gave their lives for in the 1st century. they have much to cheer for since the signing of the u s constitution and the liberties there in and a non intrusive phony gov't religion finally becoming a possible reality.
Is that my opinion? Or is it your opinion?

I've already expressed the fact that I don't believe that God condemns people to hell for not believing in a particular religion. Now for the 10th time, I'm asking you. Do you believe God condemns people to the state of hell ( being consciously separated from Him forever), if they're not Christians? Easy question. Can you answer it?

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