Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 42.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 57.9%
  • Don't know/Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

You can tell when the liberals are losing the debate big-time.

They come up with hysterical rants like that, disguised as "questions".
Lol the number of paranoid rants by the right exponentially out number the paranoid posts of the left .
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

Many Conservatives have a generic Apocolypse fetish. They are convinced of the approaching economic, military and social collapse. And to the extent that they want to be proven right, they're hoping for it.

There's no creature on God's earth more willing, even eager to double down on their bet AGAINST America than an fringe right conservative. Listen to their rhetoric. Its like listening to Soviet Era anti-American propaganda.

Which might also explain their Putin the Russians have most definitely found their 'useful idiots' in the fringe right.

Well, I know some of those kooks think in terms of ushering in the so-called "End of Days" in the belief that will hasten the return of Jesus. Who in their right mind (and I mean that literally) would want people like that to have the power to start or escalate international conflicts?

You're getting into the ugly, ugly part of theism. And its theism that's motivating a fuckton of the most recent conflicts.
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

Many Conservatives have a generic Apocolypse fetish. They are convinced of the approaching economic, military and social collapse. And to the extent that they want to be proven right, they're hoping for it.

There's no creature on God's earth more willing, even eager to double down on their bet AGAINST America than an fringe right conservative. Listen to their rhetoric. Its like listening to Soviet Era anti-American propaganda.

Which might also explain their Putin the Russians have most definitely found their 'useful idiots' in the fringe right.

Well, I know some of those kooks think in terms of ushering in the so-called "End of Days" in the belief that will hasten the return of Jesus. Who in their right mind (and I mean that literally) would want people like that to have the power to start or escalate international conflicts?

Its one of the reasons this election scares me just a bit. There's one candidate on the right that would be about as close to a worst case scenario on the front as you could imagine: Ted Cruz.

Raised by a Dominion Christian Pastor who refers to his son as 'The One', Cruz is about as far to the religious fringe right as you can get. Worse, virtually every one he works with despises the man. Republicans in the House and Senate can't stand him. Former co-workers despise the man. His campaign is financed overwhelmingly by the richest 1% Hedge Fund manager. And just the kind of theist head job that could make things really, really bad.
Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

You can tell when the liberals are losing the debate big-time.

They come up with hysterical rants like that, disguised as "questions".
Lol the number of paranoid rants by the right exponentially out number the paranoid posts of the left .

Lets see.......over the last 2 days I've seen our right wing head job posters call for the summary execution of all democrats. Another demand that we start the race war. And another claim that Obama is trying to cause mass shootings.

Over just 2 days.
Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

You can tell when the liberals are losing the debate big-time.

They come up with hysterical rants like that, disguised as "questions".
Lol the number of paranoid rants by the right exponentially out number the paranoid posts of the left .

Lets see.......over the last 2 days I've seen our right wing head job posters call for the summary execution of all democrats. Another demand that we start the race war. And another claim that Obama is trying to cause mass shootings.

Over just 2 days.
And they claim they are not nuts.
Maybe you need to understand our alarm.

I refer to your alarm as "pants shitting".

We (at least, many like myself) are not saying all Muslims are terrorists. We are not saying all Muslims are the problem.


They went there to see if it's true the average muslim guy's woman as more facial hair than his goat and smells worse too.

Muslim scum are always calling for violence. It's in their DNA. A true cancer in this world.

More Muslims in America means more typically Muslim baggage and garbage.

We should never let another Muslim into this country.
No More Muslims, we have quite enough thank you.

We are saying ISLAM is the problem!! The religion itself! Not all those who follow it.

A total crock of shit.

You want to compare violence by religion? Other fools have made the mistake of going there.

A 70 year old picture (i'm guessing, could be older, 90 years older more like) to prove a contemporary point?
A much more logical, realistic question would be to ask if liberals want more terrorist attacks, given the security policies that you advocate, given your refusal to even acknowledge the nature of the threat (some of you seriously seem to think that the NRA is the real enemy), and given that you want to let thousands more Muslims into the country.
It already did. OP must've had heroin nods yesterday.
Mustang has something larger in mind like 911.
What happened yesterday was tragic but minor on the distruction scale.
On scaring the already nervous herd it was major.
Imo there are many extreme right wing groups that want just that.
It would be the perfect excuse to attempt to "take this country back".
In reality that's not what would happen.
"extreme right wing groups"....What are you really attempting to say?....
Be honest.
Please note. I never ask a question that I already do not know the answer. And I can ALWAYS detect when someone is being less than truthful.
So go ahead. Be honest in your reply. If you dare.
I said exactly what I meant.
As to your alleged ability, it's hubris hot air.
When you"ask"a question you already know the answer to, you're not looking for an answer but a confirmation of an assumption that is ALWAYS false.
Chicken shit....
Maybe you need to understand our alarm.

I refer to your alarm as "pants shitting".

We (at least, many like myself) are not saying all Muslims are terrorists. We are not saying all Muslims are the problem.


They went there to see if it's true the average muslim guy's woman as more facial hair than his goat and smells worse too.

Muslim scum are always calling for violence. It's in their DNA. A true cancer in this world.

More Muslims in America means more typically Muslim baggage and garbage.

We should never let another Muslim into this country.
No More Muslims, we have quite enough thank you.

We are saying ISLAM is the problem!! The religion itself! Not all those who follow it.

A total crock of shit.

You want to compare violence by religion? Other fools have made the mistake of going there.

A 70 year old picture (i'm guessing, could be older, 90 years older more like) to prove a contemporary point?
Age doesn't make it any less relavent.
By your"logic" the Constitution is not contemporary.
Maybe you need to understand our alarm.

I refer to your alarm as "pants shitting".

We (at least, many like myself) are not saying all Muslims are terrorists. We are not saying all Muslims are the problem.


They went there to see if it's true the average muslim guy's woman as more facial hair than his goat and smells worse too.

Muslim scum are always calling for violence. It's in their DNA. A true cancer in this world.

More Muslims in America means more typically Muslim baggage and garbage.

We should never let another Muslim into this country.
No More Muslims, we have quite enough thank you.

We are saying ISLAM is the problem!! The religion itself! Not all those who follow it.

A total crock of shit.

You want to compare violence by religion? Other fools have made the mistake of going there.

A 70 year old picture (i'm guessing, could be older, 90 years older more like) to prove a contemporary point?
Age doesn't make it any less relavent.
By your"logic" the Constitution is not contemporary.
We've got Con-servatives already starting threads crowing that the San Bernadino attack will help Trump win the Presidency. So, we know the OP is right.
It already did. OP must've had heroin nods yesterday.
Mustang has something larger in mind like 911.
What happened yesterday was tragic but minor on the distruction scale.
On scaring the already nervous herd it was major.
Imo there are many extreme right wing groups that want just that.
It would be the perfect excuse to attempt to "take this country back".
In reality that's not what would happen.

Yesterday was minor? Keep repeating to yourself, "must protect Obamas' legacy..........must protect Obamas legacy.......must........."............
Was that a failed attempt at misrepresentation or are you just stupid?
There were terrorist attacks long before you had wet dreams about Obama.
In the matter of Islamist terror attacks, Obama continues to waffle. He absolutely refuses to connect terrorism with the source. That is Islamist extremism. The more he waffles and stammers, the weaker he appears.
Obama's perceived weakness in the world stage has emboldened these savages. And now Obama wants to invite Syrian refugees to the US in the face of confirmed reports that Islamist terrorists have infiltrated the refugees.
Rationalizing denial.
You're GOd Damned right! Obama IS rationalizing denial.
It already did. OP must've had heroin nods yesterday.
Mustang has something larger in mind like 911.
What happened yesterday was tragic but minor on the distruction scale.
On scaring the already nervous herd it was major.
Imo there are many extreme right wing groups that want just that.
It would be the perfect excuse to attempt to "take this country back".
In reality that's not what would happen.
"extreme right wing groups"....What are you really attempting to say?....
Be honest.
Please note. I never ask a question that I already do not know the answer. And I can ALWAYS detect when someone is being less than truthful.
So go ahead. Be honest in your reply. If you dare.
I said exactly what I meant.
As to your alleged ability, it's hubris hot air.
When you"ask"a question you already know the answer to, you're not looking for an answer but a confirmation of an assumption that is ALWAYS false.
BTW, I was counting on you being honorable. Guess that's outside your aegis.
It already did. OP must've had heroin nods yesterday.
Mustang has something larger in mind like 911.
What happened yesterday was tragic but minor on the distruction scale.
On scaring the already nervous herd it was major.
Imo there are many extreme right wing groups that want just that.
It would be the perfect excuse to attempt to "take this country back".
In reality that's not what would happen.
"extreme right wing groups"....What are you really attempting to say?....
Be honest.
Please note. I never ask a question that I already do not know the answer. And I can ALWAYS detect when someone is being less than truthful.
So go ahead. Be honest in your reply. If you dare.
I said exactly what I meant.
As to your alleged ability, it's hubris hot air.
When you"ask"a question you already know the answer to, you're not looking for an answer but a confirmation of an assumption that is ALWAYS false.
Chicken shit....
False! you're just being a bitch because I won't play by your arbitrary rules.
Maybe you need to understand our alarm.

I refer to your alarm as "pants shitting".

We (at least, many like myself) are not saying all Muslims are terrorists. We are not saying all Muslims are the problem.


They went there to see if it's true the average muslim guy's woman as more facial hair than his goat and smells worse too.

Muslim scum are always calling for violence. It's in their DNA. A true cancer in this world.

More Muslims in America means more typically Muslim baggage and garbage.

We should never let another Muslim into this country.
No More Muslims, we have quite enough thank you.

We are saying ISLAM is the problem!! The religion itself! Not all those who follow it.

A total crock of shit.

You want to compare violence by religion? Other fools have made the mistake of going there.

A 70 year old picture (i'm guessing, could be older, 90 years older more like) to prove a contemporary point?
Age doesn't make it any less relavent.
By your"logic" the Constitution is not contemporary.
bear in mind most , if not all, of the folks in that picture are democrats.
We've got Con-servatives already starting threads crowing that the San Bernadino attack will help Trump win the Presidency. So, we know the OP is right.
Mustang has something larger in mind like 911.
What happened yesterday was tragic but minor on the distruction scale.
On scaring the already nervous herd it was major.
Imo there are many extreme right wing groups that want just that.
It would be the perfect excuse to attempt to "take this country back".
In reality that's not what would happen.

Yesterday was minor? Keep repeating to yourself, "must protect Obamas' legacy..........must protect Obamas legacy.......must........."............
Was that a failed attempt at misrepresentation or are you just stupid?
There were terrorist attacks long before you had wet dreams about Obama.
In the matter of Islamist terror attacks, Obama continues to waffle. He absolutely refuses to connect terrorism with the source. That is Islamist extremism. The more he waffles and stammers, the weaker he appears.
Obama's perceived weakness in the world stage has emboldened these savages. And now Obama wants to invite Syrian refugees to the US in the face of confirmed reports that Islamist terrorists have infiltrated the refugees.
Rationalizing denial.
You're GOd Damned right! Obama IS rationalizing denial.
It already did. OP must've had heroin nods yesterday.
Mustang has something larger in mind like 911.
What happened yesterday was tragic but minor on the distruction scale.
On scaring the already nervous herd it was major.
Imo there are many extreme right wing groups that want just that.
It would be the perfect excuse to attempt to "take this country back".
In reality that's not what would happen.
"extreme right wing groups"....What are you really attempting to say?....
Be honest.
Please note. I never ask a question that I already do not know the answer. And I can ALWAYS detect when someone is being less than truthful.
So go ahead. Be honest in your reply. If you dare.
I said exactly what I meant.
As to your alleged ability, it's hubris hot air.
When you"ask"a question you already know the answer to, you're not looking for an answer but a confirmation of an assumption that is ALWAYS false.
Chicken shit....
False! you're just being a bitch because I won't play by your arbitrary rules.
No. You just cannot find it in your person to be forthcoming. You are weak.
Yesterday was minor? Keep repeating to yourself, "must protect Obamas' legacy..........must protect Obamas legacy.......must........."............
Was that a failed attempt at misrepresentation or are you just stupid?
There were terrorist attacks long before you had wet dreams about Obama.
In the matter of Islamist terror attacks, Obama continues to waffle. He absolutely refuses to connect terrorism with the source. That is Islamist extremism. The more he waffles and stammers, the weaker he appears.
Obama's perceived weakness in the world stage has emboldened these savages. And now Obama wants to invite Syrian refugees to the US in the face of confirmed reports that Islamist terrorists have infiltrated the refugees.
Rationalizing denial.
You're GOd Damned right! Obama IS rationalizing denial.
Hit a nerve, didn't I?......Jagoff

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