Are blacks "political chumps" for supporting Democrats

Blacks in 2014 will tell you that USA treatment of Blacks is just as bad as was in 1861 and 1961. That said, Democrats, who had been the ones to keep slavery in place and implement poll taxes and literacy tests in order to vote, came in with a Great Society Plan. Between 1964 and 2014, how has that plan worked out for US Blacks? Same level of Racism (According to the pundits), yet, increased poverty for the Blacks, increased Black children born out of wedlock, increased Black Unemployment.

What is different if racism has stayed the same if not gotten worse? Are Democrats that committed to the LBJ 200 Year Plan?
Strange the Chief of the RNC was black during Bush 2 terms in the White scumbags stole his credit information to trash him.

Condi Rice is black......Clarence Thomas....Allen West, etc.

Scum like you just lie non-stop to feel better about your pathetic life.

why the hell do blacks hate your racist party then?

Who was this the "Chief of the RNC was black during Bush 2 terms "? :)

he probably means Michael Steele , though he was in 3 years not 2 terms.
Blacks in 2014 will tell you that USA treatment of Blacks is just as bad as was in 1861 and 1961. That said, Democrats, who had been the ones to keep slavery in place and implement poll taxes and literacy tests in order to vote, came in with a Great Society Plan. Between 1964 and 2014, how has that plan worked out for US Blacks? Same level of Racism (According to the pundits), yet, increased poverty for the Blacks, increased Black children born out of wedlock, increased Black Unemployment.

What is different if racism has stayed the same if not gotten worse? Are Democrats that committed to the LBJ 200 Year Plan?

Who are "those Blacks"? Do they represent the majority of Black people in this country?

How does this graph below reflect the "increased poverty" that you stated?

As far as I know, they only started tracking unemployment rates from 1972 on. Maybe you have a different source? The highest rate was in 1984 under ............... Reagan.

Blacks, in general, just aren't very informed when it comes to politics. They vote for who their leaders (who are paid off by the democrat party) tell them to vote for.

You misrepresented someone's argument to make it easier to attack.
By exaggerating, misrepresenting, or just completely fabricating someone's argument, it's much easier to present your own position as being reasonable, but this kind of dishonesty serves to undermine honest rational debate.

Contrary to the liberal playbook, pointing out a fact is NOT an attack.
So now, you are shoveling shit against the tide.
On average blacks are less educated than Asians and they play right into the hands of democraps promising them free shit and that the GOP is out to get them.

So, which Blacks are you targeting with your inane post?

Obviously, you are influenced by the RW propaganda machine that focused on the highly publicized news release where one black child told her white interviewer that she expected "free stuff."That one incident took off like a virus and has infected every weak-minded white person who saw or heard the secondhand news!

the LW propaganda machine does the same thing......just another thing both parties have in common...
here is a clue for you you fucking racist lump of dog shit,

the top elelcted official in this nation is a black man.

that makes him the D party head.

blacks are in every level of the dem party.

they help WRITE our platform.

Your so fucking obviously RACIST you cant imagine black people writing party policy.

see your a fucking racist

5 hundred thousand posts,been here since Noah and you dont know how to use the quote function.....who the fuck are you replying too?...
here is a clue for you you fucking racist lump of dog shit,

the top elelcted official in this nation is a black man.

that makes him the D party head.

blacks are in every level of the dem party.

they help WRITE our platform.

Your so fucking obviously RACIST you cant imagine black people writing party policy.

see your a fucking racist

5 hundred thousand posts,been here since Noah and you dont know how to use the quote function.....who the fuck are you replying too?...

Herself most likely...
the real Dupes and chumps are those who defend either one of these worthless parties no matter what they do or say and never question anything they do or say....and we have a whole fucking bunch of these people posting right here daily in this know who they are.....

I could just as well say that independents are too gutless to take a stand. By refusing to oppose the greater evil with all their might, they allow the greater evil to go unchecked. "Immorality by inaction" is the independent motto.

the party people from both sides call Independents "gutless" because they may not support their view on something,so of course they are useless fucks......just like what you are saying look at one Party as being the "greater" evil.....i look at both parties as being from the depths of me you dont oppose Satan and vote for Dracula....not much of a difference were i stand....i am opposing the greater evil,its called the Republican/Democratic Parties of the US.....
Your party has to cheat to win.

the people don't want your party.

without cheating your party would already be dead

Yeah yeah yeah..
Ok...Here's a test for you.
Since you are such on facts, please provide factual accounts of instances where a republican elected official cheated a democrat in order to win an election.
And do not mention the 2000 presidential election.
The facts were uncovered as was the democrat conspiracy to rig the Florida vote...
Have at it.
Strange the Chief of the RNC was black during Bush 2 terms in the White scumbags stole his credit information to trash him.

Condi Rice is black......Clarence Thomas....Allen West, etc.

Scum like you just lie non-stop to feel better about your pathetic life.

Who was this the "Chief of the RNC was black during Bush 2 terms "? :)

he probably means Michael Steele , though he was in 3 years not 2 terms.

Yeah, Steele served from 2009 to 2011. I don't think he's too popular with Republicans and conservatives though, now is he?

Here is an observation he made regarding republicans:

"The Republican Party has not given African Americans a good reason to vote for the party, Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele said Tuesday night.

"You really don't have a reason to, to be honest -- we haven't done a very good job of really giving you one. True? True," Steele said at DePaul University, the Chicago Sun-Times reports.

Steele, the first African-American chairman for the RNC, said the GOP has lost its historical link to African Americans.

"This party was co-founded by blacks, among them Frederick Douglass," he said. "The Republican Party had a hand in forming the NAACP, and yet we have mistreated that relationship. People don't walk away from parties, their parties walk away from them."

He said the GOP's strategy of appealing to white, male voters in the South alienated minorities
and ultimately proved ineffective when Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992. "

More here:
Steele: Some White Republicans Scared of Me | Fox News

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