Are conservatives the new liberal?


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
From racism to fascism to class disparity and more, everything progressives accuse conservatives of is simple projection. Their narratives are free-flowing while they consistently dive in more deeply, so it's difficult to know what to expect less the absurd. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Progressives have control of the internet, which is the source of nearly all information today. They use it to monitor us, to invade our privacy, and to censor and alienate conservatives. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They have control of TV, Hollywood and media. These were built as a demonstration of art and integrity, though most has since been destroyed by progressives under a model of thought control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They destroy art deemed offensive under progressive doctrine. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Minorities are convinced conservatives are racist, which is the result of 24/7 propaganda that promotes division, hatred and bed-time stories that tweaks emotion and dumbs people down. They have the education system that often produces ineffective and well-indoctrinated students. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They're quick to destroy the innocent both personally and economically, which generally falls under a free-flowing PC doctrine. Their deep state and justice dept. is quick to do the same for sake of entertainment and politics, which is celebrated by progressives. Kavanaugh/Ford was a great example of all three in play. Rather than hold their own accountable for worse "offenses", they're celebrated or ignored instead. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They actively censor conservative views on every front, and view the Constitution as flawed while selecting who it applies to, fully demonstrated by the entities they control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They use the government to spy on conservatives for political purposes, and invent story lines to investigate. Their IRS treats conservatives as a targeted audit. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Don't know if conservatives are the new liberal, but IMO they're clearly more liberal than progressives.
Conservatives are Conservatives and Liberals are Liberals. It's the middle that has been moving to the Left, like Trump who is a Democrat.

"But, but, but he appointed right wing justices."

No, he appointed big business justices who lean to the right. These guys are not, I repeat, are not going to take gay marriage and abortion away...well, as long as RBG or Breyer are still alive anyway. If one of them retire or die, Coney-Barrett may get on the bench and shut that down real quick but until then, don't worry, you can murder as many children as you like.

I don't care about gay marriage and I'm an IFB at that.
From racism to fascism to class disparity and more, everything progressives accuse conservatives of is simple projection. Their narratives are free-flowing while they consistently dive in more deeply, so it's difficult to know what to expect less the absurd. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Progressives have control of the internet, which is the source of nearly all information today. They use it to monitor us, to invade our privacy, and to censor and alienate conservatives. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They have control of TV, Hollywood and media. These were built as a demonstration of art and integrity, though most has since been destroyed by progressives under a model of thought control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They destroy art deemed offensive under progressive doctrine. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Minorities are convinced conservatives are racist, which is the result of 24/7 propaganda that promotes division, hatred and bed-time stories that tweaks emotion and dumbs people down. They have the education system that often produces ineffective and well-indoctrinated students. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They're quick to destroy the innocent both personally and economically, which generally falls under a free-flowing PC doctrine. Their deep state and justice dept. is quick to do the same for sake of entertainment and politics, which is celebrated by progressives. Kavanaugh/Ford was a great example of all three in play. Rather than hold their own accountable for worse "offenses", they're celebrated or ignored instead. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They actively censor conservative views on every front, and view the Constitution as flawed while selecting who it applies to, fully demonstrated by the entities they control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They use the government to spy on conservatives for political purposes, and invent story lines to investigate. Their IRS treats conservatives as a targeted audit. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Don't know if conservatives are the new liberal, but IMO they're clearly more liberal than progressives.
From racism to fascism to class disparity and more, everything progressives accuse conservatives of is simple projection. Their narratives are free-flowing while they consistently dive in more deeply, so it's difficult to know what to expect less the absurd. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Progressives have control of the internet, which is the source of nearly all information today. They use it to monitor us, to invade our privacy, and to censor and alienate conservatives. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They have control of TV, Hollywood and media. These were built as a demonstration of art and integrity, though most has since been destroyed by progressives under a model of thought control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They destroy art deemed offensive under progressive doctrine. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Minorities are convinced conservatives are racist, which is the result of 24/7 propaganda that promotes division, hatred and bed-time stories that tweaks emotion and dumbs people down. They have the education system that often produces ineffective and well-indoctrinated students. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They're quick to destroy the innocent both personally and economically, which generally falls under a free-flowing PC doctrine. Their deep state and justice dept. is quick to do the same for sake of entertainment and politics, which is celebrated by progressives. Kavanaugh/Ford was a great example of all three in play. Rather than hold their own accountable for worse "offenses", they're celebrated or ignored instead. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They actively censor conservative views on every front, and view the Constitution as flawed while selecting who it applies to, fully demonstrated by the entities they control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They use the government to spy on conservatives for political purposes, and invent story lines to investigate. Their IRS treats conservatives as a targeted audit. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Don't know if conservatives are the new liberal, but IMO they're clearly more liberal than progressives.
I don't know about progressives but conservatives have become almost reactionary seeking to turn the clock back, rejecting science in favor of religion, building real and figurative walls to isolate the country, and while wearing the cloak of a fiscal conservative spend money as fast as any liberal.
I just reported your post to liberal censorship central and it will be removed shortly. There are many, places where conservatives put their views out to a national audience. Your message is there but less people are buying it, the way to fix that lies only with what you are saying. Conservatism has become openly malevolent against a huge slice of Americans that vote, how is that one supposed to work?
I just reported your post to liberal censorship central and it will be removed shortly. There are many, places where conservatives put their views out to a national audience. Your message is there but less people are buying it, the way to fix that lies only with what you are saying. Conservatism has become openly malevolent against a huge slice of Americans that vote, how is that one supposed to work?
Ask the Democrats.
I just reported your post to liberal censorship central and it will be removed shortly. There are many, places where conservatives put their views out to a national audience. Your message is there but less people are buying it, the way to fix that lies only with what you are saying. Conservatism has become openly malevolent against a huge slice of Americans that vote, how is that one supposed to work?
Ask the Democrats.
Unlike you people democrats are coming to terms with their mistakes. The animosity democrats too often had for rural dumb-asses cost them big but they are turning that around. They won in places where they didn't used to try to run.
I just reported your post to liberal censorship central and it will be removed shortly. There are many, places where conservatives put their views out to a national audience. Your message is there but less people are buying it, the way to fix that lies only with what you are saying. Conservatism has become openly malevolent against a huge slice of Americans that vote, how is that one supposed to work?
Ask the Democrats.
Unlike you people democrats are coming to terms with their mistakes. The animosity democrats too often had for rural dumb-asses cost them big but they are turning that around. They won in places where they didn't used to try to run.
They won in those places by turning their kids against them and flooding them with minorities.

Democrats didn’t stop being racist to white people, they simply made white people irrelevant in enough areas to win the House.

As the Republican idiot boomers die off and white people start to assert their own interests into the political debate the Democrats will start to pay the price that they thought they had gotten away with not paying.

Whether that means simply being annihilated in all white communities(especially the traditionally left wing ones) across the nation politically or whether that means being massacred in a literal war against the smartest and strongest people in the country is largely up to what the Democrats do in these next few years. Either way, Democrats and the greater western left have a long overdue date with a lady named karma, and it isn’t going to be pleasant.
From racism to fascism to class disparity and more, everything progressives accuse conservatives of is simple projection. Their narratives are free-flowing while they consistently dive in more deeply, so it's difficult to know what to expect less the absurd. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Progressives have control of the internet, which is the source of nearly all information today. They use it to monitor us, to invade our privacy, and to censor and alienate conservatives. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They have control of TV, Hollywood and media. These were built as a demonstration of art and integrity, though most has since been destroyed by progressives under a model of thought control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They destroy art deemed offensive under progressive doctrine. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Minorities are convinced conservatives are racist, which is the result of 24/7 propaganda that promotes division, hatred and bed-time stories that tweaks emotion and dumbs people down. They have the education system that often produces ineffective and well-indoctrinated students. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They're quick to destroy the innocent both personally and economically, which generally falls under a free-flowing PC doctrine. Their deep state and justice dept. is quick to do the same for sake of entertainment and politics, which is celebrated by progressives. Kavanaugh/Ford was a great example of all three in play. Rather than hold their own accountable for worse "offenses", they're celebrated or ignored instead. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They actively censor conservative views on every front, and view the Constitution as flawed while selecting who it applies to, fully demonstrated by the entities they control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They use the government to spy on conservatives for political purposes, and invent story lines to investigate. Their IRS treats conservatives as a targeted audit. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Don't know if conservatives are the new liberal, but IMO they're clearly more liberal than progressives.

No your just a conservative who is attacking liberals like they always do using fear and lies as justification

The government is targeting and spying on us

Who censors conservatives, I mean they have fox and the various bloggers who still make up stories about clinton and Obama

It seems all your arguments are fox and right winger arguments
From racism to fascism to class disparity and more, everything progressives accuse conservatives of is simple projection. Their narratives are free-flowing while they consistently dive in more deeply, so it's difficult to know what to expect less the absurd. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Progressives have control of the internet, which is the source of nearly all information today. They use it to monitor us, to invade our privacy, and to censor and alienate conservatives. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They have control of TV, Hollywood and media. These were built as a demonstration of art and integrity, though most has since been destroyed by progressives under a model of thought control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They destroy art deemed offensive under progressive doctrine. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Minorities are convinced conservatives are racist, which is the result of 24/7 propaganda that promotes division, hatred and bed-time stories that tweaks emotion and dumbs people down. They have the education system that often produces ineffective and well-indoctrinated students. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They're quick to destroy the innocent both personally and economically, which generally falls under a free-flowing PC doctrine. Their deep state and justice dept. is quick to do the same for sake of entertainment and politics, which is celebrated by progressives. Kavanaugh/Ford was a great example of all three in play. Rather than hold their own accountable for worse "offenses", they're celebrated or ignored instead. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They actively censor conservative views on every front, and view the Constitution as flawed while selecting who it applies to, fully demonstrated by the entities they control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They use the government to spy on conservatives for political purposes, and invent story lines to investigate. Their IRS treats conservatives as a targeted audit. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Don't know if conservatives are the new liberal, but IMO they're clearly more liberal than progressives.
Would be possibly true if "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) were truly interested in overthrowing, or even significantly paring back, the status quo of an ever expanding state.

But they're not....They're only interested in an immense leviathan state that works toward their ends, at the expense of the immense leviathan state that favors the progs.

As you might remember it was the "conservative" George W "Chimpy" Bush who created the Patriot Act and FISA, which ultimately ended up being abused by the Deep State....All with the nearly unanimous approval of these "conservatives".

They're two peas in a pod, Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber, two wings of the same voracious buzzard.

Want to change the world?...Clean your room.
I just reported your post to liberal censorship central and it will be removed shortly. There are many, places where conservatives put their views out to a national audience. Your message is there but less people are buying it, the way to fix that lies only with what you are saying. Conservatism has become openly malevolent against a huge slice of Americans that vote, how is that one supposed to work?
Ask the Democrats.
Unlike you people democrats are coming to terms with their mistakes. The animosity democrats too often had for rural dumb-asses cost them big but they are turning that around. They won in places where they didn't used to try to run.
They won in those places by turning their kids against them and flooding them with minorities.

Democrats didn’t stop being racist to white people, they simply made white people irrelevant in enough areas to win the House.

As the Republican idiot boomers die off and white people start to assert their own interests into the political debate the Democrats will start to pay the price that they thought they had gotten away with not paying.

Whether that means simply being annihilated in all white communities(especially the traditionally left wing ones) across the nation politically or whether that means being massacred in a literal war against the smartest and strongest people in the country is largely up to what the Democrats do in these next few years. Either way, Democrats and the greater western left have a long overdue date with a lady named karma, and it isn’t going to be pleasant.
Them poor, poor white people. White grievance politics has never appealed to all white people and it is getting less appealing all the time. Ever occur to you that all your griping and bitching is getting boring? Younger people know they have no future with the GOP because the GOP says so. Republicans offer the youth of America nothing and even use them as scapegoats. You do not want them in your party, quit lamenting their disinterest.
Them poor, poor white people. White grievance politics has never appealed to all white people and it is getting less appealing all the time. Ever occur to you that all your griping and bitching is getting boring? Younger people know they have no future with the GOP because the GOP says so. Republicans offer the youth of America nothing and even use them as scapegoats. You do not want them in your party, quit lamenting their disinterest.

Eight years of your Boiking's griping and bitching grievance politics suited snivelers like you just fine....What's different now?
I just reported your post to liberal censorship central and it will be removed shortly. There are many, places where conservatives put their views out to a national audience. Your message is there but less people are buying it, the way to fix that lies only with what you are saying. Conservatism has become openly malevolent against a huge slice of Americans that vote, how is that one supposed to work?
Ask the Democrats.
Unlike you people democrats are coming to terms with their mistakes. The animosity democrats too often had for rural dumb-asses cost them big but they are turning that around. They won in places where they didn't used to try to run.
They won in those places by turning their kids against them and flooding them with minorities.

Democrats didn’t stop being racist to white people, they simply made white people irrelevant in enough areas to win the House.

As the Republican idiot boomers die off and white people start to assert their own interests into the political debate the Democrats will start to pay the price that they thought they had gotten away with not paying.

Whether that means simply being annihilated in all white communities(especially the traditionally left wing ones) across the nation politically or whether that means being massacred in a literal war against the smartest and strongest people in the country is largely up to what the Democrats do in these next few years. Either way, Democrats and the greater western left have a long overdue date with a lady named karma, and it isn’t going to be pleasant.
Them poor, poor white people. White grievance politics has never appealed to all white people and it is getting less appealing all the time. Ever occur to you that all your griping and bitching is getting boring? Younger people know they have no future with the GOP because the GOP says so. Republicans offer the youth of America nothing and even use them as scapegoats. You do not want them in your party, quit lamenting their disinterest.
White identity politics has never been more appealing to white people and it grows in support every day thanks to the racism from the Democrats and the brilliance of the people on our side. The monopoly that non-whites have over racial politics is coming to an end, regardless of how scared you are of that fact.

Republicans are irrelevant, as I said before. Democrats will be destroyed by the alt-right and alt-left no matter what they think they are accomplishing by defeating the Republicans. The left thought they won the culture war, but in reality all they won was a few moments of overconfidence before they are put down like the sick animals they are.
Them poor, poor white people. White grievance politics has never appealed to all white people and it is getting less appealing all the time. Ever occur to you that all your griping and bitching is getting boring? Younger people know they have no future with the GOP because the GOP says so. Republicans offer the youth of America nothing and even use them as scapegoats. You do not want them in your party, quit lamenting their disinterest.

Eight years of your Boiking's griping and bitching grievance politics suited snivelers like you just fine....What's different now?
Everyone gets five minutes of griping, what you say after that matters much more. All Conservatives have is negativity, even when they try some optimism it seems hollow. Thing is, after you bitch about a problem you have to offer a plausible solution people can feel good about.
From racism to fascism to class disparity and more, everything progressives accuse conservatives of is simple projection. Their narratives are free-flowing while they consistently dive in more deeply, so it's difficult to know what to expect less the absurd. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Progressives have control of the internet, which is the source of nearly all information today. They use it to monitor us, to invade our privacy, and to censor and alienate conservatives. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They have control of TV, Hollywood and media. These were built as a demonstration of art and integrity, though most has since been destroyed by progressives under a model of thought control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They destroy art deemed offensive under progressive doctrine. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Minorities are convinced conservatives are racist, which is the result of 24/7 propaganda that promotes division, hatred and bed-time stories that tweaks emotion and dumbs people down. They have the education system that often produces ineffective and well-indoctrinated students. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They're quick to destroy the innocent both personally and economically, which generally falls under a free-flowing PC doctrine. Their deep state and justice dept. is quick to do the same for sake of entertainment and politics, which is celebrated by progressives. Kavanaugh/Ford was a great example of all three in play. Rather than hold their own accountable for worse "offenses", they're celebrated or ignored instead. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They actively censor conservative views on every front, and view the Constitution as flawed while selecting who it applies to, fully demonstrated by the entities they control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They use the government to spy on conservatives for political purposes, and invent story lines to investigate. Their IRS treats conservatives as a targeted audit. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Don't know if conservatives are the new liberal, but IMO they're clearly more liberal than progressives.

No your just a conservative who is attacking liberals like they always do using fear and lies as justification

The government is targeting and spying on us

Who censors conservatives, I mean they have fox and the various bloggers who still make up stories about clinton and Obama

It seems all your arguments are fox and right winger arguments

Mind if I call you uniformed one?
Them poor, poor white people. White grievance politics has never appealed to all white people and it is getting less appealing all the time. Ever occur to you that all your griping and bitching is getting boring? Younger people know they have no future with the GOP because the GOP says so. Republicans offer the youth of America nothing and even use them as scapegoats. You do not want them in your party, quit lamenting their disinterest.

Eight years of your Boiking's griping and bitching grievance politics suited snivelers like you just fine....What's different now?
Everyone gets five minutes of griping, what you say after that matters much more. All Conservatives have is negativity, even when they try some optimism it seems hollow. Thing is, after you bitch about a problem you have to offer a plausible solution people can feel good about.
I have plenty of solutions.

Destroy the Democrats, destroy Labour, destroy Antifa, destroy the globalists etc etc and everything will go back to normal.
Everyone gets five minutes of griping, what you say after that matters much more. All Conservatives have is negativity, even when they try some optimism it seems hollow. Thing is, after you bitch about a problem you have to offer a plausible solution people can feel good about.
The lack of self-awareness here is off the charts.

Go clean your room.
Them poor, poor white people. White grievance politics has never appealed to all white people and it is getting less appealing all the time. Ever occur to you that all your griping and bitching is getting boring? Younger people know they have no future with the GOP because the GOP says so. Republicans offer the youth of America nothing and even use them as scapegoats. You do not want them in your party, quit lamenting their disinterest.

Eight years of your Boiking's griping and bitching grievance politics suited snivelers like you just fine....What's different now?
Everyone gets five minutes of griping, what you say after that matters much more. All Conservatives have is negativity, even when they try some optimism it seems hollow. Thing is, after you bitch about a problem you have to offer a plausible solution people can feel good about.
I have plenty of solutions.

Destroy the Democrats, destroy Labour, destroy Antifa, destroy the globalists etc etc and everything will go back to normal.
Normal? What's that? When were things normal? Name a year.

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