Are blacks "political chumps" for supporting Democrats

Summary of the Republicans here:

"I know how to get the black vote! I'll tell them they're all stupid dupes! And if they still won't vote for us after that, it will prove how stupid they are!"

Good luck with that. Could you maybe get a little more patronizing? People love that.
Summary of the Republicans here:

"I know how to get the black vote! I'll tell them they're all stupid dupes! And if they still won't vote for us after that, it will prove how stupid they are!"

Good luck with that. Could you maybe get a little more patronizing? People love that.

Summary of the Democrats here:

"I know how to get the black vote! I'll teach them to use their ancestry and skin color as a weapon! I'll teach them that being dependent on government is better than being independent from government! If they still won't vote for us after that, they're Uncle Toms and traitors!"

And you lecture us about patronizing black people...
Are blacks "political chumps" for supporting Democrats?


To the democraps, blacks are nothing more than "useful idiots" to get more votes from for the democratic base and nothing more.

What are they to republicans?

people I think, like anyone else. *shrugs*
I disagree there are at least some minority majority districts that would return Rs if the Rs would spend a minimum amount of time and money putting up at least token opposition. Assuming black folks are all drug fiend halfwits is a mistaken assumption and given black and Hispanic mutual antipathy lots of opportunities are just being ignored.
Personally, I do not believe that black support Democrats in the numbers purported. I remain unshakable in my conviction that whatever the true vote is, the Democrat Big City Machines manufacture the 95-5% black vote supporting Democrats. If we ever had real voter ID and honest elections black "support" of Democrats would plummet. That said, and somehow this wasn't in the "Malcolm X" movie, he believed that blacks who supported Democrats were "Political chumps" and I concur

Blacks know that they can do better that failing public schools and public housing, they need to take a look at what Democrats have done to them all these years

MALCOLM X: "You're A Political Chump!" - YouTube

"Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that Party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that Party, you’re not only a chump, but you’re a traitor to your race. – Malcolm X

They try and pass the buck to the Dixiecrats. Now back during the days when you were blind, deaf, and dumb, ignorant, politically immature, naturally you went along with that. But today as your eyes come open, and you develop political maturity, you’re able to see and think for yourself, and you can see that a Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise. – Malcolm X

They’ve been down there four years, and they’re — all other legislation they wanted to bring up they brought it up and gotten it out of the way, and now they bring up you. And now, they bring up you. You put them first, and they put you last, ’cause you’re a chump, a political chump". – Malcolm X

Well I thought this was going another way. Interesting that Malcolm X saw the democrats for what they are, and what did it get him? Killed by his black brothers. Those who opposed his message they are chumps.
Personally, I do not believe that black support Democrats in the numbers purported. I remain unshakable in my conviction that whatever the true vote is, the Democrat Big City Machines manufacture the 95-5% black vote supporting Democrats. If we ever had real voter ID and honest elections black "support" of Democrats would plummet. That said, and somehow this wasn't in the "Malcolm X" movie, he believed that blacks who supported Democrats were "Political chumps" and I concur

Blacks know that they can do better that failing public schools and public housing, they need to take a look at what Democrats have done to them all these years

MALCOLM X: "You're A Political Chump!" - YouTube

"Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that Party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that Party, you’re not only a chump, but you’re a traitor to your race. – Malcolm X

They try and pass the buck to the Dixiecrats. Now back during the days when you were blind, deaf, and dumb, ignorant, politically immature, naturally you went along with that. But today as your eyes come open, and you develop political maturity, you’re able to see and think for yourself, and you can see that a Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise. – Malcolm X

They’ve been down there four years, and they’re — all other legislation they wanted to bring up they brought it up and gotten it out of the way, and now they bring up you. And now, they bring up you. You put them first, and they put you last, ’cause you’re a chump, a political chump". – Malcolm X

Well I thought this was going another way. Interesting that Malcolm X saw the democrats for what they are, and what did it get him? Killed by his black brothers. Those who opposed his message they are chumps.

LBJ killed Malcolm X and MLK
Summary of the Republicans here:

"I know how to get the black vote! I'll tell them they're all stupid dupes! And if they still won't vote for us after that, it will prove how stupid they are!"

Good luck with that. Could you maybe get a little more patronizing? People love that.

Mengele and call them genetically deficient like Pennywise did above. That'd be a real vote grabber. And these people seriously wonder why their Party attracts so few blacks.
Personally, I do not believe that black support Democrats in the numbers purported. I remain unshakable in my conviction that whatever the true vote is, the Democrat Big City Machines manufacture the 95-5% black vote supporting Democrats. If we ever had real voter ID and honest elections black "support" of Democrats would plummet. That said, and somehow this wasn't in the "Malcolm X" movie, he believed that blacks who supported Democrats were "Political chumps" and I concur

Blacks know that they can do better that failing public schools and public housing, they need to take a look at what Democrats have done to them all these years

MALCOLM X: "You're A Political Chump!" - YouTube

"Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that Party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that Party, you’re not only a chump, but you’re a traitor to your race. – Malcolm X

They try and pass the buck to the Dixiecrats. Now back during the days when you were blind, deaf, and dumb, ignorant, politically immature, naturally you went along with that. But today as your eyes come open, and you develop political maturity, you’re able to see and think for yourself, and you can see that a Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise. – Malcolm X

They’ve been down there four years, and they’re — all other legislation they wanted to bring up they brought it up and gotten it out of the way, and now they bring up you. And now, they bring up you. You put them first, and they put you last, ’cause you’re a chump, a political chump". – Malcolm X

Well I thought this was going another way. Interesting that Malcolm X saw the democrats for what they are, and what did it get him? Killed by his black brothers. Those who opposed his message they are chumps.

LBJ killed Malcolm X and MLK

I am assuming you are joking, LBJ didn't have the balls. It was probably the Nation of Islam but it has never been proved.
Well I thought this was going another way. Interesting that Malcolm X saw the democrats for what they are, and what did it get him? Killed by his black brothers. Those who opposed his message they are chumps.

LBJ killed Malcolm X and MLK

I am assuming you are joking, LBJ didn't have the balls. It was probably the Nation of Islam but it has never been proved.

No, I'm not kidding. He bet the future of the Dem Party on the black vote and neither MLK nor Malcolm X were big fans, so he had them eliminated.

Ladybird smirking, LBJ getting a wink. Thats the kind of guy LBJ was

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Summary of the Republicans here:

"I know how to get the black vote! I'll tell them they're all stupid dupes! And if they still won't vote for us after that, it will prove how stupid they are!"

Good luck with that. Could you maybe get a little more patronizing? People love that.

Summary of the Democrats here:

"I know how to get the black vote! I'll teach them to use their ancestry and skin color as a weapon! I'll teach them that being dependent on government is better than being independent from government! If they still won't vote for us after that, they're Uncle Toms and traitors!"

And you lecture us about patronizing black people...

Given Prince's call to woo the female vote was met with Huck making a medical observation about women's libido in general, I can't wait to see how you guys are going to woo the black vote...
What are they to republicans?

people I think, like anyone else. *shrugs*

I disagree there are at least some minority majority districts that would return Rs if the Rs would spend a minimum amount of time and money putting up at least token opposition. Assuming black folks are all drug fiend halfwits is a mistaken assumption and given black and Hispanic mutual antipathy lots of opportunities are just being ignored.

true to an extent but then theres the districting as to the Voting Rights Act , I think 50% is the benchmark so at least half will be minorities, so a token effort won't do it imho.

and I am not sure I got this part of your answer right, my answer to your Q was 'people'....they see them as...people. are you saying they see them as; "drug fiend halfwits"?
Summary of the Republicans here:

"I know how to get the black vote! I'll tell them they're all stupid dupes! And if they still won't vote for us after that, it will prove how stupid they are!"

Good luck with that. Could you maybe get a little more patronizing? People love that.

No one called them stupid dupes as usual and in keeping with liberal ways you lie. What Malcolm X said was they were chumps and Republicans agree. Anyone who supports a party that fought to keep black men in chains is a dupe, black or white. Anyone who supports a party that has controlled at least 2/3s of the government for the past 7 years is a dupe, Black or white.
LBJ killed Malcolm X and MLK

I am assuming you are joking, LBJ didn't have the balls. It was probably the Nation of Islam but it has never been proved.

No, I'm not kidding. He bet the future of the Dem Party on the black vote and neither MLK nor Malcolm X were big fans, so he had them eliminated.

Ladybird smirking, LBJ getting a wink. Thats the kind of guy LBJ was


Sorry, I don't believe it.
"Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that Party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that Party, you’re not only a chump, but you’re a traitor to your race. – Malcolm X

They try and pass the buck to the Dixiecrats. Now back during the days when you were blind, deaf, and dumb, ignorant, politically immature, naturally you went along with that. But today as your eyes come open, and you develop political maturity, you’re able to see and think for yourself, and you can see that a Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise. – Malcolm X

They’ve been down there four years, and they’re — all other legislation they wanted to bring up they brought it up and gotten it out of the way, and now they bring up you. And now, they bring up you. You put them first, and they put you last, ’cause you’re a chump, a political chump". – Malcolm X

I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years - Lyndon Johnson
I am assuming you are joking, LBJ didn't have the balls. It was probably the Nation of Islam but it has never been proved.

No, I'm not kidding. He bet the future of the Dem Party on the black vote and neither MLK nor Malcolm X were big fans, so he had them eliminated.

Ladybird smirking, LBJ getting a wink. Thats the kind of guy LBJ was


Sorry, I don't believe it.

I generally don't subscribe to conspiracy theories , entirely, but the site he linked to makes a damn good case.
the real Dupes and chumps are those who defend either one of these worthless parties no matter what they do or say and never question anything they do or say....and we have a whole fucking bunch of these people posting right here daily in this know who they are.....
did you see that was Malcolm X who said that?

What does that mean?

That blacks should not support the Democrat Party

UMPPHH! It appears that the Democrats changed somewhere along the way. Have you noticed they were the first to nominate and elect a Black President? What do you think Malcomn X would say about THAT? It is also clear that you GOP types are using some of the elements of the old Southern strategists such as voter suppression, gerrymandering and other underhanded schemes to keep Blacks, women and other minorities down.
Malcom would be a Democrat if he lived today!
Personally, I do not believe that black support Democrats in the numbers purported. I remain unshakable in my conviction that whatever the true vote is, the Democrat Big City Machines manufacture the 95-5% black vote supporting Democrats. If we ever had real voter ID and honest elections black "support" of Democrats would plummet. That said, and somehow this wasn't in the "Malcolm X" movie, he believed that blacks who supported Democrats were "Political chumps" and I concur

Blacks know that they can do better that failing public schools and public housing, they need to take a look at what Democrats have done to them all these years

MALCOLM X: "You're A Political Chump!" - YouTube

"Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that Party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that Party, you’re not only a chump, but you’re a traitor to your race. – Malcolm X

They try and pass the buck to the Dixiecrats. Now back during the days when you were blind, deaf, and dumb, ignorant, politically immature, naturally you went along with that. But today as your eyes come open, and you develop political maturity, you’re able to see and think for yourself, and you can see that a Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise. – Malcolm X

They’ve been down there four years, and they’re — all other legislation they wanted to bring up they brought it up and gotten it out of the way, and now they bring up you. And now, they bring up you. You put them first, and they put you last, ’cause you’re a chump, a political chump". – Malcolm X

You can be sure that there are an awful lot of blacks among the 10 million Americans unemployed, while Democrats do everything they can to solidify the presense of 12 million illegal aliens (8 million of them EMployed), and grant them amnesty.

Some years ago I worked in a company that had 5 black janitors working for $8/hour. One day they all disappeared and were replaced by 5 Mexicans who couldn't speak English, and never heard of George Washington. They were getting $4/hour (the minimum wage then) Wake up, black people.
the real Dupes and chumps are those who defend either one of these worthless parties no matter what they do or say and never question anything they do or say....and we have a whole fucking bunch of these people posting right here daily in this know who they are.....

Not me. I'm a registered Independent. For 11 years now.
the real Dupes and chumps are those who defend either one of these worthless parties no matter what they do or say and never question anything they do or say....and we have a whole fucking bunch of these people posting right here daily in this know who they are.....

Not me. I'm a registered Independent. For 11 years now.

That's a lie.

Need I link you to your "Should Islam be Banned in America?" thread? You claim Independent, but there's a neo-conservative screaming to get out.
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