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Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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IM2, are you still looking for that free payday from the whites ?? Get over it brother.
You do realize that not all legal action is about money right? People file lawsuits to change discriminatory policy, to seek recompense for harm that others have inflicted which isn't always monetary.

One the questions that the courts ask is "how were you treated differently than similarly situation individuals"? We could go on about that all day before we even get to the topic of reparations which I see as highly unlikely because that would essentially destroy the whole racist foundation on which the U.S.'s past was built. To pay reparations would mean that they would have to formally and legally admit that the legalized and institutional racism of the United States of America was not only wrong but that it caused quantifiable and tangible "damages" that need to be paid in order to try to compensate for harm that cannot be undone.

I just don't see that ever happening.

Neither do I and that's why white America as we know it will be destroyed. Whites here don't seem to understand the concept and the power of spiritual law. They will.


This is one of the first subjects I talked about when I started posting on message boards. Are Blacks on average more racist than whites?
I've always believed that they are. Something that I discovered growing up was that almost every black in America thinks about race every day, whereas most whites don't. There's a reason for this, but this simple fact is being used by the left to divide America.

A Rassmussen survey asked the question 5 years ago, and my guess is it would be even worse today.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Among white adults, 10% think most white Americans are racist; 38% believe most blacks are racist, and 17% say most Hispanics are racist.

Overall, just 30% of all Americans now rate race relations in the United States as good or excellent. Fourteen percent (14%) describe them as poor. Twenty-nine percent (29%) think race relations are getting better, while 32% believe they are getting worse. Thirty-five percent (35%) feel they are staying about the same.

These figures reflect more pessimism than was found in April when 42% gave race relations positive marks and 39% said race relations were improving. However, the April number reflected all-time highs while the current numbers are more consistent with the general attitudes of recent years.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Adults was conducted on July 1-2, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.


Blacks are slightly more optimistic about the current state of race relations in American than whites and Hispanics are. But 37% of blacks and 38% of Hispanics believe those relations are getting worse, compared to 29% of whites.​



Chris Rock is not the person to cite on this topic.

But this man is.

Why white Americans don’t see themselves when they hear the word ‘race’

So do us a favor, provide to us the list of laws and policies enacted by blacks that were done to deny whites or you Asians equal opportunity.


Why Do We Call Asian Americans The Model Minority? | AJ+

Stay puppitized because you are dumb and this is expected.

Affirmative action has been said to deny whites equal opportunity based upon equal access in the past or present.

Free apartments, free welfare, free medical, and free cell phones are just some other things that disincentivizes the will to work, and causes whites and working class blacks to say Hmmmm when they are busting their aces to make ends meet, yet you have others thinking about how many babies they can have in order to increase the free government benefits while letting the baby makers off the hook. Yeah, yeah, yeah we know that it is no longer an exclusive affair, because whites, and others are joining the ranks of poverty these days quicker than one can say "millennials lost in the wilderness".

Hollywood and the feds under certain power's figured long ago that it would use it's powerful platforms, judges etc in order to help level the playing fields, so it took years of telling and teaching the whites about their white guilt in which they should carry with themselves all the days of their lives, and teaching the blacks to make sure that they (the whites) do carry it with them all the days of their lives.

Then we have all black college's, but they better not find any all white college's etc. Pathetic.

It can all be a one sided thing that is continually positioning itself for power to either allow for a hold out or cause somebody to get broken down in these struggles..... In all isolated cases you have either one or the other ending up suffering in the situations, yet it's all dependent upon which racist "black or white" controls or wins the battle for that day in the situation, and in any case for their groups being represented.

The plan was to create Harmony and assimilation over time, but when you interject racist or cultural practices that end up repulsing one side or the other, then you get chaos on either side of the issues.

If going to create Harmony, then the powers that be can't allow one side to use the open doorway to get revenge for the past by being the very same thing in which they were battling to overcome. It is a problem.

Never will I see blacks as being a problem based upon their skin color, and hopefully they look at me in the same way. I have what I hope are some great black friends, and hopefully I don't ever find out otherwise.

Character is the key as Martin Luther King stated, and how right he was.

Hey Beagle 9, let the black friends you claim to have see your post here and you won’t have them any longer. I can see that you think your black friends are lucky and should share your opinions on this subject. It’s obvious from your post that you are a racist, you spout all of the racist rhetoric, but consider yourself tolerant. The Black college thing you reference, shows that you have subscribed to a lie spun to infer some advantage over White schools. In truth all historically Black colleges were integrated from the beginning. They were established to give black students the chance for a college education in a time where admissions of blacks to white schools was prohibited. Whites were never prohibited from attending Black colleges. Then your assertions that Blacks exist to make Whites feel guilty about slavery and racism, so then it follows that Blacks are responsible for White guilt and not the racist history and cultural racism of whites themselves. So in your world Blacks themselves are at fault for the racism of whites, and that Black actions to gain long denied rights a legitimate reason for denying them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Putting words (found only in your opinion), into another person's mouth in order to describe your target as a racist (as based upon those words), is nothing but a tactic, and it is a fruitless one at best. How can a racist accuse one of being a racist if using post that have no racist content in them when attempting it ? LOL

Except your posts are full of racism. You are a racist.
In truth all historically Black colleges were integrated from the beginning. They were established to give black students the chance for a college education in a time where admissions of blacks to white schools was prohibited. Whites were never prohibited from attending Black colleges.
I just wanted to reiterate this portion of your comment. Thank you.
What if white people had a college that was called in this year of 2018 " an historically white college", and it had a prodominantly white staff and students, but of course did note that they never refused a black person from attending the school ?? Would that be ok ?? Nope, the blacks in some groups would raise T total hell to no end about it, and would constantly be looking for anything they could in order to break it down or destroy it. Double standards are becoming a huge thing going on these days, and it just continues keeping the fuel pumping into the fires of racism forever and ever.

If people truly want a race blind society, then let's see one. Meh, to many racist on both sides to ever see it in it's truest form.

One's skin color being most important to so many in all of this stuff, has become a travesty that is over shadowing the true character in ones make up.

Almost every university in this nation is a historically white college. You are just that damn stupid to actually make this claim. So what, do we have do call Yale a historically white university since that's what it was until laws were enforced? There s no double standard. Are you that damn stupid? It is this kind of ignorance, race baiting and refusal to admit reality by whites like you that keeps racism alive. It's a choice whites like you make, not anything done by non whites. Donald Trump is the 45th President. Are you so stupid to have to hear that Trump is the 44th white president to know there have been white presidents? I don't think so. You are arguing a race baited strawman that needs to be shut down.
I have had black supervisors in some of the companies I worked for. Never a problem. We worked well together and race was never an issue.

I've worked with white people too. But that doesn't mean racism is not a problem. You don't discuss race at work idiot. Unless it's a BFOQ. Yes I used an insult because quite frankly you are a insulting person. All you do is make excuses trying to tell me blacks here who what we see and have experienced is not so because you are white and it doesn't happen to you. Turn black, then talk.
Insulting person? Lol. I never said what blacks do or do not experience. You seem to think everything you experience is relevant, but what white people experience is not.

Wrong answer lady. All your posts amount to is what about me I'm white. You've not experienced what we have. I'm sure you've not lived in flowery beds of ease, but you have not experienced what we have. You are here talking about how you had back supervisors and how race was never an issue on the job. Race is not supposed to be an issue on the job. You don't know how they felt, you don't know what they've been through. I'm here in a forum full of racists and you want me to be concerned with the experiences of people who think I'm an ape and who think they get to make endless racist opinions about our culture like you do.
IM2, are you still looking for that free payday from the whites ?? Get over it brother.

I've done quite fine thank you. But whites owe us money. Your asses got free paydays from us for all but the last 53 years by written law. Now be quiet.


1936 The Maryland Supreme Court orders the state's white law school to enroll a black student because there is no state-supported law school for Blacks in Maryland. (University of Maryland v. Murray)

Why didn't he apply to HOWARD which was set up almost a 100 years prior to cater to Blacks? They would have loved a dude who graduated from a WHITE college like Amherst! My guess is since he could not pay for it they were not interested.

1938 The Supreme Court rules the practice of sending black students out of state for legal training when the state provides a law school for whites within its borders does not fulfill the state's "separate but equal" obligation. The Court orders Missouri's all-white law school to grant admission to an African American student. (Missouri ex rel. Gaines v. Canada)[

The State of Missouri had offered to pay for Gaines's tuition at an adjacent state's law school, which he turned down. :p

Here are two more

Actually those two instances are Rosa Park type set ups and total bullshit, but okay let's see what else you got to prove Black were denied education (from Whites).

The 1961 and 1962 incidents were also probably Rosa Park type setups. So is that it? Are 4 lawsuits the reason Blacks are so uneducated and apparently uneducateable? Is it the lead paint in the free housing they get or the White supremacy that causes them to be so dayem dumb?
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1936 The Maryland Supreme Court orders the state's white law school to enroll a black student because there is no state-supported law school for Blacks in Maryland. (University of Maryland v. Murray)

Why didn't he apply to HOWARD which was set up almost a 100 years prior to cater to Blacks? They would have loved a dude who graduated from a WHITE college like Amherst! My guess is since he could not pay for it they were not interested.

1938 The Supreme Court rules the practice of sending black students out of state for legal training when the state provides a law school for whites within its borders does not fulfill the state's "separate but equal" obligation. The Court orders Missouri's all-white law school to grant admission to an African American student. (Missouri ex rel. Gaines v. Canada)[

The State of Missouri had offered to pay for Gaines's tuition at an adjacent state's law school, which he turned down. :p

Here are two more

Actually those two instances are Rosa Park type set ups and total bullshit, but okay let's see what else you got to prove Black were denied education (from Whites).

The 1961 and 1962 incidents were also probably Rosa Park type setups. So is that it? Are 4 lawsuits the reason Blacks are so uneducated and apparently uneducateable? Is it the lead paint in the free housing they get or the White supremacy that causes them to be so dayem dumb?
Translation....how dare them uppity negros think they can attend the same school as whites....
1936 The Maryland Supreme Court orders the state's white law school to enroll a black student because there is no state-supported law school for Blacks in Maryland. (University of Maryland v. Murray)

Why didn't he apply to HOWARD which was set up almost a 100 years prior to cater to Blacks? They would have loved a dude who graduated from a WHITE college like Amherst! My guess is since he could not pay for it they were not interested.

1938 The Supreme Court rules the practice of sending black students out of state for legal training when the state provides a law school for whites within its borders does not fulfill the state's "separate but equal" obligation. The Court orders Missouri's all-white law school to grant admission to an African American student. (Missouri ex rel. Gaines v. Canada)[

The State of Missouri had offered to pay for Gaines's tuition at an adjacent state's law school, which he turned down. :p

Here are two more

Actually those two instances are Rosa Park type set ups and total bullshit, but okay let's see what else you got to prove Black were denied education (from Whites).

The 1961 and 1962 incidents were also probably Rosa Park type setups. So is that it? Are 4 lawsuits the reason Blacks are so uneducated and apparently uneducateable? Is it the lead paint in the free housing they get or the White supremacy that causes them to be so dayem dumb?
Translation....how dare them uppity negros think they can attend the same school as whites....
Why do blacks have to rely on whites for better schooling? By that logic, African nations should have kept their white people to run better schools for them. Too bad they didn't.
The lefty in question was very rude, and received rudeness in return.
No, being rude is one thing and intentionally picking a fight is another but neither justify using a racial slur. ONLY racists do that.

Your drawing lines with the intent of making excuses for your fellow traveler, who was the one purposefully sabotaging the discussion.

If it was a right leaning trolling do that, you would be drawing different lines, so that you could put the onus on him.
Nothing I said, gives you any excuse to accuse me of believing the reason for the lower scores are because blacks are inferior to whites.

Justify that, or retract it.
You understand inference right?

So explain the reasoning by which you concluded that the ONLY POSSIBLE explanation I could have for blacks having lower scores was inherent racial inferiority.

Especially include how and why you dismissed all other possible explanations.
Why do blacks have to rely on whites for better schooling?
Because we live in a system of white supremacy and the white supremacists have made sure they control all the schools.
That is such a lame excuse. Black people can't put together proper schools so you wanted to be bussed to white schools. So why not just admit that black people suck at school period, whether building them, running them or going to them?
That is such a lame excuse. Black people can't put together proper schools so you wanted to be bussed to white schools. So why not just admit that black people suck at school period, whether building them, running them or going to them?
OK. So what do you do with a race of black men who (according to you) suck ?

Let's get to the doing part.
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Chris Rock is not the person to cite on this topic.

But this man is.

Why white Americans don’t see themselves when they hear the word ‘race’

So do us a favor, provide to us the list of laws and policies enacted by blacks that were done to deny whites or you Asians equal opportunity.


Why Do We Call Asian Americans The Model Minority? | AJ+

Stay puppitized because you are dumb and this is expected.

Affirmative action has been said to deny whites equal opportunity based upon equal access in the past or present.

Free apartments, free welfare, free medical, and free cell phones are just some other things that disincentivizes the will to work, and causes whites and working class blacks to say Hmmmm when they are busting their aces to make ends meet, yet you have others thinking about how many babies they can have in order to increase the free government benefits while letting the baby makers off the hook. Yeah, yeah, yeah we know that it is no longer an exclusive affair, because whites, and others are joining the ranks of poverty these days quicker than one can say "millennials lost in the wilderness".

Hollywood and the feds under certain power's figured long ago that it would use it's powerful platforms, judges etc in order to help level the playing fields, so it took years of telling and teaching the whites about their white guilt in which they should carry with themselves all the days of their lives, and teaching the blacks to make sure that they (the whites) do carry it with them all the days of their lives.

Then we have all black college's, but they better not find any all white college's etc. Pathetic.

It can all be a one sided thing that is continually positioning itself for power to either allow for a hold out or cause somebody to get broken down in these struggles..... In all isolated cases you have either one or the other ending up suffering in the situations, yet it's all dependent upon which racist "black or white" controls or wins the battle for that day in the situation, and in any case for their groups being represented.

The plan was to create Harmony and assimilation over time, but when you interject racist or cultural practices that end up repulsing one side or the other, then you get chaos on either side of the issues.

If going to create Harmony, then the powers that be can't allow one side to use the open doorway to get revenge for the past by being the very same thing in which they were battling to overcome. It is a problem.

Never will I see blacks as being a problem based upon their skin color, and hopefully they look at me in the same way. I have what I hope are some great black friends, and hopefully I don't ever find out otherwise.

Character is the key as Martin Luther King stated, and how right he was.

Hey Beagle 9, let the black friends you claim to have see your post here and you won’t have them any longer. I can see that you think your black friends are lucky and should share your opinions on this subject. It’s obvious from your post that you are a racist, you spout all of the racist rhetoric, but consider yourself tolerant. The Black college thing you reference, shows that you have subscribed to a lie spun to infer some advantage over White schools. In truth all historically Black colleges were integrated from the beginning. They were established to give black students the chance for a college education in a time where admissions of blacks to white schools was prohibited. Whites were never prohibited from attending Black colleges. Then your assertions that Blacks exist to make Whites feel guilty about slavery and racism, so then it follows that Blacks are responsible for White guilt and not the racist history and cultural racism of whites themselves. So in your world Blacks themselves are at fault for the racism of whites, and that Black actions to gain long denied rights a legitimate reason for denying them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Putting words (found only in your opinion), into another person's mouth in order to describe your target as a racist (as based upon those words), is nothing but a tactic, and it is a fruitless one at best. How can a racist accuse one of being a racist if using post that have no racist content in them when attempting it ? LOL

Except your posts are full of racism. You are a racist.

Anyone who thinks they should be paid because they are black is a racist.
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Chris Rock is not the person to cite on this topic.

But this man is.

Why white Americans don’t see themselves when they hear the word ‘race’

So do us a favor, provide to us the list of laws and policies enacted by blacks that were done to deny whites or you Asians equal opportunity.


Why Do We Call Asian Americans The Model Minority? | AJ+

Stay puppitized because you are dumb and this is expected.

Affirmative action has been said to deny whites equal opportunity based upon equal access in the past or present.

Free apartments, free welfare, free medical, and free cell phones are just some other things that disincentivizes the will to work, and causes whites and working class blacks to say Hmmmm when they are busting their aces to make ends meet, yet you have others thinking about how many babies they can have in order to increase the free government benefits while letting the baby makers off the hook. Yeah, yeah, yeah we know that it is no longer an exclusive affair, because whites, and others are joining the ranks of poverty these days quicker than one can say "millennials lost in the wilderness".

Hollywood and the feds under certain power's figured long ago that it would use it's powerful platforms, judges etc in order to help level the playing fields, so it took years of telling and teaching the whites about their white guilt in which they should carry with themselves all the days of their lives, and teaching the blacks to make sure that they (the whites) do carry it with them all the days of their lives.

Then we have all black college's, but they better not find any all white college's etc. Pathetic.

It can all be a one sided thing that is continually positioning itself for power to either allow for a hold out or cause somebody to get broken down in these struggles..... In all isolated cases you have either one or the other ending up suffering in the situations, yet it's all dependent upon which racist "black or white" controls or wins the battle for that day in the situation, and in any case for their groups being represented.

The plan was to create Harmony and assimilation over time, but when you interject racist or cultural practices that end up repulsing one side or the other, then you get chaos on either side of the issues.

If going to create Harmony, then the powers that be can't allow one side to use the open doorway to get revenge for the past by being the very same thing in which they were battling to overcome. It is a problem.

Never will I see blacks as being a problem based upon their skin color, and hopefully they look at me in the same way. I have what I hope are some great black friends, and hopefully I don't ever find out otherwise.

Character is the key as Martin Luther King stated, and how right he was.

Hey Beagle 9, let the black friends you claim to have see your post here and you won’t have them any longer. I can see that you think your black friends are lucky and should share your opinions on this subject. It’s obvious from your post that you are a racist, you spout all of the racist rhetoric, but consider yourself tolerant. The Black college thing you reference, shows that you have subscribed to a lie spun to infer some advantage over White schools. In truth all historically Black colleges were integrated from the beginning. They were established to give black students the chance for a college education in a time where admissions of blacks to white schools was prohibited. Whites were never prohibited from attending Black colleges. Then your assertions that Blacks exist to make Whites feel guilty about slavery and racism, so then it follows that Blacks are responsible for White guilt and not the racist history and cultural racism of whites themselves. So in your world Blacks themselves are at fault for the racism of whites, and that Black actions to gain long denied rights a legitimate reason for denying them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Putting words (found only in your opinion), into another person's mouth in order to describe your target as a racist (as based upon those words), is nothing but a tactic, and it is a fruitless one at best. How can a racist accuse one of being a racist if using post that have no racist content in them when attempting it ? LOL

Except your posts are full of racism. You are a racist.

Anyone who think they should be paid because they are black is a racist.

Remember that Beckett play, "Waiting For Reparations"?
You know who you are. I don't have to name aliases. You have a deep emotional disturbance when it comes to black people and their issues. You see black people as inferior and generally think negative about black organizations and issues. You don't want to see yourselves as "racist" because to see yourselves as such clearly makes you a morally "ugly" human being, as well as being evidence of what black people complain about the most....racism and racist. To be a racist means...."blacks are right". To be a racist means..."liberals are right". To be a racist means "I am a morally fugly person".

In light of that, your world beliefs would come crashing down if you really see yourselves and others that think as you.....as you really are. Unlike your forefathers and mothers who could just be openly "racist" without having to pay a social or professional cost, or feeling morally injured for having beliefs of black inferiority and animus towards black organizations, leaderships and struggles for equality, society will not allow you the same luxury. Therefore, you must find your excuses/rationalizations/pretext for your feelings. These excuses/rationalizations/pretexts then clears your mind from the belief that you are racist and saves you moral injury.

The truth is that you all are just "ugly" people on the inside, regardless of how much makeup and coverup you use......you still come out "ugly" then take offense when other people don't think you are pretty. You are the type of people, metaphorically, who don't bathe or shower, but then put on cologne or perfume and because you can't smell your own funk (because you have acclimated to the order) you think people are "making up" that you stink, just because you don't agree with them. When you are around people with the same stench as you.......you can't smell their stench because its the same as yours and when they get accused of being "stinky" you vehemently defend them because you smell nothing.

it's generally inferior people who need to make themselves feel better about being inferior by trying to diminish people of other races, religions, genders and sexuality.

total and complete life losers.
Affirmative action has been said to deny whites equal opportunity based upon equal access in the past or present.

Free apartments, free welfare, free medical, and free cell phones are just some other things that disincentivizes the will to work, and causes whites and working class blacks to say Hmmmm when they are busting their aces to make ends meet, yet you have others thinking about how many babies they can have in order to increase the free government benefits while letting the baby makers off the hook. Yeah, yeah, yeah we know that it is no longer an exclusive affair, because whites, and others are joining the ranks of poverty these days quicker than one can say "millennials lost in the wilderness".

Hollywood and the feds under certain power's figured long ago that it would use it's powerful platforms, judges etc in order to help level the playing fields, so it took years of telling and teaching the whites about their white guilt in which they should carry with themselves all the days of their lives, and teaching the blacks to make sure that they (the whites) do carry it with them all the days of their lives.

Then we have all black college's, but they better not find any all white college's etc. Pathetic.

It can all be a one sided thing that is continually positioning itself for power to either allow for a hold out or cause somebody to get broken down in these struggles..... In all isolated cases you have either one or the other ending up suffering in the situations, yet it's all dependent upon which racist "black or white" controls or wins the battle for that day in the situation, and in any case for their groups being represented.

The plan was to create Harmony and assimilation over time, but when you interject racist or cultural practices that end up repulsing one side or the other, then you get chaos on either side of the issues.

If going to create Harmony, then the powers that be can't allow one side to use the open doorway to get revenge for the past by being the very same thing in which they were battling to overcome. It is a problem.

Never will I see blacks as being a problem based upon their skin color, and hopefully they look at me in the same way. I have what I hope are some great black friends, and hopefully I don't ever find out otherwise.

Character is the key as Martin Luther King stated, and how right he was.

Hey Beagle 9, let the black friends you claim to have see your post here and you won’t have them any longer. I can see that you think your black friends are lucky and should share your opinions on this subject. It’s obvious from your post that you are a racist, you spout all of the racist rhetoric, but consider yourself tolerant. The Black college thing you reference, shows that you have subscribed to a lie spun to infer some advantage over White schools. In truth all historically Black colleges were integrated from the beginning. They were established to give black students the chance for a college education in a time where admissions of blacks to white schools was prohibited. Whites were never prohibited from attending Black colleges. Then your assertions that Blacks exist to make Whites feel guilty about slavery and racism, so then it follows that Blacks are responsible for White guilt and not the racist history and cultural racism of whites themselves. So in your world Blacks themselves are at fault for the racism of whites, and that Black actions to gain long denied rights a legitimate reason for denying them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Putting words (found only in your opinion), into another person's mouth in order to describe your target as a racist (as based upon those words), is nothing but a tactic, and it is a fruitless one at best. How can a racist accuse one of being a racist if using post that have no racist content in them when attempting it ? LOL

Except your posts are full of racism. You are a racist.
Anyone who think they should be paid because they are black is a racist.

Remember that Beckett play, "Waiting For Reparations"?

did you plagiarize that, too?
Hey Beagle 9, let the black friends you claim to have see your post here and you won’t have them any longer. I can see that you think your black friends are lucky and should share your opinions on this subject. It’s obvious from your post that you are a racist, you spout all of the racist rhetoric, but consider yourself tolerant. The Black college thing you reference, shows that you have subscribed to a lie spun to infer some advantage over White schools. In truth all historically Black colleges were integrated from the beginning. They were established to give black students the chance for a college education in a time where admissions of blacks to white schools was prohibited. Whites were never prohibited from attending Black colleges. Then your assertions that Blacks exist to make Whites feel guilty about slavery and racism, so then it follows that Blacks are responsible for White guilt and not the racist history and cultural racism of whites themselves. So in your world Blacks themselves are at fault for the racism of whites, and that Black actions to gain long denied rights a legitimate reason for denying them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Putting words (found only in your opinion), into another person's mouth in order to describe your target as a racist (as based upon those words), is nothing but a tactic, and it is a fruitless one at best. How can a racist accuse one of being a racist if using post that have no racist content in them when attempting it ? LOL

Except your posts are full of racism. You are a racist.
Anyone who think they should be paid because they are black is a racist.

Remember that Beckett play, "Waiting For Reparations"?

did you plagiarize that, too?

I never plagiarize.

You use that slander because of how regularly I spank you.

BTW.....have you decided to give up your adherence to the anti-Semitic party, the Democrats.....or will you continue to suffer from lack of self-respect?
Putting words (found only in your opinion), into another person's mouth in order to describe your target as a racist (as based upon those words), is nothing but a tactic, and it is a fruitless one at best. How can a racist accuse one of being a racist if using post that have no racist content in them when attempting it ? LOL

Except your posts are full of racism. You are a racist.
Anyone who think they should be paid because they are black is a racist.

Remember that Beckett play, "Waiting For Reparations"?

did you plagiarize that, too?

I never plagiarize.

You use that slander because of how regularly I spank you.

BTW.....have you decided to give up your adherence to the anti-Semitic party, the Democrats.....or will you continue to suffer from lack of self-respect?

are you still pretending you're an Asian woman living in Brooklyn who plays piano?
Affirmative action has been said to deny whites equal opportunity based upon equal access in the past or present.

Free apartments, free welfare, free medical, and free cell phones are just some other things that disincentivizes the will to work, and causes whites and working class blacks to say Hmmmm when they are busting their aces to make ends meet, yet you have others thinking about how many babies they can have in order to increase the free government benefits while letting the baby makers off the hook. Yeah, yeah, yeah we know that it is no longer an exclusive affair, because whites, and others are joining the ranks of poverty these days quicker than one can say "millennials lost in the wilderness".

Hollywood and the feds under certain power's figured long ago that it would use it's powerful platforms, judges etc in order to help level the playing fields, so it took years of telling and teaching the whites about their white guilt in which they should carry with themselves all the days of their lives, and teaching the blacks to make sure that they (the whites) do carry it with them all the days of their lives.

Then we have all black college's, but they better not find any all white college's etc. Pathetic.

It can all be a one sided thing that is continually positioning itself for power to either allow for a hold out or cause somebody to get broken down in these struggles..... In all isolated cases you have either one or the other ending up suffering in the situations, yet it's all dependent upon which racist "black or white" controls or wins the battle for that day in the situation, and in any case for their groups being represented.

The plan was to create Harmony and assimilation over time, but when you interject racist or cultural practices that end up repulsing one side or the other, then you get chaos on either side of the issues.

If going to create Harmony, then the powers that be can't allow one side to use the open doorway to get revenge for the past by being the very same thing in which they were battling to overcome. It is a problem.

Never will I see blacks as being a problem based upon their skin color, and hopefully they look at me in the same way. I have what I hope are some great black friends, and hopefully I don't ever find out otherwise.

Character is the key as Martin Luther King stated, and how right he was.

Hey Beagle 9, let the black friends you claim to have see your post here and you won’t have them any longer. I can see that you think your black friends are lucky and should share your opinions on this subject. It’s obvious from your post that you are a racist, you spout all of the racist rhetoric, but consider yourself tolerant. The Black college thing you reference, shows that you have subscribed to a lie spun to infer some advantage over White schools. In truth all historically Black colleges were integrated from the beginning. They were established to give black students the chance for a college education in a time where admissions of blacks to white schools was prohibited. Whites were never prohibited from attending Black colleges. Then your assertions that Blacks exist to make Whites feel guilty about slavery and racism, so then it follows that Blacks are responsible for White guilt and not the racist history and cultural racism of whites themselves. So in your world Blacks themselves are at fault for the racism of whites, and that Black actions to gain long denied rights a legitimate reason for denying them.

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Putting words (found only in your opinion), into another person's mouth in order to describe your target as a racist (as based upon those words), is nothing but a tactic, and it is a fruitless one at best. How can a racist accuse one of being a racist if using post that have no racist content in them when attempting it ? LOL

Except your posts are full of racism. You are a racist.
Anyone who think they should be paid because they are black is a racist.

Remember that Beckett play, "Waiting For Reparations"?
Most of these African Americans have white Great Grandfathers that raped their slaves. They're only partially black, which means their white ancestors owe their black ancestors some money. So they need to pay themselves for 400years of slavery and oppression. Start with every Leroy and Leon Washington and move on to George Jefferson.
Why do blacks have to rely on whites for better schooling?
Because we live in a system of white supremacy and the white supremacists have made sure they control all the schools.
That is such a lame excuse. Black people can't put together proper schools so you wanted to be bussed to white schools. So why not just admit that black people suck at school period, whether building them, running them or going to them?

Really? And so what about the whites who get bussed to black schools?
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