Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 42.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 57.9%
  • Don't know/Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
There is something serious wrong with you Mustang, if you think a group of Americans WANT other Americans to be harmed. You don't agree with conservatives, fine. But to suggest they want a terrorist attack here in the US is just sick.
Progressives want people, specifically Americans, harmed. That's why they fund violent criminals, protect them, and encourage our schools to advertise their refusal to protect our kids, when attacks take place.
Another fine example of the delusional mindset of the extreme right.
Obama must be.....otherwise what's his excuse for importing more terrorists. It would be a festivus miracle if there weren't more of em
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

You are a hateful moron.

I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

Ever notice on this forum when the libs speak the conservatives mouth don't move. :rolleyes:
As the defacto president of the far far right on this forum; No we don't want a terrorist attack in this country and I certainly don't blame obozo for what happened in California. We live in an open society.
As far as the rallying goes. Your boy just doesn't instill that in me.
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.
It just did. Tell me if you see thousands of conservatives celebrating.
I think Republicans are hoping for a major terror attack so they can keep us safe.....just like they did on 9-11
Us: Islamic Jihad is a serious fucking problem we have to deal with
Dems: We won! 332-206! Workplace violence! JV Team contained! We won!
Yep. Some have even admitted it.

I hope it is ISS. We know they are already here, thanks to Obama inviting the fuckers here. We can then shove this shit in the faces of liberals and democrats. Maybe it will stop any further immigration of these people.
White don't you take your senior mod status and fold it 5 different ways and stick it.
When Obama fluffers heard that the FBI found an IED making factory at the Jihadists' couples' home in Redland, they fell to the floor puking and writhing in pain thinking, no, this can't be, not on my dear leaders' watch! :puke:
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

Well ya nut-case it just happened. San Bernadino.

Muslim male picks up wife from Saudi Arabia. Muslim male goes to scout out the Christmas Party. Then leaves goes home to pick up Muslim wife. They drop off their 6 month old at grandparents--telling them they have a doctor's appt. Muslim male--Muslim woman gets all geared up, including putting on shoulder CAMERA'S. --takes 2--AR-15's back to Christmas party--along with 3 improvised explosives--plants the explosives in the building--then unloads 2 clips each on people at the Christmas Party

and we have Liberals saying "this must have had something to do with his job"--LOL Well in a way yes it did. He knew there was a Christmas Party going on, where there would be lots of unarmed--unsuspecting county employees there--that we refer to as SOFT TARGETS.

Now for one freaking time, do you think that Obama can classify this as an Islamic Terrorist attack?

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There is something seriously wrong with you Mustang, if you think a group of Americans WANT other Americans to be harmed. You don't agree with conservatives, fine. But to suggest they want a terrorist attack here in the US is just sick.

Americans sell guns to strangers. Those guns go to inner city street.

Americans knowingly harm other Americans every day.
I find this question pretty hypocritical given how after the Gaddy Giffords shooting some on the left couldn't wait to blame Republicans, The Tea Party and especially Sarah Palin simply because she used a cross hairs graphic to highlight a district she thought Republicans could win a graphic that both parties had used many times over the years prior to that shooting. You might remember some on the left were almost giddy with delight when the name of the Colorado movie theater shooter Janes Holms was found on Tea Party registrar and so disappointed when it turned he was a different James Holms.
There is something seriously wrong with you Mustang, if you think a group of Americans WANT other Americans to be harmed. You don't agree with conservatives, fine. But to suggest they want a terrorist attack here in the US is just sick.

Americans sell guns to strangers. Those guns go to inner city street.

Americans knowingly harm other Americans every day.
And that means the op is correct that conservatives want harm? Are you stupid or just a leftist drone?

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