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Are Democrats doomed to the minority?


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
This question is answered different ways depending on the point of view of the person answering. For Republicans flush with victory, the answer is yes. For Democrats, who see their rise as inevitable, the answer is no. My answer is maybe. It depends on a lot of things.

Someone asked the question a few days ago to have people define themselves as Liberal, or Conservative. The problem with that question is that it also can be answered different ways. An individual who believed in the 2nd Amendment but who was pro choice would be a rock ribbed Conservative in Grenwich Village in New York City. They would be a radical right wing kook in San Francisco or Seattle. In Rural Alabama, they would be a bleeding heart Liberal. The same person, the same beliefs, but on the scale of their geographic location, completely different sides of the argument.

The Democrats' rise is far from inevitable

Republicans are in danger of doing the same sort of Purity Purges that have sent the Democrats into the minority. The question is if the Democrats can figure out what they did wrong, and correct that mistake. I have no prediction, because one of my rules is never bet against stupid. In other words, I can't rule out that the Republicans will purity purge themselves into the Minority, and I can't rule out that Democrats will continue purity purging themselves further into the Minority. Both actions would be stupid, but both have happened in the recent past so we can't say it won't happen again.

It honestly depends on who figures out that they need "liberals" from Georgia, or Conservatives from New York first.

Rudy Giuliani the former Mayor of New York is by the standards of New York a very conservative individual. Yet, by the standards of Georgia, he's pretty damned Liberal. His position on Gun Control is deeply troubling as one example. His views on Abortion mark him as a Democrat. Again, same individual, same beliefs, but viewed very differently depending on the geographical point of view.

Democrats took control of the House and Senate in 2006 by embracing the liberal by local standards Democrats who later called themselves Blue Dog Democrats. This outreach allowed them to take control of the legislative branch of the Federal Government.

Here is where the Republicans and Democrats tend to part ways. The safe seat Conservative Republicans don't demand that the more liberal Republicans from more liberal districts toe the line or else. That was the mistake that Nancy Pelosi and other safe seat Democrats made. They fell into a bit of an arrogance trap. They did not realize that the majority of their Liberal power was in a few cities. The news article linked above describes that better than I can. In short, you can't win the Presidency, much less the House and Senate focusing only on the big cities.

Democrats who want the be in the majority need to reach out, and moderate their views to accommodate the Blue Dogs. When the Blue Dogs report that the action contemplated will cause them to lose the election, good riddance is not the attitude to take. Those are not safe seats, they were Republican before, and they will be again if you don't take care.

The same is true of Republicans. Eschewing the more liberal members of the Party as RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) and deciding that their seat isn't worth fighting for means you purity purge yourself into the minority.

It depends on who learns the lesson first. Will Democrats realize they need people who have never tasted a Goat Cheese Pizza before the Republicans realize that they need the people who don't eat wild Boar Sausage?

Democrats who say that you must support Assault Weapons Bans, and all the other big city causes before you can be one of us are conducting Purity Purges. Those purges make sure that everyone in the club thinks the same way. However, those purges are not going to get you a big enough club to do anything you want to.

There was a time when the moderates of both parties pretty much controlled things for the nation. The people now denounced as RINO's and DINO's were the ones who reached the compromises that made the nation one. Conservatives weren't thrilled, and Liberals weren't thrilled. But neither was really all that unhappy.

Now, we are in a state of constantly attacking each other. We're like those horrid divorced couples who use the kids to hurt one another. "OK Bobby, your father is here with that damned slut he's seeing. I can't believe he would bring her around here." Or. "OK Bobby, your Mother is here with this weeks boy toy boyfriend. Remember that if she lets us, I'll take you to disneyworld next weekend."

The kids grow up realizing one thing. Neither parent gives a shit about them, or if they do it's far less than the idea of hurting the other.

My suggestion is to stop trying to hurt the other side. They are Americans too. Whatever intolerable insult that you are holding on to, let it go. Seriously, just let it go. I guess I was different, but when I was told that sticks and stones may break my bones, I recognized the truth behind this, and I honestly never cared what anyone called me. Words don't hurt. You can call me every name in the book, and a few that you created and I'll just sit and listen and I might even be amused if your command of the language is sufficiently impressive. But I'll never be insulted. I'll never have my feelings hurt. I won't give you that power.

Stop being the worst examples of divorced parents. Get the fuck over it already.
This question is answered different ways depending on the point of view of the person answering. For Republicans flush with victory, the answer is yes. For Democrats, who see their rise as inevitable, the answer is no. My answer is maybe. It depends on a lot of things.

Someone asked the question a few days ago to have people define themselves as Liberal, or Conservative. The problem with that question is that it also can be answered different ways. An individual who believed in the 2nd Amendment but who was pro choice would be a rock ribbed Conservative in Grenwich Village in New York City. They would be a radical right wing kook in San Francisco or Seattle. In Rural Alabama, they would be a bleeding heart Liberal. The same person, the same beliefs, but on the scale of their geographic location, completely different sides of the argument.

The Democrats' rise is far from inevitable

Republicans are in danger of doing the same sort of Purity Purges that have sent the Democrats into the minority. The question is if the Democrats can figure out what they did wrong, and correct that mistake. I have no prediction, because one of my rules is never bet against stupid. In other words, I can't rule out that the Republicans will purity purge themselves into the Minority, and I can't rule out that Democrats will continue purity purging themselves further into the Minority. Both actions would be stupid, but both have happened in the recent past so we can't say it won't happen again.

It honestly depends on who figures out that they need "liberals" from Georgia, or Conservatives from New York first.

Rudy Giuliani the former Mayor of New York is by the standards of New York a very conservative individual. Yet, by the standards of Georgia, he's pretty damned Liberal. His position on Gun Control is deeply troubling as one example. His views on Abortion mark him as a Democrat. Again, same individual, same beliefs, but viewed very differently depending on the geographical point of view.

Democrats took control of the House and Senate in 2006 by embracing the liberal by local standards Democrats who later called themselves Blue Dog Democrats. This outreach allowed them to take control of the legislative branch of the Federal Government.

Here is where the Republicans and Democrats tend to part ways. The safe seat Conservative Republicans don't demand that the more liberal Republicans from more liberal districts toe the line or else. That was the mistake that Nancy Pelosi and other safe seat Democrats made. They fell into a bit of an arrogance trap. They did not realize that the majority of their Liberal power was in a few cities. The news article linked above describes that better than I can. In short, you can't win the Presidency, much less the House and Senate focusing only on the big cities.

Democrats who want the be in the majority need to reach out, and moderate their views to accommodate the Blue Dogs. When the Blue Dogs report that the action contemplated will cause them to lose the election, good riddance is not the attitude to take. Those are not safe seats, they were Republican before, and they will be again if you don't take care.

The same is true of Republicans. Eschewing the more liberal members of the Party as RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) and deciding that their seat isn't worth fighting for means you purity purge yourself into the minority.

It depends on who learns the lesson first. Will Democrats realize they need people who have never tasted a Goat Cheese Pizza before the Republicans realize that they need the people who don't eat wild Boar Sausage?

Democrats who say that you must support Assault Weapons Bans, and all the other big city causes before you can be one of us are conducting Purity Purges. Those purges make sure that everyone in the club thinks the same way. However, those purges are not going to get you a big enough club to do anything you want to.

There was a time when the moderates of both parties pretty much controlled things for the nation. The people now denounced as RINO's and DINO's were the ones who reached the compromises that made the nation one. Conservatives weren't thrilled, and Liberals weren't thrilled. But neither was really all that unhappy.

Now, we are in a state of constantly attacking each other. We're like those horrid divorced couples who use the kids to hurt one another. "OK Bobby, your father is here with that damned slut he's seeing. I can't believe he would bring her around here." Or. "OK Bobby, your Mother is here with this weeks boy toy boyfriend. Remember that if she lets us, I'll take you to disneyworld next weekend."

The kids grow up realizing one thing. Neither parent gives a shit about them, or if they do it's far less than the idea of hurting the other.

My suggestion is to stop trying to hurt the other side. They are Americans too. Whatever intolerable insult that you are holding on to, let it go. Seriously, just let it go. I guess I was different, but when I was told that sticks and stones may break my bones, I recognized the truth behind this, and I honestly never cared what anyone called me. Words don't hurt. You can call me every name in the book, and a few that you created and I'll just sit and listen and I might even be amused if your command of the language is sufficiently impressive. But I'll never be insulted. I'll never have my feelings hurt. I won't give you that power.

Stop being the worst examples of divorced parents. Get the fuck over it already.
It is cyclical. But right now, the harder left they tack, the harder right the country will tack. That's just the way it is in a winter period of the saeculum cycle which is what we are in.
So far in our history only two political parties have failed, both conservative. The Democratic party, however, traces its heritage back to Jefferson. Is Trump now giving Republicans fits that it might be their end?
This question is answered different ways depending on the point of view of the person answering. For Republicans flush with victory, the answer is yes. For Democrats, who see their rise as inevitable, the answer is no. My answer is maybe. It depends on a lot of things.

Someone asked the question a few days ago to have people define themselves as Liberal, or Conservative. The problem with that question is that it also can be answered different ways. An individual who believed in the 2nd Amendment but who was pro choice would be a rock ribbed Conservative in Grenwich Village in New York City. They would be a radical right wing kook in San Francisco or Seattle. In Rural Alabama, they would be a bleeding heart Liberal. The same person, the same beliefs, but on the scale of their geographic location, completely different sides of the argument.

The Democrats' rise is far from inevitable

Republicans are in danger of doing the same sort of Purity Purges that have sent the Democrats into the minority. The question is if the Democrats can figure out what they did wrong, and correct that mistake. I have no prediction, because one of my rules is never bet against stupid. In other words, I can't rule out that the Republicans will purity purge themselves into the Minority, and I can't rule out that Democrats will continue purity purging themselves further into the Minority. Both actions would be stupid, but both have happened in the recent past so we can't say it won't happen again.

It honestly depends on who figures out that they need "liberals" from Georgia, or Conservatives from New York first.

Rudy Giuliani the former Mayor of New York is by the standards of New York a very conservative individual. Yet, by the standards of Georgia, he's pretty damned Liberal. His position on Gun Control is deeply troubling as one example. His views on Abortion mark him as a Democrat. Again, same individual, same beliefs, but viewed very differently depending on the geographical point of view.

Democrats took control of the House and Senate in 2006 by embracing the liberal by local standards Democrats who later called themselves Blue Dog Democrats. This outreach allowed them to take control of the legislative branch of the Federal Government.

Here is where the Republicans and Democrats tend to part ways. The safe seat Conservative Republicans don't demand that the more liberal Republicans from more liberal districts toe the line or else. That was the mistake that Nancy Pelosi and other safe seat Democrats made. They fell into a bit of an arrogance trap. They did not realize that the majority of their Liberal power was in a few cities. The news article linked above describes that better than I can. In short, you can't win the Presidency, much less the House and Senate focusing only on the big cities.

Democrats who want the be in the majority need to reach out, and moderate their views to accommodate the Blue Dogs. When the Blue Dogs report that the action contemplated will cause them to lose the election, good riddance is not the attitude to take. Those are not safe seats, they were Republican before, and they will be again if you don't take care.

The same is true of Republicans. Eschewing the more liberal members of the Party as RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) and deciding that their seat isn't worth fighting for means you purity purge yourself into the minority.

It depends on who learns the lesson first. Will Democrats realize they need people who have never tasted a Goat Cheese Pizza before the Republicans realize that they need the people who don't eat wild Boar Sausage?

Democrats who say that you must support Assault Weapons Bans, and all the other big city causes before you can be one of us are conducting Purity Purges. Those purges make sure that everyone in the club thinks the same way. However, those purges are not going to get you a big enough club to do anything you want to.

There was a time when the moderates of both parties pretty much controlled things for the nation. The people now denounced as RINO's and DINO's were the ones who reached the compromises that made the nation one. Conservatives weren't thrilled, and Liberals weren't thrilled. But neither was really all that unhappy.

Now, we are in a state of constantly attacking each other. We're like those horrid divorced couples who use the kids to hurt one another. "OK Bobby, your father is here with that damned slut he's seeing. I can't believe he would bring her around here." Or. "OK Bobby, your Mother is here with this weeks boy toy boyfriend. Remember that if she lets us, I'll take you to disneyworld next weekend."

The kids grow up realizing one thing. Neither parent gives a shit about them, or if they do it's far less than the idea of hurting the other.

My suggestion is to stop trying to hurt the other side. They are Americans too. Whatever intolerable insult that you are holding on to, let it go. Seriously, just let it go. I guess I was different, but when I was told that sticks and stones may break my bones, I recognized the truth behind this, and I honestly never cared what anyone called me. Words don't hurt. You can call me every name in the book, and a few that you created and I'll just sit and listen and I might even be amused if your command of the language is sufficiently impressive. But I'll never be insulted. I'll never have my feelings hurt. I won't give you that power.

Stop being the worst examples of divorced parents. Get the fuck over it already.

No no no, the entire Democrat Immigration Policy is 100% designed to ensure a steady stream of poverty stricken government dependent prospective citizens for no other reason than to gain votes from future citizens. Republicans are dead within a decade or two.
So far in our history only two political parties have failed, both conservative. The Democratic party, however, traces its heritage back to Jefferson. Is Trump now giving Republicans fits that it might be their end?


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