Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 42.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 57.9%
  • Don't know/Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The left just doesn't like being held accountable for their actions. IF terrorist attacks in the US rise the left WILL be held accountable for poor border security, enticing illegals to come here for government hand outs and sanctuary cities, and poor screening of refuges.
Maybe you need to understand our alarm.

I refer to your alarm as "pants shitting".

We (at least, many like myself) are not saying all Muslims are terrorists. We are not saying all Muslims are the problem.


They went there to see if it's true the average muslim guy's woman as more facial hair than his goat and smells worse too.

Muslim scum are always calling for violence. It's in their DNA. A true cancer in this world.

More Muslims in America means more typically Muslim baggage and garbage.

We should never let another Muslim into this country.
No More Muslims, we have quite enough thank you.

We are saying ISLAM is the problem!! The religion itself! Not all those who follow it.

A total crock of shit.

You want to compare violence by religion? Other fools have made the mistake of going there.


A worthless response IMO.

I guess it takes a "crock of shit" to know one.
So what is your estimate of the percentage of Muslims that are either openly or tacitly in support of Islamic terrorism and the global design to wipe out Jews, Christians and infidels and institute sharia law? 25%? 20%? 10%? If it is 10% then there are 150 million Muslims intent on seeing us destroyed.

Now can you go into the mosques and identify which those are? Neither can we.
There are about 15,000 murders in the US each year. More than half are by someone known to the victim. A quarter are committed by a relative.

Can you go into your local supermarket or living room and identify them? Then I guess you better RUN!

You are surrounded by maniacs, pants shitter. Move to a mosque, where you will be MUCH safer.

You have a one in 20 million chance of being killed by a terrorist anywhere on this planet. You are twice as likely to get hit by lightning.

But Aunt Mary down there at the other end of the table with the carving knife, WATCH OUT!
No we don't want a terrorist attack, but I am sickened by the way liberals are covering for them. wonder if Obama will actually call this one a terrorist attack or work place violence.
So what is your estimate of the percentage of Muslims that are either openly or tacitly in support of Islamic terrorism and the global design to wipe out Jews, Christians and infidels and institute sharia law? 25%? 20%? 10%? If it is 10% then there are 150 million Muslims intent on seeing us destroyed.

Now can you go into the mosques and identify which those are? Neither can we.
There are about 15,000 murders in the US each year. More than half are by someone known to the victim. A quarter are committed by a relative.

Can you go into your local supermarket or living room and identify them? Then I guess you better RUN!

You are surrounded by maniacs, pants shitter. Move to a mosque, where you will be MUCH safer.

You have a one in 20 million chance of being killed by a terrorist anywhere on this planet. You are twice as likely to get hit by lightning.

But Aunt Mary down there at the other end of the table with the carving knife, WATCH OUT!

Riiiiight by your logic we should go out and play golf during a lightening storm. Allowing thousands of refuges into our country without any way of sorting out refuges from terrorists pretending to be refuges is stupid and you know it.
I hope it is ISS. We know they are already here, thanks to Obama inviting the fuckers here. We can then shove this shit in the faces of liberals and democrats. Maybe it will stop any further immigration of these people.

Poor bas-tard. There are only four letters in the name and he can't even get that right.

Since the tards all believe a Muslim terrorist is representative of all Muslims, including Muslims who are running away from terrorists, I think we can safely say that AvgGuyIA has proven that "conservatives" are hoping for a terrorist attack in America so they can unleash their inner nazi.

I disagree. AvgGuyIA proves to be a right wing nut job (could read as a nazi wannabe), not a conservative.
So what is your estimate of the percentage of Muslims that are either openly or tacitly in support of Islamic terrorism and the global design to wipe out Jews, Christians and infidels and institute sharia law? 25%? 20%? 10%? If it is 10% then there are 150 million Muslims intent on seeing us destroyed.

Now can you go into the mosques and identify which those are? Neither can we.
There are about 15,000 murders in the US each year. More than half are by someone known to the victim. A quarter are committed by a relative.

Can you go into your local supermarket or living room and identify them? Then I guess you better RUN!

You are surrounded by maniacs, pants shitter. Move to a mosque, where you will be MUCH safer.

You have a one in 20 million chance of being killed by a terrorist anywhere on this planet. You are twice as likely to get hit by lightning.

But Aunt Mary down there at the other end of the table with the carving knife, WATCH OUT!

Riiiiight by your logic we should go out and play golf during a lightening storm. Allowing thousands of refuges into our country without any way of sorting out refuges from terrorists pretending to be refuges is stupid and you know it.



So what is your estimate of the percentage of Muslims that are either openly or tacitly in support of Islamic terrorism and the global design to wipe out Jews, Christians and infidels and institute sharia law? 25%? 20%? 10%? If it is 10% then there are 150 million Muslims intent on seeing us destroyed.

Now can you go into the mosques and identify which those are? Neither can we.
There are about 15,000 murders in the US each year. More than half are by someone known to the victim. A quarter are committed by a relative.

Can you go into your local supermarket or living room and identify them? Then I guess you better RUN!

You are surrounded by maniacs, pants shitter. Move to a mosque, where you will be MUCH safer.

You have a one in 20 million chance of being killed by a terrorist anywhere on this planet. You are twice as likely to get hit by lightning.

But Aunt Mary down there at the other end of the table with the carving knife, WATCH OUT!

And 8,000 of those 15,000 murders are black on black murders.

Maybe president zero should have enough compassion or guts to address that problem since he thinks Islam is not a problem? No, he will go look for that rogue cop and make his speech how bad cops are instead.

But to your inane comparison between murder in this nation and Islamic terrorism. There is no ideology behind domestic murders where one victim knows the other. It is for personal reasons, or gang violence already alluded to. We could do something about the gang violence if the Left and the pussy govt officials had any courage or decency. But I cannot easily stop domestic violence.

But Islamic terrorism is mass murder and threatens every nation on earth. Go to the website Spend a solid month or longer reading about all of the terrorist attacks on innocent civilians around the globe since 9/11/01. 30,000 separate attacks where someone is murdered! Astounding! And what is the common cause? They all did it to carry out some mission for Islam or Allah or Muhammad or the Koran. It is their religion that corrupted their mind or their soul. And that is what is scary. That religion is fomenting millions of terrorists, any one of them who would gladly blow himself up with a nuclear weapon if given the chance.

But you and yours are more intent on trying to be the smart, cool guy in the room and take more delight in putting down Christians or conservative alarmists. Why? Because your ego trumps all? We don’t get it? Just like we don’t get how you can defend that traitor and coward in the White House? Why? Because he is a democrat? Lame!!!!
So what is your estimate of the percentage of Muslims that are either openly or tacitly in support of Islamic terrorism and the global design to wipe out Jews, Christians and infidels and institute sharia law? 25%? 20%? 10%? If it is 10% then there are 150 million Muslims intent on seeing us destroyed.

Now can you go into the mosques and identify which those are? Neither can we.
There are about 15,000 murders in the US each year. More than half are by someone known to the victim. A quarter are committed by a relative.

Can you go into your local supermarket or living room and identify them? Then I guess you better RUN!

You are surrounded by maniacs, pants shitter. Move to a mosque, where you will be MUCH safer.

You have a one in 20 million chance of being killed by a terrorist anywhere on this planet. You are twice as likely to get hit by lightning.

But Aunt Mary down there at the other end of the table with the carving knife, WATCH OUT!

Riiiiight by your logic we should go out and play golf during a lightening storm. Allowing thousands of refuges into our country without any way of sorting out refuges from terrorists pretending to be refuges is stupid and you know it.




Obama decided he wanted to take out Assad, started drawing red lines then backed down like the punk that he is when Assad crossed them. Who the hell even knows what the fools strategy is in Syria anymore.
So what is your estimate of the percentage of Muslims that are either openly or tacitly in support of Islamic terrorism and the global design to wipe out Jews, Christians and infidels and institute sharia law? 25%? 20%? 10%? If it is 10% then there are 150 million Muslims intent on seeing us destroyed.

Now can you go into the mosques and identify which those are? Neither can we.
There are about 15,000 murders in the US each year. More than half are by someone known to the victim. A quarter are committed by a relative.

Can you go into your local supermarket or living room and identify them? Then I guess you better RUN!

You are surrounded by maniacs, pants shitter. Move to a mosque, where you will be MUCH safer.

You have a one in 20 million chance of being killed by a terrorist anywhere on this planet. You are twice as likely to get hit by lightning.

But Aunt Mary down there at the other end of the table with the carving knife, WATCH OUT!

Riiiiight by your logic we should go out and play golf during a lightening storm. Allowing thousands of refuges into our country without any way of sorting out refuges from terrorists pretending to be refuges is stupid and you know it.




Obama decided he wanted to take out Assad, started drawing red lines then backed down like the punk that he is when Assad crossed them. Who the hell even knows what the fools strategy is in Syria anymore.






Question: How many children can you watch on youtube videos being beheaded or impaled on stakes left to be gazed upon with horrified eyes before you might want to do something about it? How many hundreds of thousands of innocent people driven from their homes does it take before you think maybe you should help where no one else is willing to help? How many daughters have to be raped in front of their parents and then murdered before you realize the devil is real and maybe God is calling on good people to do something about it in order to stop evil from being triumphant?

So, no, we are not terrorist countries to answer your question.
Terrorism does not necessarily have to be originated by ISIS. We have seen several examples of free lance operatives playing wanna be look at me.
Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

You can tell when the liberals are losing the debate big-time.

They come up with hysterical rants like that, disguised as "questions".
But if you want to talk about these large differences between Muslim, Islam, Arab and terrorist (as you laid it out) then please go right ahead? Because it is those on the Left who will do whatever they can to make excuses for Islamic terrorists. If you are one of those and think the religion of Islam is both peaceful and has nothing to do with creating such terrorism, we would like to hear ....

As a Jew I know what it is like to be called evil for my religion. I am not orthodox. I don't subscribe to a literal reading of the Torah. I don't support the current leadership of Israel, but I identify with the Jewish people deeply.

I prefer to be judged on my actions, not the religion or nation or skin color into which I was born.

I think anyone engaging in terrorism - from radical Islam to homegrown gun nuts - should be tortured to death.

Before you start putting Muslims on a train and slaughtering Muslim children, you should realize that there are many peaceful Muslim nations that have no problem with the West.

The goal of ISIS is to scare and intimidate moderate Muslim nations into hating and attacking the West. The goal of the Republican Party is to convince the U.S. Population that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim - and that we must declare war against 1.4 billion people - thus ensuring an increase in blowback/terrorism. ISIS is depending on the west to bomb civilian Muslim populations. This is how they turn moderates against the west, making it impossible for Syria and Iraq to be rebuilt without a terminal US occupation, which will bankrupt the USA as surely as the Soviets were bankrupted in Afghanistan. This is the only way they can defeat the west, by destroying any partnership with moderate Muslims.

Your hatred of all Muslims helps ISIS, because it destroys any potential partnership between moderate, non-violent Muslims and the West. Without that partnership, the West will never be able to empower moderate Muslims to isolate and expunge the radicals.

The Republicans and ISIS need to radicalize Turkey, Egypt, and Jordan. You need Dubai to be a home for Jihad, even though it is currently filled with peaceful Muslims and Christians living together.. You and ISIS need non-violent Muslim nations to became anti-western jihadists.

Without a cosmic war for civilization, the ability of ISIS and the Republican Party to achieve and hold power goes down.
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"Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?"

Most on the right are certainly trying to contrive the lie that every violent incident is an act of 'terrorism.'

And most conservatives are clearly attempting to exploit these tragedies for some perceived partisan gain, and to foment unwarranted hostility toward Muslims.

It's getting to the point where some nitwits on the right will call a Muslim getting in a car accident 'terrorism.'
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

Many Conservatives have a generic Apocolypse fetish. They are convinced of the approaching economic, military and social collapse. And to the extent that they want to be proven right, they're hoping for it.

There's no creature on God's earth more willing, even eager to double down on their bet AGAINST America than an fringe right conservative. Listen to their rhetoric. Its like listening to Soviet Era anti-American propaganda.

Which might also explain their Putin the Russians have most definitely found their 'useful idiots' in the fringe right.

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