Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 42.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 57.9%
  • Don't know/Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I don't think you know what Fascist means. It's becoming yet another word the left is overusing and losing it's bite. They've already worn out racist, bigot and homophobe.

I sympathize.

The Right calls everyone on the Left a communist, but there are some large differences between Marx (who didn't believe in private property or markets) and Keynes (who believed in private property and regulated markets). Keynes actually saw tax breaks as an important fiscal tool during recessions, and he was outspoken in his support for the incentive system of capitalism over that of communism. But your side knows none of this because you live inside Talk Radio generalizations that lump all your enemies under a handful of interchangeable terms - Liberal, communist, socialist, fascist, etc. All these terms have deep theoretical differences that your message system never mentions.

FDR and Reagan were the two greatest military Keynesians the world has ever seen. Neither of them were communists, but both used government to stimulate market activity. Both men created massive domestic industrial output for war, with the resulting jobs and technological advances having an immense multiplier effect on the wider market economy. Do you know how many defense jobs Reagan added to just Orange and San Diego county's alone? Each government job that Reagan added represented another person who flocked to "Main Street" and spent money. This absolutely helped those local economies. And what about the satellite technology that came out of the Cold War Pentagon and NASA budgets? -the result of which has been massive profits across several economic sectors.

Republicans - since the rise of Talk Radio - have used Keynesian, Marxist and Fascist interchangeably. This wouldn't be so pathetic if your side could at least name the theoretical differences. Your side does the same thing with Muslim, Islam, Arab and terrorist - all used interchangeably.

(And you have the gall to accuse the Democrats of loose rhetoric.)
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It already did. OP must've had heroin nods yesterday.
Mustang has something larger in mind like 911.
What happened yesterday was tragic but minor on the distruction scale.
On scaring the already nervous herd it was major.
Imo there are many extreme right wing groups that want just that.
It would be the perfect excuse to attempt to "take this country back".
In reality that's not what would happen.
"extreme right wing groups"....What are you really attempting to say?....
Be honest.
Please note. I never ask a question that I already do not know the answer. And I can ALWAYS detect when someone is being less than truthful.
So go ahead. Be honest in your reply. If you dare.
I don't think you know what Fascist means. It's becoming yet another word the left is overusing and losing it's bite. They've already worn out racist, bigot and homophobe.

I sympathize.

The Right calls everyone on the Left a communist, but there are some large differences between Marx (who didn't believe in private property or markets) and Keynes (who believed in private property and regulated markets). Keynes actually saw tax breaks as an important fiscal tool during recessions.

FDR and Reagan were the two greatest military Keynesians the world has ever seen. Neither of them were communists, but both used government to stimulate market activity. Both men created massive domestic industrial output for war, with the resulting jobs and technological advances having an immense multiplier effect on the wider market economy. Do you know how many defense jobs Reagan added to just Orange and San Diego county's alone? Each government job that Reagan added represented another person who flocked to "Main Street" and spent money. This absolutely helped those local economies. And what about the satellite technology that came out of the Cold War Pentagon and NASA budgets? -the result of which has been massive profits across several economic sectors.

Republicans - since the rise of Talk Radio - have used Keynesian, Marxist and Fascist interchangeably. This wouldn't be so pathetic if your side could at least name the theoretical differences. Your side does the same thing with Muslim, Islam, Arab and terrorist - all used interchangeably.

(And you have the gall to accuse the Democrats of loose rhetoric.)

If I used those words you'd have a point but I don't so you don't. Take your "gall" and gfy
Some seem to want it..
Some on the left seem to want a white male to kill a few themselves..
We've got Con-servatives already starting threads crowing that the San Bernadino attack will help Trump win the Presidency. So, we know the OP is right.
It already did. OP must've had heroin nods yesterday.
Mustang has something larger in mind like 911.
What happened yesterday was tragic but minor on the distruction scale.
On scaring the already nervous herd it was major.
Imo there are many extreme right wing groups that want just that.
It would be the perfect excuse to attempt to "take this country back".
In reality that's not what would happen.

Yesterday was minor? Keep repeating to yourself, "must protect Obamas' legacy..........must protect Obamas legacy.......must........."............
Was that a failed attempt at misrepresentation or are you just stupid?
There were terrorist attacks long before you had wet dreams about Obama.
In the matter of Islamist terror attacks, Obama continues to waffle. He absolutely refuses to connect terrorism with the source. That is Islamist extremism. The more he waffles and stammers, the weaker he appears.
Obama's perceived weakness in the world stage has emboldened these savages. And now Obama wants to invite Syrian refugees to the US in the face of confirmed reports that Islamist terrorists have infiltrated the refugees.
It already did. OP must've had heroin nods yesterday.
Mustang has something larger in mind like 911.
What happened yesterday was tragic but minor on the distruction scale.
On scaring the already nervous herd it was major.
Imo there are many extreme right wing groups that want just that.
It would be the perfect excuse to attempt to "take this country back".
In reality that's not what would happen.
Minor? Try telling the that to the faces of the 31 families of those who were shot. See if you make it out of the room alive.
I hold you in the highest order of contempt. You should be throat punched by a tractor trailer rig
Thread author obviously living in the past.

Either that or reads only comic books.
I don't think you know what Fascist means. It's becoming yet another word the left is overusing and losing it's bite. They've already worn out racist, bigot and homophobe.

I sympathize.

The Right calls everyone on the Left a communist, but there are some large differences between Marx (who didn't believe in private property or markets) and Keynes (who believed in private property and regulated markets). Keynes actually saw tax breaks as an important fiscal tool during recessions, and he was outspoken in his support for the incentive system of capitalism over that of communism. But your side knows none of this because you live inside Talk Radio generalizations that lump all your enemies under a handful of interchangeable terms - Liberal, communist, socialist, fascist, etc. All these terms have deep theoretical differences that your message system never mentions.

FDR and Reagan were the two greatest military Keynesians the world has ever seen. Neither of them were communists, but both used government to stimulate market activity. Both men created massive domestic industrial output for war, with the resulting jobs and technological advances having an immense multiplier effect on the wider market economy. Do you know how many defense jobs Reagan added to just Orange and San Diego county's alone? Each government job that Reagan added represented another person who flocked to "Main Street" and spent money. This absolutely helped those local economies. And what about the satellite technology that came out of the Cold War Pentagon and NASA budgets? -the result of which has been massive profits across several economic sectors.

Republicans - since the rise of Talk Radio - have used Keynesian, Marxist and Fascist interchangeably. This wouldn't be so pathetic if your side could at least name the theoretical differences. Your side does the same thing with Muslim, Islam, Arab and terrorist - all used interchangeably.

(And you have the gall to accuse the Democrats of loose rhetoric.)

You need to create your own thread for this discussion propagandist, because it will absolutely ruin this thread to debate your nonsense here.

If you want to try and tie FDR and Regan together economically, I am going to pull up a more comfy chair, make some popcorn, and pour an adult beverage because you are going to get eviscerated, lololol!
Yep. Some have even admitted it.

I hope it is ISS. We know they are already here, thanks to Obama inviting the fuckers here. We can then shove this shit in the faces of liberals and democrats. Maybe it will stop any further immigration of these people.
White don't you take your senior mod status and fold it 5 different ways and stick it.
There are few posters with which I have outright contempt....
If ya know what I mean.....
I think Republicans are hoping for a major terror attack so they can keep us safe.....just like they did on 9-11
Another brilliant post from Mr Drive By...
Tell me, what's it feel like to have never contributed a thing other than yapping and biting at the ankles of others

Hey, maybe he gets paid for even 1 liners. He is surely an astro turfer, but he is a weak astro turfer; which makes him pathetic-) At least Paintmy Patootie tries to throw out propaganda before giving up, rightwinger is all about the penny or 2 he gets per post, lolololol!
I don't think you know what Fascist means. It's becoming yet another word the left is overusing and losing it's bite. They've already worn out racist, bigot and homophobe.

I sympathize.

The Right calls everyone on the Left a communist, but there are some large differences between Marx (who didn't believe in private property or markets) and Keynes (who believed in private property and regulated markets). Keynes actually saw tax breaks as an important fiscal tool during recessions, and he was outspoken in his support for the incentive system of capitalism over that of communism. But your side knows none of this because you live inside Talk Radio generalizations that lump all your enemies under a handful of interchangeable terms - Liberal, communist, socialist, fascist, etc. All these terms have deep theoretical differences that your message system never mentions.

FDR and Reagan were the two greatest military Keynesians the world has ever seen. Neither of them were communists, but both used government to stimulate market activity. Both men created massive domestic industrial output for war, with the resulting jobs and technological advances having an immense multiplier effect on the wider market economy. Do you know how many defense jobs Reagan added to just Orange and San Diego county's alone? Each government job that Reagan added represented another person who flocked to "Main Street" and spent money. This absolutely helped those local economies. And what about the satellite technology that came out of the Cold War Pentagon and NASA budgets? -the result of which has been massive profits across several economic sectors.

Republicans - since the rise of Talk Radio - have used Keynesian, Marxist and Fascist interchangeably. This wouldn't be so pathetic if your side could at least name the theoretical differences. Your side does the same thing with Muslim, Islam, Arab and terrorist - all used interchangeably.

(And you have the gall to accuse the Democrats of loose rhetoric.)

I think you are the one getting hung up on terms trying to make that the crux of the argument. We Yanks are more apt to draw battle lines between liberals and conservatives, between secularists and Christians, between those of anything goes sex and those of moral restraint, between abortion and no abortion, between pro-military and pacifism, between hyper environmentalists and those of reason, between the right and the left. There is no need to dissect these major differences by economic terms or philosophies.

But if you want to talk about these large differences between Muslim, Islam, Arab and terrorist (as you laid it out) then please go right ahead? Because it is those on the Left who will do whatever they can to make excuses for Islamic terrorists. If you are one of those and think the religion of Islam is both peaceful and has nothing to do with creating such terrorism, we would like to hear both your explanation and your solution to the problem.
I hope it is ISS. We know they are already here, thanks to Obama inviting the fuckers here. We can then shove this shit in the faces of liberals and democrats. Maybe it will stop any further immigration of these people.

Poor bas-tard. There are only four letters in the name and he can't even get that right.

Since the tards all believe a Muslim terrorist is representative of all Muslims, including Muslims who are running away from terrorists, I think we can safely say that AvgGuyIA has proven that "conservatives" are hoping for a terrorist attack in America so they can unleash their inner nazi.
We've got Con-servatives already starting threads crowing that the San Bernadino attack will help Trump win the Presidency. So, we know the OP is right.

There have been almost a dozen attacks on US soil during your dear leaders administration, yesterday was just the latest. What's really weird is the regressives are using it to make Americans more defenseless and less safe, go figure.
I hope it is ISS. We know they are already here, thanks to Obama inviting the fuckers here. We can then shove this shit in the faces of liberals and democrats. Maybe it will stop any further immigration of these people.

Poor bas-tard. There are only four letters in the name and he can't even get that right.

Since the tards all believe a Muslim terrorist is representative of all Muslims, including Muslims who are running away from terrorists, I think we can safely say that AvgGuyIA has proven that "conservatives" are hoping for a terrorist attack in America so they can unleash their inner nazi.

Maybe you need to understand our alarm.

We (at least, many like myself) are not saying all Muslims are terrorists. We are not saying all Muslims are the problem.

We are saying ISLAM is the problem!! The religion itself! Not all those who follow it.

But this so-called “fringe element” that makes up both the terrorists and the millions of Muslims that support the terrorists is, by any way of measuring it, enormously large! And a global concern of the highest proportions.

So what is your estimate of the percentage of Muslims that are either openly or tacitly in support of Islamic terrorism and the global design to wipe out Jews, Christians and infidels and institute sharia law? 25%? 20%? 10%? If it is 10% then there are 150 million Muslims intent on seeing us destroyed.

Now can you go into the mosques and identify which those are? Neither can we.
Maybe you need to understand our alarm.

I refer to your alarm as "pants shitting".

We (at least, many like myself) are not saying all Muslims are terrorists. We are not saying all Muslims are the problem.


They went there to see if it's true the average muslim guy's woman as more facial hair than his goat and smells worse too.

Muslim scum are always calling for violence. It's in their DNA. A true cancer in this world.

More Muslims in America means more typically Muslim baggage and garbage.

We should never let another Muslim into this country.
No More Muslims, we have quite enough thank you.

We are saying ISLAM is the problem!! The religion itself! Not all those who follow it.

A total crock of shit.

You want to compare violence by religion? Other fools have made the mistake of going there.


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