Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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No reason it shouldn' only vice is fast cars..:)

May you continue to put the truth out there and be blessed as well.
So you do support Reparations......good to know.

Obviously, the U.S. Government does as well. They have paid reparations to Native Americans, the Japanese and the jews affected by the Holocaust.
The problem with that is all of the above can show damages.
Blacks cannot.
Frankly, many who had grandparents who were slaves are already dead. And just because your great grandparents had a rough time doesn't mean you deserve financial compensation for it.

Say that to the Native Americans you pay each year for things done long after their grandparents have died. You paid Jews for what Germans did to them.

Your argument has no merit.
Native Americans were robbed of their lands and put on reservations.
And what makes you think we paid Jews for what the Nazis did to them?
Your arguments are "sound"? That is humorous, and as a rule, I never reject an opportunity for a good laugh, and you seldom fall short of providing one.

In my life experience, genuine racists will flat out deny that racism actually exists, only to cry “REVERSE RACISM !” or "ANTI WHITE DISCRIMINATION!" in the next breath.

To people like you, who are believed to be racists, the real meaning of "reverse racism" or 'anti white discrimination" is having to live in a post 1965 world where you are expected to treat non white people fairly and equally.

To the point that it just feels uncomfortable to you.

Being called a RACIST in YOUR case, is not an insult, it's a DIAGNOSIS.

That's the way you are viewed by a number of people here, and no matter what level of objection that you express towards that perception, it is not likely to change,

Lastly, speaking for myself, I believe that you are more ignorant and misinformed than you are racist.

1. You open with claiming my arguments are unsound, but present no reason to support that claim.

2. Unless your claim is that racists deny being racist, was the "supporting argument".. Which is utterly stupid, because non racist would deny being racist too.

3. Your support for your calling me a racist is claiming that you know what we "really" mean when we complain about white discrimination. You offer no support of your mind reading ability, and that's all you have to support your vile insult of me.

4. YOu do use the Logical Fallacy of Argumentum ad populum, as a supporting argument So there is that. It's a stupid and invalid argument. Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia

5. So, to conclude, you call me a vile name based on utterly stupid and invalid reasons. Thus, since you insult me, allow me to point out that you are a race baiting asshole. The difference between us, is that my insult of you, is true, while you are a liar.

Actually, YOU are a liar. "I" did not call you a vile name.

What I stated is that you are "perceived" as being a racist by some who post here.

And, I stated that I believe you to be more ignorant and misinformed than you are a racist.

There is nothing "vile" about those observations

You could save yourself from having so many meltdowns if you took time to read more thoroughly.

Furthermore, yes, I do not believe that your so called :arguments" are sound, because you are far too emotionally invested in defending your obtuse positions to total the point of typing the same thing over and over.

Although I am beginning to lose interest in being entertained by your shrill whining, I have noticed that you seldom back up what you post with any credible sources.

Since you factually prove very little regarding what you see as truth, why should anyone who responds to you just for a laugh waste their time doing so?

Corrected post.

1. You open with claiming my arguments are unsound, but present no reason to support that claim.

2. Unless your claim is that racists deny being racist, was the "supporting argument".. Which is utterly stupid, because non racist would deny being racist too.

3. Your support for your calling me a racist is claiming that you know what we "really" mean when we complain about white discrimination. You offer no support of your mind reading ability, and that's all you have to support your vile insult of me.

4. YOu do use the Logical Fallacy of Argumentum ad populum, as a supporting argument So there is that. It's a stupid and invalid argument. Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia

5. So, to conclude, you SUPPORT callING me a vile name based on utterly stupid and invalid reasons.

WOW! You certainly put a lot of effort into "defending and deflecting".

Not really. A few minutes of typing.

You are perceived by some here as being a RACIST ASSHOLE.

NO, that's just what they SAY, because they can't refute my arguments.

I, on the other hand, perceive you to just be ignorant.

Logical fallacy of Ad Hominem. You lose.

I did not call you a ""vile name". I merely reported how you are perceived.

How you are perceived, is NOT my problem.

Never said it was.

No "logical fallacy" here, and certainly nothing to lose but a little bit of idle time..

Just an honest observation from an impartial point of view.

Denial does you no good.
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Reactions: IM2
So you do support Reparations......good to know.

Obviously, the U.S. Government does as well. They have paid reparations to Native Americans, the Japanese and the jews affected by the Holocaust.
The problem with that is all of the above can show damages.
Blacks cannot.
Frankly, many who had grandparents who were slaves are already dead. And just because your great grandparents had a rough time doesn't mean you deserve financial compensation for it.

Say that to the Native Americans you pay each year for things done long after their grandparents have died. You paid Jews for what Germans did to them.

Your argument has no merit.
Native Americans were robbed of their lands and put on reservations.
And what makes you think we paid Jews for what the Nazis did to them?
So you think Obama paying reparations to Jews for some strange reason provides you precedence for your reparations claims?

No it doesn't.

This wouldn't be the first example of Obama misusing taxpayers money, although it is a good cause.
It does not give him the right to establish a precedence that he had no legal standing in.

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Obviously, the U.S. Government does as well. They have paid reparations to Native Americans, the Japanese and the jews affected by the Holocaust.
The problem with that is all of the above can show damages.
Blacks cannot.
Frankly, many who had grandparents who were slaves are already dead. And just because your great grandparents had a rough time doesn't mean you deserve financial compensation for it.

Say that to the Native Americans you pay each year for things done long after their grandparents have died. You paid Jews for what Germans did to them.

Your argument has no merit.
Native Americans were robbed of their lands and put on reservations.
And what makes you think we paid Jews for what the Nazis did to them?
So you think Obama paying reparations to Jews for some strange reason provides you precedence for your reparations claims?

No it doesn't.

This wouldn't be the first example of Obama misusing taxpayers money, although it is a good cause.
It does not give him the right to establish a precedence that he had no legal standing in.

First things first. You implied that Jews were not paid reparations by the U.S. for what happened to them in Nazi Germany.

Didn't you?

Now you know that is not true. Maybe ypu should learn how to validate what you claim did not happen.

And Obama awarding them 12 million, pales in comparison to Reagan granting amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.
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  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
The problem with that is all of the above can show damages.
Blacks cannot.
Frankly, many who had grandparents who were slaves are already dead. And just because your great grandparents had a rough time doesn't mean you deserve financial compensation for it.

Say that to the Native Americans you pay each year for things done long after their grandparents have died. You paid Jews for what Germans did to them.

Your argument has no merit.
Native Americans were robbed of their lands and put on reservations.
And what makes you think we paid Jews for what the Nazis did to them?
So you think Obama paying reparations to Jews for some strange reason provides you precedence for your reparations claims?

No it doesn't.

This wouldn't be the first example of Obama misusing taxpayers money, although it is a good cause.
It does not give him the right to establish a precedence that he had no legal standing in.

First things first. You implied that Jews were not paid reparations by the U.S. for what happened to them in Nazi Germany.

Didn't you?

Now you know that is not true. Maybe ypu should learn how to validate what you claim did not happen.

And Obama awarding them 12 million, pales in comparison to Reagan granting amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.
You are a dumbass.
We didn't pay reparations, Obama apparently did, with an obvious attempt to establish some sort of precedent.
FYU, I never heard of this happening until now, but Obama had a habit of throwing money around, which contributed to the deficit.
And paying reparations (technically it isn't reparations) is not the same thing as granting amnesty to illegals. Reparations is a long term payment to millions of people, which amounts to welfare that never goes away, whereas amnesty and this $12 million dollars is a one-time thing.
Say that to the Native Americans you pay each year for things done long after their grandparents have died. You paid Jews for what Germans did to them.

Your argument has no merit.
Native Americans were robbed of their lands and put on reservations.
And what makes you think we paid Jews for what the Nazis did to them?
So you think Obama paying reparations to Jews for some strange reason provides you precedence for your reparations claims?

No it doesn't.

This wouldn't be the first example of Obama misusing taxpayers money, although it is a good cause.
It does not give him the right to establish a precedence that he had no legal standing in.

First things first. You implied that Jews were not paid reparations by the U.S. for what happened to them in Nazi Germany.

Didn't you?

Now you know that is not true. Maybe ypu should learn how to validate what you claim did not happen.

And Obama awarding them 12 million, pales in comparison to Reagan granting amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.
You are a dumbass.
We didn't pay reparations, Obama apparently did, with an obvious attempt to establish some sort of precedent.
FYU, I never heard of this happening until now, but Obama had a habit of throwing money around, which contributed to the deficit.
And paying reparations is not the same thing as granting amnesty to illegals. Reparations is a long term payment to millions of people, which amounts to welfare that never goes away, whereas amnesty is a one-time thing.

So, I'm a "dumbass" for pointing out your tendency .to make statements that are false?

You actually state that "The U.S. did not pay the 12 million, Obama did"? He was the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, you idiot, so yes, WE did pay the 12 million.

How the hell could he have done that without getting it approved?

You actually believe that 3 million illegals beiing granted amnesty for life had less of a financial impact than a one time payment of 12 million dollars?

You are a retarded fuck. Did you even graduate from high school?
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1. You open with claiming my arguments are unsound, but present no reason to support that claim.

2. Unless your claim is that racists deny being racist, was the "supporting argument".. Which is utterly stupid, because non racist would deny being racist too.

3. Your support for your calling me a racist is claiming that you know what we "really" mean when we complain about white discrimination. You offer no support of your mind reading ability, and that's all you have to support your vile insult of me.

4. YOu do use the Logical Fallacy of Argumentum ad populum, as a supporting argument So there is that. It's a stupid and invalid argument. Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia

5. So, to conclude, you call me a vile name based on utterly stupid and invalid reasons. Thus, since you insult me, allow me to point out that you are a race baiting asshole. The difference between us, is that my insult of you, is true, while you are a liar.

Actually, YOU are a liar. "I" did not call you a vile name.

What I stated is that you are "perceived" as being a racist by some who post here.

And, I stated that I believe you to be more ignorant and misinformed than you are a racist.

There is nothing "vile" about those observations

You could save yourself from having so many meltdowns if you took time to read more thoroughly.

Furthermore, yes, I do not believe that your so called :arguments" are sound, because you are far too emotionally invested in defending your obtuse positions to total the point of typing the same thing over and over.

Although I am beginning to lose interest in being entertained by your shrill whining, I have noticed that you seldom back up what you post with any credible sources.

Since you factually prove very little regarding what you see as truth, why should anyone who responds to you just for a laugh waste their time doing so?

Corrected post.

1. You open with claiming my arguments are unsound, but present no reason to support that claim.

2. Unless your claim is that racists deny being racist, was the "supporting argument".. Which is utterly stupid, because non racist would deny being racist too.

3. Your support for your calling me a racist is claiming that you know what we "really" mean when we complain about white discrimination. You offer no support of your mind reading ability, and that's all you have to support your vile insult of me.

4. YOu do use the Logical Fallacy of Argumentum ad populum, as a supporting argument So there is that. It's a stupid and invalid argument. Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia

5. So, to conclude, you SUPPORT callING me a vile name based on utterly stupid and invalid reasons.

WOW! You certainly put a lot of effort into "defending and deflecting".

Not really. A few minutes of typing.

You are perceived by some here as being a RACIST ASSHOLE.

NO, that's just what they SAY, because they can't refute my arguments.

I, on the other hand, perceive you to just be ignorant.

Logical fallacy of Ad Hominem. You lose.

I did not call you a ""vile name". I merely reported how you are perceived.

How you are perceived, is NOT my problem.

Never said it was.

No "logical fallacy" here, and certainly nothing to lose but a little bit of idle time..

Just an honest observation from an impartial point of view.

Denial does you no good.

I know that denying does me no good.

That is part of the problem. We have a society,where, when lefties make an accusation, it is considered true, and denials, no matter how true or how well supported, have no impact.

Really, it seems the only logical conclusion is that we are done with discussion.

BUT, the fact remains, all you posted was bullshit logical fallacies and you do lose.
Actually, YOU are a liar. "I" did not call you a vile name.

What I stated is that you are "perceived" as being a racist by some who post here.

And, I stated that I believe you to be more ignorant and misinformed than you are a racist.

There is nothing "vile" about those observations

You could save yourself from having so many meltdowns if you took time to read more thoroughly.

Furthermore, yes, I do not believe that your so called :arguments" are sound, because you are far too emotionally invested in defending your obtuse positions to total the point of typing the same thing over and over.

Although I am beginning to lose interest in being entertained by your shrill whining, I have noticed that you seldom back up what you post with any credible sources.

Since you factually prove very little regarding what you see as truth, why should anyone who responds to you just for a laugh waste their time doing so?

Corrected post.

1. You open with claiming my arguments are unsound, but present no reason to support that claim.

2. Unless your claim is that racists deny being racist, was the "supporting argument".. Which is utterly stupid, because non racist would deny being racist too.

3. Your support for your calling me a racist is claiming that you know what we "really" mean when we complain about white discrimination. You offer no support of your mind reading ability, and that's all you have to support your vile insult of me.

4. YOu do use the Logical Fallacy of Argumentum ad populum, as a supporting argument So there is that. It's a stupid and invalid argument. Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia

5. So, to conclude, you SUPPORT callING me a vile name based on utterly stupid and invalid reasons.

WOW! You certainly put a lot of effort into "defending and deflecting".

Not really. A few minutes of typing.

You are perceived by some here as being a RACIST ASSHOLE.

NO, that's just what they SAY, because they can't refute my arguments.

I, on the other hand, perceive you to just be ignorant.

Logical fallacy of Ad Hominem. You lose.

I did not call you a ""vile name". I merely reported how you are perceived.

How you are perceived, is NOT my problem.

Never said it was.

No "logical fallacy" here, and certainly nothing to lose but a little bit of idle time..

Just an honest observation from an impartial point of view.

Denial does you no good.

I know that denying does me no good.

That is part of the problem. We have a society,where, when lefties make an accusation, it is considered true, and denials, no matter how true or how well supported, have no impact.

Really, it seems the only logical conclusion is that we are done with discussion.

BUT, the fact remains, all you posted was bullshit logical fallacies and you do lose.

Yes, we are done. No one loses. No one wins. It's nothing but entertainment to me.

Pointing out how you are perceived by some, is not a logical fallacy or bullshit.

Obviously it hurts your over inflated ego, but sometimes the truth stings.
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Reactions: IM2
Obviously, the U.S. Government does as well. They have paid reparations to Native Americans, the Japanese and the jews affected by the Holocaust.
The problem with that is all of the above can show damages.
Blacks cannot.
Frankly, many who had grandparents who were slaves are already dead. And just because your great grandparents had a rough time doesn't mean you deserve financial compensation for it.

Say that to the Native Americans you pay each year for things done long after their grandparents have died. You paid Jews for what Germans did to them.

Your argument has no merit.
Native Americans were robbed of their lands and put on reservations.
And what makes you think we paid Jews for what the Nazis did to them?
So you think Obama paying reparations to Jews for some strange reason provides you precedence for your reparations claims?

No it doesn't.

This wouldn't be the first example of Obama misusing taxpayers money, although it is a good cause.
It does not give him the right to establish a precedence that he had no legal standing in.

Your argument has no merit and it's just that simple .

We found that, if the average incomes of minorities were raised to the average incomes of whites, total U.S. earnings would increase by 12%, representing nearly $1 trillion today. By closing the earnings gap through higher productivity, gross domestic product (GDP) would increase by a comparable percentage, for an increase of $1.9 trillion today. The earnings gain would translate into $180 billion in additional corporate profits, $290 billion in additional federal tax revenues, and a potential reduction in the federal deficit of $350 billion, or 2.3% of GDP.

Source: The Business Case for Racial Equity
Production of this brief was funded by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. Lead author: Ani Turner, Altarum Institute. Contributors: Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, Brandeis University; Darrell Gaskin, Johns Hopkins University; Thomas LaVeist, Johns Hopkins University; David R. Williams, Harvard University; Laura Segal, Trust for America’s Health; and George Miller, Altarum Institute.

This is what your racism costs America.


This is one of the first subjects I talked about when I started posting on message boards. Are Blacks on average more racist than whites?
I've always believed that they are. Something that I discovered growing up was that almost every black in America thinks about race every day, whereas most whites don't. There's a reason for this, but this simple fact is being used by the left to divide America.

A Rassmussen survey asked the question 5 years ago, and my guess is it would be even worse today.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Among white adults, 10% think most white Americans are racist; 38% believe most blacks are racist, and 17% say most Hispanics are racist.

Overall, just 30% of all Americans now rate race relations in the United States as good or excellent. Fourteen percent (14%) describe them as poor. Twenty-nine percent (29%) think race relations are getting better, while 32% believe they are getting worse. Thirty-five percent (35%) feel they are staying about the same.

These figures reflect more pessimism than was found in April when 42% gave race relations positive marks and 39% said race relations were improving. However, the April number reflected all-time highs while the current numbers are more consistent with the general attitudes of recent years.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Adults was conducted on July 1-2, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.


Blacks are slightly more optimistic about the current state of race relations in American than whites and Hispanics are. But 37% of blacks and 38% of Hispanics believe those relations are getting worse, compared to 29% of whites.​



You should hear them go on about Asians, Mexicans and Jews. Almost forgot the gays.
Don't know where you are from, but where I'm from white people struggled, and worked hard to make ends meet, and yes they worked in the fields, worked in construction, worked in garbage, lived on dirt streets, had no TV, used outhouses, canned their food, grew their food, built their houses by hand, some were educated while many worked and learned from their parents in their homes. You thinking that you have the Patten on hard living is laughable.
Lots of people in this country struggle to make ends meet. What does you apparently not having or had access to any money have to do with the topic of discussion?

And nobody has begged anyone for anything, both you and the girl/guy with the supergirl avatar seem to think pointing out the holes in your arguments constitute begging.

I'd say YOUR side has the most holes in your argument. So far your side has bitched and complained about an institution that the whites did not create, but did take the first steps to end. And still, the black extremists are so arrogant they refuse to acknowledge that.

Even when blacks held the presidency; the House and the Senate were predominantly Democrat, you failed to get your argument noticed. The black extremists have tried to lay the guilt trip on whites; have demeaned the whites that helped you; sold out to the Democrats - and got NOTHING in return.

What you have gotten from the Democrats is a slave state. Oh, they guarantee "equal rights," but that's all boiled down to no rights. But, then again, you will settle for slavery provided that the rest of the country shares equally in your misery.

I think that the point of many white people is that they have no ties to American slavery save of the hue of their skin. They are not related to slave owners and their families did not own slaves. Whites had it just as rough - and in many cases (as with my family) rougher than you. If we put those facts on the table, we're the racists. And if we point to the things we've done to help you, then that is racist.

The balance of it is something you'd be better off asking IM2 and some of the other racial extremists. I'd say your chances of ever getting money out of people who did not participate in slavery and did not benefit off it - then bled and died in support of your rights is slim to none.
Yeah, I watched a few now former supporters of black activists get converted and leave due to the incessant B.S. of the black extremists here. Good job. When you're losing more people than you're converting to your side, David Duke and Richard Spencer thank you for your hard work.
You know something, you're not fooling anyone with your references to extremists and Richard Spencer. And you think everything ends now because someone was able to get the moderators to remove all of the threatening and defamatory comments from view?

All of my posts are intact. I haven't threatened anyone. And you're bitching because a black extremist started the conversation that led to people being threatened - then, he, himself ran to the mods????

The reality is, YOUR side wanted the threatening language. I told your boys to take it to PM. I stand by what I'm saying. When you're losing support over your tactics, it says to me that YOU are the one not fooling anybody.
3 white men dismember 2 young black men

Lynchings have never ceased in the US. Social media, technology is bringing it to the forefront. They executed the two young black men at point blank range, abducted their bodies, took them to a pond where they tied cinderblocks to them so they would sink to the bottom, burned their clothes, and destroyed the evidence

Body of young black man hanging from tree

With both of these the key word is YOUNG. White supremacist don't give a fk about some Dylan Roof going into a church and killing old black ppl. Don't get me wrong that's also fun for them

But what they want and love is killing young black ppl. They LOVE that. They want (what they consider) the thugs. The went the black men who are young and virile and can make babies and who can grow and build. They want the young black men. That's the real prize.

Problem is. Where ever young black men are. We are already heavily policed as it is. Schools. Concerts etc. That's why you'll get more of these waffle house murders.

They love it when Trayvon Martin and Tamir Rice get's killed. They jerk off to Mike Brown and Freddie Gray. That's why they pour thousands into their gofundme accounts. April is always a big month for white supremacists (Hitlers birthday and the month he died)

They will try and pass these off suicides but that's the system of white supremacy.
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These white racists in here hollering about black extremists or what they did not own and other excuse makers can kiss my......

First off, there are millions of whites who disagree with your poor pitiful me I'm while and struggle so I have suffered just like blacks victimization garbage. Most of the information I have posted has come from whites. Whites are the ones who coined the term white privilege based in what they know whites experience as compared to what blacks do. Whites created the term white fragility whereby whites get defensive when people of color start talking about their racial experiences, something we see right here in this forum. Whites are the ones who coined the term fake white grievance industry because they know whites do not face discrimination or racism. Whites are the ones saying reverse discrimination doesn't happen. Whites created the term white victimization because they know the racists are crying about something they made up. There are whites who oppose the racists among them like those here, making them a fringe group outside of the mainstream, Why? Because there are whites who do not believe that equal opportunity for others discriminates against whites. Only white racist extremists are the ones saying it does. These racists feel they are entitled to everything. Humone's posts show this. To say that America was made to be a whites only nation tells us he believes whites are entitled to everything here based only on the color of their skin. And so do the rest here who said nothing to condemn Humone but instead decided to arrack us blacks. These people do not speak for all whites. They are racists. All of them.
Native Americans were robbed of their lands and put on reservations.
And what makes you think we paid Jews for what the Nazis did to them?
So you think Obama paying reparations to Jews for some strange reason provides you precedence for your reparations claims?

No it doesn't.

This wouldn't be the first example of Obama misusing taxpayers money, although it is a good cause.
It does not give him the right to establish a precedence that he had no legal standing in.

First things first. You implied that Jews were not paid reparations by the U.S. for what happened to them in Nazi Germany.

Didn't you?

Now you know that is not true. Maybe ypu should learn how to validate what you claim did not happen.

And Obama awarding them 12 million, pales in comparison to Reagan granting amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.
You are a dumbass.
We didn't pay reparations, Obama apparently did, with an obvious attempt to establish some sort of precedent.
FYU, I never heard of this happening until now, but Obama had a habit of throwing money around, which contributed to the deficit.
And paying reparations is not the same thing as granting amnesty to illegals. Reparations is a long term payment to millions of people, which amounts to welfare that never goes away, whereas amnesty is a one-time thing.

So, I'm a "dumbass" for pointing out your tendency .to make statements that are false?

You actually state that "The U.S. did not pay the 12 million, Obama did"? He was the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, you idiot, so yes, WE did pay the 12 million.

How the hell could he have done that without getting it approved?

You actually believe that 3 million illegals beiing granted amnesty for life had less of a financial impact than a one time payment of 12 million dollars?

You are a retarded fuck. Did you even graduate from high school?
Look genius, Obama paid Iran $162 billion without approval from Congress. He sent pallets of cash to them without anyone knowing about it till after it happened. WHY? Because the Washington Establishment doesn't want to be called racists.

And FYI, once you grant citizenship to illegals they we are no longer responsible for their care. Sure, they can apply for welfare, but this reclassified them and allowed them to get jobs legally, which means they become taxpayers instead of simply welfare recipients.
There were a lot of people who didnt have computer skills or previous experience. Many warehouse applicants lied about traffic violations, they would be required to drive a company vehicle.
How much of your time does that waste?
It was worse with the driving violations because after the entire interview, we have to wait for drivers records for violations. There were more white guys who had driving violations.
The problem with that is all of the above can show damages.
Blacks cannot.
Frankly, many who had grandparents who were slaves are already dead. And just because your great grandparents had a rough time doesn't mean you deserve financial compensation for it.

Say that to the Native Americans you pay each year for things done long after their grandparents have died. You paid Jews for what Germans did to them.

Your argument has no merit.
Native Americans were robbed of their lands and put on reservations.
And what makes you think we paid Jews for what the Nazis did to them?
So you think Obama paying reparations to Jews for some strange reason provides you precedence for your reparations claims?

No it doesn't.

This wouldn't be the first example of Obama misusing taxpayers money, although it is a good cause.
It does not give him the right to establish a precedence that he had no legal standing in.

Your argument has no merit and it's just that simple .

We found that, if the average incomes of minorities were raised to the average incomes of whites, total U.S. earnings would increase by 12%, representing nearly $1 trillion today. By closing the earnings gap through higher productivity, gross domestic product (GDP) would increase by a comparable percentage, for an increase of $1.9 trillion today. The earnings gain would translate into $180 billion in additional corporate profits, $290 billion in additional federal tax revenues, and a potential reduction in the federal deficit of $350 billion, or 2.3% of GDP.

Source: The Business Case for Racial Equity
Production of this brief was funded by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. Lead author: Ani Turner, Altarum Institute. Contributors: Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, Brandeis University; Darrell Gaskin, Johns Hopkins University; Thomas LaVeist, Johns Hopkins University; David R. Williams, Harvard University; Laura Segal, Trust for America’s Health; and George Miller, Altarum Institute.

This is what your racism costs America.
Your argument has no merit.
You're talking about earnings when in fact the core issue you are discussing is a new form of welfare, which is just another addition to the deficit.
Don't know where you are from, but where I'm from white people struggled, and worked hard to make ends meet, and yes they worked in the fields, worked in construction, worked in garbage, lived on dirt streets, had no TV, used outhouses, canned their food, grew their food, built their houses by hand, some were educated while many worked and learned from their parents in their homes. You thinking that you have the Patten on hard living is laughable.
Lots of people in this country struggle to make ends meet. What does you apparently not having or had access to any money have to do with the topic of discussion?

And nobody has begged anyone for anything, both you and the girl/guy with the supergirl avatar seem to think pointing out the holes in your arguments constitute begging.

I'd say YOUR side has the most holes in your argument. So far your side has bitched and complained about an institution that the whites did not create, but did take the first steps to end. And still, the black extremists are so arrogant they refuse to acknowledge that.

Even when blacks held the presidency; the House and the Senate were predominantly Democrat, you failed to get your argument noticed. The black extremists have tried to lay the guilt trip on whites; have demeaned the whites that helped you; sold out to the Democrats - and got NOTHING in return.

What you have gotten from the Democrats is a slave state. Oh, they guarantee "equal rights," but that's all boiled down to no rights. But, then again, you will settle for slavery provided that the rest of the country shares equally in your misery.

I think that the point of many white people is that they have no ties to American slavery save of the hue of their skin. They are not related to slave owners and their families did not own slaves. Whites had it just as rough - and in many cases (as with my family) rougher than you. If we put those facts on the table, we're the racists. And if we point to the things we've done to help you, then that is racist.

The balance of it is something you'd be better off asking IM2 and some of the other racial extremists. I'd say your chances of ever getting money out of people who did not participate in slavery and did not benefit off it - then bled and died in support of your rights is slim to none.

You do understand that you 've just posted 5 paragraphs of retarded. You are paying Native Americans every year for things you have no ties to. So that excuse is dead. It has no merit and only the extremely dumb keep arguing on that basis. The reparations are for human rights violations and that includes everything that has happened to us after slavery in your lifetime that whites have benefitted from. Whites did not take the first steps to end slavery. Not in America. In fact hey initiated laws whereby blacks could be return to slavery.

When it is said we talk about a history of racist laws and policy many do not understand the full extent of what is meant. According to the 13th Amendment, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, nor any place subject to their jurisdiction."I think people really need to understand the impact of the underlined words. Blacks were arrested, tried, found guilty and sent to prison for crimes such as vagrancy, cussing in front of whites, jaywalking and other minor or non offenses for whites. Because of this, they could be returned to slavery and were. There has been no amendment to change this part of the 13th Amendment meaning that in reality slavery still exists in America today.

Employment was required of all freedmen; violators faced vagrancy charges

•Freedmen could not assemble without the presence of a white person

•Freedmen were assumed to be agricultural workers and their duties and hours were tightly regulated

•Freedmen were not to be taught to read or write

•Public facilities were segregated

•Violators of these laws were subject to being whipped or branded.

And sent back into slavery.
Just think about it, a black person could be convicted of not being employed and sent back into slavery along with many other things. Far too many people want to argue about things said without an understanding of the depth and length of things that have and continue to occur.

The decisions made by the supreme court in these cases began what we call today states rights. The decision was that the federal government could not interfere in how the states did things. If an act of racism happened in a state that was a state concern, not a federal one. So while slavery was illegal by written law, while rights were not to be denied by race, whites found a way around those amendments to continue practicing racism. In 1896 the whites of this nation insured that racial segregation would be the law. This was done by Plessy V. Ferguson. So while slavery was no longer legal by constitutional amendment meaning blacks or anyone of color could not be denied rights, because of Plessy v Ferguson they could be separated and reduced to second class citizenship. So laws were written, but whites found another way to practice the same racism.

Now that's what whites did. And republicans did nothing to stop it. .
These white racists in here hollering about black extremists or what they did not own and other excuse makers can kiss my......

First off, there are millions of whites who disagree with your poor pitiful me I'm while and struggle so I have suffered just like blacks victimization garbage. Most of the information I have posted has come from whites. Whites are the ones who coined the term white privilege based in what they know whites experience as compared to what blacks do. Whites created the term white fragility whereby whites get defensive when people of color start talking about their racial experiences, something we see right here in this forum. Whites are the ones who coined the term fake white grievance industry because they know whites do not face discrimination or racism. Whites are the ones saying reverse discrimination doesn't happen. Whites created the term white victimization because they know the racists are crying about something they made up. There are whites who oppose the racists among them like those here, making them a fringe group outside of the mainstream, Why? Because there are whites who do not believe that equal opportunity for others discriminates against whites. Only white racist extremists are the ones saying it does. These racists feel they are entitled to everything. Humone's posts show this. To say that America was made to be a whites only nation tells us he believes whites are entitled to everything here based only on the color of their skin. And so do the rest here who said nothing to condemn Humone but instead decided to arrack us blacks. These people do not speak for all whites. They are racists. All of them.

Your lying and cheap shots do not constitute truth. You have been unable to refute a single sentence I've posted on this board with a verifiable fact.

Regardless of where I stood (notice the past tense now) in the past, you have convinced me that blacks and whites will not be able to work together unless and until someone from your own race repudiates you and what you stand for.

The facts that I've presented are true. For all the filibustering you've done on this board, you have pretended to be all knowing about the history of this country. But, for anyone who has researched and READ the Dred Scott v. Sanford case, they know full well WHY America came into being.
Say that to the Native Americans you pay each year for things done long after their grandparents have died. You paid Jews for what Germans did to them.

Your argument has no merit.
Native Americans were robbed of their lands and put on reservations.
And what makes you think we paid Jews for what the Nazis did to them?
So you think Obama paying reparations to Jews for some strange reason provides you precedence for your reparations claims?

No it doesn't.

This wouldn't be the first example of Obama misusing taxpayers money, although it is a good cause.
It does not give him the right to establish a precedence that he had no legal standing in.

Your argument has no merit and it's just that simple .

We found that, if the average incomes of minorities were raised to the average incomes of whites, total U.S. earnings would increase by 12%, representing nearly $1 trillion today. By closing the earnings gap through higher productivity, gross domestic product (GDP) would increase by a comparable percentage, for an increase of $1.9 trillion today. The earnings gain would translate into $180 billion in additional corporate profits, $290 billion in additional federal tax revenues, and a potential reduction in the federal deficit of $350 billion, or 2.3% of GDP.

Source: The Business Case for Racial Equity
Production of this brief was funded by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. Lead author: Ani Turner, Altarum Institute. Contributors: Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, Brandeis University; Darrell Gaskin, Johns Hopkins University; Thomas LaVeist, Johns Hopkins University; David R. Williams, Harvard University; Laura Segal, Trust for America’s Health; and George Miller, Altarum Institute.

This is what your racism costs America.
Your argument has no merit.
You're talking about earnings when in fact the core issue you are discussing is a new form of welfare, which is just another addition to the deficit.

I'm not debating this with you white ---, I'm telling you. Your argument is a waste of time. It's stupid. Reparations is not welfare, you owe us the money. .
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